public void SparqlInjection() { String baseQuery = @"PREFIX ex: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s a @type . }"; SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(baseQuery); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); List <String> injections = new List <string>() { "ex:Car ; ex:Speed ?speed", "ex:Plane ; ?prop ?value", "ex:Car . EXISTS {?s ex:Speed ?speed}", "ex:Car \u0022; ex:Speed ?speed" }; foreach (String value in injections) { query.SetLiteral("type", value); query.SetLiteral("@type", value); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query.ToString()); Assert.Equal(1, q.Variables.Count()); } }
public void SparqlConflictingParamNames() { String baseQuery = @"SELECT * WHERE { ?s a @type ; a @type1 ; a @type2 . }"; SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(baseQuery); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); query.SetUri("type", new Uri("")); Console.WriteLine("Only one of the type parameters should be replaced here"); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); query.SetUri("type1", new Uri("")); query.SetUri("type2", new Uri("")); Console.WriteLine("Now all the type parameters should have been replaced"); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => { query.SetUri("not valid", new Uri("")); }); query.SetUri("is_valid", new Uri("")); }
public void SparqlParameterizedStringWithNulls() { SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * WHERE { @s ?p ?o }"; //Set a URI to a valid value query.SetUri("s", new Uri("")); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); //Set the parameter to a null query.SetParameter("s", null); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); }
public void SparqlParameterizedStringShouldNotEncodeUri() { SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString("DESCRIBE @uri"); query.SetUri("uri", new Uri("")); Assert.AreEqual("DESCRIBE <>", query.ToString(), "The query should contain the encoded form of the given uri"); }
public void SparqlParameterizedStringShouldNotEncodeUri() { SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString("DESCRIBE @uri"); query.SetUri("uri", new Uri("")); Assert.Equal("DESCRIBE <>", query.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Open Connection Form /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Graph contaning Connection Definitions</param> public OpenConnectionForm(IGraph g) { InitializeComponent(); //Find connections defined in the Configuration Graph this._g = g; INode genericManager = ConfigurationLoader.CreateConfigurationNode(g, ConfigurationLoader.ClassGenericManager); INode rdfsLabel = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "label")); SparqlParameterizedString getConnections = new SparqlParameterizedString(); getConnections.QueryText = "SELECT ?obj ?label WHERE { ?obj a @type . OPTIONAL { ?obj @label ?label } } ORDER BY ?label"; getConnections.SetParameter("type", genericManager); getConnections.SetParameter("label", rdfsLabel); Object results = this._g.ExecuteQuery(getConnections.ToString()); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { this._connectionNodes.Add(r["obj"]); if (r.HasValue("label")) { this.lstConnections.Items.Add(r["label"]); } else { this.lstConnections.Items.Add(r["obj"]); } } } }
public void SparqlRemoteEndpointMemoryLeak2() { //Do a GC before attempting the test GC.GetTotalMemory(true); //First off make sure to load some data into the some SparqlRemoteUpdateEndpoint updateEndpoint = RemoteEndpoints.GetUpdateEndpoint(); updateEndpoint.Update("DROP ALL"); int totalRuns = 10000; int subjects = 1000; int predicates = 10; //Loop over making queries to try and reproduce the memory leak for (int i = 1; i <= totalRuns; i++) { //Add new data each time around updateEndpoint.Update("INSERT DATA { <http://subject/" + (i % subjects) + "> <http://predicate/" + (i % predicates) + "> <http://object/" + i + "> . }"); SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = RemoteEndpoints.GetQueryEndpoint(); SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); queryString.CommandText = "SELECT * WHERE { <http://subject/" + (i % 1000) + "> ?p ?o }"; ResultCountHandler handler = new ResultCountHandler(); endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(handler, queryString.ToString()); Assert.True(handler.Count >= 1 && handler.Count <= subjects, "Result Count " + handler.Count + " is not in expected range 1 <= x < " + (i % 1000)); if (i % 500 == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Memory Usage after " + i + " Iterations: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64); } } Debug.WriteLine("Memory Usage after " + totalRuns + " Iterations: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64); }
public void ShouldReplaceVariableStartingWithUnderscore() { var sut = new SparqlParameterizedString("SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?_o }"); sut.SetVariable("_o", new NodeFactory().CreateLiteralNode("test")); Assert.Equal("SELECT * WHERE { ?s a \"test\" }", sut.ToString()); }
public void SetParameterShouldIgnoreParameterPrefixChar() { var sut = new SparqlParameterizedString("SELECT * WHERE { ?s a @o }"); sut.SetParameter("@o", new NodeFactory().CreateLiteralNode("test")); Assert.Equal("SELECT * WHERE { ?s a \"test\" }", sut.ToString()); }
public void SetVariableShouldIgnoreVariablePrefixChar2() { var sut = new SparqlParameterizedString("SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?o }"); sut.SetVariable("$o", new NodeFactory().CreateLiteralNode("test")); Assert.Equal("SELECT * WHERE { ?s a \"test\" }", sut.ToString()); }
public void SparqlConflictingParamNames() { String baseQuery = @"SELECT * WHERE { ?s a @type ; a @type1 ; a @type2 . }"; SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(baseQuery); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); query.SetUri("type", new Uri("")); Console.WriteLine("Only one of the type parameters should be replaced here"); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); query.SetUri("type1", new Uri("")); query.SetUri("type2", new Uri("")); Console.WriteLine("Now all the type parameters should have been replaced"); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); try { query.SetUri("not valid", new Uri("")); Assert.Fail("Should reject bad parameter names"); } catch (FormatException ex) { //This is ok Console.WriteLine("Bad Parameter Name was rejected - " + ex.Message); } try { query.SetUri("is_valid", new Uri("")); } catch (FormatException) { Assert.Fail("Should have been a valid parameter name"); } }
public void SparqlParameterizedStringWithNulls2() { SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(); query.CommandText = "SELECT * WHERE { @s ?p ?o }"; //Set a URI to a valid value query.SetUri("s", new Uri("")); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); //Set the URI to a null Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => query.SetUri("s", null)); }
