public override bool PrepTargetForDeployment(UEBuildTarget InTarget) { string SubDir = GetTargetPlatformName(); string GameName = InTarget.TargetName; string BuildPath = (GameName == "UE4Game" ? "../../Engine" : InTarget.ProjectDirectory.FullName) + "/Binaries/" + SubDir; string ProjectDirectory = InTarget.ProjectDirectory.FullName; bool bIsUE4Game = GameName.Contains("UE4Game"); string DecoratedGameName; if (InTarget.Configuration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development) { DecoratedGameName = GameName; } else { DecoratedGameName = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", GameName, InTarget.Platform.ToString(), InTarget.Configuration.ToString()); } // Run through iOS APL file IOSPlatformContext PlatformContext = new IOSPlatformContext(InTarget.ProjectFile); PlatformContext.SetUpProjectEnvironment(InTarget.Configuration); string BaseSoName = InTarget.OutputPaths[0].FullName; // get the receipt UnrealTargetPlatform Platform = InTarget.Platform; UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration = InTarget.Configuration; string ProjectBaseName = Path.GetFileName(BaseSoName).Replace("-" + Platform, "").Replace("-" + Configuration, "").Replace(".so", ""); string ReceiptFilename = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(InTarget.ProjectDirectory.FullName, ProjectBaseName, Platform, Configuration, ""); Log.TraceInformation("Receipt Filename: {0}", ReceiptFilename); SetIOSPluginData(PlatformContext.ProjectArches, CollectPluginDataPaths(TargetReceipt.Read(ReceiptFilename))); string BundlePath = Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "Binaries", "IOS", "Payload", ProjectBaseName + ".app"); // Passing in true for distribution is not ideal here but given the way that ios packaging happens and this call chain it seems unavoidable for now, maybe there is a way to correctly pass it in that I can't find? UPL.Init(PlatformContext.ProjectArches, true, BuildConfiguration.RelativeEnginePath, BundlePath); if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac && Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UBT_NO_POST_DEPLOY") != "true") { return(PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(InTarget.ProjectFile, GameName, ProjectDirectory, BuildPath + "/" + DecoratedGameName, "../../Engine", false, "", false)); } else { // @todo tvos merge: This used to copy the bundle back - where did that code go? It needs to be fixed up for TVOS directories GeneratePList(ProjectDirectory, bIsUE4Game, GameName, (InTarget.ProjectFile == null) ? "" : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InTarget.ProjectFile.FullName), "../../Engine", ""); } return(true); }
public override void GetFilesToDeployOrStage(ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC) { // if (UnrealBuildTool.BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac) { // copy the icons/launch screens from the engine { string SourcePath = CombinePaths(SC.LocalRoot, "Engine", "Binaries", "TVOS"); SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, "", false, null, "", true, false); } // copy any additional framework assets that will be needed at runtime { string SourcePath = CombinePaths((SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.LocalRoot + "\\Engine"), "Intermediate", "TVOS", "FrameworkAssets"); if (Directory.Exists(SourcePath)) { SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, "*.*", true, null, "", true, false); } } // copy the icons/launch screens from the game (may stomp the engine copies) { string SourcePath = CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Binaries", "TVOS"); SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, "", false, null, "", true, false); } // copy the plist (only if code signing, as it's protected by the code sign blob in the executable and can't be modified independently) if (GetCodeSignDesirability(Params)) { string SourcePath = CombinePaths((SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.LocalRoot + "/Engine"), "Intermediate", "TVOS"); string TargetPListFile = Path.Combine(SourcePath, (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ShortProjectName : "UE4Game") + "-Info.plist"); // if (!File.Exists(TargetPListFile)) { // ensure the plist, entitlements, and provision files are properly copied Console.WriteLine("CookPlat {0}, this {1}", GetCookPlatform(false, false), ToString()); if (!SC.IsCodeBasedProject) { UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.SetRemoteIniPath(SC.ProjectRoot); } if (SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count != 1) { throw new AutomationException("iOS is currently only able to package one target configuration at a time, but StageTargetConfigurations contained {0} configurations", SC.StageTargetConfigurations.Count); } var TargetConfiguration = SC.StageTargetConfigurations[0]; UnrealBuildTool.IOSPlatformContext BuildPlatContext = new IOSPlatformContext(Params.RawProjectPath); BuildPlatContext.SetUpProjectEnvironment(TargetConfiguration); GetDeployHandler(new FileReference(SC.ProjectRoot), BuildPlatContext).GeneratePList((SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.LocalRoot + "/Engine"), !SC.IsCodeBasedProject, (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ShortProjectName : "UE4Game"), SC.ShortProjectName, SC.LocalRoot + "/Engine", (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ProjectRoot : SC.LocalRoot + "/Engine") + "/Binaries/TVOS/Payload/" + (SC.IsCodeBasedProject ? SC.ShortProjectName : "UE4Game") + ".app"); } SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, SourcePath, Path.GetFileName(TargetPListFile), false, null, "", false, false, "Info.plist"); } } // copy the movies from the project { SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Build/TVOS/Resources/Movies"), "*", false, null, "", true, false); SC.StageFiles(StagedFileType.NonUFS, CombinePaths(SC.ProjectRoot, "Content/Movies"), "*", true, null, "", true, false); } }
public override UnrealBuildTool.UEDeployIOS GetDeployHandler(FileReference InProject, IOSPlatformContext inPlatformContext) { Console.WriteLine("Getting TVOS Deploy()"); return new UnrealBuildTool.UEDeployTVOS(InProject, inPlatformContext); }
public TVOSToolChain(FileReference InProjectFile, IOSPlatformContext InPlatformContext) : base(CPPTargetPlatform.TVOS, InProjectFile, InPlatformContext) { }
public UEDeployIOS(FileReference InProjectFile, IOSPlatformContext inIOSPlatformContext) { ProjectFile = InProjectFile; IOSPlatformContext = inIOSPlatformContext; }
public UEDeployTVOS(FileReference InProjectFile, IOSPlatformContext inIOSPlatformContext) : base(InProjectFile, inIOSPlatformContext) { }
protected IOSToolChain(CPPTargetPlatform TargetPlatform, FileReference InProjectFile, IOSPlatformContext InPlatformContext) : base(TargetPlatform, UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, InProjectFile) { PlatformContext = InPlatformContext; }
public IOSToolChain(FileReference InProjectFile, IOSPlatformContext InPlatformContext) : this(CPPTargetPlatform.IOS, InProjectFile, InPlatformContext) { }
public override bool PrepTargetForDeployment(UEBuildTarget InTarget) { string SubDir = GetTargetPlatformName(); string GameName = InTarget.TargetName; string BuildPath = (GameName == "UE4Game" ? "../../Engine" : InTarget.ProjectDirectory.FullName) + "/Binaries/" + SubDir; string ProjectDirectory = InTarget.ProjectDirectory.FullName; bool bIsUE4Game = GameName.Contains("UE4Game"); string DecoratedGameName; if (InTarget.Configuration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development) { DecoratedGameName = GameName; } else { DecoratedGameName = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", GameName, InTarget.Platform.ToString(), InTarget.Configuration.ToString()); } // Run through iOS APL file IOSPlatformContext PlatformContext = new IOSPlatformContext(InTarget.ProjectFile); PlatformContext.SetUpProjectEnvironment(InTarget.Configuration); string BaseSoName = InTarget.OutputPaths[0].FullName; // get the receipt UnrealTargetPlatform Platform = InTarget.Platform; UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration = InTarget.Configuration; string ProjectBaseName = Path.GetFileName(BaseSoName).Replace("-" + Platform, "").Replace("-" + Configuration, "").Replace(".so", ""); string ReceiptFilename = TargetReceipt.GetDefaultPath(InTarget.ProjectDirectory.FullName, ProjectBaseName, Platform, Configuration, ""); Log.TraceInformation("Receipt Filename: {0}", ReceiptFilename); SetIOSPluginData(PlatformContext.ProjectArches, CollectPluginDataPaths(TargetReceipt.Read(ReceiptFilename))); string BundlePath = Path.Combine (ProjectDirectory, "Binaries", "IOS", "Payload", ProjectBaseName + ".app"); // Passing in true for distribution is not ideal here but given the way that ios packaging happens and this call chain it seems unavoidable for now, maybe there is a way to correctly pass it in that I can't find? UPL.Init (PlatformContext.ProjectArches, true, BuildConfiguration.RelativeEnginePath, BundlePath); if (BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac && Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UBT_NO_POST_DEPLOY") != "true") { return PrepForUATPackageOrDeploy(InTarget.ProjectFile, GameName, ProjectDirectory, BuildPath + "/" + DecoratedGameName, "../../Engine", false, "", false); } else { // @todo tvos merge: This used to copy the bundle back - where did that code go? It needs to be fixed up for TVOS directories GeneratePList(ProjectDirectory, bIsUE4Game, GameName, (InTarget.ProjectFile == null) ? "" : Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(InTarget.ProjectFile.FullName), "../../Engine", ""); } return true; }