コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Plan the maneuver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planningState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed, List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages, INavigationalPlan plan)
            #region Encountered a Blockage

            // something is blocked
            if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is EncounteredBlockageState)
                // cast blockage state
                EncounteredBlockageState ebs = (EncounteredBlockageState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                // get the saudi level
                SAUDILevel saudi = ebs.Saudi;

                // get the defcon level
                BlockageRecoveryDEFCON defcon = ebs.Defcon;

                #region Stay In Lane Blockage

                if (ebs.PlanningState is StayInLaneState)
                    // get the recovery state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, ebs.PlanningState, ebs.PlanningState, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                    // set cooldown

                    // return
                    return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Supra Lane Blockage

                else if (ebs.PlanningState is StayInSupraLaneState)
                    // get all supra lane info
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)ebs.PlanningState;
                    SupraLane sl = sisls.Lane;

                    // the closest component of the supra lane to us is the initial lane
                    if (sl.ClosestComponent(vehicleState.Front) == SLComponentType.Initial)
                        // get stay in lane state
                        StayInLaneState sils = new StayInLaneState(sl.Initial, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                        ebs.PlanningState = sils;

                        // get the recovery state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, sils, sils, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                        // set cooldown

                        // return
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // check if closest part of the supra lane is the final lane
                    else if (sl.ClosestComponent(vehicleState.Front) == SLComponentType.Final)
                        // get stay in lane state
                        StayInLaneState sils = new StayInLaneState(sl.Final, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                        ebs.PlanningState = sils;

                        // get the recovery state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, sils, sils, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                        // set cooldown

                        // return
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // the closest component of the supra lane to us is the interconnect otherwise
                        // get turn info
                        LinePath fP;
                        LineList lB;
                        LineList rB;
                        IntersectionToolkit.TurnInfo(((ArbiterWaypoint)sl.Interconnect.FinalGeneric), out fP, out lB, out rB);

                        // make sure to update the turn reasoning
                        this.tacticalUmbrella.intersectionTactical.TurnReasoning =
                            new TurnReasoning(sl.Interconnect, null);

                        // get turn state
                        TurnState ts = new TurnState(sl.Interconnect, sl.Interconnect.TurnDirection, sl.Final, fP, lB, rB, new ScalarSpeedCommand(sl.Interconnect.MaximumDefaultSpeed));
                        ebs.PlanningState = ts;

                        // get final lane state
                        StayInLaneState sils = new StayInLaneState(sl.Final, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                        // get the recovery state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, sils, ts, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                        // set cooldown

                        // return
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Change Lanes Blockage

                else if (ebs.PlanningState is ChangeLanesState)
                    // get lane change state
                    ChangeLanesState cls = (ChangeLanesState)ebs.PlanningState;

                    // figure out which lane we are closest to being inside
                    ArbiterLane goLane = cls.Parameters.Initial.LanePolygon.IsInside(vehicleState.Front) ?
                        cls.Parameters.Initial : cls.Parameters.Target;

                    // check if lane is oncoming
                    bool goLaneOncoming = cls.Parameters.Initial.LanePolygon.IsInside(vehicleState.Front) ?
                        cls.Parameters.InitialOncoming : cls.Parameters.TargetOncoming;

                    // normal
                    if (!goLaneOncoming)
                        // get lane state
                        StayInLaneState sils = new StayInLaneState(goLane, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                        ebs.PlanningState = sils;

                        // get the recovery state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, sils, sils, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                        // set cooldown

                        // return
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // opposing
                        // get lane state
                        OpposingLanesState ols = new OpposingLanesState(goLane, true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState);
                        ebs.PlanningState = ols;

                        // get the recovery state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, ols, ols, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                        // set cooldown

                        // return
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Turn Blockage

                else if (ebs.PlanningState is TurnState)
                    // get turn state
                    TurnState ts = (TurnState)ebs.PlanningState;

                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Encountered turn blockage, entering blockage recovery state");

                    // get the recovery state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, ts, ts, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                    // set cooldown

                    // return
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Opposing Lanes Blockage

                else if (ebs.PlanningState is OpposingLanesState)
                    // get the recovery state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(null, ebs.PlanningState, ebs.PlanningState, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED);

                    // set cooldown

                    // return
                    return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Fallout

                // plan through the blockage state
                Maneuver final = new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                // return the final maneuver
                return final;



            #region Blockage Recovery State

            // recover from blockages
            else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is BlockageRecoveryState)
                // get the blockage recovery state
                BlockageRecoveryState brs = (BlockageRecoveryState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                #region Blockage Encountered

                if (brs.RecoveryStatus == BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED)
                    // check encoutnered state for a turn
                    if (brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState is TurnState)
                        // reset timing

                        // return the turn recovery maneuver
                        TurnState ts = (TurnState)brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState;
                        return this.TurnRecoveryManeuver(ts.Interconnect, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, brs);
                    // check encountered state for a lane
                    else if (brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState is StayInLaneState)
                        // reset execution timer

                        // lane blockage recovery
                        bool fakeWait;
                        StayInLaneState sils = (StayInLaneState)brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState;
                        return this.LaneRecoveryManeuver(sils.Lane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed,
                            plan, brs, false, out fakeWait);
                    // check encountered state for opposing lane
                    else if (brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState is OpposingLanesState)
                        // reset timing

                        // reset timing
                        OpposingLanesState ols = (OpposingLanesState)brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState;
                        return this.OpposingLaneRecoveryManeuver(ols.OpposingLane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, plan, brs, false);


                #region Blockage Recovery Executing

                else if (brs.RecoveryStatus == BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING)
                    // reset uturn timer

                    // check if lane change
                    if (brs.RecoveryBehavior is ChangeLaneBehavior)
                        // reset timing

                        // bypass
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Executing behavior of type: " + brs.RecoveryBehavior.GetType().ToString() + ", waiting for completion");
                        return new Maneuver(brs.RecoveryBehavior, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // check execution timer
                        if (!ExecutionTimer.IsRunning)

                        // check too long
                        if (ExecutionTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0 > 25)
                            // reset execution timer

                            // bypass
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Blockage recovery execution timeout, bypassing to send hold brake");
                                CoreCommon.Communications.Execute(new HoldBrakeBehavior());
                            catch (Exception) { }

