protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // metoden ligger i DatabaseConnections DatabaseConnection db = new DatabaseConnection(); List<Person> personer = db.GetNoTestPersons(); FillGrid(personer); //FillGrid(GetNoTestPersons()); alt 2 }
/// <summary> /// Button event for user to click if use exceeds the time limit of the test. /// Calls method failuser and redirects to start1.aspx. /// </summary> protected void Button_Go_To_Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DatabaseConnection dc = new DatabaseConnection(); var labelUserName1 = this.ContentPlaceHolder1.FindControl("lblUserName1") as Label; var labelTestType = this.ContentPlaceHolder1.FindControl("lblTestType") as Label; string userName = labelUserName1.Text; string typeOfTest = labelTestType.Text; dc.FailUser(userName, typeOfTest); Response.Redirect("~/start1.aspx"); }
private void GetTeamMembers(string userName) { DatabaseConnection dr = new DatabaseConnection(); string query = "SELECT firstname, lastname, testtype, date, score, passed, username " + "FROM person p LEFT JOIN testoccasion t ON = t.id_user " + "WHERE id_testadmin = (SELECT id FROM person WHERE username = @userName) "; List<Person> teamMembers = dr.GetTeamMembers(query, userName); List<Person> personsWithUndoneTests = new List<Person>(); personsWithUndoneTests = GetPersonsWithTestToDo(teamMembers); PopulateChart(personsWithUndoneTests, teamMembers); }
//session[typeofTest] protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(CheckTestTime() == true) { //Response.Write("Mer än 30 minuter"); //Test purpose DatabaseConnection dc = new DatabaseConnection(); string typeOfTest = Session["typeOfTest"].ToString(); string userName = lblUserName1.Text; dc.FailUser(userName, typeOfTest); btnSend.Enabled = false; Response.Redirect("~/FailPage.aspx"); //Sends user to a page to inform user that he/she failed. } else { //Response.Write("MIndre än 30 minuter"); //Test purpose. if (Session["IsFirstTime"] != null) //after buttonclick page reload will trigger onClick-event { CorrectTest(); } else { string fileName = GetUserXmlFileName(); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath(fileName)); List<Repeater> reps = new List<Repeater>(); foreach (Repeater rep in repeaters.Controls.OfType<Repeater>()) { reps.Add(rep); } foreach (Repeater rep in reps) { foreach (RepeaterItem item in rep.Items) { Label lbl = (Label)item.FindControl("question"); CheckBox chBox1 = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("cBox1"); CheckBox chBox2 = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("cBox2"); CheckBox chBox3 = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("cBox3"); CheckBox[] cBoxes = { chBox1, chBox2, chBox3 }; AddXmlAttribute(lbl.Text, cBoxes, xDoc); } } SendUserXmlToDb(); CorrectTest(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Method updates labels on start1.aspx with relevant values. /// Uses method GetLoggedInUserInfo to retrieve said information, /// </summary> private void UpdateWebsiteGUI() { DatabaseConnection dc = new DatabaseConnection(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataTable dtAllInfo = new DataTable(); dt = dc.GetPersonInfo(userId); string userName = dt.Rows[0]["username"].ToString(); lblUserName.Text = userName; dtAllInfo = dc.GetPersonAndTestInfo(userName); if (dtAllInfo.Rows.Count <= 0) { lblresult.Text = "Inget test hittat"; lbldate.Text = "Inget datum"; lbltestToDo.Text = "1"; lblTestType.Text = "LST"; DateTime today = DateTime.Now; lblNextTestDate.Text = today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); btnGoToOldTest.Enabled = false; } else { string passTest = dtAllInfo.Rows[0]["passed"].ToString(); DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(dtAllInfo.Rows[0]["date"].ToString()); lblresult.Text = SetPassOrFail(passTest); lbltestToDo.Text = CheckDateOfLastTest(date, passTest); lbldate.Text = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); lblTestType.Text = SetTypeOfTest(); lblTestTypeDone.Text = dtAllInfo.Rows[0]["testtype"].ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Method evaluates what type of test user should do, either ÅKU or LST. /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns new string value.</returns> private string SetTypeOfTest() { DatabaseConnection dc = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = lblUserName.Text; DataTable dt = dc.GetPersonAndTestInfo(userName); string typeOfTest = string.Empty; string passTest = string.Empty; if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { typeOfTest = "LST"; return typeOfTest; } else { typeOfTest = dt.Rows[0]["testtype"].ToString(); passTest = dt.Rows[0]["passed"].ToString(); if (typeOfTest == "LST" && passTest == "False") { typeOfTest = "LST"; return typeOfTest; } else { typeOfTest = "ÅKU"; return typeOfTest; } } }
