コード例 #1
        public void AutoWireEvents(ILogic logic)
            var logicType          = logic.GetType();
            var methodsForAutoWire = TypeCacheUtils.NeedsAutoWire(logicType);

            foreach (var methodEx in methodsForAutoWire)
                var method = methodEx.method;
                var attr   = methodEx.HandlerAttribute;
                ILogicWithViewModel <IViewModel> logicWithViewModel = logic as ILogicWithViewModel <IViewModel>;
                string componentName;
                string eventId;
                //We have an attribute with no arguments like [Handler] void MethodName(...) { ... }
                if (attr.IsDefault)
                    if (methodEx.MethodAndEventParts != null)
                        var methodNameParts = methodEx.MethodAndEventParts;
                        Debug.Assert(methodNameParts.Count() == 2);
                        componentName = methodNameParts[0];
                        eventId       = methodNameParts[1];
                        componentName = null;
                        eventId       = method.Name;
                    componentName = attr.GetControl();
                    eventId       = attr.GetEvent();
                TraceUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("AutoWire Event for {0} {1}", componentName, eventId));
                //Is this event on a Form?
                if (logicWithViewModel != null)
                    if (logicWithViewModel.ViewModel == null)
                        Debug.Assert(false, "A Form does not have its corresponding ViewModel");
                        if (componentName != null)
                            var componentProp = logicWithViewModel.ViewModel.GetType().Property(componentName);
                            if (componentProp != null)
                                var component    = componentProp.GetValue(logicWithViewModel.ViewModel, null) as IStateObject;
                                var controlArray = component is IList;
                                if (component != null && !controlArray)
                                    RegisterMethodForEvent(logicWithViewModel, method, componentName, eventId, component);
                                else if (component == null && componentProp.PropertyType.IsArray)
                                    var array = logicWithViewModel.ViewModel.GetPropertyValue(componentName) as IList;
                                    if (array != null)
                                        foreach (IStateObject element in array)
                                            RegisterMethodForEvent(logicWithViewModel, method, componentName, eventId, element);
                else if (logic is IStateObject)
                    IStateObject stateObject = (IStateObject)logic;
                    //If this is not a form then it must something like an IModel or an IDependentViewModel
                    if (componentName != null)
                        var componentProp = logicType.Property(componentName);
                        if (componentProp != null)
                            var component = componentProp.GetValue(logic, null) as IStateObject;
                            if (component != null)
                                RegisterMethodForEvent(logic, method, componentName, eventId, component);
                                TraceUtil.TraceError("EventAggregator::AutoWriteEvents failed for method [" + method.Name + "] property not found for [" + componentName + "]");
                        RegisterMethodForEvent(logic, method, NONCOMPONENT_EVENT, eventId, stateObject);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Events can only be register on object instances implementing ILogicView<T> or (ILogic and IDependentViewModel) or IModel");