コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the blockage component
        /// </summary>
        public List<ITacticalBlockage> DetermineBlockages(IState currentState)
            // check for a timeout or cooldown
            if (timeoutTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0 > 0.5 ||
                (cooldownTimer.IsRunning && cooldownTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < cooldownMaxValue))
                // reset all if recent blockage timed out
            // check cooldown timer expired
            else if (cooldownTimer.IsRunning && cooldownTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > cooldownMaxValue)
                cooldownMaxValue = 0.0;

            // set the report to use for this
            TrajectoryBlockedReport tbr = this.recentReport;

            // check if we still have a blockage report
            if (tbr != null)
                // check type of state is stay in lane or stay in supra lane
                if (currentState is StayInLaneState || currentState is StayInSupraLaneState)
                    // check type of completion report matches current state
                    if (tbr.BehaviorType == (new StayInLaneBehavior(null, null, null)).GetType() ||
                        tbr.BehaviorType == (new SupraLaneBehavior(null, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null)).GetType())
                        // create the lane blockage
                        LaneBlockage lb = new LaneBlockage(tbr);
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.Blockage = lb.ToString();

                        // return the blockage
                        return new List<ITacticalBlockage>(new ITacticalBlockage[] { lb });
                // check if we're in a turn state
                else if (currentState is TurnState)
                    // check type of completion report matches current state
                    if (tbr.BehaviorType == (new TurnBehavior(null, null, null, null, null, null)).GetType())
                        // create a new turn blockage
                        TurnBlockage tb = new TurnBlockage(tbr);
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.Blockage = tb.ToString();

                        // return the blockage
                        return new List<ITacticalBlockage>(new ITacticalBlockage[] { tb });
                // check if we're changing lanes
                else if (currentState is ChangeLanesState)
                    // check type of completion report matches current state
                    if (tbr.BehaviorType == (new ChangeLaneBehavior(null, null, false, 0.0, null, null)).GetType())
                        // create a new turn blockage
                        LaneChangeBlockage lcb = new LaneChangeBlockage(tbr);
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.Blockage = lcb.ToString();

                        // return the blockage
                        return new List<ITacticalBlockage>(new ITacticalBlockage[] { lcb });
                // check if we are recovering from a blockage
                else if (currentState is BlockageRecoveryState)
                    // check type
                    if (((BlockageRecoveryState)currentState).RecoveryBehavior != null &&
                        tbr.BehaviorType == ((BlockageRecoveryState)currentState).RecoveryBehavior.GetType())
                        // create a new blockage recovery blockage
                        BlockageRecoveryBlockage brb = new BlockageRecoveryBlockage(tbr);
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.Blockage = brb.ToString();
                        ((BlockageRecoveryState)currentState).RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.BLOCKED;

                        // return the blockage
                        return new List<ITacticalBlockage>(new ITacticalBlockage[] { brb });
                // check if we are in an opposing lane
                else if (currentState is OpposingLanesState)
                    // create a new blockage recovery blockage
                    OpposingLaneBlockage olb = new OpposingLaneBlockage(tbr);
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.Blockage = olb.ToString();

                    // return the blockage
                    return new List<ITacticalBlockage>(new ITacticalBlockage[] { olb });

            // fall out returns empty list of blockages
            return new List<ITacticalBlockage>();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes use of parameterizations made from the initial forward maneuver plan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arbiterLane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="roadPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="blockages"></param>
        /// <param name="ignorable"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver? SecondaryManeuver(IFQMPlanable arbiterLane, VehicleState vehicleState, RoadPlan roadPlan,
            List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages, List<ArbiterWaypoint> ignorable, TypeOfTasks bestTask)
            // check if we might be able to pass here
            bool validArea = arbiterLane is ArbiterLane || (((SupraLane)arbiterLane).ClosestComponent(vehicleState.Front) == SLComponentType.Initial);
            ArbiterLane ourForwardLane = arbiterLane is ArbiterLane ? (ArbiterLane)arbiterLane : ((SupraLane)arbiterLane).Initial;

            // check if the forward vehicle exists and we're in a valid area
            if (this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.ShouldUseForwardTracker && validArea)
                // check if we should pass the vehicle ahead
                LaneChangeInformation lci;
                bool sp = this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.ShouldPass(out lci);

                // make sure we should do something before processing extras
                    // available parameterizations for the lane change
                    List<LaneChangeParameters> changeParams = new List<LaneChangeParameters>();

                    // get lane
                    ArbiterLane al = arbiterLane is ArbiterLane ? (ArbiterLane)arbiterLane : ((SupraLane)arbiterLane).Initial;

