private void SerializeTransactionBody( XmlWriter xmlWriter, Transaction trans ) { xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "Date", trans.Date.ToShortDateString() ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "Amount", trans.Amount.ToString() ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); if( trans.Description != null && trans.Description.Length > 0 ) { xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "Description", trans.Description ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } /* // TODO: Remove Transaction.Number if( trans.HasNumber ) { xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "Number", trans.Number ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } */ if( trans.Memo != null && trans.Memo.Length > 0 ) { xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "Memo", trans.Memo ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } bool canUseShortcut = false; LineItem[] credits = trans.GetCreditLineItems(); LineItem[] debits = trans.GetDebitLineItems(); /* if( credits.Length != 1 || debits.Length != 1 ) canUseShortcut = false; else { if( credits[0].IsReconciled ) canUseShortcut = false; if( debits[0].IsReconciled ) canUseShortcut = false; if( debits[0].Account.AccountType != AccountType.Expense ) canUseShortcut = false; } */ if( canUseShortcut ) { xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "AccountId", credits[0].Account.Id.ToString() ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); if( debits[0].CategoryObject != null ) { xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "Category", debits[0].CategoryObject.Name ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } } else { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( "LineItems" ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); foreach( LineItem lineItem in trans.LineItems ) { // <Credit> or <Debit> xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( lineItem.TransactionType.ToString() ); // Line items now have unique identifiers, too. if( lineItem.Id > 0 ) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Id", lineItem.Id.ToString() ); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "AccountId", lineItem.Account.Id.ToString() ); // Number is new in 1.2 format if( lineItem.Number != null && lineItem.Number.Length > 0 ) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Number", lineItem.Number ); // Memo became an attribute in 1.2 format if( lineItem.CategoryObject != null ) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Category", lineItem.CategoryObject.Name ); if( lineItem.Memo != null && lineItem.Memo != trans.Memo ) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Memo", lineItem.Memo ); if( lineItem.Amount != trans.Amount ) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Amount", lineItem.Amount.ToString() ); if( lineItem.IsReconciled ) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Reconciled", "true" ); // New: Write the associated online transaction for this line item. if( lineItem.OnlineTransaction != null ) { xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); OnlineTransactionStorageXml ostorage = new OnlineTransactionStorageXml(); ostorage.SerializeTransaction( xmlWriter, lineItem.OnlineTransaction ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </Credit> or </Debit> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </LineItems> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } }
public void SaveLedger( Ledger ledger ) { ledger.ValidateReferentialIntegrity(); // Ensure that identifiers match appropriately before saving. ValidateIdentifierLinks( ledger ); /* // TODO: Remove this after testing ledger.RecurringTransactions.Clear(); RecurringTransaction r = new RecurringTransaction(); r.StartingDate = new DateTime( 2007, 10, 15 ); r.EndingDate = DateTime.MaxValue; r.Date = new DateTime( 2007, 10, 15 ); r.Amount = 129.69M; r.Description = "Ameriprise Financial"; r.Memo = "Life insurance payment"; r.LineItems.Add( new LineItemCredit( ledger.GetAccount( "Suntrust" ), r.Amount ) ); r.LineItems.Add( new LineItemDebit( ledger.GetAccount( "Expenses" ), r.Amount ) ); r.AddMonths = 1; ledger.RecurringTransactions.Add( r ); */ StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText( filename ); try { XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter( writer ); try { xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( "Ledger" ); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "xmlns", "" ); xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString( "Version", "1.2" ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteElementString( "MergeDate", ledger.MergeDate.ToString() ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); // Write accounts xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( "Accounts" ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); foreach( Account account in ledger.Accounts ) { SerializeAccount( xmlWriter, account ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </Accounts> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); // Write recurring transactions if( ledger.RecurringTransactions.Count > 0 ) { xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( "RecurringTransactions" ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); foreach( RecurringTransaction retrans in ledger.RecurringTransactions ) { SerializeRecurringTransaction( xmlWriter, retrans ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </RecurringTransactions> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } // Write transactions xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( "Transactions" ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); foreach( Transaction trans in ledger.Transactions ) { // Do not serialize auto-generated transactions if( !( trans is MissingTransaction ) ) { trans.Validate(); SerializeTransaction( xmlWriter, trans ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } } xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteComment( "Insert new transactions here." ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); // Write out a transaction template StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Transaction>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Date></Date>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Number></Number>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Amount>0.00</Amount>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Description>Payee</Description>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Memo></Memo>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<LineItems>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Credit Account=\"\" />" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "<Debit Account=\"Expenses\" Category=\"\" />" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "</LineItems>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); sb.Append( "</Transaction>" ); sb.Append( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteComment( sb.ToString() ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </Transactions> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); OnlineTransactionStorageXml ostorage = new OnlineTransactionStorageXml(); // Write online transactions that are missing from the ledger if( ledger.MissingTransactions.Count > 0 ) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement( "MissingOnlineTransactions" ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); foreach( OnlineTransaction otrans in ledger.MissingTransactions ) { ostorage.SerializeTransaction( xmlWriter, otrans ); xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </MissingOnlineTransactions> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // </Ledger> xmlWriter.WriteWhitespace( Environment.NewLine ); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); } finally { xmlWriter.Close(); } } finally { writer.Close(); } }