private void getSectionTable(MEPSection section, DataTable tb, List <string> fileds, PressureLossReportData reportData, bool bForHtml = false) { if (tb == null || fileds == null || section == null || reportData == null) { return; } List <MEPCurve> curves = new List <MEPCurve>(); List <FamilyInstance> fittings = new List <FamilyInstance>(); List <FamilyInstance> airTerminals = new List <FamilyInstance>(); List <FamilyInstance> equipments = new List <FamilyInstance>(); PressureLossReportHelper helper = PressureLossReportHelper.instance; if (helper == null) { return; } getSectionElements(section, curves, fittings, airTerminals, equipments); Dictionary <string, string> fieldAndValue = new Dictionary <string, string>(); getSectionCommonInfo(section, fieldAndValue); if (bForHtml) { helper.addColumns(tb, fileds.Count); } else { helper.addColumns(tb, fileds.Count + 2); } List <string> segmentVals = new List <string>(); //segment row List <string> fittingVals = new List <string>(); //fitting row List <string> airTerminalVals = new List <string>(); //air terminal row List <string> equipmentsVals = new List <string>(); //equipment row if (!bForHtml) //for csv, the first column is the section number { segmentVals.Add(section.Number.ToString()); if (curves.Count < 1) { fittingVals.Add(section.Number.ToString()); } else { fittingVals.Add(" "); } if (curves.Count < 1 && fittings.Count < 1) { airTerminalVals.Add(section.Number.ToString()); } else { airTerminalVals.Add(" "); } if (curves.Count < 1 && fittings.Count < 1 && airTerminals.Count < 1) { equipmentsVals.Add(section.Number.ToString()); } else { equipmentsVals.Add(" "); } } segmentVals.Add(helper.Domain); fittingVals.Add(ReportResource.fittings); if (helper.Domain == ReportResource.pipeDomain) { airTerminalVals.Add(ReportResource.plumbingFixtures); } else { airTerminalVals.Add(ReportResource.airTerminals); } equipmentsVals.Add(ReportResource.equipments); foreach (string fieldName in fileds) { PressureLossParameter PLParam = helper.getPressureLossParamByName(reportData.AvailableFields, fieldName); if (PLParam == null) { continue; } if (fieldAndValue.ContainsKey(fieldName)) //section info { if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Segment) > 0) { segmentVals.Add(fieldAndValue[fieldName]); } else { segmentVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); } if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Fitting) > 0) { fittingVals.Add(fieldAndValue[fieldName]); } else { fittingVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); } if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.AirTerminal) > 0) { airTerminalVals.Add(fieldAndValue[fieldName]); } else { airTerminalVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); } if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Equipment) > 0) { equipmentsVals.Add(fieldAndValue[fieldName]); } else { equipmentsVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); } } else if (curves.Count > 0 && (PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Segment) > 0) //read the value from first segment { MEPCurve firstCrv = curves[0]; if (firstCrv == null) { continue; } string strVal = helper.getParamValue(firstCrv.get_Parameter(fieldName)); segmentVals.Add(strVal); fittingVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); airTerminalVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); equipmentsVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); } else { segmentVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); fittingVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); airTerminalVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); equipmentsVals.Add(ReportConstants.emptyValue); } } //add total pressure loss segmentVals.Add(helper.getTotalPressureLossByType(section, SectionMemberType.Segment)); fittingVals.Add(helper.getTotalPressureLossByType(section, SectionMemberType.Fitting)); airTerminalVals.Add(helper.getTotalPressureLossByType(section, SectionMemberType.AirTerminal)); equipmentsVals.Add(helper.getTotalPressureLossByType(section, SectionMemberType.Equipment)); //add section pressure loss if (!bForHtml) //for csv, the last column is section pressure loss report { string sectionPL = fieldAndValue[ReportResource.sectionPressureLoss]; segmentVals.Add(sectionPL); if (curves.Count < 1) { fittingVals.Add(sectionPL); } else { fittingVals.Add(ReportConstants.mergeValue); } if (curves.Count < 1 && fittings.Count < 1) { airTerminalVals.Add(sectionPL); } else { airTerminalVals.Add(ReportConstants.mergeValue); } if (curves.Count < 1 && fittings.Count < 1 && airTerminals.Count < 1) { equipmentsVals.Add(sectionPL); } else { equipmentsVals.Add(ReportConstants.mergeValue); } } if (curves.Count > 0) { helper.addRow(tb, segmentVals); } if (fittings.Count > 0) { helper.addRow(tb, fittingVals); } if (airTerminals.Count > 0) { helper.addRow(tb, airTerminalVals); } if (equipments.Count > 0) { helper.addRow(tb, equipmentsVals); } }
