static void Main(string[] args) { bool isSandbox = false; EnvironmentConfiguration.ChangeEnvironment(isSandbox); // Instantiate a new preApproval request PreApprovalRequest preApproval = new PreApprovalRequest(); // Sets the currency preApproval.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Sets a reference code for this preApproval request, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. preApproval.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets your customer information. preApproval.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); // Sets the preApproval informations var now = DateTime.Now; preApproval.PreApproval = new PreApproval(); preApproval.PreApproval.Charge = Charge.Manual; preApproval.PreApproval.Name = "Seguro contra roubo do Notebook"; preApproval.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment = 100.00m; preApproval.PreApproval.MaxAmountPerPeriod = 100.00m; preApproval.PreApproval.MaxPaymentsPerPeriod = 5; preApproval.PreApproval.Details = string.Format("Todo dia {0} será cobrado o valor de {1} referente ao seguro contra roubo do Notebook.", now.Day, preApproval.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment.ToString("C2")); preApproval.PreApproval.Period = Period.Monthly; preApproval.PreApproval.DayOfMonth = now.Day; preApproval.PreApproval.InitialDate = now; preApproval.PreApproval.FinalDate = now.AddMonths(6); preApproval.PreApproval.MaxTotalAmount = 600.00m; // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process preApproval.RedirectUri = new Uri(""); // Sets the url used for user review the signature or read the rules preApproval.ReviewUri = new Uri(""); SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); preApproval.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); try { AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox); Uri preApprovalRedirectUri = preApproval.Register(credentials); Console.WriteLine("URL do pagamento : " + preApprovalRedirectUri); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + "\n"); foreach (ServiceError element in exception.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(element + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { PagSeguroConfiguration.UrlXmlConfiguration = ".../.../.../.../.../Configuration/PagSeguroConfig.xml"; bool isSandbox = false; EnvironmentConfiguration.ChangeEnvironment(isSandbox); // Instantiate a new checkout CreditCardCheckout checkout = new CreditCardCheckout(); // Sets the payment mode checkout.PaymentMode = PaymentMode.DEFAULT; // Sets the receiver e-mail should will get paid checkout.ReceiverEmail = "*****@*****.**"; // Sets the currency checkout.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Add items checkout.Items.Add(new Item("0001", "Notebook Prata", 2, 2000.00m)); checkout.Items.Add(new Item("0002", "Notebook Rosa", 2, 150.99m)); // Sets a reference code for this checkout, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. checkout.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets shipping information for this payment request checkout.Shipping = new Shipping(); checkout.Shipping.ShippingType = ShippingType.Sedex; checkout.Shipping.Cost = 0.00m; checkout.Shipping.Address = new Address( "BRA", "SP", "Sao Paulo", "Jardim Paulistano", "01452002", "Av. Brig. Faria Lima", "1384", "5o andar" ); // Sets your customer information. // If you using SANDBOX you must use an email checkout.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); checkout.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); // Sets credit card token. checkout.Token = "1f31f3de024e4e5f8539d84cbc8b2a49"; //Sets installments information checkout.Installment = new Installment(1, 50.00m); // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process checkout.NotificationURL = ""; try { AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox); Transaction result = TransactionService.CreateCheckout(credentials, checkout); Console.WriteLine(result); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + "\n"); foreach (ServiceError element in exception.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(element + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // TODO: Substitute the parameters below with your credentials //AccountCredentials credentials = new AccountCredentials("*****@*****.**", "your_token_here"); AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials; try { // Instantiate a new payment request PaymentRequest payment = new PaymentRequest(); // Sets the currency payment.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Add an item for this payment request payment.Items.Add(new Item("0001", "Notebook Prata", 1, 2430.00m)); // Add another item for this payment request payment.Items.Add(new Item("0002", "Notebook Rosa", 2, 150.99m)); // Sets a reference code for this payment request, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. payment.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets shipping information for this payment request payment.Shipping = new Shipping(); payment.Shipping.ShippingType = ShippingType.Sedex; //Passando valor para ShippingCost payment.Shipping.Cost = 10.00m; payment.Shipping.Address = new Address( "BRA", "SP", "Sao Paulo", "Jardim Paulistano", "01452002", "Av. Brig. Faria Lima", "1384", "5o andar" ); // Sets your customer information. payment.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process payment.RedirectUri = new Uri(""); // Add checkout metadata information payment.AddMetaData(MetaDataItemKeys.GetItemKeyByDescription("CPF do passageiro"), "123.456.789-09", 1); payment.AddMetaData("PASSENGER_PASSPORT", "23456", 1); // Another way to set checkout parameters payment.AddParameter("senderBirthday", "07/05/1980"); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemColor", "verde", 1); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemId", "0003", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemDescription", "Mouse", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemQuantity", "1", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemAmount", "200.00", 3); SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); payment.