protected override async Task ProcessStore(TripleStore store) { ResolverCollectorEventSource.Log.ProcessingBatch(BatchCount); try { SparqlResultSet distinctIds = SparqlHelpers.Select(store, Utils.GetResource("sparql.SelectDistinctPackage.rq")); IDictionary<Uri, IGraph> resolverResources = new Dictionary<Uri, IGraph>(); foreach (SparqlResult row in distinctIds) { string id = row["id"].ToString(); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.ConstructResolverGraph.rq"); string baseAddress = _storage.BaseAddress.ToString(); sparql.SetLiteral("id", id); sparql.SetLiteral("base", baseAddress); sparql.SetLiteral("extension", ".json"); sparql.SetLiteral("galleryBase", GalleryBaseAddress); sparql.SetLiteral("contentBase", ContentBaseAddress); IGraph packageRegistration = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); if (packageRegistration.Triples.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("packageRegistration.Triples.Count == 0"); } Uri registrationUri = new Uri(baseAddress + id.ToLowerInvariant() + ".json"); resolverResources.Add(registrationUri, packageRegistration); } if (resolverResources.Count != distinctIds.Count) { throw new Exception("resolverResources.Count != distinctIds.Count"); } await MergeAll(resolverResources); } finally { ResolverCollectorEventSource.Log.ProcessedBatch(BatchCount); store.Dispose(); } }
public void SparqlRemoteEndpointMemoryLeak1() { /* * Dim endpoint = New SparqlRemoteEndpoint(New Uri("http://localhost:8080/sesame/repositories/my_repo")) * Dim queryString As SparqlParameterizedString = New SparqlParameterizedString() * queryString.Namespaces.AddNamespace("annot", New Uri(oAppSettingsReader.GetValue("BaseUriSite", GetType(System.String)) & "/annotations.owl#")) * queryString.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT ?text WHERE {?annotation annot:onContent <" & _uriDocument & "> ; annot:onContentPart """ & ContentPart & """ ; annot:text ?text ; annot:isValid ""false""^^xsd:boolean . }" * Dim results As SparqlResultSet = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(queryString.ToString) * For Each result As SparqlResult In results * Console.WriteLine(DirectCast(result.Value("text"), LiteralNode).Value) * Next * results.Dispose() */ //Do a GC before attempting the test GC.GetTotalMemory(true); //First off make sure to load some data into the some SparqlRemoteUpdateEndpoint updateEndpoint = RemoteEndpoints.GetUpdateEndpoint(); updateEndpoint.Update("DROP ALL; INSERT DATA { <http://subject> <http://predicate> <http://object> . }"); int totalRuns = 10000; //Loop over making queries to try and reproduce the memory leak for (int i = 1; i <= totalRuns; i++) { SparqlRemoteEndpoint endpoint = RemoteEndpoints.GetQueryEndpoint(); SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); queryString.CommandText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; SparqlResultSet results = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(queryString.ToString()); Assert.Equal(1, results.Count); foreach (SparqlResult result in results) { //We're just iterating to make sure we touch the whole of the results } results.Dispose(); if (i % 500 == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Memory Usage after " + i + " Iterations: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64); } } Debug.WriteLine("Memory Usage after " + totalRuns + " Iterations: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64); }
public void Core445_ParsingTest() { Random randomizer = new Random(); SparqlParameterizedString command = new SparqlParameterizedString("SELECT * FROM <urn:with@char> FROM <urn:with?or$char> WHERE { ?subject rdfs:subClassOf ? $c . $c rdfs:label \"string literal with lang tag @inLiteralParamPattern \"@en }"); command.SetVariable("subject", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); command.SetVariable("c", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); command.SetVariable("or", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); command.SetVariable("char", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); command.SetParameter("char", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); command.SetParameter("en", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); command.SetParameter("inLiteralParamPattern", g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:some-uri"))); String output = command.ToString(); Assert.True(output.Contains("<urn:with@char>"), "In IRI @ characters should not start a parameter capture"); Assert.True(output.Contains("<urn:with?or$char>"), "In IRI ? and $ characters should not start a variable capture"); Assert.True(output.Contains("rdfs:subClassOf ? "), "Property path ? quantifier should not start a variable capture"); Assert.True(output.Contains("@en"), "Language tags should not start a parameter capture"); Assert.True(output.Contains("@inLiteralParamPattern"), "In string literal @ characters should not start a parameter capture"); }
public void Core445_Benchmark() { Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); String randomQuery = BuildRandomSizeQuery(); // Parsing performances timer.Start(); SparqlParameterizedString command = new SparqlParameterizedString(baseQuery); command.Append(randomQuery); command.Append("}"); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Query Size: " + command.CommandText.Length.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Variables: " + _variables.Count.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Parsing: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Run #" + i.ToString()); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); int variablesToSet = randomizer.Next(_variables.Count); if (variablesToSet > _variables.Count / 2) { variablesToSet = _variables.Count; } foreach (String variable in _variables.Take(variablesToSet)) { command.SetVariable(variable, g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("urn:test#" + randomizer.Next(randomBodyIterations).ToString()))); } timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(variablesToSet.ToString() + " Variables set: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); String commandString = command.ToString(); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("ToString: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); } }