private bool getFittingInfo(MEPSection section, DataTable fittingTB, bool forHTML = false) { if (fittingTB == null || section == null) { return(false); } PressureLossReportHelper helper = PressureLossReportHelper.instance; if (helper == null || helper.ReportData == null) { return(false); } List <string> fittingFields = new List <string>(); if (helper.ReportData.FittingFields != null) { getFields(fittingFields); } if (forHTML) { helper.addColumns(fittingTB, fittingFields.Count); } else { helper.addColumns(fittingTB, fittingFields.Count + 2); } List <FamilyInstance> fittings = new List <FamilyInstance>(); SectionsInfo.getSectionElements(section, null, fittings, null, null); if (fittings.Count < 1) { return(false); } int nIndex = 0; foreach (FamilyInstance fitting in fittings) { List <string> paramVals = new List <string>(); if (!forHTML) { if (nIndex == 0) { paramVals.Add(section.Number.ToString()); } else { paramVals.Add(" "); } } foreach (string fieldName in fittingFields) { try { PressureLossParameter PLParam = helper.getPressureLossParamByName(helper.ReportData.FittingFields, fieldName); if (PLParam == null) { continue; } string strVal = ReportConstants.emptyValue; if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Section) > 0) { strVal = SectionsInfo.getSectionInfoByParamName(section, fieldName, PLParam.GetFrom, fitting.Id); } else if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Fitting) > 0) { if (helper.Domain == ReportResource.pipeDomain && fieldName == LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(BuiltInParameter.RBS_PIPE_FITTING_LOSS_METHOD_SERVER_PARAM)) { string strValGUID = fitting.get_Parameter(fieldName).AsString(); Guid serverGUID = new Guid(strValGUID); //convert the GUID to server name //get the service first, and then get the server MultiServerService service = ExternalServiceRegistry.GetService(ExternalServices.BuiltInExternalServices.PipeFittingAndAccessoryPressureDropService) as MultiServerService; if (service != null && serverGUID != null) { IExternalServer server = service.GetServer(new Guid(strValGUID)); if (server != null) { strVal = server.GetName(); } } } else if (helper.Domain == ReportResource.ductDomain && fieldName == LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_FITTING_LOSS_METHOD_SERVER_PARAM)) { string strValGUID = fitting.get_Parameter(fieldName).AsString(); Guid serverGUID = new Guid(strValGUID); //convert the GUID to server name //get the service first, and then get the server MultiServerService service = ExternalServiceRegistry.GetService(ExternalServices.BuiltInExternalServices.DuctFittingAndAccessoryPressureDropService) as MultiServerService; if (service != null && serverGUID != null) { IExternalServer server = service.GetServer(new Guid(strValGUID)); if (server != null) { strVal = server.GetName(); } } } else if (fieldName == ReportResource.elementId) { strVal = fitting.Id.ToString(); } else { strVal = helper.getParamValue(fitting.get_Parameter(fieldName)); } } else if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Type) > 0) { strVal = getFittingSymbolInfoByParamName(fitting, fieldName); } paramVals.Add(strVal); } catch { //... } } if (!forHTML) //for csv, the last column is section pressure loss report { string strVal = ReportConstants.mergeValue; if (nIndex == 0) { strVal = helper.getTotalPressureLossByType(section, SectionMemberType.Fitting); } paramVals.Add(strVal); } nIndex++; helper.addRow(fittingTB, paramVals); } return(true); }
private bool getSegmentInfo(MEPSection section, DataTable segmentTB, bool forHTML = false) { if (segmentTB == null || section == null) { return(false); } PressureLossReportHelper helper = PressureLossReportHelper.instance; if (helper == null || helper.ReportData == null) { return(false); } //get fields from reportData List <string> segmentFields = new List <string>(); getFields(segmentFields); if (forHTML) { helper.addColumns(segmentTB, segmentFields.Count); } else { helper.addColumns(segmentTB, segmentFields.Count + 2); } List <MEPCurve> curves = new List <MEPCurve>(); SectionsInfo.getSectionElements(section, curves, null, null, null); if (curves.Count < 1) { return(false); } int nIndex = 0; foreach (MEPCurve crv in curves) { List <string> paramVals = new List <string>(); if (!forHTML) { if (nIndex == 0) { paramVals.Add(section.Number.ToString()); } else { paramVals.Add(" "); } } foreach (string fieldName in segmentFields) { PressureLossParameter PLParam = helper.getPressureLossParamByName(helper.ReportData.StraightSegFields, fieldName); if (PLParam == null) { continue; } string strVal = ReportConstants.emptyValue; if (((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Section) > 0)) { strVal = SectionsInfo.getSectionInfoByParamName(section, fieldName, PLParam.GetFrom, crv.Id); } else if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Segment) > 0) { if (helper.Domain == ReportResource.pipeDomain && fieldName == LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(BuiltInParameter.RBS_PIPE_FLOW_STATE_PARAM)) { int nVal = crv.get_Parameter(fieldName).AsInteger(); strVal = LabelUtils.GetLabelFor((Autodesk.Revit.DB.Plumbing.PipeFlowState)nVal, helper.Doc); } else if ((fieldName == LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(BuiltInParameter.RBS_PIPE_SIZE_FORMATTED_PARAM) || fieldName == LabelUtils.GetLabelFor(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_SIZE_FORMATTED_PARAM)) && ((BuiltInCategory)crv.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_FlexDuctCurves || (BuiltInCategory)crv.Category.Id.IntegerValue == BuiltInCategory.OST_FlexPipeCurves)) { //for flex duct/pipe, no size parameter, using diameter? if (helper.Domain == ReportResource.pipeDomain) { strVal = helper.getParamValue(crv.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_PIPE_DIAMETER_PARAM)); } else { //TBD: need to check round or rect strVal = helper.getParamValue(crv.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_CURVE_DIAMETER_PARAM)); } } else if (fieldName == ReportResource.elementId) { strVal = crv.Id.ToString(); } else { strVal = helper.getParamValue(crv.get_Parameter(fieldName)); } } else if ((PLParam.GetFrom & (int)SectionMemberType.Type) > 0) { strVal = getSegmentTypeInfoByParamName(crv, fieldName); } paramVals.Add(strVal); } if (!forHTML) //for csv, the last column is section pressure loss report { string strVal = ReportConstants.mergeValue; if (nIndex == 0) { strVal = helper.getTotalPressureLossByType(section, SectionMemberType.Segment); } paramVals.Add(strVal); } nIndex++; helper.addRow(segmentTB, paramVals); } return(true); }