コード例 #1
        internal static EventPromiseInfo BuildContinuationInfo(StateManager stateManager, EventPromiseInfo promise, Delegate code, IStateObject parent = null, string promiseUniqueId = null, string actionID = "")
            var  instance        = code.Target;
            Type codePromiseType = instance != null?instance.GetType() : null;

            string internalFieldsState = null;

            //This variable holds the reference
            //to the IStateObject that is closest to the promise.
            //For example if we are referring to a method on a Form. The closest state object is a
            //ViewModel. If the object is a DisplayClass, then we try to determine
            //which was the closest IModel or IUserControl where this DisplayClass was used
            IStateObject objectContainingMethod = null;

            if (codePromiseType != null)
                //For special classes it's required to register a surrogate to save the application state.
                if (TypeCacheUtils.IsSpecialClass(codePromiseType))
                    PromiseUtils.RegisterSurrogateForDisplayClass(codePromiseType, code.Target);
                    objectContainingMethod = stateManager.surrogateManager.GetSurrogateFor(code.Target, generateIfNotFound: true);
                    var stateObject = instance as IStateObject;
                    if (stateObject != null)
                        objectContainingMethod = stateObject;
                        var logicView = instance as ILogicView <IViewModel>;
                        if (logicView != null)
                            objectContainingMethod = logicView.ViewModel;

            string methodArgs = null;
            var    parameters = code.Method.GetParameters();

            if (parameters.Length > 0)
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                methodArgs = builder.ToString();

            promise.DeclaringType = code.Method.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedNameCache();
            promise.TargetType = code.Target != null?code.Target.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedNameCache() : null;

            promise.MethodName = code.Method.Name;
            promise.ActionID   = actionID;
            promise.ParentId   = parent != null ? parent.UniqueID :
                                 promise.ModalUniqueId = null;
            promise.MethodArgs = methodArgs;
            promise.UniqueID   = promiseUniqueId ??
                                 (parent == null
                                   ? stateManager.UniqueIDGenerator.GetPromiseUniqueID()
                                   : stateManager.UniqueIDGenerator.GetRelativeUniqueID(parent));
            promise.ContinuationFields = internalFieldsState;
            promise.DelegateType       =


            if (objectContainingMethod != null)
                if (!StateManager.AllBranchesAttached(objectContainingMethod))
                    stateManager.AdoptionInformation.RegisterPossibleOrphan(promise, objectContainingMethod);

                var referenceToObjectContainingMethod = new StateObjectPointerReference();
                var relativeUid = UniqueIDGenerator.GetPointerRelativeUniqueID(promise, "PO");
                LazyBehaviours.AddDependent(promise, UniqueIDGenerator.REFERENCEPrefix + "PO");
                StateObjectPointer.AssignUniqueIdToPointer(promise, relativeUid, referenceToObjectContainingMethod);
                referenceToObjectContainingMethod.Target = objectContainingMethod;
                stateManager.ReferencesManager.AddReference(referenceToObjectContainingMethod, objectContainingMethod);
                var surrogate = objectContainingMethod as StateObjectSurrogate;
                if (surrogate != null)
                    stateManager.surrogateManager.AddSurrogateReference(surrogate, referenceToObjectContainingMethod);

            if (parent != null && objectContainingMethod != null && parent.Equals(objectContainingMethod))
                promise.isLocalInstance = true;
            if (promiseUniqueId != null && objectContainingMethod != null)
                var parentUniqueID = StateManager.GetLastPartOfUniqueID(promise);
                promise.isLocalInstance = string.Equals(parentUniqueID, objectContainingMethod.UniqueID);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a Reference for an specified value and property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propEx">The property associated to the value being set.</param>
        /// <param name="parentInstance">The parent instance of the property</param>
        /// <param name="newValueObject">The new value for the property.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static StateObjectPointerReference GetReference(PropertyInfoEx propEx, IStateObject parentInstance, object newValueObject)
            StateObjectPointerReference reference = null;
            string name        = GetPropertyName(propEx);
            var    relativeUid = UniqueIDGenerator.GetPointerRelativeUniqueID(parentInstance, name);