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); // Sets the preApproval informations payment.PreApproval = new PreApproval(); var now = DateTime.Now; // Only works with Manual payment.PreApproval.Charge = Charge.Manual; payment.PreApproval.Name = "Seguro contra roubo do Notebook"; payment.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment = 100.00m; payment.PreApproval.MaxAmountPerPeriod = 100.00m; payment.PreApproval.Details = string.Format("Todo dia {0} será cobrado o valor de {1} referente ao seguro contra roubo do Notebook.", now.Day, payment.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment.ToString("C2")); payment.PreApproval.Period = Period.Monthly; payment.PreApproval.DayOfMonth = now.Day; payment.PreApproval.InitialDate = now; payment.PreApproval.FinalDate = now.AddMonths(6); payment.PreApproval.MaxTotalAmount = 600.00m; payment.PreApproval.MaxPaymentsPerPeriod = 1; payment.ReviewUri = new Uri(""); Uri paymentRedirectUri = payment.Register(credentials); Console.WriteLine("URL do pagamento : " + paymentRedirectUri); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { if (exception.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized: please verify if the credentials used in the web service call are correct.\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { PagSeguroConfiguration.UrlXmlConfiguration = ".../.../.../.../.../Configuration/PagSeguroConfig.xml"; bool isSandbox = false; EnvironmentConfiguration.ChangeEnvironment(isSandbox); // Instantiate a new checkout OnlineDebitCheckout checkout = new OnlineDebitCheckout(); // Sets the payment mode checkout.PaymentMode = PaymentMode.DEFAULT; // Sets the receiver e-mail should will get paid checkout.ReceiverEmail = "*****@*****.**"; // Sets the currency checkout.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Add items checkout.Items.Add(new Item("0001", "Notebook Prata", 1, 1300.00m)); checkout.Items.Add(new Item("0002", "Notebook Rosa", 1, 150.99m)); // Sets a reference code for this checkout, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. checkout.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets shipping information for this payment request checkout.Shipping = new Shipping(); checkout.Shipping.ShippingType = ShippingType.Sedex; checkout.Shipping.Cost = 0.00m; checkout.Shipping.Address = new Address( "BRA", "SP", "Sao Paulo", "Jardim Paulistano", "01452002", "Av. Brig. Faria Lima", "1384", "5o andar" ); // Sets your customer information. // If you using SANDBOX you must use an email checkout.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); checkout.Sender.Hash = "b2806d600653cbb2b195f317ca9a1a58738187a02c05bf7f2280e2076262e73b"; SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); checkout.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); // Sets the notification url checkout.NotificationURL = ""; // Sets the bank information checkout.BankName = BankName.Bradesco; try { AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox); Transaction result = TransactionService.CreateCheckout(credentials, checkout); Console.WriteLine(result); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + "\n"); foreach (ServiceError element in exception.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(element + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool isSandbox = true; EnvironmentConfiguration.ChangeEnvironment(isSandbox); try { AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox); // Instantiate a new payment request PaymentRequest payment = new PaymentRequest(); // Sets the currency payment.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Add an item for this payment request payment.Items.Add(new Item("0001", "Notebook Prata", 1, 2430.00m)); // Add another item for this payment request payment.Items.Add(new Item("0002", "Notebook Rosa", 2, 150.99m)); // Sets a reference code for this payment request, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. payment.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets shipping information for this payment request payment.Shipping = new Shipping(); payment.Shipping.ShippingType = ShippingType.Sedex; //Passando valor para ShippingCost payment.Shipping.Cost = 10.00m; payment.Shipping.Address = new Address( "BRA", "SP", "Sao Paulo", "Jardim Paulistano", "01452002", "Av. Brig. Faria Lima", "1384", "5o andar" ); // Sets your customer information. payment.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process payment.RedirectUri = new Uri(""); // Add checkout metadata information payment.AddMetaData(MetaDataItemKeys.GetItemKeyByDescription("CPF do passageiro"), "123.456.789-09", 1); payment.AddMetaData("PASSENGER_PASSPORT", "23456", 1); // Another way to set checkout parameters payment.AddParameter("senderBirthday", "07/05/1980"); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemColor", "verde", 1); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemId", "0003", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemDescription", "Mouse", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemQuantity", "1", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemAmount", "200.00", 3); SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); payment.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); Uri paymentRedirectUri = payment.Register(credentials); Console.WriteLine("URL do pagamento : " + paymentRedirectUri); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + "\n"); foreach (ServiceError element in exception.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(element + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // TODO: Substitute the parameters below with your credentials //AccountCredentials credentials = new AccountCredentials("*****@*****.