private static void LoadStudents() { var db = new UniversityContext(); var allStudents = db.Students.ToList(); foreach (var studet in allStudents) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} - {2} - {3}", studet.FirstName, studet.LastName, studet.Number, studet.Courses.Count); } }
private static void LoadCourses() { var db = new UniversityContext(); var allCourses = db.Courses.ToList(); foreach (var course in allCourses) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} - {2} - {3}", course.Name, course.Description, course.Materials, course.Students.Count); } }
private static void AddStudent(string fName, string lName, string number, Course course) { var db = new UniversityContext(); var student = new Student(); student.FirstName = fName; student.LastName = lName; student.Number = number; student.Courses.Add(course); db.Students.Add(student); db.SaveChanges(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<UniversityContext, Configuration>()); var db = new UniversityContext(); var student = new Student { Name = "Pesho", Number = 11111 }; var studentTwo = new Student { Name = "Misho", Number = 22222 }; var studentThree = new Student { Name = "Gosho", Number = 33333 }; var course = new Course { Name = "Programming 101", Description = "Introduction to Programming", Materials = "Youtube videos" }; student.Homeworks.Add(new Homework { Student = student, Content = "Some content" }); course.Homeworks.Add(new Homework { Course = course, Content = "Some content" }); db.Students.Add(student); db.Students.Add(studentTwo); db.Students.Add(studentThree); db.Courses.Add(course); db.SaveChanges(); }
public DetailsModel(University.Data.UniversityContext context) { _context = context; }
public EditModel(University.Data.UniversityContext context) { _context = context; }
public DeleteModel(University.Data.UniversityContext context) { _context = context; }
public CreateVMModel(University.Data.UniversityContext context) { _context = context; }
public IndexModel(University.Data.UniversityContext context) { _context = context; }
public static void Initialize(UniversityContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); if (context.Students.Any()) { return; } var students = new Student[] { new Student { StudentId = "1000", FirstName = "Harry", LastName = "Potter", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1001", FirstName = "Hermione", LastName = "Granger", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1002", FirstName = "Ronald", LastName = "Weasley", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1003", FirstName = "Ginny", LastName = "Weasley", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1004", FirstName = "Neville", LastName = "Longbottom", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1005", FirstName = "Luna", LastName = "Lovegood", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1006", FirstName = "Draco", LastName = "Malfoy", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" }, new Student { StudentId = "1007", FirstName = "Cedric", LastName = "Diggory", EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), AcquiredCredits = 100, CurrentSemestar = 4, EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", ProfilePicture = "" } }; foreach (Student s in students) { context.Students.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); // if(context.Teachers.Any()){ // return; // } var teachers = new Teacher[] { new Teacher { FirstName = "Severus", LastName = "Snape", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "304", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2003-07-01"), ProfilePicture = "" }, new Teacher { FirstName = "Minerva", LastName = "McGonagall", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "201", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2004-08-02"), ProfilePicture = "" }, new Teacher { FirstName = "Albus", LastName = "Dumbledore", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "804", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-06-05"), ProfilePicture = "" }, new Teacher { FirstName = "Filius", LastName = "Flitwick", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "312", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2003-04-23"), ProfilePicture = "" }, new Teacher { FirstName = "Pomona", LastName = "Sprout", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "901", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2005-09-23"), ProfilePicture = "" }, new Teacher { FirstName = "Horace", LastName = "Slughorn", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "134", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2004-02-12"), ProfilePicture = "" }, new Teacher { FirstName = "Rubeus", LastName = "Hagrid", Degree = "Doctorate", AcademicRank = "Full professor", OfficeNumber = "784", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-08-16"), ProfilePicture = "" } }; foreach (Teacher t in teachers) { context.Teachers.Add(t); } context.SaveChanges(); // if(context.Courses.Any()){ // return; //} var courses = new Course[] { new Course { CourseID = 1050, Title = "Potions", Credits = 3, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Snape").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "McGonagall").TeacherId }, new Course { CourseID = 4022, Title = "History of Magic", Credits = 3, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Snape").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "McGonagall").TeacherId }, new Course { CourseID = 4041, Title = "Defence Againts the Dark Arts", Credits = 3, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Dumbledore").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Flitwick").TeacherId }, new Course { CourseID = 1045, Title = "Care of Magical Creatures", Credits = 3, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Dumbledore").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Flitwick").TeacherId }, new Course { CourseID = 3141, Title = "Astronomy", Credits = 4, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Sprout").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Slughorn").TeacherId }, new Course { CourseID = 2021, Title = "Flying", Credits = 3, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Sprout").