            AddDependent(parentInstance, UniqueIDGenerator.REFERENCEPrefix + name);
            //Let's try to cast the element to IStateObject
            var newValue = newValueObject as IStateObject;

            //It's an IList, IDisctionary or an IStateObject or the Value is an IStateObject
            if (propEx.isStateObject || propEx.isAnIList || propEx.isAnIDictionary || newValue != null)
                reference = new StateObjectPointerReference();
            //It's a value type or type.
            else if (propEx.isNonStateObjectFixedType)
                reference = new StateObjectPointerReferenceSuperValue();
            //It's declared as an Object.
            else if (propEx.isObjectPropertyType)
                var newValueType = newValueObject.GetType();
                //If the Value is an IStateObject
                if (newValueType.IsValueType || newValueType == typeof(string) || newValueType == typeof(Type))
                    if (TypeCacheUtils.IsAnUserStructType(propEx.prop.PropertyType))
                        reference = new StateObjectPointerReferenceSuperStruct();
                        reference = new StateObjectPointerReferenceSuperValue();
                //It's a registered surrogated.
                else if (SurrogatesDirectory.IsSurrogateRegistered(newValueType))
                    reference = new StateObjectPointerReferenceSuperSurrogate();
                    reference = new StateObjectPointerReferenceSerializable();
            else             //Not supported type
                var stackTrace = new StackTrace(3, true);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "LazyBehaviour::ProcessSetter Property with reference attribute receive a value of unsupported type.\r\n" +
                          "Additional Info: \r\n" +
                          "Value Type: " + propEx.prop.PropertyType.FullName + "\r\n" +
                          "Property Type: " + GetPropertyName(propEx) + "\r\n" +
                          "Error Location: " + stackTrace);
            //If it has the StateManagement attribute set as ServerOnly, then let's respect that.
            if (propEx.stateManagementAttribute == StateManagementValues.ServerOnly)
            //Let's set the UniqueID to the new reference.
            StateObjectPointer.AssignUniqueIdToPointer(parentInstance, relativeUid, reference);
            //Let's return the pointer of the desired type.
コード例 #3
        internal static void ProcessSetterWeakReference(PropertyInfoEx propEx, object parentObject, object newValueObject, bool isNew = false)
            //TODO might do direct cast without as. That will be slightly faster
            var    parentInstance = parentObject as IStateObject;
            var    stateManager   = StateManager.Current;
            string propName       = GetPropertyName(propEx);

            //Implementation of StateObject Reference
            //In this case the setter is never really used.
            //it is always intercepted
            var relativeUid = UniqueIDGenerator.GetPointerRelativeUniqueID(parentInstance, propName);
            var pointer     = (StateObjectPointerReference)stateManager.GetObject(relativeUid, isNew: isNew);

            if (newValueObject == null)
                if (pointer != null)
                    //We need to remove the pointer;
                    stateManager.RemoveObject(relativeUid, true);
                //if newValue == null and pointer == null there is nothing to do
            else             //New value is not null then
                //did we have a value?
                if (pointer == null)
                    AddDependent(parentInstance, UniqueIDGenerator.REFERENCEPrefix + GetPropertyName(propEx));
                    //If not create one
                    if (propEx.isStateObject || propEx.isAnIList || propEx.isAnIDictionary)
                        pointer = new StateObjectPointerReference();
                        if (propEx.stateManagementAttribute == StateManagementValues.ServerOnly)
                    else if (propEx.isNonStateObjectFixedType)
                        pointer = new StateObjectPointerReferenceSuperValue();
                        var stackTrace = new StackTrace(3, true);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  "LazyBehaviour::ProcessSetter Property with reference attribute receive a value of unsupported type.\r\n" +
                                  "Additional Info: \r\n" +
                                  "Value Type: " + newValueObject.GetType().FullName + "\r\n" +
                                  "Property Type: " + propName + "\r\n" +
                                  "Error Location: " + stackTrace);
                    //Surrogates are handled above