                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Blockage recovery execution timeout, resending behavior");

                            // resend recovery behavior
                            return new Maneuver(brs.RecoveryBehavior, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        // bypass
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Executing behavior of type: " + brs.RecoveryBehavior.GetType().ToString() + ", Currently Sending Null Behavior, waiting for completion");
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Blockage Recovery Behavior Completed

                else if (brs.RecoveryStatus == BlockageRecoverySTATUS.COMPLETED)
                    // reset timing

                    // check encoutnered state for a turn
                    if (brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState is TurnState)
                        // return the turn recovery maneuver
                        TurnState ts = (TurnState)brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState;
                        return this.TurnRecoveryManeuver(ts.Interconnect, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, brs);
                    // check lane state
                    else if (brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState is StayInLaneState)
                        // return the completion state
                        brs.RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED;
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), brs.CompletionState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // check opposing
                    else if(brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState is OpposingLanesState)
                        // return the completion state
                        brs.RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED;
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), brs.CompletionState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Fallout Of Recovery

                // reset timing

                ArbiterOutput.Output("Fell out of blockage recovery state: recovery status: " + brs.RecoveryStatus.ToString());
                return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, brs.RecoveryBehavior != null ? brs.RecoveryBehavior.Decorators : TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);



            #region Unknown

                throw new Exception("Unknown blockage planning state type");

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Plan a lane change
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cls"></param>
        /// <param name="initialManeuver"></param>
        /// <param name="targetManeuver"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver PlanLaneChange(ChangeLanesState cls, VehicleState vehicleState, RoadPlan roadPlan, 
            List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages, List<ArbiterWaypoint> ignorable)
            // check blockages
            if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is LaneChangeBlockage)
                // create the blockage state
                EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                // go to a blockage handling tactical
                return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

            // lanes of the lane change
            ArbiterLane initial = cls.Parameters.Initial;
            ArbiterLane target = cls.Parameters.Target;

            #region Initial Forwards

            if (!cls.Parameters.InitialOncoming)
                ForwardReasoning initialReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), initial);

                #region Target Forwards

                if (!cls.Parameters.TargetOncoming)
                    // target reasoning
                    ForwardReasoning targetReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), target);

                    #region Navigation

                    if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.Navigation)
                        // parameters to follow
                        List<TravelingParameters> tps = new List<TravelingParameters>();

                        // vehicles to ignore
                        List<int> ignorableVehicles = new List<int>();

                        // params for forward lane
                        initialReasoning.ForwardManeuver(initial, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages, ignorable);
                        TravelingParameters initialParams = initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ParameterizationHelper(initial, initial,
                            CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.Equals(roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.WaypointId) ?
                            initial.WaypointList[initial.WaypointList.Count - 1].Position : roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position,
                            vehicleState.Front, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState, initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle);

                        ArbiterOutput.Output("initial dist to go: " + initialParams.DistanceToGo.ToString("f3"));

                        if (initialParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle && !initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.IsStopped)


                        // get params for the final lane
                        targetReasoning.ForwardManeuver(target, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages, new List<ArbiterWaypoint>());
                        TravelingParameters targetParams = targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;

                            if (CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value < 0.1 &&
                                targetParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle &&
                                targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle != null &&
                                targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.Queuing == QueuingState.Failed)
                                return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new StayInLaneState(target, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        catch (Exception) { }

                        ArbiterOutput.Output("target dist to go: " + targetParams.DistanceToGo.ToString("f3"));

                        // decorators
                        List<BehaviorDecorator> decorators = initial.LaneOnLeft != null && initial.LaneOnLeft.Equals(target) ? TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator : TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator;

                        // distance
                        double distanceToGo = initial.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, cls.Parameters.DepartUpperBound);
                        cls.Parameters.DistanceToDepartUpperBound = distanceToGo;

                        // check if need to modify distance to go
                        if (initialParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle && initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.IsStopped)
                            double curDistToUpper = cls.Parameters.DistanceToDepartUpperBound;
                            double newVhcDistToUpper = initial.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition) - 2.0;

                            if (curDistToUpper > newVhcDistToUpper)
                                distanceToGo = newVhcDistToUpper;

                        // get final

                        // get the proper speed command
                        ScalarSpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(tps[0].RecommendedSpeed);
                        if (sc.Speed < 8.84)
                            sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(Math.Min(targetParams.RecommendedSpeed, 8.84));

                        // continue the lane change with the proper speed command
                        ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(initial.LaneId, target.LaneId, initial.LaneOnLeft != null && initial.LaneOnLeft.Equals(target), distanceToGo,
                            sc, targetParams.VehiclesToIgnore, initial.LanePath(), target.LanePath(), initial.Width, target.Width, initial.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true),
                            initial.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));

                        // standard maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(clb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    #region Failed Forwards

                    else if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle)
                        // parameters to follow
                        List<TravelingParameters> tps = new List<TravelingParameters>();

                        // vehicles to ignore
                        List<int> ignorableVehicles = new List<int>();

                        // params for forward lane
                        initialReasoning.ForwardManeuver(initial, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages, ignorable);
                        TravelingParameters initialParams = initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ParameterizationHelper(initial, initial,
                            CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.Equals(roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.WaypointId) ?
                            initial.WaypointList[initial.WaypointList.Count - 1].Position : roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position,
                            vehicleState.Front, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState, null);

                        // get params for the final lane
                        targetReasoning.ForwardManeuver(target, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages, new List<ArbiterWaypoint>());
                        TravelingParameters targetParams = targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.CurrentParameters;

                        // decorators
                        List<BehaviorDecorator> decorators = initial.LaneOnLeft != null && initial.LaneOnLeft.Equals(target) ? TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator : TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator;

                        // distance
                        double distanceToGo = initial.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, cls.Parameters.DepartUpperBound);
                        cls.Parameters.DistanceToDepartUpperBound = distanceToGo;

                        // get final

                        // get the proper speed command
                        SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(tps[0].RecommendedSpeed);

