public override object Clone() { TextRenderingAction clone = new TextRenderingAction(); clone.X = (mvarX.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Y = (mvarY.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Width = (mvarWidth.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Height = (mvarHeight.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Color = (mvarColor.Clone() as string); clone.Value = (mvarValue.Clone() as string); clone.HorizontalAlignment = mvarHorizontalAlignment; clone.VerticalAlignment = mvarVerticalAlignment; return clone; }
public override object Clone() { TextRenderingAction clone = new TextRenderingAction(); clone.X = (mvarX.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Y = (mvarY.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Width = (mvarWidth.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Height = (mvarHeight.Clone() as RenderingExpression); clone.Color = (mvarColor.Clone() as string); clone.Value = (mvarValue.Clone() as string); clone.HorizontalAlignment = mvarHorizontalAlignment; clone.VerticalAlignment = mvarVerticalAlignment; return(clone); }
protected override void AfterLoadInternal(Stack<ObjectModel> objectModels) { base.AfterLoadInternal(objectModels); MarkupObjectModel mom = (objectModels.Pop() as MarkupObjectModel); ThemeObjectModel themes = (objectModels.Pop() as ThemeObjectModel); MarkupTagElement tagThemes = (mom.FindElement("AwesomeControls", "Theming", "Themes") as MarkupTagElement); if (tagThemes != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elTheme in tagThemes.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagTheme = (elTheme as MarkupTagElement); if (tagTheme == null) continue; MarkupAttribute attThemeID = tagTheme.Attributes["ID"]; if (attThemeID == null) continue; Theme theme = new Theme(); UniversalEditor.Accessors.FileAccessor fa = (this.Accessor as UniversalEditor.Accessors.FileAccessor); if (fa != null) theme.BasePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fa.FileName); theme.ID = new Guid(attThemeID.Value); MarkupAttribute attInheritsThemeID = tagTheme.Attributes["InheritsThemeID"]; if (attInheritsThemeID != null) theme.InheritsThemeID = new Guid(attInheritsThemeID.Value); MarkupTagElement tagInformation = (tagTheme.Elements["Information"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagInformation != null) { MarkupTagElement tagInformationTitle = (tagInformation.Elements["Title"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagInformationTitle != null) theme.Title = tagInformationTitle.Value; } MarkupTagElement tagMetrics = (tagTheme.Elements["Metrics"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagMetrics != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elMetric in tagMetrics.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagMetric = (elMetric as MarkupTagElement); if (tagMetric == null) continue; MarkupAttribute attMetricName = tagMetric.Attributes["Name"]; if (attMetricName == null) continue; switch (tagMetric.FullName.ToLower()) { case "paddingmetric": { PaddingMetric metric = new PaddingMetric(); metric.Name = attMetricName.Value; MarkupAttribute attMetricLeft = tagMetric.Attributes["Left"]; if (attMetricLeft != null) metric.Left = Single.Parse(attMetricLeft.Value); MarkupAttribute attMetricTop = tagMetric.Attributes["Top"]; if (attMetricTop != null) metric.Top = Single.Parse(attMetricTop.Value); MarkupAttribute attMetricBottom = tagMetric.Attributes["Bottom"]; if (attMetricBottom != null) metric.Bottom = Single.Parse(attMetricBottom.Value); MarkupAttribute attMetricRight = tagMetric.Attributes["Right"]; if (attMetricRight != null) metric.Right = Single.Parse(attMetricRight.Value); theme.Metrics.Add(metric); break; } } } } MarkupTagElement tagColors = (tagTheme.Elements["Colors"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagColors != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elColor in tagColors.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagColor = (elColor as MarkupTagElement); if (tagColor == null) continue; if (tagColor.FullName != "Color") continue; MarkupAttribute attColorID = tagColor.Attributes["ID"]; MarkupAttribute attColorName = tagColor.Attributes["Name"]; if (attColorID == null && attColorName == null) continue; MarkupAttribute attColorValue = tagColor.Attributes["Value"]; if (attColorValue == null) continue; ThemeColor color = new ThemeColor(); if (attColorID != null) color.ID = new Guid(attColorID.Value); if (attColorName != null) color.Name = attColorName.Value; if (attColorValue != null) color.Value = attColorValue.Value; theme.Colors.Add(color); } } MarkupTagElement tagFonts = (tagTheme.Elements["Fonts"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagFonts != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elFont in tagFonts.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagFont = (elFont as MarkupTagElement); if (tagFont == null) continue; if (tagFont.FullName != "Font") continue; MarkupAttribute attFontName = tagFont.Attributes["Name"]; if (attFontName == null) continue; MarkupAttribute attFontValue = tagFont.Attributes["Value"]; if (attFontValue == null) continue; ThemeFont font = new ThemeFont(); font.Name = attFontName.Value; font.Value = attFontValue.Value; theme.Fonts.Add(font); } } MarkupTagElement tagStockImages = (tagTheme.Elements["StockImages"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagStockImages != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elStockImage in tagStockImages.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagStockImage = (elStockImage as MarkupTagElement); if (tagStockImage == null) continue; if (tagStockImage.FullName != "StockImage") continue; MarkupAttribute attStockImageName = tagStockImage.Attributes["Name"]; if (attStockImageName == null) continue; MarkupAttribute attStockImageFileName = tagStockImage.Attributes["FileName"]; if (attStockImageFileName == null) continue; ThemeStockImage stockImage = new ThemeStockImage(); stockImage.Name = attStockImageName.Value; stockImage.ImageFileName = attStockImageFileName.Value; theme.StockImages.Add(stockImage); } } MarkupTagElement tagProperties = (tagTheme.Elements["Properties"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagProperties != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elProperty in tagProperties.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagProperty = (elProperty as MarkupTagElement); if (tagProperty == null) continue; if (tagProperty.FullName != "Property") continue; MarkupAttribute attName = tagProperty.Attributes["Name"]; if (attName == null) continue; ThemeProperty property = new ThemeProperty(); property.Name = attName.Value; MarkupAttribute attValue = tagProperty.Attributes["Value"]; if (attValue != null) property.Value = attValue.Value; theme.Properties.Add(property); } } MarkupTagElement tagComponents = (tagTheme.Elements["Components"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagComponents != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elComponent in tagComponents.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagComponent = (elComponent as MarkupTagElement); if (tagComponent == null) continue; if (tagComponent.FullName != "Component") continue; MarkupAttribute attComponentID = tagComponent.Attributes["ID"]; if (attComponentID == null) continue; ThemeComponent component = new ThemeComponent(); component.ID = new Guid(attComponentID.Value); MarkupAttribute attInheritsComponentID = tagComponent.Attributes["InheritsComponentID"]; if (attInheritsComponentID != null) component.InheritsComponentID = new Guid(attInheritsComponentID.Value); MarkupTagElement tagComponentStates = (tagComponent.Elements["States"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagComponentStates != null) { // if States is specified, only apply to specific states foreach (MarkupElement elState in tagComponentStates.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagState = (elState as MarkupTagElement); if (tagState == null) continue; if (tagState.FullName != "State") continue; MarkupAttribute attStateID = tagState.Attributes["ID"]; if (attStateID == null) continue; ThemeComponentState state = new ThemeComponentState(); state.ID = new Guid(attStateID.Value); MarkupAttribute attStateName = tagState.Attributes["Name"]; if (attStateName != null) state.Name = attStateName.Value; component.States.Add(state); } } MarkupTagElement tagRenderings = (tagComponent.Elements["Renderings"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagRenderings != null) { foreach (MarkupElement elRendering in tagRenderings.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagRendering = (elRendering as MarkupTagElement); if (tagRendering == null) continue; if (tagRendering.FullName != "Rendering") continue; MarkupTagElement tagRenderingActions = (tagRendering.Elements["Actions"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagRenderingActions == null) continue; Rendering rendering = new Rendering(); foreach (MarkupElement elRenderingAction in tagRenderingActions.