**", "your_token_here"); AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials; try { // Instantiate a new preApproval request PreApprovalRequest preApproval = new PreApprovalRequest(); // Sets the currency preApproval.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Sets a reference code for this preApproval request, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. preApproval.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets your customer information. preApproval.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); // Sets the preApproval informations var now = DateTime.Now; preApproval.PreApproval = new PreApproval(); preApproval.PreApproval.Charge = Charge.Auto; preApproval.PreApproval.Name = "Seguro contra roubo do Notebook"; preApproval.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment = 100.00m; preApproval.PreApproval.MaxAmountPerPeriod = 100.00m; preApproval.PreApproval.Details = string.Format("Todo dia {0} será cobrado o valor de {1} referente ao seguro contra roubo do Notebook.", now.Day, preApproval.PreApproval.AmountPerPayment.ToString("C2")); preApproval.PreApproval.Period = Period.Monthly; preApproval.PreApproval.DayOfMonth = now.Day; preApproval.PreApproval.InitialDate = now; preApproval.PreApproval.FinalDate = now.AddMonths(6); preApproval.PreApproval.MaxTotalAmount = 600.00m; // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process preApproval.RedirectUri = new Uri(""); // Sets the url used for user review the signature or read the rules preApproval.ReviewUri = new Uri(""); SenderDocument senderCPF = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); preApproval.Sender.Documents.Add(senderCPF); Uri preApprovalRedirectUri = preApproval.Register(credentials); Console.WriteLine("URL do pagamento : " + preApprovalRedirectUri); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { if (exception.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized: please verify if the credentials used in the web service call are correct.\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Use global configuration //PagSeguroConfiguration.UrlXmlConfiguration = "../../../../../Configuration/PagSeguroConfig.xml"; bool isSandbox = false; EnvironmentConfiguration.ChangeEnvironment(isSandbox); // Instantiate a new payment request PaymentRequest payment = new PaymentRequest(); // Sets the currency payment.Currency = Currency.Brl; // Add an item for this payment request payment.Items.Add(new Item("0001", "Notebook Prata", 1, 2430.00m)); // Add another item for this payment request payment.Items.Add(new Item("0002", "Notebook Rosa", 2, 150.99m)); // Sets a reference code for this payment request, it is useful to identify this payment in future notifications. payment.Reference = "REF1234"; // Sets shipping information for this payment request payment.Shipping = new Shipping(); payment.Shipping.ShippingType = ShippingType.Sedex; //Passando valor para ShippingCost payment.Shipping.Cost = 10.00m; payment.Shipping.Address = new Address( "BRA", "SP", "Sao Paulo", "Jardim Paulistano", "01452002", "Av. Brig. Faria Lima", "1384", "5o andar" ); // Sets your customer information. payment.Sender = new Sender( "Joao Comprador", "*****@*****.**", new Phone("11", "56273440") ); SenderDocument document = new SenderDocument(Documents.GetDocumentByType("CPF"), "12345678909"); payment.Sender.Documents.Add(document); // Sets the url used by PagSeguro for redirect user after ends checkout process payment.RedirectUri = new Uri(""); // Add checkout metadata information payment.AddMetaData(MetaDataItemKeys.GetItemKeyByDescription("CPF do passageiro"), "123.456.789-09", 1); payment.AddMetaData("PASSENGER_PASSPORT", "23456", 1); // Another way to set checkout parameters payment.AddParameter("senderBirthday", "07/05/1980"); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemColor", "verde", 1); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemId", "0003", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemDescription", "Mouse", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemQuantity", "1", 3); payment.AddIndexedParameter("itemAmount", "200.00", 3); // Add discount per payment method payment.AddPaymentMethodConfig(PaymentMethodConfigKeys.DiscountPercent, 50.00, PaymentMethodGroup.CreditCard); // Add installment without addition per payment method payment.AddPaymentMethodConfig(PaymentMethodConfigKeys.MaxInstallmentsNoInterest, 6, PaymentMethodGroup.CreditCard); // Add installment limit per payment method payment.AddPaymentMethodConfig(PaymentMethodConfigKeys.MaxInstallmentsLimit, 8, PaymentMethodGroup.CreditCard); // Add and remove groups and payment methods List<string> accept = new List<string>(); accept.Add(ListPaymentMethodNames.DebitoItau); accept.Add(ListPaymentMethodNames.DebitoHSBC); payment.AcceptPaymentMethodConfig(ListPaymentMethodGroups.CreditCard, accept); List<string> exclude = new List<string>(); exclude.Add(ListPaymentMethodNames.Boleto); payment.ExcludePaymentMethodConfig(ListPaymentMethodGroups.Boleto, exclude); try { /// Create new account credentials /// This configuration let you set your credentials from your ".cs" file. AccountCredentials credentials = new AccountCredentials("*****@*****.**", "256422BF9E66458CA3FE41189AD1C94A"); /// @todo with you want to get credentials from xml config file uncommend the line below and comment the line above. //AccountCredentials credentials = PagSeguroConfiguration.Credentials(isSandbox); Uri paymentRedirectUri = payment.Register(credentials); Console.WriteLine("URL do pagamento : " + paymentRedirectUri); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (PagSeguroServiceException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + "\n"); foreach (ServiceError element in exception.Errors) { Console.WriteLine(element + "\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); } }