                        // continue the lane change with the proper speed command
                        ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(initial.LaneId, target.LaneId, initial.LaneOnLeft != null && initial.LaneOnLeft.Equals(target), distanceToGo,
                            sc, targetParams.VehiclesToIgnore, initial.LanePath(), target.LanePath(), initial.Width, target.Width, initial.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true),
                            initial.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));

                        // standard maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(clb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    #region Slow

                    else if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.SlowForwardVehicle)
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");


                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");


                #region Target Oncoming

                    OpposingReasoning targetReasoning = new OpposingReasoning(new OpposingLateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), new OpposingLateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), target);

                    #region Failed Forward

                    if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle)
                        // parameters to follow
                        List<TravelingParameters> tps = new List<TravelingParameters>();

                        // ignore the forward vehicle but keep params for forward lane
                        initialReasoning.ForwardManeuver(initial, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages, ignorable);
                        TravelingParameters initialParams = initialReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ParameterizationHelper(initial, initial,
                            CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.Equals(roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.WaypointId) ?
                            initial.WaypointList[initial.WaypointList.Count-1].Position : roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position, vehicleState.Front, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState, null);

                        // get params for the final lane
                        targetReasoning.ForwardManeuver(target, initial, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages);
                        TravelingParameters targetParams = targetReasoning.OpposingForwardMonitor.CurrentParamters.Value;

                        // decorators
                        List<BehaviorDecorator> decorators = cls.Parameters.ToLeft ? TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator : TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator;

                        // distance
                        double distanceToGo = initial.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, cls.Parameters.DepartUpperBound);
                        cls.Parameters.DistanceToDepartUpperBound = distanceToGo;

                        // get final

                        // get the proper speed command
                        SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(Math.Min(tps[0].RecommendedSpeed, 2.24));

                        // check final for stopped failed opposing
                        VehicleAgent forwardVa = targetReasoning.OpposingForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle;
                        if (forwardVa != null)
                            // dist between
                            double distToFV = -targetReasoning.Lane.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, forwardVa.ClosestPosition);

                            // check stopped
                            bool stopped = Math.Abs(CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value) < 0.5;

                            // check distance
                            bool distOk = distToFV < 2.5 * TahoeParams.VL;

                            // check failed
                            bool failed = forwardVa.QueuingState.Queuing == QueuingState.Failed;

                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Forward Vehicle: Stopped: " + stopped.ToString() + ", DistOk: " + distOk.ToString() + ", Failed: " + failed.ToString());

                            // check all for failed
                            if (stopped && distOk && failed)
                                // check inside target
                                if (target.LanePolygon.IsInside(vehicleState.Front))
                                    // blockage recovery
                                    StayInLaneState sils = new StayInLaneState(initial, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                                    StayInLaneBehavior silb = new StayInLaneBehavior(initial.LaneId, new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(TahoeParams.VL * 2.0, true), new List<int>(), initial.LanePath(), initial.Width, initial.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, false), initial.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, false));
                                    BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE,
                                        new EncounteredBlockageState(new LaneBlockage(new TrajectoryBlockedReport(CompletionResult.Stopped, 4.0, BlockageType.Static, -1, true, silb.GetType())), sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.INITIAL, SAUDILevel.None),
                                    return new Maneuver(silb, brs, TurnDecorators.HazardDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                                // check which lane we are in
                                    // return to forward lane
                                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new StayInLaneState(initial, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        // continue the lane change with the proper speed command
                        ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(initial.LaneId, target.LaneId, cls.Parameters.ToLeft, distanceToGo,
                            sc, targetParams.VehiclesToIgnore, initial.LanePath(), target.ReversePath, initial.Width, target.Width, initial.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true),
                            initial.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));

                        // standard maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(clb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    #region Other

                    else if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.Navigation)
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");
                    else if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.SlowForwardVehicle)
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");




            #region Initial Oncoming

                OpposingReasoning initialReasoning = new OpposingReasoning(new OpposingLateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), new OpposingLateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), initial);

                #region Target Forwards

                if (!cls.Parameters.TargetOncoming)
                    ForwardReasoning targetReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver), target);

                    if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle)
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");

                    #region Navigation

                    else if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.Navigation)
                        // parameters to follow
                        List<TravelingParameters> tps = new List<TravelingParameters>();

                        // distance to the upper bound of the change
                        double distanceToGo = target.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, cls.Parameters.DepartUpperBound);
                        cls.Parameters.DistanceToDepartUpperBound = distanceToGo;

                        // get params for the initial lane
                        initialReasoning.ForwardManeuver(initial, target, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages);

                        // current params of the fqm
                        TravelingParameters initialParams = initialReasoning.OpposingForwardMonitor.CurrentParamters.Value;

                        if (initialParams.Type == TravellingType.Vehicle)
                                distanceToGo = initial.DistanceBetween(initialReasoning.OpposingForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition, vehicleState.Front) - TahoeParams.VL;

                        // get params for forward lane
                        targetReasoning.ForwardManeuver(target, vehicleState, roadPlan, blockages, ignorable);
                        TravelingParameters targetParams = targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ParameterizationHelper(target, target,
                            CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.Equals(roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.WaypointId) ?
                            target.WaypointList[target.WaypointList.Count-1].Position : roadPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest.Position,
                            vehicleState.Front, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState, targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle);

                        // ignoring vehicles add
                        List<int> ignoreVehicles = initialParams.VehiclesToIgnore;

                        // decorators
                        List<BehaviorDecorator> decorators = !cls.Parameters.ToLeft ? TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator : TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator;

                        // get final

                        // get the proper speed command
                        SpeedCommand sc = tps[0].SpeedCommand;

                        if (sc is StopAtDistSpeedCommand)
                            sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0);

                        // check final for stopped failed opposing
                        VehicleAgent forwardVa = targetReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle;
                        if (forwardVa != null)
                            // dist between
                            double distToFV = targetReasoning.Lane.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, forwardVa.ClosestPosition);

                            // check stopped
                            bool stopped = Math.Abs(CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value) < 0.5;

                            // check distance
                            bool distOk = distToFV < 2.5 * TahoeParams.VL;

                            // check failed
                            bool failed = forwardVa.QueuingState.Queuing == QueuingState.Failed;

                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Forward Vehicle: Stopped: " + stopped.ToString() + ", DistOk: " + distOk.ToString() + ", Failed: " + failed.ToString());