                    // get the location we need to return by
                    Coordinates absoluteUpperBound = arbiterLane is ArbiterLane ?
                        roadPlan.LanePlans[al.LaneId].laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position :

                    #region Failed Forward

                    // if failed, parameterize ourselved if we're following them
                    if (lci.Reason == LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle && this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle)
                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Failed Forward Vehicle: " + this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.VehicleId.ToString());

                        // get traveling params from FQM to make sure we stopped for vehicle, behind vehicle
                        double v = CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value;
                        TravelingParameters fqmParams = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;
                        double d = this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.DistanceToVehicle(arbiterLane, vehicleState.Front);
                        Coordinates departUpperBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d - 3.0).Location;

                        // check stopped behing failed forward
                            if (fqmParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle && this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.StoppedBehindForwardVehicle)
                                // check for checkpoint within 4VL of front of failed vehicle
                                ArbiterCheckpoint acCurrecnt = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek();
                                if (acCurrecnt.WaypointId.AreaSubtypeId.Equals(al.LaneId))
                                    // check distance
                                    ArbiterWaypoint awCheckpoint = (ArbiterWaypoint)CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[acCurrecnt.WaypointId];
                                    double cpDistacne = Lane.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, awCheckpoint.Position);
                                    if (cpDistacne < d || cpDistacne - d < TahoeParams.VL * 4.5)
                                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Removing checkpoint: " + acCurrecnt.WaypointId.ToString() + " as failed vehicle over it");
                                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        }catch (Exception) { }

                        #region Right Lateral Reasoning Forwards

                        // check right lateral reasoning for existence, if so parametrize
                        if (rightLateralReasoning.Exists && fqmParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle && this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.StoppedBehindForwardVehicle)
                            // get lane
                            ArbiterLane lane = al;

                            // determine failed vehicle lane change distance params
                            Coordinates defaultReturnLowerBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 2.0)).Location;
                            Coordinates minimumReturnComplete = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 3.0)).Location;
                            Coordinates defaultReturnUpperBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 5.0)).Location;

                            // get params for lane change
                            LaneChangeParameters? lcp = this.LaneChangeParameterization(
                                new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle, null),
                                lane, lane.LaneOnRight, false, roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position,
                                departUpperBound, defaultReturnLowerBound, minimumReturnComplete, defaultReturnUpperBound, blockages, ignorable,
                                vehicleState, CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value);

                            // check if exists to generate full param
                            if (lcp.HasValue)
                                // get param
                                LaneChangeParameters tp = lcp.Value;

                                // notify
                                ArbiterOutput.WriteToLog("Failed Forward: Right Lateral Reasoning Forwards: Available: " + tp.Available.ToString() + ", Feasable: " + tp.Feasible.ToString());

                                // get behavior
                                ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(
                                    al.LaneId, al.LaneOnRight.LaneId, false, al.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, departUpperBound),
                                    new ScalarSpeedCommand(tp.Parameters.RecommendedSpeed), tp.Parameters.VehiclesToIgnore,
                                    al.LanePath(), al.LaneOnRight.LanePath(), al.Width, al.LaneOnRight.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));
                                tp.Behavior = clb;
                                tp.Decorators = TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator;

                                // next state
                                ChangeLanesState cls = new ChangeLanesState(tp);
                                tp.NextState = cls;

                                // add parameterization to possible


                        #region Left Lateral Reasoning

                        // check left lateral reasoning
                            #region Left Lateral Opposing

                            // check opposing
                            ArbiterLane closestOpposingLane = this.GetClosestOpposing(ourForwardLane, vehicleState);
                            if(closestOpposingLane != null && (leftLateralReasoning.IsOpposing || !closestOpposingLane.Equals(leftLateralReasoning.LateralLane)))
                                // check room of initial
                                bool enoughRoom =
                                    (arbiterLane is ArbiterLane && (!roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.IsExit || ((ArbiterLane)arbiterLane).DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position) > TahoeParams.VL * 5.0)) ||
                                    (arbiterLane is SupraLane && ((SupraLane)arbiterLane).DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, ((SupraLane)arbiterLane).Interconnect.InitialGeneric.Position) > TahoeParams.VL * 5.0);

                                // check opposing enough room
                                bool oppEnough = closestOpposingLane.DistanceBetween(closestOpposingLane.LanePath().StartPoint.Location, vehicleState.Front) > TahoeParams.VL * 5.0;

                                // check if enough room
                                if (enoughRoom && oppEnough)
                                    // check if we're stopped and the current trav params were for a vehicle and we're close to the vehicle
                                    bool stoppedBehindFV = fqmParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle && this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.StoppedBehindForwardVehicle;