async Task ProcessStore(TripleStore store) { try { SparqlResultSet distinctIds = SparqlHelpers.Select(store, Utils.GetResource("sparql.SelectDistinctPackage.rq")); IDictionary<Uri, IGraph> resolverResources = new Dictionary<Uri, IGraph>(); foreach (SparqlResult row in distinctIds) { string id = row["id"].ToString(); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.ConstructResolverGraph.rq"); string baseAddress = _storage.BaseAddress + _storage.Container + "/resolver/"; sparql.SetLiteral("id", id); sparql.SetLiteral("base", baseAddress); sparql.SetLiteral("extension", ".json"); IGraph packageRegistration = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); Uri registrationUri = new Uri(baseAddress + id.ToLowerInvariant() + ".json"); resolverResources.Add(registrationUri, packageRegistration); } if (resolverResources.Count != distinctIds.Count) { throw new Exception("resolverResources.Count != distinctIds.Count"); } await MergeAll(resolverResources); } finally { store.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads a Graph from the Store /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Graph to load into</param> /// <param name="graphUri">Uri of the Graph to load</param> /// <remarks> /// If an empty/null Uri is specified then the Default Graph of the Store will be loaded /// </remarks> public void LoadGraph(IGraph g, string graphUri) { try { HttpWebRequest request; Dictionary<String, String> serviceParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); String tID = (this._activeTrans.Value == null) ? String.Empty : "/" + this._activeTrans.Value; String requestUri = this._kb + tID + "/query"; SparqlParameterizedString construct = new SparqlParameterizedString(); if (!graphUri.Equals(String.Empty)) { construct.CommandText = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH @graph { ?s ?p ?o } }"; construct.SetUri("graph", new Uri(graphUri)); if (g.IsEmpty) g.BaseUri = new Uri(graphUri); } else { construct.CommandText = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } serviceParams.Add("query", construct.ToString()); request = this.CreateRequest(requestUri, MimeTypesHelper.HttpAcceptHeader, "GET", serviceParams); #if DEBUG if (Options.HttpDebugging) { Tools.HttpDebugRequest(request); } #endif using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { #if DEBUG if (Options.HttpDebugging) { Tools.HttpDebugResponse(response); } #endif IRdfReader parser = MimeTypesHelper.GetParser(response.ContentType); parser.Load(g, new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())); response.Close(); } } catch (WebException webEx) { #if DEBUG if (Options.HttpDebugging) { if (webEx.Response != null) Tools.HttpDebugResponse((HttpWebResponse)webEx.Response); } #endif throw new RdfStorageException("A HTTP Error occurred while trying to load a Graph from the Store", webEx); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves a Graph into the Store (see remarks for notes on merge/overwrite behaviour) /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Graph to save</param> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// If the Graph has no URI then the contents will be appended to the Store's Default Graph. If the Graph has a URI then existing Graph associated with that URI will be replaced. To append to a named Graph use the <see cref="BlazegraphConnector.UpdateGraph(Uri,IEnumerable{Triple},IEnumerable{Triple})">UpdateGraph()</see> method instead /// </para> /// </remarks> public virtual void SaveGraph(IGraph g) { string activeTID; string tID = null; lock (transLock) { activeTID = this._activeTrans; } try { //Get a Transaction ID, if there is no active Transaction then this operation will be auto-committed tID = activeTID ?? this.BeginTransaction(); Dictionary<string, string> queryParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (activeTID == null) { queryParams.Add("timestamp", tID); } HttpWebRequest request; string boundary = String.Format("----------{0:N}", Guid.NewGuid()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (g.BaseUri != null) { SparqlParameterizedString construct = new SparqlParameterizedString(); construct.CommandText = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH @graph { ?s ?p ?o } }"; construct.SetUri("graph", g.BaseUri); queryParams.Add("query", construct.ToString()); request = this.CreateRequest("/sparql", MimeTypesHelper.Any, "PUT", queryParams); request.ContentType = MimeTypesHelper.GetDefinitionsByFileExtension(MimeTypesHelper.DefaultTriGExtension).First().MimeTypes.First(); } else { request = this.CreateRequest("/sparql?updatePost", MimeTypesHelper.Any, "POST", queryParams); request.ContentType = MimeTypesHelper.FormMultipart + "; boundary=" + boundary; string postData = string.Format("--{0}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"\r\nContent-Type: {2}\r\n\r\n{3}", boundary, "add", MimeTypesHelper.GetDefinitionsByFileExtension(MimeTypesHelper.DefaultTriGExtension).First().MimeTypes.First(), ""); sb.Append(postData); } //Save the Data as TriG to the Request Stream TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(g); this._writer.Save(store, new System.IO.StringWriter(sb)); if (g.BaseUri == null) { string footer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n"; sb.Append(footer); } using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream(), new UTF8Encoding())) { writer.Write(sb.ToString()); writer.Close(); } Tools.HttpDebugRequest(request); using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { Tools.HttpDebugResponse(response); //If we get here then it was OK response.Close(); } //Commit Transaction only if in auto-commit mode (active transaction will be null) if (activeTID != null) return; try { this.CommitTransaction(tID); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RdfStorageException("Blazegraph failed to commit a Transaction", ex); } } catch (WebException webEx) { //Rollback Transaction only if got as far as creating a Transaction //and in auto-commit mode if (tID != null) { if (activeTID == null) { try { this.RollbackTransaction(tID); } catch (Exception ex) { StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, ""); throw new RdfStorageException("Blazegraph failed to rollback a Transaction", ex); } } } throw StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, "saving a Graph to"); } }
protected virtual void SaveGraphAsync(bool autoCommit, IGraph g, AsyncStorageCallback callback, object state) { try { Dictionary<string, string> queryParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); HttpWebRequest request; string boundary = String.Format("----------{0:N}", Guid.NewGuid()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (g.BaseUri != null) { SparqlParameterizedString construct = new SparqlParameterizedString(); construct.CommandText = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH @graph { ?s ?p ?o } }"; construct.SetUri("graph", g.BaseUri); queryParams.Add("query", construct.ToString()); request = this.CreateRequest("/sparql", MimeTypesHelper.Any, "PUT", queryParams); request.ContentType = MimeTypesHelper.GetDefinitionsByFileExtension(MimeTypesHelper.DefaultTriGExtension).First().MimeTypes.First(); } else { request = this.CreateRequest("/sparql?updatePost", MimeTypesHelper.Any, "POST", queryParams); request.ContentType = MimeTypesHelper.FormMultipart + "; boundary=" + boundary; string postData = string.Format("--{0}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"\r\nContent-Type: {2}\r\n\r\n{3}", boundary, "add", MimeTypesHelper.GetDefinitionsByFileExtension(MimeTypesHelper.DefaultTriGExtension).First().MimeTypes.First(), ""); sb.Append(postData); } //Save the Data as TriG to the Request Stream TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(g); this._writer.Save(store, new System.IO.StringWriter(sb)); if (g.BaseUri == null) { string footer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n"; sb.Append(footer); } request.BeginGetRequestStream(r => { try { //Save the Data as TriG to the Request Stream using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.EndGetRequestStream(r), new UTF8Encoding())) { writer.Write(sb.ToString()); writer.Close(); } Tools.HttpDebugRequest(request); request.BeginGetResponse(r2 => { try { using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(r2)) { Tools.HttpDebugResponse(response); //If we get here then it was OK response.Close(); } //Commit Transaction only if in auto-commit mode (active transaction will be null) if (autoCommit) { this.Commit((sender, args, st) => { if (args.WasSuccessful) { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, g), state); } else { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, args.Error), state); } }, state); } else { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, g), state); } } catch (WebException webEx) { if (autoCommit) { //If something went wrong try to rollback, don't care what the rollback response is this.Rollback((sender, args, st) => { }, state); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, "saving a Graph asynchronously to")), state); } catch (Exception ex) { if (autoCommit) { //If something went wrong try to rollback, don't care what the rollback response is this.Rollback((sender, args, st) => { }, state); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, StorageHelper.HandleError(ex, "saving a Graph asynchronously to")), state); } }, state); } catch (WebException webEx) { if (autoCommit) { //If something went wrong try to rollback, don't care what the rollback response is this.Rollback((sender, args, st) => { }, state); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, "saving a Graph asynchronously to")), state); } catch (Exception ex) { if (autoCommit) { //If something went wrong try to rollback, don't care what the rollback response is this.Rollback((sender, args, st) => { }, state); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, StorageHelper.HandleError(ex, "saving a Graph asynchronously to")), state); } }, state); } catch (WebException webEx) { if (autoCommit) { //If something went wrong try to rollback, don't care what the rollback response is this.Rollback((sender, args, st) => { }, state); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, "saving a Graph asynchronously to")), state); } catch (Exception ex) { if (autoCommit) { //If something went wrong try to rollback, don't care what the rollback response is this.Rollback((sender, args, st) => { }, state); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.SaveGraph, StorageHelper.HandleError(ex, "saving a Graph asynchronously to")), state); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously /// </summary> /// <param name="handler">Handler to load with</param> /// <param name="graphUri">URI of the Graph to load</param> /// <param name="callback">Callback</param> /// <param name="state">State to pass to the callback</param> public override void LoadGraph(IRdfHandler handler, string graphUri, AsyncStorageCallback callback, object state) { try { HttpWebRequest request; Dictionary<String, String> serviceParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Uri baseUri = null; SparqlParameterizedString construct = new SparqlParameterizedString(); if (!graphUri.Equals(string.Empty)) { construct.CommandText = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH @graph { ?s ?p ?o } }"; baseUri = UriFactory.Create(graphUri); construct.SetUri("graph", baseUri); } else { construct.CommandText = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } serviceParams.Add("query", construct.ToString()); request = this.CreateRequest("/sparql", MimeTypesHelper.HttpAcceptHeader, "GET", serviceParams); Tools.HttpDebugRequest(request); request.BeginGetResponse(r => { try { using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(r)) { Tools.HttpDebugResponse(response); IRdfReader parser = MimeTypesHelper.GetParser(response.ContentType); parser.Load(handler, new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())); if (baseUri != null) { handler.StartRdf(); handler.HandleBaseUri(baseUri); handler.EndRdf(true); } response.Close(); } callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.LoadWithHandler, handler), state); } catch (WebException webEx) { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.LoadWithHandler, StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, "loading a Graph from")), state); } catch (Exception ex) { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.LoadWithHandler, StorageHelper.HandleError(ex, "loading a Graph from")), state); } }, state); } catch (WebException webEx) { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.LoadWithHandler, StorageHelper.HandleHttpError(webEx, "loading a Graph from")), state); } catch (Exception ex) { callback(this, new AsyncStorageCallbackArgs(AsyncStorageOperation.LoadWithHandler, StorageHelper.HandleError(ex, "loading a Graph from")), state); } }
public void SparqlInjection() { String baseQuery = @"PREFIX ex: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s a @type . }"; SparqlParameterizedString query = new SparqlParameterizedString(baseQuery); SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser(); List<String> injections = new List<string>() { "ex:Car ; ex:Speed ?speed", "ex:Plane ; ?prop ?value", "ex:Car . EXISTS {?s ex:Speed ?speed}", "ex:Car \u0022; ex:Speed ?speed" }; foreach (String value in injections) { query.SetLiteral("type", value); query.SetLiteral("@type", value); Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); SparqlQuery q = parser.ParseFromString(query.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(1, q.Variables.Count(), "Should only be one variable in the query"); } }
private void TestNegation(ISparqlDataset data, SparqlParameterizedString queryWithNegation, SparqlParameterizedString queryWithoutNegation) { this.TestNegation(data, queryWithNegation.ToString(), queryWithoutNegation.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new SPARQL View /// </summary> /// <param name="sparqlQuery">SPARQL Query</param> /// <param name="store">Triple Store to query</param> public SparqlView(SparqlParameterizedString sparqlQuery, IInMemoryQueryableStore store) : this(sparqlQuery.ToString(), store) { }