                            // check all for failed
                            if (stopped && distOk && failed)
                                // check which lane we are in
                                if (initial.LanePolygon.IsInside(vehicleState.Front))
                                    // return to opposing lane
                                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new OpposingLanesState(initial, true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                                    // lane state
                                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new StayInLaneState(target, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        // continue the lane change with the proper speed command
                        ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(initial.LaneId, target.LaneId, cls.Parameters.ToLeft, distanceToGo,
                            sc, ignoreVehicles, initial.ReversePath, target.LanePath(), initial.Width, target.Width, initial.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, false),
                            initial.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, false));

                        // standard maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(clb, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, decorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    else if (cls.Parameters.Reason == LaneChangeReason.SlowForwardVehicle)
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");
                        // fallout exception
                        throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");


                    // fallout exception
                    throw new Exception("currently unsupported lane change type");

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Maneuver for recovering from a lane blockage, used for lane changes as well
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="defcon"></param>
        /// <param name="saudi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver LaneRecoveryManeuver(ArbiterLane lane, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed, 
            INavigationalPlan plan, BlockageRecoveryState brs, bool failedVehiclesPersistentlyOnly, out bool waitForUTurn)
            // get the blockage
            ITacticalBlockage laneBlockageReport = brs.EncounteredState.TacticalBlockage;

            // get the turn state
            StayInLaneState sils = new StayInLaneState(lane, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

            // set wait false
            waitForUTurn = false;

            #region Reverse

            // check the state of the recovery for being the initial state
            if (brs.Defcon == BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.INITIAL)
                // determine if the reverse behavior is recommended
                if (laneBlockageReport.BlockageReport.ReverseRecommended)
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Initial encounter, reverse recommended, reversing");

                    // get reverse behavior
                    StayInLaneBehavior reverseRecovery = this.LaneReverseRecovery(lane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, brs.EncounteredState.TacticalBlockage.BlockageReport);
                    reverseRecovery.TimeStamp = vehicleState.Timestamp;

                    // get recovery state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brsT = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                        reverseRecovery, null, new StayInLaneState(lane, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState),
                        brs.Defcon = BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                    brsT.CompletionState = brsT;

                    // reset blockages

                    // maneuver
                    return new Maneuver(reverseRecovery, brsT, TurnDecorators.HazardDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region uTurn

            // check if uturn is available
            ArbiterLane opp = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.GetClosestOpposing(lane, vehicleState);

            // resoning
            OpposingLateralReasoning olrTmp = new OpposingLateralReasoning(opp, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

            if (opp != null && olrTmp.ExistsExactlyHere(vehicleState) && opp.IsInside(vehicleState.Front) && opp.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front) < TahoeParams.VL * 3.0)
                // check possible to reach goal given block partition way
                RoadPlan uTurnNavTest = CoreCommon.Navigation.PlanRoadOppositeWithoutPartition(

                // flag to try the uturn
                bool uturnTry = false;

                // all polygons to include
                List<Polygon> allPolys = BlockageTactical.AllForwardPolygons(vehicleState, failedVehiclesPersistentlyOnly);// .AllObstacleAndStoppedVehiclePolygons(vehicleState);

                // test blockage takes up segment
                double numLanesLeft = lane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true);
                double numLanesRight = lane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true);
                LinePath leftBound = lane.LanePath().ShiftLateral((lane.Width * numLanesLeft) + (lane.Width / 2.0));
                LinePath rightBound = lane.LanePath().ShiftLateral((lane.Width * numLanesRight) + (lane.Width / 2.0));
                bool segmentBlockage = BlockageTester.TestBlockage(allPolys, leftBound, rightBound);
                uturnTry = segmentBlockage;

                // check if we should try the uturn
                    // check uturn timer
                    if(uTurnTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0 > 2.0)
                        #region Determine Checkpoint

                        // check route feasible
                        if (uTurnNavTest.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.RouteTime < double.MaxValue - 1
                            && uTurnNavTest.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.TimeCostToPoint < double.MaxValue - 1)
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("valid route to checkpoint by rerouting, uturning");
                        // otherwise remove the next checkpoint
                            // notiify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("NO valid route to checkpoint by rerouting");

                            // get the next cp
                            ArbiterCheckpoint cp1 = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek();

                            // get distance to blockage
                            double blockageDistance = 15.0;

                            // check cp is in our lane
                            if (cp1.WaypointId.AreaSubtypeId.Equals(lane.LaneId))
                                // check distance to cp1
                                double distanceToCp1 = lane.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[cp1.WaypointId].Position);

                                // check that this is an already inserted waypoint
                                if (cp1.Type == CheckpointType.Inserted)
                                    // remove cp
                                    ArbiterCheckpoint ac = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Dequeue();
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + ac.WaypointId.ToString() + " as inserted type of checkpoint");

                                    ArbiterCheckpoint ac2 = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Dequeue();
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + ac2.WaypointId.ToString() + " as blocked type of checkpoint");
                                // closer to us than the blockage
                                else if (distanceToCp1 < blockageDistance)
                                    // remove cp
                                    ArbiterCheckpoint ac = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Dequeue();
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + ac.WaypointId.ToString() + " as between us and the blockage ~ 15m away");
                                // very close to blockage on the other side
                                else if (distanceToCp1 < blockageDistance + 5.0)
                                    // remove cp
                                    ArbiterCheckpoint ac = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Dequeue();
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + ac.WaypointId.ToString() + " as on the other side of blockage ~ 15m away");
                                // further away from the blockage
                                    // check over all checkpoints if there exists a checkpoint cp2 in the opposing lane within 5m along our lane
                                    ArbiterCheckpoint cp2 = null;
                                    foreach (ArbiterWaypoint oppAw in opp.WaypointList)
                                        // check checkpoint
                                        if (oppAw.IsCheckpoint)
                                            // distance between us and that waypoint
                                            double distanceToCp2 = lane.DistanceBetween(vehicleState.Front, oppAw.Position);

                                            // check along distance < 5.0m
                                            if (Math.Abs(distanceToCp1 - distanceToCp2) < 5.0)
                                                // set cp
                                                cp2 = new ArbiterCheckpoint(oppAw.CheckpointId, oppAw.WaypointId, CheckpointType.Inserted);