                                    // check that we're stopped behind forward vehicle before attempting to change lanes
                                    if (stoppedBehindFV)
                                        #region Check Segment Blockage

                                        // check need to make uturn (hack)
                                        bool waitForUTurnCooldown;
                                        BlockageTactical bt = CoreCommon.BlockageDirector;
                                        StayInLaneBehavior tmpBlockBehavior = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0), new List<int>(), al.LanePath(), al.Width, 0, 0);
                                        ITacticalBlockage itbTmp = new LaneBlockage(new TrajectoryBlockedReport(CompletionResult.Stopped, TahoeParams.VL, BlockageType.Static, -1, false, tmpBlockBehavior.GetType()));
                                        Maneuver tmpBlockManeuver = bt.LaneRecoveryManeuver(al, vehicleState, CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value, roadPlan,
                                            new BlockageRecoveryState(tmpBlockBehavior,
                                            new StayInLaneState(al, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState), new StayInLaneState(al, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState), BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE,
                                            new EncounteredBlockageState(itbTmp, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE, SAUDILevel.None), BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED), true, out waitForUTurnCooldown);
                                        if (!waitForUTurnCooldown && tmpBlockManeuver.PrimaryBehavior is UTurnBehavior)
                                            return tmpBlockManeuver;
                                        else if (waitForUTurnCooldown)
                                            return null;


                                        // distance to forward vehicle too small
                                        double distToForwards = al.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition);
                                        double distToReverse = Math.Max(1.0, 8.0 - distToForwards);
                                        if (distToForwards < 8.0)
                                            // notify
                                            ArbiterOutput.WriteToLog("Secondary: NOT Properly Stopped Behind Forward Vehicle: " + this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ToString() + " distance: " + distToForwards.ToString("f2"));

                                            this.RearMonitor = new RearQuadrantMonitor(al, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
                                            if (this.RearMonitor.CurrentVehicle != null)
                                                double distToRearVehicle = al.DistanceBetween(this.RearMonitor.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition, vehicleState.Position) - TahoeParams.RL;
                                                double distNeedClear = distToReverse + 2.0;
                                                if (distToRearVehicle < distNeedClear)
                                                    // notify
                                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary: Rear: Not enough room to clear in rear: " + distToRearVehicle.ToString("f2") + " < " + distNeedClear.ToString("f2"));
                                                    return null;

                                            double distToLaneStart = al.DistanceBetween(al.LanePath().StartPoint.Location, vehicleState.Position) - TahoeParams.RL;
                                            if (distToReverse > distToLaneStart)
                                                // notify
                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary: Rear: Not enough room in lane to reverse in rear: " + distToLaneStart.ToString("f2") + " < " + distToReverse.ToString("f2"));
                                                return null;
                                                // notify
                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary: Reversing to pass Forward Vehicle: " + this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ToString() + " reversing distance: " + distToReverse.ToString("f2"));
                                                StopAtDistSpeedCommand sadsc = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(distToReverse, true);
                                                StayInLaneBehavior silb = new StayInLaneBehavior(al.LaneId, sadsc, new List<int>(), al.LanePath(), al.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));
                                                return new Maneuver(silb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.HazardDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                                            // notify
                                            ArbiterOutput.WriteToLog("Secondary: Left Lateral Opposing: Properly Stopped Behind Forward Vehicle: " + this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ToString());

                                            // determine failed vehicle lane change distance params
                                            Coordinates defaultReturnLowerBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 2.0)).Location;
                                            Coordinates minimumReturnComplete = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 3.5)).Location;
                                            Coordinates defaultReturnUpperBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 5.0)).Location;

                                            // check if enough room
                                            if (al.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, defaultReturnUpperBound) >= d + TahoeParams.VL * 4.5)
                                                // get hte closest oppoing
                                                ArbiterLane closestOpposing = this.GetClosestOpposing(al, vehicleState);

                                                // check exists
                                                if (closestOpposing != null)
                                                    // set/check secondary
                                                    if (this.secondaryLeftLateralReasoning == null || !this.secondaryLeftLateralReasoning.LateralLane.Equals(closestOpposing))
                                                        this.secondaryLeftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(closestOpposing, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

                                                    // check the state of hte lanes next to us
                                                    if (this.leftLateralReasoning.LateralLane.Equals(closestOpposing) && this.leftLateralReasoning.ExistsExactlyHere(vehicleState))
                                                        #region Plan

                                                        // need to make sure that we wait for 3 seconds with the blinker on (resetting with pause)
                                                        if (this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.WaitTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 3000)
                                                            // notify
                                                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Scondary: Left Lateral Opposing: Wait Timer DONE");

