public static bool checkCore(Point u, Point v, int[] gi, List <Point> vertices, out bool uRedundant, out bool vRedundant) { List <Point> corePoints = new List <Point>(); string index; corePoints.AddRange(vertices); for (int i = 0; i < Globals.d; i++) { index = (Globals.d - 1).ToString() + Globals.k.ToString() + gi[i].ToString(); if (Globals.coreSet.ContainsKey(index)) { foreach (Point p in Globals.coreSet[index]) { Point q = p.clone(); q.increaseDimensionality(i / 2, (i % 2 == 0)); corePoints.Add(q); } } } //todo -- this should check that the vertices remain vertices after chull. return(CDD.convexHullVertex(corePoints, u, v, out uRedundant, out vRedundant)); }
//returns true if points are vertices of the convex core private static bool checkConvexCore(Point u, Point v, int[] gap, out bool uRedundant, out bool vRedundant) { List <Point> corePoints = new List <Point>(); string index0, indexk; Point q; corePoints.Add(u); corePoints.Add(v); for (int i = 0; i < Globals.d; i++) { index0 = (Globals.d - 1).ToString() + Globals.k.ToString() + gap[i].ToString(); indexk = (Globals.d - 1).ToString() + Globals.k.ToString() + (((2 * - gap[i]) > ? ( : (2 * - gap[i])).ToString(); //List<Point> corePoints0 = FileIO.readPointsFromFile( + "/" + index0 + "/coreSet"); //List<Point> corePointsk = FileIO.readPointsFromFile( + "/" + indexk + "/coreSet"); List <Point> corePoints0 = (Globals.coreSet.ContainsKey(index0)) ? Globals.coreSet[index0] : new List <Point>(); List <Point> corePointsk = (Globals.coreSet.ContainsKey(indexk)) ? Globals.coreSet[indexk] : new List <Point>(); foreach (Point p in corePoints0) { q = p.clone(); q.increaseDimensionality(i, true); corePoints.Add(q); } foreach (Point p in corePointsk) { q = p.clone(); q.increaseDimensionality(i, false); corePoints.Add(q); } } return(CDD.convexHullVertex(corePoints, u, v, out uRedundant, out vRedundant)); }
private static List <Graph> shellHelper(Graph currFacets, List <Point> vertexSet, List <Point> nonVertexSet, List <Point> coreSet, bool[] facetsUsed, Point u, Point v, int[] facetDiameter) { List <Graph> result = new List <Graph>(); int sp; bool uRedundant, vRedundant; //track if either u or v is redundant. For message output. bool[] _facetsUsed = new bool[facetsUsed.Length]; List <Point> _nonVertexSet = new List <Point>(), _corePointSet = new List <Point>(), _vertexSet = new List <Point>(); //creating copies of reference data for (int i = 0; i < facetsUsed.Length; i++) { _facetsUsed[i] = facetsUsed[i]; } foreach (Point p in nonVertexSet) { _nonVertexSet.Add(p.clone()); } foreach (Point p in coreSet) { _corePointSet.Add(p.clone()); } foreach (Point p in vertexSet) { _vertexSet.Add(p.clone()); } //calculates gi values int[] gi = updateGi(currFacets, u, v); //calculates next facet to add int nextFacet = calculateNextFacet(u, v, currFacets, facetsUsed, gi); List <Point> facetPoints = currFacets.getAllContainedPoints(nextFacet); List <Point> dMinus1FacetPoints = new List <Point>(); foreach (Point p in facetPoints) { if (Convert.ToInt32(p.Coordinates[nextFacet / 2].ToString()) == ((nextFacet % 2 == 0) ? 0 : Globals.k)) { dMinus1FacetPoints.Add(p.decreaseDimensionality(nextFacet / 2)); } } //generate all valid d-1 polytopes that can be considered as a facet. List <Graph> possibleFacets = Generate.dMinus1Polytopes(dMinus1FacetPoints, gi[nextFacet]); _facetsUsed[nextFacet] = true; if (possibleFacets != null && possibleFacets.Count > 0) { if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("Number of possible facets: " + possibleFacets.Count); } //try every possible facet as a shell foreach (Graph f in possibleFacets) { //todo -- test if .clone() is actually required Graph temp = currFacets.clone(); Graph h = f.clone(); //set values for current selected facet to shell facetDiameter[nextFacet] = f.Points.Count / 2; //increase dimensionality of facet h.addDimensionality(nextFacet / 2, (nextFacet % 2 == 0) ? true : false); //add facet to gamma temp.AddFacet(h); //check 1 - looks for sp from u to v sp = ShortestPath.BFS(temp, u, v); if (sp >= 0 && sp < Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k] + Globals.k - { if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("SP < " + Globals.maxLength); } continue; } //check 2 - gamma check int gamma = calculateGamma(u, v, temp, gi, facetDiameter); if (gamma > 0) { if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("Gamma > 0."); } continue; } //check 3 - convex core check -- u and v must be vertices of the convex hull generated by the current subgraph. if (!checkCore(u, v, gi, temp.getAllContainedPoints(), out uRedundant, out vRedundant)) { if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("Convex Core Check. {0}", ((uRedundant && vRedundant) ? "u and v are not vertices." : (uRedundant ? "u is not a vertex." : "v is not a vertex."))); } continue; } //if shelling is incomplete if (checkUnshelledFacet(_facetsUsed)) { result.AddRange(shellHelper(temp, _vertexSet, _nonVertexSet, _corePointSet, _facetsUsed, u, v, facetDiameter)); } else { if (!CDD.compareAlToPoints(temp.Points)) //convex hull call { continue; } totalShelling++; if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("***** FULL SHELLING FOUND *****"); Console.WriteLine(temp); } result.Add(temp); } } facetDiameter[nextFacet] = Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k]; if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("All facets checked."); } return(result); } else { if (Globals.messageOn) { Console.WriteLine("No possible facets."); } return(new List <Graph>()); } }
//todo -- generalize this function to any d, currently using iVal and jVal. //This function currently generates just delta(d-1,k) - gap polytopes, should also generate delta(d-1,k) polytopes public static List <Graph> dMinus1PolytopesHelper(List <Point> vertices, List <Point> nonVertices, List <Point> corePoints, int iVal, int jVal, int gap) { List <Graph> result = new List <Graph>(); List <Point> currVertices = new List <Point>(); List <Point> currNonVertices = new List <Point>(); Graph facet; if (vertices.Count > (Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k] * 2 + 1)) { return(result); } if (vertices.Count == (Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k] * 2 + 1) || vertices.Count == (Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k] * 2)) { Graph tempGraph; if (CDD.convexHullAdjList(vertices, new List <Point>(), out tempGraph)) { totalCount++; result.Add(tempGraph.clone()); } } foreach (Point p in vertices) { currVertices.Add(p.clone()); } foreach (Point p in nonVertices) { currNonVertices.Add(p.clone()); } for (int i = iVal; i <= Globals.k; i++) { int vCount = vertexCount(vertices, i); bool _found; //find max number of potential vertices (e.g. terminate if not enough vertices can exist) if (vCount + (2 * (Globals.k - (iVal - 1))) < 2 * (Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k] - gap)) { return(result); } for (int j = (i == iVal ? jVal + 1 : 0); j <= Globals.k; j++) { _found = false; foreach (Point p in nonVertices) { if (i == (int)Char.GetNumericValue(p.Coordinates[0]) && j == (int)Char.GetNumericValue(p.Coordinates[1])) { _found = true; break; } } if (!_found) { foreach (Point p in vertices) { if (i == (int)Char.GetNumericValue(p.Coordinates[0]) && j == (int)Char.GetNumericValue(p.Coordinates[1])) { _found = true; break; } } } if (_found) { continue; } Point tempVertex = new Point(new int[2] { i, j }); currVertices.Add(tempVertex); if (!check2PointsInRow(currVertices, i)) { currVertices.Remove(tempVertex); jVal = 0; break; } else if (!check2PointsInCol(currVertices, j)) { currVertices.Remove(tempVertex); continue; } else if (!checkDiagonals(currVertices)) { currVertices.Remove(tempVertex); continue; } else { if (CDD.convexHullAdjList(currVertices, corePoints, out facet)) { if (currVertices.Count >= (Globals.maxDiameter[Globals.k] - gap) * 2) { totalCount++; result.Add(facet.clone()); result.AddRange(dMinus1PolytopesHelper(currVertices, currNonVertices, corePoints, i, j, gap)); } else { result.AddRange(dMinus1PolytopesHelper(currVertices, currNonVertices, corePoints, i, j, gap)); } } } currVertices.Remove(tempVertex); currNonVertices.Add(tempVertex.clone()); } } return(result); }