public static IEnumerable<NamespaceTerm> LoadNamespaceTerms(String namespaceUri) { //Don't load if already loaded if (_loadedNamespaces.Contains(namespaceUri)) return GetNamespaceTerms(namespaceUri); try { Graph g = new Graph(); try { UriLoader.Load(g, new Uri(namespaceUri)); } catch { //Try and load from our local copy if there is one String prefix = GetDefaultPrefix(namespaceUri); if (!prefix.Equals(String.Empty)) { Stream localCopy = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("rdfEditor.AutoComplete.Vocabularies." + prefix + ".ttl"); if (localCopy != null) { TurtleParser ttlparser = new TurtleParser(); ttlparser.Load(g, new StreamReader(localCopy)); } } } List<NamespaceTerm> terms = new List<NamespaceTerm>(); String termUri; //UriNode rdfType = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType)); IUriNode rdfsClass = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "Class")); IUriNode rdfsLabel = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "label")); IUriNode rdfsComment = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "comment")); IUriNode rdfProperty = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDF + "Property")); IUriNode rdfsDatatype = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(NamespaceMapper.RDFS + "Datatype")); SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); queryString.CommandText = "SELECT ?term STR(?label) AS ?RawLabel STR(?comment) AS ?RawComment WHERE { {{?term a @class} UNION {?term a @property} UNION {?term a @datatype}} OPTIONAL {?term @label ?label} OPTIONAL {?term @comment ?comment} }"; queryString.SetParameter("class", rdfsClass); queryString.SetParameter("property", rdfProperty); queryString.SetParameter("datatype", rdfsDatatype); queryString.SetParameter("label", rdfsLabel); queryString.SetParameter("comment", rdfsComment); Object results = g.ExecuteQuery(queryString.ToString()); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { foreach (SparqlResult r in ((SparqlResultSet)results)) { termUri = r["term"].ToString(); if (termUri.StartsWith(namespaceUri)) { //Use the Comment as the label if available if (r.HasValue("RawComment")) { if (r["RawComment"] != null) { terms.Add(new NamespaceTerm(namespaceUri, termUri.Substring(namespaceUri.Length), r["RawComment"].ToString())); continue; } } //Use the Label as the label if available if (r.HasValue("RawLabel")) { if (r["RawLabel"] != null) { terms.Add(new NamespaceTerm(namespaceUri, termUri.Substring(namespaceUri.Length), r["RawLabel"].ToString())); continue; } } //Otherwise no label terms.Add(new NamespaceTerm(namespaceUri, termUri.Substring(namespaceUri.Length))); } } } lock (_terms) { terms.RemoveAll(t => _terms.Contains(t)); _terms.AddRange(terms.Distinct()); } } catch { //Ignore Exceptions - just means we won't have those namespace terms available } try { _loadedNamespaces.Add(namespaceUri); } catch (NullReferenceException) { //For some reason .Net sometimes throws a NullReferenceException here which we shall ignore } return GetNamespaceTerms(namespaceUri); }
public org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryResult getStatements(org.openrdf.model.Resource r, org.openrdf.model.URI uri, org.openrdf.model.Value v, bool b, params org.openrdf.model.Resource[] rarr) { SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); IEnumerable<Uri> contexts = rarr.ToContexts(this._mapping); if (contexts.Any()) { queryString.CommandText = "SELECT (?s AS ?subj) (?p AS ?pred) (?o AS ?obj)\n"; foreach (Uri u in contexts) { queryString.CommandText += "FROM <" + this._formatter.FormatUri(u) + ">\n"; } queryString.CommandText += "WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } else { queryString.CommandText = "SELECT (?s AS ?subj) (?p AS ?pred) (?o AS ?obj) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } if (r != null) queryString.SetVariable("s", SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping)); if (uri != null) queryString.SetVariable("p", SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping)); if (v != null) queryString.SetVariable("o", SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping)); return this.GetStatementsInternal(queryString.ToString(), this._mapping); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether a Graph with the given URI exists /// </summary> /// <param name="graphUri">Graph URI</param> /// <returns></returns> protected override bool HasGraph(Uri graphUri) { if (this._manager is IQueryableGenericIOManager) { //Generate an ASK query based on this SparqlParameterizedString ask = new SparqlParameterizedString(); if (graphUri != null) { ask.CommandText = "ASK WHERE { GRAPH @graph { ?s ?p ?o . } }"; ask.SetUri("graph", graphUri); } else { ask.CommandText = "ASK WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; } Object results = ((IQueryableGenericIOManager)this._manager).Query(ask.ToString()); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { return ((SparqlResultSet)results).Result; } else { throw new SparqlHttpProtocolException("Failed to retrieve a Boolean Result since the query processor did not return a valid SPARQL Result Set as expected"); } } else { IGraph g = this.GetGraph(graphUri); return !g.IsEmpty; } }
public override IGraph CreatePageContent(CatalogContext context) { try { IGraph content; using (TripleStore store = new TripleStore()) { store.Add(_catalogItem, true); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.ConstructPackagePageContentGraph.rq"); sparql.SetUri("package", GetItemAddress()); sparql.SetUri("catalogPackage", _catalogUri); sparql.SetUri("baseAddress", BaseAddress); sparql.SetUri("packageContent", GetPackageContentAddress()); sparql.SetUri("registrationBaseAddress", _registrationBaseAddress); content = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); } return content; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Exception processing catalog item {0}", _catalogUri), e); } }
public bool hasStatement(org.openrdf.model.Resource r, org.openrdf.model.URI uri, org.openrdf.model.Value v, bool b, params org.openrdf.model.Resource[] rarr) { SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); queryString.CommandText = "ASK"; foreach (Uri u in rarr.ToContexts(this._mapping)) { queryString.CommandText += "\nFROM <" + this._formatter.FormatUri(u) + ">"; } queryString.CommandText += "\nWHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object}"; if (r != null) queryString.SetVariable("subject", SesameConverter.FromSesameResource(r, this._mapping)); if (uri != null) queryString.SetVariable("predicate", SesameConverter.FromSesameUri(uri, this._mapping)); if (v != null) queryString.SetVariable("object", SesameConverter.FromSesameValue(v, this._mapping)); return this.HasTriplesInternal(queryString.