                                                            // get parameterization
                                                            LaneChangeParameters? tp = this.LaneChangeParameterization(
                                                                new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle, this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle),

                                                            // check if available and feasible
                                                            if (tp.HasValue && tp.Value.Available && tp.Value.Feasible)
                                                                // notify
                                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Scondary: Left Lateral Opposing: AVAILABLE & FEASIBLE");

                                                                LaneChangeParameters lcp = tp.Value;
                                                                lcp.Behavior = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters.Behavior;
                                                                lcp.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;
                                                                lcp.Behavior.Decorators = lcp.Decorators;

                                                                // next state
                                                                ChangeLanesState cls = new ChangeLanesState(tp.Value);
                                                                lcp.NextState = cls;

                                                                // add parameterization to possible
                                                            // check if not available now but still feasible
                                                            else if (tp.HasValue && !tp.Value.Available && tp.Value.Feasible)
                                                                // notify
                                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Scondary: Left Lateral Opposing: NOT Available, Still FEASIBLE, WAITING");

                                                                // wait and blink maneuver
                                                                TravelingParameters tp2 = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;
                                                                tp2.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;
                                                                tp2.Behavior.Decorators = tp2.Decorators;

                                                                // create parameterization
                                                                LaneChangeParameters lcp = new LaneChangeParameters(false, true, al, false, al.LaneOnLeft,
                                                                    true, true, tp2.Behavior, 0.0, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tp2.Decorators, tp2, new Coordinates(),
                                                                    new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle);

                                                                // add parameterization to possible
                                                        // otherwise timer not running or not been long enough
                                                            // check if timer running
                                                            if (!this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.WaitTimer.IsRunning)

                                                            double waited = (double)(this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.WaitTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
                                                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Waited for failed forwards: " + waited.ToString("F2") + " seconds");

                                                            // wait and blink maneuver
                                                            TravelingParameters tp = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;
                                                            tp.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;
                                                            tp.Behavior.Decorators = tp.Decorators;

                                                            // create parameterization
                                                            LaneChangeParameters lcp = new LaneChangeParameters(false, true, al, false, al.LaneOnLeft,
                                                                true, true, tp.Behavior, 0.0, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tp.Decorators, tp, new Coordinates(),
                                                                new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle);

                                                            // add parameterization to possible

                                                    else if (!this.leftLateralReasoning.LateralLane.Equals(closestOpposing) && !this.leftLateralReasoning.ExistsRelativelyHere(vehicleState))
                                                        // set and notify
                                                        ArbiterOutput.Output("superceeded left lateral reasoning with override for non adjacent left lateral reasoning");
                                                        ILateralReasoning tmpReasoning = this.leftLateralReasoning;
                                                        this.leftLateralReasoning = this.secondaryLeftLateralReasoning;

                                                            #region Plan

                                                            // need to make sure that we wait for 3 seconds with the blinker on (resetting with pause)
                                                            if (this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.WaitTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 3000)
                                                                // notify
                                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Scondary: Left Lateral Opposing: Wait Timer DONE");

                                                                // get parameterization
                                                                LaneChangeParameters? tp = this.LaneChangeParameterization(
                                                                    new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle, this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle),

                                                                // check if available and feasible
                                                                if (tp.HasValue && tp.Value.Available && tp.Value.Feasible)
                                                                    // notify
                                                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Scondary: Left Lateral Opposing: AVAILABLE & FEASIBLE");

                                                                    LaneChangeParameters lcp = tp.Value;
                                                                    lcp.Behavior = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters.Behavior;
                                                                    lcp.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;
                                                                    lcp.Behavior.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;

                                                                    // next state
                                                                    ChangeLanesState cls = new ChangeLanesState(tp.Value);
                                                                    lcp.NextState = cls;

                                                                    // add parameterization to possible
                                                                // check if not available now but still feasible
                                                                else if (tp.HasValue && !tp.Value.Available && tp.Value.Feasible)
                                                                    // notify
                                                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Scondary: Left Lateral Opposing: NOT Available, Still FEASIBLE, WAITING");

                                                                    // wait and blink maneuver
                                                                    TravelingParameters tp2 = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;
                                                                    tp2.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;
                                                                    tp2.Behavior.Decorators = tp2.Decorators;

                                                                    // create parameterization
                                                                    LaneChangeParameters lcp = new LaneChangeParameters(false, true, al, false, this.leftLateralReasoning.LateralLane,
                                                                        true, true, tp2.Behavior, 0.0, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tp2.Decorators, tp2, new Coordinates(),
                                                                        new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle);