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Hagrid").TeacherId }, new Course { CourseID = 2042, Title = "Study of Ancient Runes", Credits = 4, Semester = 4, Programme = "New programme", EducationLevel = "High School Diploma", FirstTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Slughorn").TeacherId, SecondTeacherId = teachers.Single(s => s.LastName == "Hagrid").TeacherId } }; foreach (Course c in courses) { context.Courses.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); var enrollments = new Enrollment[] { new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Potter").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Potions").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 10, SeminalUrl = "abc", ProjectUrl = "ab1", ExamPoints = 100, SeminalPoints = 100, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 5, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Potter").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "History of Magic").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 9, SeminalUrl = "abd", ProjectUrl = "ab2", ExamPoints = 80, SeminalPoints = 90, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 0, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Granger").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "History of Magic").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 8, SeminalUrl = "abe", ProjectUrl = "ab3", ExamPoints = 50, SeminalPoints = 80, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 3, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Granger").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Defence Againts the Dark Arts").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 7, SeminalUrl = "abf", ProjectUrl = "ab4", ExamPoints = 70, SeminalPoints = 50, ProjectPoints = 50, AdditionalPoints = 2, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.FirstName == "Ronald").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Defence Againts the Dark Arts").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 6, SeminalUrl = "abg", ProjectUrl = "ab5", ExamPoints = 50, SeminalPoints = 50, ProjectPoints = 50, AdditionalPoints = 5, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.FirstName == "Ronald").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Care of Magical Creatures").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 6, SeminalUrl = "abh", ProjectUrl = "ab6", ExamPoints = 40, SeminalPoints = 50, ProjectPoints = 60, AdditionalPoints = 3, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.FirstName == "Giny").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Care of Magical Creatures").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 9, SeminalUrl = "abi", ProjectUrl = "ab7", ExamPoints = 70, SeminalPoints = 100, ProjectPoints = 60, AdditionalPoints = 6, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.FirstName == "Giny").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Astronomy").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 9, SeminalUrl = "abj", ProjectUrl = "ab8", ExamPoints = 80, SeminalPoints = 90, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 12, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Longbottom").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Astronomy").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 6, SeminalUrl = "abk", ProjectUrl = "ab9", ExamPoints = 50, SeminalPoints = 30, ProjectPoints = 40, AdditionalPoints = 8, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Longbottom").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Flying").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 8, SeminalUrl = "abl", ProjectUrl = "ab10", ExamPoints = 100, SeminalPoints = 50, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 0, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Lovegood").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Flying").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 7, SeminalUrl = "abm", ProjectUrl = "ab11", ExamPoints = 70, SeminalPoints = 70, ProjectPoints = 70, AdditionalPoints = 10, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Lovegood").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Study of Ancient Runes").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 10, SeminalUrl = "abn", ProjectUrl = "ab12", ExamPoints = 100, SeminalPoints = 100, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 3, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Malfoy").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Study of Ancient Runes").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 6, SeminalUrl = "abo", ProjectUrl = "ab13", ExamPoints = 50, SeminalPoints = 30, ProjectPoints = 40, AdditionalPoints = 8, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Malfoy").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Defence Againts the Dark Arts").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 8, SeminalUrl = "abp", ProjectUrl = "ab14", ExamPoints = 100, SeminalPoints = 50, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 0, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Diggory").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Flying").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 7, SeminalUrl = "abq", ProjectUrl = "ab15", ExamPoints = 70, SeminalPoints = 70, ProjectPoints = 70, AdditionalPoints = 10, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") }, new Enrollment { StudentID = students.Single(s => s.LastName == "Diggory").ID, CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Potions").CourseID, Semester = "4", Year = 2, Grade = 10, SeminalUrl = "abr", ProjectUrl = "ab16", ExamPoints = 100, SeminalPoints = 100, ProjectPoints = 100, AdditionalPoints = 3, FinishDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-01") } }; foreach (Enrollment e in enrollments) { context.Enrollments.Add(e); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.AppUser.Any()) { return; } context.AppUser.AddRange( new AppUser { Name = "Admin", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******" } ); context.SaveChanges(); }