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Queries the Store using the Graph Pattern specified by the set of Statement Patterns /// </summary> /// <param name="graph">Graph Pattern</param> /// <param name="options">Query Options</param> /// <param name="sink">Results Sink</param> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// Implemented by converting the Statement Patterns into a SPARQL SELECT query and executing that against the underlying Store's SPARQL engine /// </para> /// <para> /// The only Query Option that is supported is the Limit option /// </para> /// </remarks> public void Query(Statement[] graph, SW.Query.QueryOptions options, SW.Query.QueryResultSink sink) { //Implement as a SPARQL SELECT SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString(); queryString.QueryText = "SELECT * WHERE {"; int p = 0; foreach (Statement stmt in graph) { //Add Subject queryString.QueryText += "\n"; if (stmt.Subject is Variable) { queryString.QueryText += stmt.Subject.ToString(); } else { queryString.QueryText += "@param" + p; queryString.SetParameter("param" + p, SemWebConverter.FromSemWeb(stmt.Subject, this._mapping)); p++; } queryString.QueryText += " "; //Add Predicate if (stmt.Predicate is Variable) { queryString.QueryText += stmt.Predicate.ToString(); } else { queryString.QueryText += "@param" + p; queryString.SetParameter("param" + p, SemWebConverter.FromSemWeb(stmt.Predicate, this._mapping)); p++; } queryString.QueryText += " "; //Add Object if (stmt.Object is Variable) { queryString.QueryText += stmt.Object.ToString(); } else { queryString.QueryText += "@param" + p; queryString.SetParameter("param" + p, SemWebConverter.FromSemWeb(stmt.Object, this._mapping)); p++; } queryString.QueryText += " ."; } queryString.QueryText += "}"; //Execute the Query and convert the Results Object results = this._store.ExecuteQuery(queryString.ToString()); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; sink.Init(rset.Variables.Select(v => new Variable(v)).ToArray()); if (rset.Count > 0) { int c = 0; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { //Apply Limit if applicable if (options.Limit > 0 && c >= options.Limit) { sink.Finished(); return; } //Convert the Set to VariableBindings for SemWeb Variable[] vars = r.Variables.Select(v => new Variable(v)).ToArray(); Resource[] resources = r.Variables.Select(v => SemWebConverter.ToSemWeb(r[v], this._mapping)).ToArray(); SW.Query.VariableBindings bindings = new SW.Query.VariableBindings(vars, resources); //Keep adding results until the sink tells us to stop if (!sink.Add(bindings)) { sink.Finished(); return; } c++; } sink.Finished(); } else { sink.Finished(); } } else { throw new RdfQueryException("Query returned an unexpected result where a SPARQL Result Set was expected"); } }
async Task DeletePackage(Uri resourceUri, string version) { string existingJson = await _storage.Load(resourceUri); if (existingJson != null) { IGraph currentPackageRegistration = Utils.CreateGraph(existingJson); using (TripleStore store = new TripleStore()) { store.Add(currentPackageRegistration, true); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.DeletePackage.rq"); sparql.SetLiteral("version", version); IGraph modifiedPackageRegistration = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); if (CountPackage(modifiedPackageRegistration) == 0) { await _storage.Delete(resourceUri); } else { string content = Utils.CreateJson(modifiedPackageRegistration, _resolverFrame); await _storage.Save("application/json", resourceUri, content); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new SPARQL View /// </summary> /// <param name="sparqlQuery">SPARQL Query</param> /// <param name="store">Triple Store to query</param> protected BaseSparqlView(SparqlParameterizedString sparqlQuery, ITripleStore store) : this(sparqlQuery.ToString(), store) { }
public void RunTest(String[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: 2 Arguments are required in order to use the -test mode"); return; } if (!File.Exists(args[1])) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: Cannot test " + args[1] + " since the file does not exist"); return; } Graph g = new Graph(); try { FileLoader.Load(g, args[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: Cannot parse the configuration file"); Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: " + ex.Message); return; } Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Opened the configuration file successfully"); Graph vocab = new Graph(); try { TurtleParser ttlparser = new TurtleParser(); ttlparser.Load(vocab, new StreamReader(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IGraph)).GetManifestResourceStream("VDS.RDF.Configuration.configuration.ttl"))); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: Cannot parse the configuration vocabulary"); Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: " + ex.Message); return; } Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Loaded the configuration vocabulary successfully"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Tests Started..."); Console.WriteLine(); //Now make some tests against it int warnings = 0, errors = 0; IInMemoryQueryableStore store = new TripleStore(); store.Add(vocab); if (g.BaseUri == null) g.BaseUri = new Uri("dotnetrdf:config"); store.Add(g); Object results; SparqlResultSet rset; //Unknown vocabulary term test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for URIs in the vocabulary namespace which are unknown"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + UnknownVocabularyTermsTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The configuration file uses the URI '" + r["term"] + "' for a property/type and this does not appear to be a valid term in the Configuration vocabulary"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); #region General dnr:type Tests //Missing dnr:type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for missing dnr:type properties"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + MissingConfigurationTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Warning: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has an rdf:type but no dnr:type which may be needed by the Configuration Loader"); warnings++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Invalid dnr:type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that values given for dnr:type property are literals"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidTypePropertyTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a dnr:type of '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which is not given as a string literal"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Multiple dnr:type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that no object has multiple dnr:type values"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + MultipleTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has multiple dnr:type values which is not valid"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Unknown Library Types test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that values given for dnr:type property in the VDS.RDF namespace are valid"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + LibraryTypesTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; Assembly dotnetrdf = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IGraph)); foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Type t = dotnetrdf.GetType(((ILiteralNode)r["type"]).Value); if (t == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a dnr:type of '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which does not appear to be a valid type in