                                    // check close cp exists
                                    if (cp2 != null)
                                        // remove cp1 and replace with cp2
                                        ArbiterOutput.Output("inserting checkpoint: " + cp2.WaypointId.ToString() + " before checkpoint: " + cp1.WaypointId.ToString() + " as can be replaced with adjacent opposing cp2");

                                        // get current checkpoints
                                        ArbiterCheckpoint[] updatedAcs = new ArbiterCheckpoint[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Count + 1];
                                        updatedAcs[0] = cp2;
                                        CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.CopyTo(updatedAcs, 1);
                                        updatedAcs[1].Type = CheckpointType.Blocked;
                                        CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints = new Queue<ArbiterCheckpoint>(new List<ArbiterCheckpoint>(updatedAcs));
                                    // otherwise remove cp1
                                        // remove cp
                                        ArbiterCheckpoint ac = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Dequeue();
                                        ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + ac.WaypointId.ToString() + " as cp not further down our lane");
                            // otherwise we remove the checkpoint
                                // remove cp
                                ArbiterCheckpoint ac = CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Dequeue();
                                ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + ac.WaypointId.ToString() + " as cp not further down our lane");


                        #region Plan Uturn

                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Segment blocked, uturn available");

                        // nav penalties
                        ArbiterLanePartition alpClose = lane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front);
                        CoreCommon.Navigation.AddHarshBlockageAcrossSegment(alpClose, vehicleState.Front);

                        // uturn
                        LinePath lpTmp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { vehicleState.Front, opp.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location });
                        Coordinates vector = lpTmp[1] - lpTmp[0];
                        lpTmp[1] = lpTmp[1] + vector.Normalize(opp.Width / 2.0);
                        lpTmp[0] = lpTmp[0] - vector.Normalize(lane.Width / 2.0);
                        LinePath lb = lpTmp.ShiftLateral(15.0);
                        LinePath rb = lpTmp.ShiftLateral(-15.0);
                        List<Coordinates> uturnPolyCOords = new List<Coordinates>();
                        uTurnState uts = new uTurnState(opp, Polygon.GrahamScan(uturnPolyCOords));

                        // reset blockages

                        // reset the timers

                        // go to uturn
                        return new Maneuver(uts.Resume(vehicleState, 2.0), uts, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                    // uturn timer not enough
                        // check timer running

                        // if gets here, need to wait
                        double time = uTurnTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("uTurn behavior evaluated to success, cooling down for: " + time.ToString("f2") + " out of 2");
                        waitForUTurn = true;
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    waitForUTurn = false;
                waitForUTurn = false;


            #region Recovery Escalation

            // plan forward reasoning
            this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(lane, vehicleState, (RoadPlan)plan, new List<ITacticalBlockage>(), new List<ArbiterWaypoint>());

            // check clear on right, or if it does nto exist here
            ILateralReasoning rightLateral = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.rightLateralReasoning;
            bool rightClear = !rightLateral.Exists || !rightLateral.ExistsExactlyHere(vehicleState) ||

            // check clear on left, or if it does nto exist here
            ILateralReasoning leftLateral = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.leftLateralReasoning;
            bool leftClear = !leftLateral.Exists || !leftLateral.ExistsExactlyHere(vehicleState) ||
            if(leftClear && leftLateral is OpposingLateralReasoning)
                leftClear = leftLateral.ForwardClear(vehicleState, TahoeParams.VL * 3.0, 2.24,
                    new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle, null),
                    lane.LanePath().AdvancePoint(lane.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), TahoeParams.VL * 3.0).Location);

            // check both clear to widen
            bool widenOk = rightClear && leftClear;

            // Notify
            ArbiterOutput.Output("Blockage tactical recovery escalation: rightClear: " + rightClear.ToString() + ", leftCler: " + leftClear.ToString());

            // if we can't widen for some reason just go through with no widen
            StayInLaneBehavior silb = this.LaneRecoveryBehavior(lane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, plan, brs, brs.EncounteredState);
            silb.TimeStamp = vehicleState.Timestamp;

            // check widen
            if (widenOk)
                // output
                ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Adjacent areas clear");

                // mini icrease width
                silb.LaneWidth = silb.LaneWidth + TahoeParams.T;

                // check execute none saudi
                CompletionReport l0Cr;
                bool l0TestOk = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(silb, out l0Cr);

                // check mini ok
                if (l0TestOk)
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test Tahoe.T lane widen ok");

                    // update the current state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brsL0 = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                        silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                    return new Maneuver(silb, brsL0, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test Tahoe.T lane widen failed, moving to large widen");

                    #region Change Lanes

                    // check not in change lanes
                    if (brs.Defcon != BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.CHANGELANES_FORWARD && brs.Defcon != BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS)
                        // check normal change lanes reasoning
                        bool shouldWait;
                        IState laneChangeCompletionState;
                        ChangeLaneBehavior changeLanesBehavior = this.ChangeLanesRecoveryBehavior(lane, vehicleState, out shouldWait, out laneChangeCompletionState);

                        // check change lanes behaviore exists
                        if (changeLanesBehavior != null)
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Found adjacent lane available change lanes beahvior: " + changeLanesBehavior.ToShortString() + ", " + changeLanesBehavior.ShortBehaviorInformation());

                            // update the current state
                            BlockageRecoveryState brsCL = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                                changeLanesBehavior, laneChangeCompletionState, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.CHANGELANES_FORWARD, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                            return new Maneuver(changeLanesBehavior, brsCL, changeLanesBehavior.ChangeLeft ? TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator : TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // check should wait
                        else if (shouldWait)
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Should wait for the forward lane, waiting");
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Fell Through Forward Change Lanes");

                    // increase width
                    silb.LaneWidth = silb.LaneWidth * 3.0;

                    // check execute l1
                    CompletionReport l1Cr;
                    bool l1TestOk = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(silb, out l1Cr);

                    // check ok
                    if (l1TestOk)
                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test 3LW lane large widen ok");

                        // update the current state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brsL1 = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                            silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                        return new Maneuver(silb, brsL1, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // go to l2 for all the marbles
                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test 3LW lane large widen failed, moving to 3LW, L1 Saudi");