                                                                    // add parameterization to possible
                                                            // otherwise timer not running or not been long enough
                                                                // check if timer running
                                                                if (!this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.WaitTimer.IsRunning)

                                                                double waited = (double)(this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.WaitTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
                                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Waited for failed forwards: " + waited.ToString("F2") + " seconds");

                                                                // wait and blink maneuver
                                                                TravelingParameters tp = this.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;
                                                                tp.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;
                                                                tp.Behavior.Decorators = tp.Decorators;

                                                                // create parameterization
                                                                LaneChangeParameters lcp = new LaneChangeParameters(false, true, al, false, this.leftLateralReasoning.LateralLane,
                                                                    true, true, tp.Behavior, 0.0, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, tp.Decorators, tp, new Coordinates(),
                                                                    new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), new Coordinates(), LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle);

                                                                // add parameterization to possible

                                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Core intelligence thread caught exception in forward reasoning secondary maneuver when non-standard adjacent left: " + ex.ToString());

                                                        // restore
                                                        this.leftLateralReasoning = tmpReasoning;
                                                    // do nuttin
                                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("no opposing adjacent");
                                                // notify
                                                ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary: LeftLatOpp: Stopped Behind FV: " + this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ToString() + ", but not enough room to pass");

                                        // notify
                                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary: Left Lateral Opposing: NOT Stopped Behind Forward Vehicle: " + this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ToString());
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary Opposing: enough room to pass opposing: initial: " + enoughRoom.ToString() + ", opposing: " + oppEnough.ToString());


                            #region Left Lateral Forwards

                            // otherwise parameterize
                            else if(fqmParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle && this.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.StoppedBehindForwardVehicle)
                                // get lane
                                ArbiterLane lane = al;

                                // determine failed vehicle lane change distance params
                                Coordinates defaultReturnLowerBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 2.0)).Location;
                                Coordinates minimumReturnComplete = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 3.0)).Location;
                                Coordinates defaultReturnUpperBound = al.LanePath().AdvancePoint(al.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), d + (TahoeParams.VL * 5.0)).Location;

                                // get params for lane change
                                LaneChangeParameters? lcp = this.LaneChangeParameterization(
                                    new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle, null),
                                    lane, lane.LaneOnLeft, false, roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position,
                                    departUpperBound, defaultReturnLowerBound, minimumReturnComplete, defaultReturnUpperBound,
                                    blockages, ignorable, vehicleState, CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value);

                                // check if exists to generate full param
                                if (lcp.HasValue)
                                    // set param
                                    LaneChangeParameters tp = lcp.Value;

                                    // notify
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary Failed Forward Reasoning Forwards: Available: " + tp.Available.ToString() + ", Feasible: " + tp.Feasible.ToString());

                                    // get behavior
                                    ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(
                                        al.LaneId, al.LaneOnLeft.LaneId, true, al.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, departUpperBound),
                                        new ScalarSpeedCommand(tp.Parameters.RecommendedSpeed), tp.Parameters.VehiclesToIgnore,
                                        al.LanePath(), al.LaneOnLeft.LanePath(), al.Width, al.LaneOnLeft.Width, al.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), al.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));
                                    tp.Behavior = clb;
                                    tp.Decorators = TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;

                                    // next state
                                    ChangeLanesState cls = new ChangeLanesState(tp);
                                    tp.NextState = cls;

                                    // add parameterization to possible




                    #region Slow Forward

                    // if pass, determine if should pass in terms or vehicles adjacent and in front then call lane change function for maneuver
                    else if (lci.Reason == LaneChangeReason.SlowForwardVehicle)
                        // if left exists and is not opposing, parameterize
                        if (leftLateralReasoning.Exists && !leftLateralReasoning.IsOpposing)
                            throw new Exception("slow forward vehicle pass not implemented yet");

                        // if right exists and is not opposing, parameterize
                        if (rightLateralReasoning.Exists && !rightLateralReasoning.IsOpposing)
                            throw new Exception("slow forward vehicle pass not implemented yet");


                    #region Parameterize

                    // check params to see if any are good and available
                    if(changeParams != null && changeParams.Count > 0)
                        // sort the parameterizations

                        // get first
                        LaneChangeParameters final = changeParams[0];

                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary Reasoning Final: Available: " + final.Available.ToString() + ", Feasible: " + final.Feasible.ToString());

                        // make sure ok
                        if (final.Available && final.Feasible)
                            // return best param
                            return new Maneuver(changeParams[0].Behavior, changeParams[0].NextState, changeParams[0].Decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

            // fallout is null
            return null;