dotNetRDF"); errors++; } } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion #region dnr:HttpHandler Tests including specific dnr:type Tests //Bad Handler URI test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for bad URIs given the rdf:type of dnr:HttpHandler"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + BadHandlerUriTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Handler node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' is not a URI of the form <dotnetrdf:/path> which is required for correct detection of handler configuration"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Missing Handler type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for missing dnr:type for dnr:HttpHandler objects"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + MissingHandlerTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Handler node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has an rdf:type but no dnr:type which is requiring for automated deployment via this tool"); errors++; } } Console.WriteLine(); //Invalid Handler Type test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing that values given for dnr:type for dnr:HttpHandler objects in the VDS.RDF namespace are valid IHttpHandlers"); results = g.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidHandlerTypeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; Assembly dotnetrdf = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IGraph)); foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { Type t = dotnetrdf.GetType(((ILiteralNode)r["type"]).Value); if (t != null) { if (!t.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.Equals(typeof(System.Web.IHttpHandler)))) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a dnr:type of '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which does not appear to be a valid IHttpHandler implementation in dotNetRDF"); errors++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion #region Property Tests //Range test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for bad ranges for properties"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidRangeTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { SparqlParameterizedString hasValidRange = new SparqlParameterizedString(); hasValidRange.QueryText = RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + ValidRangeTest; hasValidRange.SetParameter("property", r["property"]); hasValidRange.SetParameter("s", r["s"]); Object temp = store.ExecuteQuery(hasValidRange.ToString()); if (temp is SparqlResultSet) { if (!((SparqlResultSet)temp).Result) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a value for the property '" + r["property"].ToString() + "' which is '" + r["obj"].ToString() + "' which does not appear to be valid for the range of this property which is '" + r["range"].ToString() + "'"); errors++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(); //Domain test Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for bad domains for properties"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + InvalidDomainTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; foreach (SparqlResult r in rset) { SparqlParameterizedString hasValidDomain = new SparqlParameterizedString(); hasValidDomain.QueryText = RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + ValidDomainTest; hasValidDomain.SetParameter("property", r["property"]); hasValidDomain.SetParameter("s", r["s"]); Object temp = store.ExecuteQuery(hasValidDomain.ToString()); if (temp is SparqlResultSet) { if (!((SparqlResultSet)temp).Result) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Error: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a value for the property '" + r["property"].ToString() + "' and the type given is '" + r["type"].ToString() + "' which does not match the domain of this property which is '" + r["domain"].ToString() + "'"); errors++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion #region Clear Text Password Tests Console.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Testing for clear text passwords used with dnr:password property"); results = store.ExecuteQuery(RdfWebDeployHelper.NamespacePrefixes + ClearTextPasswordTest); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { foreach (SparqlResult r in (SparqlResultSet)results) { Console.Error.WriteLine("rdfWebDeploy: Warning: The Node '" + r["s"].ToString() + "' has a value for the dnr:password property specified as a Literal in clear text. It is recommended that you specify any passwords as AppSetting URIs e.g. <appsetting:MyPassword> and then create an AppSetting in the <appSettings> section of your Web.config file to store your password. The Web.config file can then have the <appSettings> section encrypted to help protect your password"); warnings++; } } Console.WriteLine(); #endregion //Show Test Results Console.WriteLine("rdfWedDeploy: Tests Completed - " + warnings + " Warning(s) - " + errors + " Error(s)"); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new SPARQL View /// </summary> /// <param name="sparqlQuery">SPARQL Query</param> /// <param name="store">Triple Store to query</param> public NativeSparqlView(SparqlParameterizedString sparqlQuery, INativelyQueryableStore store) : this(sparqlQuery.ToString(), store) { }
/// <summary> /// Parses a SPARQL Update Command Set from the given String /// </summary> /// <param name="updates">SPARQL Update Commands</param> /// <returns></returns> public SparqlUpdateCommandSet ParseFromString(SparqlParameterizedString updates) { if (updates == null) throw new RdfParseException("Cannot parse SPARQL Update Commands from a null String"); return this.ParseFromString(updates.ToString()); }
static XElement CreateNuspecMetadata(TripleStore store, Uri packageUri) { SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.SelectPackageDetails.rq"); sparql.SetUri("package", packageUri); SparqlResult packageInfo = SparqlHelpers.Select(store, sparql.