                    StateObjectPointer.AssignUniqueIdToPointer(parentInstance, relativeUid, pointer);
                var pointerReferenceSuperValue = pointer as StateObjectPointerReferenceSuperValue;
                var tracker = stateManager.Tracker;
                if (pointerReferenceSuperValue != null)
                    pointerReferenceSuperValue.SuperTarget = newValueObject;
                    tracker.MarkAsModified(pointerReferenceSuperValue, "Target");
                    var newValue = newValueObject as IStateObject;
                    //Once we have a pointer make the newValue its new target
                    pointer.Target = newValue;
                    tracker.MarkAsModified(pointer, "Target");

                    // Here we will try to manage posible orphans assigned to Pointers
                    if (!StateManager.AllBranchesAttached(newValue))
                        stateManager.AdoptionInformation.RegisterPossibleOrphan(parentInstance, newValue, godparent: pointer);
コード例 #4
        internal static void ProcessSetterSurrogate(PropertyInfoEx propEx, object parentObject, object newValueObject, bool isNew = false)
            //TODO might do direct cast without as. That will be slightly faster
            var    parentInstance = parentObject as IStateObject;
            var    stateManager   = StateManager.Current;
            var    uuidgen        = stateManager.UniqueIDGenerator;
            string propName       = GetPropertyName(propEx);

            var relativeUid = UniqueIDGenerator.GetPointerRelativeUniqueID(parentInstance, propName);
            var pointer     = (StateObjectPointer)stateManager.GetObject(relativeUid, isNew: isNew);

            if (newValueObject == null)
                //Here we need to remove the surrogate reference if available
                if (propEx.hasReferenceAttribute)
                    //However we do no have yet implemented support for Surrogates along with references
                    throw new NotSupportedException();
                //If there was a value there was a pointer
                //Surrogates are always accessed thu a pointer
                if (pointer != null)
                    //Retrieve surrogate
                    var surrogate = (StateObjectSurrogate)pointer.Target;
                    //Decrease surrogate references //If references drops to 0. Then remove surrogate
                    stateManager.surrogateManager.RemoveSurrogateReference(surrogate, pointer);
                    //Eliminate pointer
                    stateManager.RemoveObject(pointer.UniqueID, true);
                bool somethingToDo = true;
                //Was there a previous value? If there was one then there was a pointer.
                //If not we need one now.
                if (pointer == null)
                    pointer = new StateObjectPointer();
                    AddDependent(parentInstance, UniqueIDGenerator.REFERENCEPrefix + GetPropertyName(propEx));
                    StateObjectPointer.AssignUniqueIdToPointer(parentInstance, relativeUid, pointer);
                    //I need to validate that the surrogate is the same and if not decrease reference
                    //First lets see if this is same object
                    var oldsurrogate = (StateObjectSurrogate)pointer.Target;
                    if (oldsurrogate != null)
                        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(oldsurrogate.Value, newValueObject))
                            //Nothing to do
                            somethingToDo = false;
                            //Retrieve surrogate
                            StateObjectSurrogate surrogate = stateManager.surrogateManager.GetSurrogateFor(newValueObject, generateIfNotFound: true);
                            if (surrogate == null)
                                throw new Exception("Object must be instantiated/registered with resolve");
                            //Add reference if needed
                            stateManager.surrogateManager.AddSurrogateReference(surrogate, pointer, false);
                            stateManager.RebindSurrogateReference(oldsurrogate, surrogate, pointer);
                            somethingToDo = false;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Pointer is broken. It should point to an existing surrogate");

                if (somethingToDo)
                    //Retrieve surrogate
                    StateObjectSurrogate surrogate = stateManager.surrogateManager.GetSurrogateFor(newValueObject, generateIfNotFound: true);
                    if (surrogate == null)
                        throw new Exception("Object must be instantiated/registered with resolve");
                    //Add reference if needed
                    stateManager.surrogateManager.AddSurrogateReference(surrogate, pointer, false);