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagRenderingAction = (elRenderingAction as MarkupTagElement); if (tagRenderingAction == null) continue; switch (tagRenderingAction.FullName) { case "Rectangle": { MarkupAttribute attX = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["X"]; MarkupAttribute attY = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Y"]; MarkupAttribute attWidth = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Width"]; MarkupAttribute attHeight = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Height"]; RectangleRenderingAction item = new RectangleRenderingAction(); item.X = RenderingExpression.Parse(attX.Value); item.Y = RenderingExpression.Parse(attY.Value); item.Width = RenderingExpression.Parse(attWidth.Value); item.Height = RenderingExpression.Parse(attHeight.Value); item.Outline = OutlineFromTag(tagRenderingAction.Elements["Outline"] as MarkupTagElement); item.Fill = FillFromTag(tagRenderingAction.Elements["Fill"] as MarkupTagElement); rendering.Actions.Add(item); break; } case "Line": { LineRenderingAction item = new LineRenderingAction(); MarkupAttribute attX1 = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["X1"]; if (attX1 != null) { item.X1 = RenderingExpression.Parse(attX1.Value); } MarkupAttribute attX2 = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["X2"]; if (attX2 != null) { item.X2 = RenderingExpression.Parse(attX2.Value); } MarkupAttribute attY1 = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Y1"]; if (attY1 != null) { item.Y1 = RenderingExpression.Parse(attY1.Value); } MarkupAttribute attY2 = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Y2"]; if (attY2 != null) { item.Y2 = RenderingExpression.Parse(attY2.Value); } item.Outline = OutlineFromTag(tagRenderingAction.Elements["Outline"] as MarkupTagElement); rendering.Actions.Add(item); break; } case "Text": { MarkupAttribute attX = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["X"]; MarkupAttribute attY = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Y"]; MarkupAttribute attWidth = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Width"]; MarkupAttribute attHeight = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Height"]; if (attX == null || attY == null) continue; MarkupAttribute attHorizontalAlignment = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["HorizontalAlignment"]; MarkupAttribute attVerticalAlignment = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["VerticalAlignment"]; TextRenderingAction item = new TextRenderingAction(); item.X = RenderingExpression.Parse(attX.Value); item.Y = RenderingExpression.Parse(attY.Value); if (attWidth != null) item.Width = RenderingExpression.Parse(attWidth.Value); if (attWidth != null) item.Height = RenderingExpression.Parse(attHeight.Value); if (attHorizontalAlignment != null) { switch (attHorizontalAlignment.Value.ToLower()) { case "center": { item.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; break; } case "justify": { item.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify; break; } case "left": { item.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; break; } case "right": { item.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; break; } } } if (attVerticalAlignment != null) { switch (attVerticalAlignment.Value.ToLower()) { case "bottom": { item.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; break; } case "middle": { item.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Middle; break; } case "top": { item.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; break; } } } MarkupAttribute attColor = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Color"]; if (attColor != null) item.Color = attColor.Value; MarkupAttribute attFont = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Font"]; if (attFont != null) item.Font = attFont.Value; MarkupAttribute attValue = tagRenderingAction.Attributes["Value"]; if (attValue != null) item.Value = attValue.Value; rendering.Actions.Add(item); break; } } } MarkupTagElement tagRenderingStates = (tagRendering.Elements["States"] as MarkupTagElement); if (tagRenderingStates != null) { // if States is specified, only apply to specific states foreach (MarkupElement elState in tagRenderingStates.Elements) { MarkupTagElement tagState = (elState as MarkupTagElement); if (tagState == null) continue; if (tagState.FullName != "State") continue; MarkupAttribute attStateID = tagState.Attributes["ID"]; if (attStateID == null) continue; ThemeComponentStateReference state = new ThemeComponentStateReference(); state.StateID = new Guid(attStateID.Value); rendering.States.Add(state); } } component.Renderings.Add(rendering); } } theme.Components.Add(component); } } themes.Themes.Add(theme); } } }