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (packageInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("no package details for {0}", packageUri)); } XElement metadata = new XElement(nuget.GetName("metadata")); metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("id"), packageInfo["id"].ToString())); metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("version"), packageInfo["version"].ToString())); // in the nuspec the published and owners fields are not present and ignored respectfully //if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("published")) //{ // DateTime val = DateTime.Parse(((ILiteralNode)packageInfo["published"]).Value); // metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("published"), val.ToUniversalTime().ToString("O"))); //} if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("authors")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("authors"), packageInfo["authors"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("description")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("description"), packageInfo["description"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("summary")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("summary"), packageInfo["summary"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("language")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("language"), packageInfo["language"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("title")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("title"), packageInfo["title"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("targetFramework")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("targetFramework"), packageInfo["targetFramework"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("requireLicenseAcceptance")) { bool val = bool.Parse(((ILiteralNode)packageInfo["requireLicenseAcceptance"]).Value); metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("requireLicenseAcceptance"), val)); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("licenseUrl")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("licenseUrl"), packageInfo["licenseUrl"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("iconUrl")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("iconUrl"), packageInfo["iconUrl"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("projectUrl")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("projectUrl"), packageInfo["projectUrl"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("releaseNotes")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("releaseNotes"), packageInfo["releaseNotes"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("copyright")) { metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("copyright"), packageInfo["copyright"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("minClientVersion")) { metadata.Add(new XAttribute("minClientVersion", packageInfo["minClientVersion"].ToString())); } if (packageInfo.HasBoundValue("developmentDependency")) { bool val = bool.Parse(((ILiteralNode)packageInfo["developmentDependency"]).Value); metadata.Add(new XElement(nuget.GetName("developmentDependency"), val)); } return metadata; }
private void TestBindings(ISparqlDataset data, SparqlParameterizedString queryWithBindings, SparqlParameterizedString queryWithoutBindings) { this.TestBindings(data, queryWithBindings.ToString(), queryWithoutBindings.ToString()); }
private void ExpandByDataset(UriToExpand u, ExpansionContext context, ExpansionDataset dataset) { if (u.Depth == context.Profile.MaxExpansionDepth) return; if (dataset.Ignore) return; foreach (Uri endpoint in dataset.SparqlEndpoints) { Thread.Sleep(HttpRequestInterval); SparqlRemoteEndpoint sparqlEndpoint = new SparqlRemoteEndpoint(endpoint); try { SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString("DESCRIBE @uri"); queryString.SetUri("uri", u.Uri); Object temp = sparqlEndpoint.QueryWithResultGraph(queryString.ToString()); if (temp is Graph) { Graph g = (Graph)temp; this.ExpandGraph(u, g, context); } } catch (RdfException rdfEx) { this.DebugErrors("Error: Tried to DESCRIBE <" + u.Uri.ToString() + "> against the SPARQL Endpoint <" + endpoint.ToString() + "> but an error occurred:", rdfEx); } catch (WebException webEx) { this.DebugErrors("Error: Tried to DESCRIBE <" + u.Uri.ToString() + "> against the SPARQL Endpoint <" + endpoint.ToString() + "> but an error occurred:", webEx); } } foreach (Uri endpoint in dataset.UriLookupEndpoints) { this.ExpandByUriLookup(u, context, endpoint); } foreach (Uri endpoint in dataset.UriDiscoveryEndpoints) { this.ExpandByUriDiscovery(u, context, endpoint); } }
static void AddExistingItem(IDictionary<RegistrationEntryKey, RegistrationCatalogEntry> resources, TripleStore store, Uri catalogEntry) { Trace.TraceInformation("RegistrationPersistence.AddExistingItem: catalogEntry = {0}", catalogEntry); SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.ConstructCatalogEntryGraph.rq"); sparql.SetUri("catalogEntry", catalogEntry); IGraph graph = SparqlHelpers.Construct(store, sparql.ToString()); resources.Add(RegistrationCatalogEntry.Promote(catalogEntry.AbsoluteUri, graph)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new SPARQL View /// </summary> /// <param name="sparqlQuery">SPARQL Query</param> /// <param name="store">Triple Store to query</param> public BaseSparqlView(SparqlParameterizedString sparqlQuery, ITripleStore store) : this(sparqlQuery.ToString(), store) { }
protected override bool HasTripleInternal(Triple t) { if (this._manager is IQueryableGenericIOManager) { SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString("ASK WHERE { @subject @predicate @object}"); queryString.SetParameter("subject", t.Subject); queryString.SetParameter("predicate", t.Predicate); queryString.SetParameter("object", t.Object); Object results = ((IQueryableGenericIOManager)this._manager).Query(queryString.ToString()); if (results is SparqlResultSet) { SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results; return rset.ResultsType == SparqlResultsType.Boolean && rset.Result; } else { return false; } } else { throw new dotSesameRepo.RepositoryException("This dotNetRDF Generic Repository does not support detecting whether a given Statement exists in the Store"); } }
static XElement CreateNuspecMetadataFrameworkAssembly(TripleStore store, Uri packageUri) { SparqlParameterizedString sparql = new SparqlParameterizedString(); sparql.CommandText = Utils.GetResource("sparql.SelectPackageFrameworkAssembly.rq"); sparql.SetUri("package", packageUri); SparqlResultSet packageFrameworkAssembly = SparqlHelpers.Select(store, sparql.ToString()); if (packageFrameworkAssembly.Count > 0) { XElement frameworkAssemblies = new XElement(nuget.GetName("frameworkAssemblies")); foreach (SparqlResult row in packageFrameworkAssembly) { string targetFramework = row["targetFramework"].ToString(); string assembly = row["assembly"].ToString(); XElement frameworkAssembly = new XElement(nuget.GetName("frameworkAssembly")); frameworkAssembly.Add(new XAttribute("assemblyName", assembly)); frameworkAssembly.Add(new XAttribute("targetFramework", targetFramework)); frameworkAssemblies.Add(frameworkAssembly); } return frameworkAssemblies; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Parses a SPARQL Query from a SPARQL Parameterized String /// </summary> /// <param name="queryString">A SPARQL Parameterized String</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks> /// The <see cref="SparqlParameterizedString">SparqlParameterizedString</see> class allows you to use parameters in a String in a manner similar to SQL Commands in the ADO.Net model. See the documentation for <see cref="SparqlParameterizedString">SparqlParameterizedString</see> for details of this. /// </remarks> public SparqlQuery ParseFromString(SparqlParameterizedString queryString) { if (queryString == null) throw new RdfParseException("Cannot parse a SPARQL Query from a null String"); return this.ParseFromString(queryString.ToString()); }