/// <summary> /// Method assumes that that a user has been redirected from a login page /// calls method GetLoggedinuserinfo to retrieve what privielge user have /// to see if admin or not. Hides navbar button to get to adminpanel. /// Should maybe put this in a class togheter with GeLoggedInUserInfo /// to be able to use it on every page? Good enough for the demo, /// but will have to be reworked, preferably with a proper nuget or built in /// system to restrict access to webpages. /// </summary> private void CheckPrivilegeHideNavButton() { DatabaseConnection dc = new DatabaseConnection(); DataTable dt = dc.GetPersonInfo(userId); string userType = dt.Rows[0]["privilege"].ToString(); if (userType != "Admin") { //Goes through HTML to find buttons to hide. HtmlAnchor menuButton = (HtmlAnchor)Page.Master.FindControl("adminButton"); HtmlAnchor menuButton1 = (HtmlAnchor)Page.Master.FindControl("a1"); //Hides buttons. menuButton.Visible = false; menuButton1.Visible = false; } }
// Request.QueryString["userName"] & Request.QueryString["typeofTest"] private void UpdateDbWithResult(Dictionary<string, int> allScores, List<int> totalQuestions, Dictionary<string, double> allPercents) { DatabaseConnection db = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = Request.QueryString["userName"]; string id = db.GetUserId(userName); string typeOfTest = Request.QueryString["typeofTest"]; //string typeOfTest = "LST"; //will be typeOfTest later string totalScore = String.Format("{0}/{1}", allScores["Totalt"], totalQuestions[0]); db.UpdateAfterTestIsComplete(id, DateTime.Today, totalScore, IsTestPassed(allPercents), typeOfTest); }
//Request.QueryString["userName"] private void SendUserXmlToDb() { DatabaseConnection db = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = Request.QueryString["userName"]; string id = db.GetUserId(userName); List<string> userXmls = db.RetrieveXmlDocument(id, DateTime.Today); if (userXmls.Count < 1) { string fileName = GetUserXmlFileName(); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath(fileName)); db.SaveUserXml(id, xDoc, DateTime.Today); } else { //person has already done a test today } }
//Request.QueryString["userName"] private XDocument GetUserXmlFromDb() { DatabaseConnection db = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = Request.QueryString["userName"]; string id = db.GetUserId(userName); List<string> userXmls = db.RetrieveXmlDocument(id, DateTime.Today); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(userXmls[0]); XDeclaration xDec = xDoc.Declaration; //for some reason postgres changes encoding to utf-16, changing it back! xDec.Encoding = "utf-8"; string fileName = GetUserXmlFileName(); xDoc.Save(Server.MapPath(fileName)); return xDoc; }
//session[typeoftest] /// <summary> /// Tick event for timer. At the moment its on 3 minutes. /// Calls methods in databaseconnection to failuser. /// </summary> protected void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { DatabaseConnection dc = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = lblUserName1.Text; string typeOfTest = Session["typeOfTest"].ToString(); dc.FailUser(userName, typeOfTest); Response.Redirect("~/start1.aspx"); }
private List<Person> GetTeamMembers(string userName) { DatabaseConnection dr = new DatabaseConnection(); string query = "SELECT firstname, lastname, testtype, date, score, passed, username " + "FROM person p LEFT JOIN testoccasion t ON = t.id_user " + "WHERE id_testadmin = (SELECT id FROM person WHERE username = @userName) "+ "ORDER BY lastname, firstname, username, date DESC "; List<Person> teamMembers = dr.GetTeamMembers(query, userName); return teamMembers; }
//Session["userName"] /// <summary> /// Updated to only get latest test from one specific user. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private XDocument GetUserXmlFromDb() { DatabaseConnection db = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = Session["userName"].ToString(); string id = db.GetUserId(userName); List<string> userXmls = db.GetUserLatestTest(id); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(userXmls[0]); XDeclaration xDec = xDoc.Declaration; //for some reason postgres changes encoding to utf-16, changing it back! xDec.Encoding = "utf-8"; string fileName = GetUserXmlFileName(); xDoc.Save(Server.MapPath(fileName)); return xDoc; }
//Request.Querystring["username"] private List<Person> GetAlltests() { DatabaseConnection dr = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = Request.QueryString["userName"]; //string userName = "******"; //will be replaced by above code later return dr.RetrieveAllXmlDocuments(pickTestType.Text, userName); }
//Session["username"] private List<Person> GetAllTestsRegardlessType() { DatabaseConnection dr = new DatabaseConnection(); string userName = Session["userName"].ToString(); return dr.RetrieveAllXmlDocuments(userName); }