                        ShutUpAndDoItDecorator saudi2 = new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(SAUDILevel.L1);
                        List<BehaviorDecorator> saudi2bds = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(new BehaviorDecorator[] { saudi2 });
                        silb.Decorators = saudi2bds;
                        BlockageRecoveryState brsL2 = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                            silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                        return new Maneuver(silb, brsL2, saudi2bds, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            // fallout goes back to lane state
            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Maneuver for recovering from a lane blockage, used for lane changes as well
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="defcon"></param>
        /// <param name="saudi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver OpposingLaneRecoveryManeuver(ArbiterLane lane, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed,
            INavigationalPlan plan, BlockageRecoveryState brs, bool failedVehiclesPersistentlyOnly)
            // get the blockage
            ITacticalBlockage laneBlockageReport = brs.EncounteredState.TacticalBlockage;

            // get the turn state
            OpposingLanesState sils = (OpposingLanesState)brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState;

            #region Reverse

            // check the state of the recovery for being the initial state
            if (brs.Defcon == BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.INITIAL)
                // determine if the reverse behavior is recommended
                if (laneBlockageReport.BlockageReport.ReverseRecommended)
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Initial encounter, reverse recommended, reversing");

                    // path
                    LinePath revPath = lane.LanePath().Clone();

                    // dist to reverse
                    double distToReverse;
                    if (double.IsNaN(laneBlockageReport.BlockageReport.DistanceToBlockage))
                        distToReverse = TahoeParams.VL * 1.5;
                    else if (laneBlockageReport.BlockageReport.DistanceToBlockage < 0 || laneBlockageReport.BlockageReport.DistanceToBlockage > 2 * TahoeParams.VL)
                        distToReverse = TahoeParams.VL * 1.5;
                        distToReverse = TahoeParams.VL - laneBlockageReport.BlockageReport.DistanceToBlockage;

                    // get reverse behavior
                    StayInLaneBehavior reverseRecovery = new StayInLaneBehavior(lane.LaneId,
                        new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(TahoeParams.VL * 2.0, true), new List<int>(),
                        revPath, lane.Width, lane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, false), lane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, false));

                    // get recovery state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brsT = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                        reverseRecovery, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, new OpposingLanesState(lane, false, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, vehicleState),
                        brs.Defcon = BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                    brsT.CompletionState = brsT;

                    // reset blockages

                    // maneuver
                    return new Maneuver(reverseRecovery, brsT, TurnDecorators.HazardDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Recovery Escalation

            // plan forward reasoning
                vehicleState, (RoadPlan)plan, new List<ITacticalBlockage>());

            // check clear on right, or if it does nto exist here
            ILateralReasoning rightLateral = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.rightLateralReasoning;
            bool rightClear = !rightLateral.Exists || !rightLateral.ExistsExactlyHere(vehicleState) ||

            // check clear on left, or if it does nto exist here
            ILateralReasoning leftLateral = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.leftLateralReasoning;
            bool leftClear = !leftLateral.Exists || !leftLateral.ExistsExactlyHere(vehicleState) ||
            if (leftClear && leftLateral is OpposingLateralReasoning)
                leftClear = leftLateral.ForwardClear(vehicleState, TahoeParams.VL * 3.0, 2.24,
                    new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.FailedForwardVehicle, null),
                    lane.LanePath().AdvancePoint(lane.LanePath().GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front), TahoeParams.VL * 3.0).Location);

            // check both clear to widen
            bool widenOk = rightClear && leftClear;

            // Notify
            ArbiterOutput.Output("Blockage tactical recovery escalation: rightClear: " + rightClear.ToString() + ", leftClear: " + leftClear.ToString());

            // path
            LinePath revPath2 = lane.LanePath().Clone();

            // check widen
            if (widenOk)
                // output
                ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Adjacent areas clear");

                if (brs.Defcon != BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.CHANGELANES_FORWARD)
                    // check change lanes back to good
                    ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(
                        lane.LaneId, sils.ClosestGoodLane.LaneId, false, TahoeParams.VL * 3.0, new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(TahoeParams.VL * 3.0), new List<int>(),
                        revPath2, sils.ClosestGoodLane.LanePath(), lane.Width, sils.ClosestGoodLane.Width,
                        lane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, false), lane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, false));

                    // change lanes
                    brs.Defcon = BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.CHANGELANES_FORWARD;

                    // cehck ok
                    CompletionReport clROk;
                    bool clCheck = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(clb, out clROk);

                    // check change lanes ok
                    if (clCheck)
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Change lanes behaviro ok, executing");
                        // return manevuer
                        return new Maneuver(clb, brs, TurnDecorators.RightTurnDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Change lanes behaviro not ok");

                // if we can't widen for some reason just go through with no widen
                StayInLaneBehavior silb = new StayInLaneBehavior(lane.LaneId,
                new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(TahoeParams.VL * 2.0), new List<int>(),
                lane.Width, lane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, false), lane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, false));

                // mini icrease width
                silb.LaneWidth = silb.LaneWidth + TahoeParams.T;

                // check execute none saudi
                CompletionReport l0Cr;
                bool l0TestOk = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(silb, out l0Cr);

                // check mini ok
                if (l0TestOk)
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test Tahoe.T lane widen ok");

                    // update the current state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brsL0 = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                        silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                    return new Maneuver(silb, brsL0, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test Tahoe.T lane widen failed, moving to large widen");

                    // increase width
                    silb.LaneWidth = silb.LaneWidth * 3.0;

                    // check execute l1
                    CompletionReport l1Cr;
                    bool l1TestOk = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(silb, out l1Cr);

                    // check ok
                    if (l1TestOk)
                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test 3LW lane large widen ok");

                        // update the current state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brsL1 = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                            silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);
                        return new Maneuver(silb, brsL1, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // go to l2 for all the marbles
                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Blockage Recovery: Test 3LW lane large widen failed, moving to 3LW, L1 Saudi");

                        ShutUpAndDoItDecorator saudi2 = new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(SAUDILevel.L1);
                        List<BehaviorDecorator> saudi2bds = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(new BehaviorDecorator[] { saudi2 });
                        silb.Decorators = saudi2bds;
                        BlockageRecoveryState brsL2 = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                            silb, sils, sils, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);

                        // check execute l1
                        CompletionReport l2Cr;
                        bool l2TestOk = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(silb, out l1Cr);

                        // go
                        return new Maneuver(silb, brsL2, saudi2bds, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            // fallout goes back to lane state
            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Maneuver for recovering from a turn blockage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="defcon"></param>
        /// <param name="saudi"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Maneuver TurnRecoveryManeuver(ArbiterInterconnect ai, VehicleState vehicleState,
            double vehicleSpeed, BlockageRecoveryState brs)
            // get the blockage
            ITacticalBlockage turnBlockageReport = brs.EncounteredState.TacticalBlockage;

            // get the turn state
            TurnState turnState = (TurnState)brs.EncounteredState.PlanningState;

            // check the state of the recovery for being the initial state
            if (brs.Defcon == BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.INITIAL)
                // determine if the reverse behavior is recommended
                if (turnBlockageReport.BlockageReport.ReverseRecommended)
                    // get the path of the interconnect
                    LinePath interconnectPath = ai.InterconnectPath;

                    // check how much room there is to the start of the interconnect
                    double distanceToStart = interconnectPath.DistanceBetween(interconnectPath.StartPoint, interconnectPath.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Rear));

                    // check distance to start from the rear bumper is large enough
                    if (distanceToStart > 0)
                        // notify
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Initial encounter of turn blockage with reverse recommended, reversing");

                        // get hte reverse path
                        LinePath reversePath = vehicleState.VehicleLinePath;

                        // generate the reverse recovery behavior
                        StopAtDistSpeedCommand sadsc = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(TahoeParams.VL, true);
                        StayInLaneBehavior silb = new StayInLaneBehavior(null, sadsc, new List<int>(), reversePath, TahoeParams.T * 2.0, 0, 0);

                        // update the state
                        BlockageRecoveryState brsUpdated = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                            silb, brs.CompletionState, brs.AbortState, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE,
                            brs.EncounteredState, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);

                        // chill out

                        // send the maneuver
                        Maneuver recoveryManeuver = new Maneuver(
                            silb, brsUpdated, TurnDecorators.HazardDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        return recoveryManeuver;

            // get the default turn behavior
            TurnBehavior defaultTurnBehavior = (TurnBehavior)turnState.Resume(vehicleState, vehicleSpeed);

            // check that we are not already ignoring small obstacles
            if (turnState.Saudi == SAUDILevel.None)
                // check the turn ignoring small obstacles
                ShutUpAndDoItDecorator saudiDecorator = new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(SAUDILevel.L1);
                turnState.Saudi = SAUDILevel.L1;

                // notify
                ArbiterOutput.Output("Attempting test of turn behavior ignoring small obstacles");

                // test execute the turn
                CompletionReport saudiCompletionReport;
                bool completedSaudiTurn = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(defaultTurnBehavior, out saudiCompletionReport);

                // if the turn worked with ignorimg small obstacles, execute that
                if (completedSaudiTurn)
                    // notify
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Test of turn behavior ignoring small obstacles successful");

                    // chill out

                    // return the recovery maneuver
                    return new Maneuver(defaultTurnBehavior, turnState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

            // notify
            ArbiterOutput.Output("Turn behavior reached last level of using no turn boundaries");

            // when ignoring small obstacles does not work, send the turn without boundaries and ignore small obstacles
            turnState.UseTurnBounds = false;
            turnState.LeftBound = null;
            turnState.RightBound = null;
            defaultTurnBehavior.RightBound = null;
            defaultTurnBehavior.LeftBound = null;

            // ignoring small obstacles
            ShutUpAndDoItDecorator saudiNoBoundsDecorator = new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(SAUDILevel.L1);
            turnState.Saudi = SAUDILevel.L1;

            // chill out

            // go to the turn state
            return new Maneuver(defaultTurnBehavior, turnState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reverse because of a blockage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="defcon"></param>
        /// <param name="saudi"></param>
        /// <param name="laneOpposing"></param>
        /// <param name="currentBlockage"></param>
        /// <param name="ebs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Maneuver LaneReverseManeuver(ArbiterLane lane, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed,
            BlockageRecoveryDEFCON defcon, SAUDILevel saudi, bool laneOpposing, ITacticalBlockage currentBlockage, EncounteredBlockageState ebs)
            // distance to reverse
            double distToReverse = TahoeParams.VL * 2.0;

            // just reverse and let brian catch it
            StayInLaneBehavior reverseBehavior = new StayInLaneBehavior(
                lane.LaneId, new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(distToReverse, true),
                new List<int>(), lane.LanePath(), lane.Width,
                lane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), lane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));

            // get the saudi level
            List<BehaviorDecorator> decs = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(TurnDecorators.HazardDecorator.ToArray());
            decs.Add(new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(saudi));
            reverseBehavior.Decorators = decs;

            // state
            IState laneState = new StayInLaneState(lane, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
            BlockageRecoveryState brs = new BlockageRecoveryState(
                reverseBehavior, laneState, laneState, defcon, ebs, BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING);

            // check enough room in lane to reverse
            RearQuadrantMonitor rearMonitor = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.RearMonitor;
            if (rearMonitor == null || !rearMonitor.lane.Equals(lane))
                this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.RearMonitor = new RearQuadrantMonitor(lane, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

            #region Start too close to start of lane

            // check distance to the start of the lane
            double laneStartDistanceFromFront = lane.DistanceBetween(lane.WaypointList[0].Position, vehicleState.Front);
            if (laneStartDistanceFromFront < TahoeParams.VL)
                // make sure we're not at the very start of the lane
                if (laneStartDistanceFromFront < 0.5)
                    // output
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Too close to the start of the lane, raising defcon");

                    // go up chain
                    return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(),
                        new EncounteredBlockageState(currentBlockage, laneState, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, saudi),
                // otherwise back up to the start of the lane
                    // output
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Too close to the start of the lane, setting reverse distance to TP.VL");

                    // set proper distance
                    distToReverse = TahoeParams.VL;

                    // set behavior speed (no car behind us as too close to start of lane)
                    LinePath bp = vehicleState.VehicleLinePath;
                    reverseBehavior.SpeedCommand = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(distToReverse, true);
                    StayInLaneBehavior silb = new StayInLaneBehavior(null, reverseBehavior.SpeedCommand, new List<int>(), bp, lane.Width * 1.5, 0, 0);
                    return new Maneuver(silb, brs, decs, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Sparse

            // check distance to the start of the lane
            if (lane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front).Type == PartitionType.Sparse)
                // set behavior speed (no car behind us as too close to start of lane)
                LinePath bp = vehicleState.VehicleLinePath;
                reverseBehavior.SpeedCommand = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(distToReverse, true);
                StayInLaneBehavior silb = new StayInLaneBehavior(null, reverseBehavior.SpeedCommand, new List<int>(), bp, lane.Width * 1.5, 0, 0);
                return new Maneuver(silb, brs, decs, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Vehicle Behind us

            // update and check for vehicle
            if (rearMonitor.CurrentVehicle != null)
                // check for not failed forward vehicle
                if (rearMonitor.CurrentVehicle.QueuingState.Queuing != QueuingState.Failed)
                    // check if enough room to rear vehicle
                    double vehicleDistance = lane.DistanceBetween(rearMonitor.CurrentVehicle.ClosestPosition, vehicleState.Rear);
                    if (vehicleDistance < distToReverse - 2.0)
                        // revised distance given vehicle
                        double revisedDistance = vehicleDistance - 2.0;

                        // check enough room
                        if (revisedDistance > TahoeParams.VL)
                            // set the updated speed command
                            reverseBehavior.SpeedCommand = new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(revisedDistance, true);
                        // not enough room
                            // output not enough room because of vehicle
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Blockage recovery, not enough room in rear because of rear vehicle, waiting for it to clear");
                            return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                // check failed rear vehicle, up defcon
                    // failed vehicle in rear, go up chain
                    return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(),
                        new EncounteredBlockageState(currentBlockage, laneState, BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.WIDENBOUNDS, saudi),


            // all clear, return reverse maneuver, set cooldown
            return new Maneuver(reverseBehavior, brs, decs, vehicleState.Timestamp);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// What to do when we complete a reverse maneuver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="defcon"></param>
        /// <param name="saudi"></param>
        /// <param name="laneOpposing"></param>
        /// <param name="currentBlockage"></param>
        /// <param name="ebs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Maneuver LaneReverseCompleteManeuver(ArbiterLane lane, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed, 
            BlockageRecoveryState brs, EncounteredBlockageState ebs, INavigationalPlan plan)
            // get the lane recovery behavior
            StayInLaneBehavior testForwards = this.LaneRecoveryBehavior(lane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, plan, brs, ebs);

            #region Test and Return

            // notify
            ArbiterOutput.Output("Attempting to test execute recovery complete behavior: " + testForwards.ToString());

            // test the test behavior
            CompletionReport testForwardsReport;
            bool canCompleteTestForwards = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testForwards, out testForwardsReport);

            // notify
            ArbiterOutput.Output("Received completion result ok: " + canCompleteTestForwards.ToString() + " with completion result: " + testForwardsReport.Result.ToString());

            // check completion ok of stop at distance
            if (canCompleteTestForwards)
                // switch to the completion state
                brs.RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING;
                return new Maneuver(testForwards, brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
            // not ok, report this blockage
                // return the blocked reversal maneuver
                return this.LaneReverseBlockedManeuver(lane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, brs, ebs, plan);

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Maneuver if the reverse maneuver is blocked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="defcon"></param>
        /// <param name="saudi"></param>
        /// <param name="laneOpposing"></param>
        /// <param name="currentBlockage"></param>
        /// <param name="ebs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Maneuver LaneReverseBlockedManeuver(ArbiterLane lane, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed,
            BlockageRecoveryState brs, EncounteredBlockageState ebs, INavigationalPlan plan)
            // get closest partition
            ArbiterLanePartition alp = lane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front);

            // check type
            if (alp.Type == PartitionType.Sparse)
                #region Get Recovery Behavior

                // get the recovery behavior
                StayInLaneBehavior testForwards = this.LaneRecoveryBehavior(lane, vehicleState, vehicleSpeed, plan, brs, ebs);

                // up the saudi level
                SAUDILevel sl = brs.EncounteredState.Saudi < SAUDILevel.L2 ? brs.EncounteredState.Saudi++ : SAUDILevel.L2;
                testForwards.Decorators = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(new BehaviorDecorator[] { new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(sl) });

                // return the behavior
                brs.EncounteredState.Saudi = sl;
                brs.RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.EXECUTING;
                return new Maneuver(testForwards, brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs.AbortState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the default recovery behavior
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lane"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleSpeed"></param>
        /// <param name="brs"></param>
        /// <param name="ebs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private StayInLaneBehavior LaneRecoveryBehavior(ArbiterLane lane, VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed, INavigationalPlan plan,
            BlockageRecoveryState brs, EncounteredBlockageState ebs)
            #region Get the Recovery Behavior

            // set the default distance to go forwards
            double distanceForwards = TahoeParams.VL * 3.0;

            // check distance to next lane point
            this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.Primary(lane, vehicleState, (RoadPlan)plan, new List<ITacticalBlockage>() , new List<ArbiterWaypoint>(), false);

            // get navigation distance to go
            double navDistanceToGo = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.NavigationParameters.DistanceToGo;
            distanceForwards = navDistanceToGo < distanceForwards ? navDistanceToGo : distanceForwards;

            // check if there is a forward vehicle we should follow normally
            if (this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.ShouldUseForwardTracker)
                // fv distance
                double fvDistance = this.tacticalUmbrella.roadTactical.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.ForwardControl.xSeparation;

                // check distance forwards to vehicle
                if (fvDistance < distanceForwards)
                    // distance modification
                    distanceForwards = fvDistance > 2.0 ? fvDistance - 2.0 : fvDistance;

            // test behavior
            StayInLaneBehavior testForwards = new StayInLaneBehavior(
                lane.LaneId, new StopAtDistSpeedCommand(distanceForwards), new List<int>(), lane.LanePath(), lane.Width,
                lane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), lane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));

            // set the specifiec saudi level
            testForwards.Decorators = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(new BehaviorDecorator[] { new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(brs.EncounteredState.Saudi) });

            // return the test
            return testForwards;
