private void readBase(List <ClassMember> cb, int level) { string varType = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); string varName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); //a_Stream.Position += 20; int size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int index = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int isArray = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int num0 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int flag = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int childrenCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); //Debug.WriteLine(baseFormat + " " + baseName + " " + childrenCount); cb.Add(new ClassMember() { Level = level - 1, Type = varType, Name = varName, Size = size, Flag = flag }); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { readBase(cb, level + 1); } }
private void readBase(StringBuilder cb, int level) { string varType = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); string varName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); //a_Stream.Position += 20; int size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int index = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int isArray = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int num0 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int num1 = a_Stream.ReadInt16(); int num2 = a_Stream.ReadInt16(); int childrenCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); //Debug.WriteLine(baseFormat + " " + baseName + " " + childrenCount); cb.AppendFormat("{0}{1} {2} {3}\r\n", (new string('\t', level)), varType, varName, size); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { readBase(cb, level + 1); } }
private void getFiles(EndianStream f_Stream, int offset) { int fileCount = f_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { MemoryAssetsFile memFile = new MemoryAssetsFile(); memFile.fileName = f_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); int fileOffset = f_Stream.ReadInt32(); fileOffset += offset; int fileSize = f_Stream.ReadInt32(); long nextFile = f_Stream.Position; f_Stream.Position = fileOffset; byte[] buffer = new byte[fileSize]; f_Stream.Read(buffer, 0, fileSize); memFile.memStream = new MemoryStream(buffer); MemoryAssetsFileList.Add(memFile); f_Stream.Position = nextFile; } }
public AssetsFile(string fileName, EndianStream fileStream) { //if (memFile != null) { Stream = new EndianStream(memFile, endianType); } //else { Stream = new EndianStream(File.OpenRead(fileName), endianType); } a_Stream = fileStream; filePath = fileName; int tableSize = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataEnd = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); fileGen = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataOffset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); sharedAssetsList[0].fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); //reference itself because sharedFileIDs start from 1 switch (fileGen) { case 6://2.5.0 - 2.6.1 { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; break; } case 7://3.0.0 beta { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); break; } case 8://3.0.0 - 3.4.2 { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 9://3.5.0 - 4.6.x { a_Stream.Position += 4;//azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 14://5.0.0 beta and final case 15://5.0.1 and up { a_Stream.Position += 4;//azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); baseDefinitions = a_Stream.ReadBoolean(); break; } default: { //MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Unity version!", "Unity Studio Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } if (platform > 255 || platform < 0) { byte[] b32 = BitConverter.GetBytes(platform); Array.Reverse(b32); platform = BitConverter.ToInt32(b32, 0); //endianType = EndianType.LittleEndian; a_Stream.endian = EndianType.LittleEndian; } switch (platform) { case -2: platformStr = "Unity Package"; break; case 4: platformStr = "OSX"; break; case 5: platformStr = "PC"; break; case 6: platformStr = "Web"; break; case 7: platformStr = "Web streamed"; break; case 9: platformStr = "iOS"; break; case 10: platformStr = "PS3"; break; case 11: platformStr = "Xbox 360"; break; case 13: platformStr = "Android"; break; case 16: platformStr = "Google NaCl"; break; case 21: platformStr = "WP8"; break; case 25: platformStr = "Linux"; break; } int baseCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < baseCount; i++) { if (fileGen < 14) { int classID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); string baseType = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); string baseName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; int memberCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); StringBuilder cb = new StringBuilder(); for (int m = 0; m < memberCount; m++) { readBase(cb, 1); } var aClass = new ClassStrStruct() { ID = classID, Text = (baseType + " " + baseName), members = cb.ToString() }; aClass.SubItems.Add(classID.ToString()); ClassStructures.Add(classID, aClass); } else { readBase5(); } } if (fileGen >= 7 && fileGen < 14) {a_Stream.Position += 4;}//azero int assetCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); #region asset preload table string assetIDfmt = "D" + assetCount.ToString().Length.ToString(); //format for unique ID for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) { //each table entry is aligned individually, not the whole table if (fileGen >= 14) { a_Stream.AlignStream(4); } AssetPreloadData asset = new AssetPreloadData(); if (fileGen < 14) { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); } else { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } asset.Offset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Offset += dataOffset; asset.Size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type1 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type2 = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); a_Stream.Position += 2; if (fileGen >= 15) { byte unknownByte = a_Stream.ReadByte(); //this is a single byte, not an int32 //the next entry is aligned after this //but not the last! if (unknownByte != 0) { bool investigate = true; } } asset.TypeString = asset.Type2.ToString(); if (UnityClassID.Names[asset.Type2] != null) { asset.TypeString = UnityClassID.Names[asset.Type2]; } asset.uniqueID = i.ToString(assetIDfmt); asset.exportSize = asset.Size; asset.sourceFile = this; preloadTable.Add(asset.m_PathID, asset); #region read BuildSettings to get version for unity 2.x files if (asset.Type2 == 141 && fileGen == 6) { long nextAsset = a_Stream.Position; BuildSettings BSettings = new BuildSettings(asset); m_Version = BSettings.m_Version; a_Stream.Position = nextAsset; } #endregion } #endregion buildType = m_Version.Split(new string[] { ".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] strver = (m_Version.Split(new string[] { ".", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); version = Array.ConvertAll(strver, int.Parse); if (fileGen >= 14) { //this looks like a list of assets that need to be preloaded in memory before anytihng else int someCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < someCount; i++) { int num1 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); a_Stream.AlignStream(4); long m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } } int sharedFileCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < sharedFileCount; i++) { UnityShared shared = new UnityShared(); shared.aName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; string sharedFileName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); //relative path shared.fileName = sharedFileName.Replace("/", "\\"); sharedAssetsList.Add(shared); } }
private void readBundle(EndianStream b_Stream) { var signature = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); if (signature == "UnityWeb" || signature == "UnityRaw" || signature == "\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA") { format = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); versionPlayer = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); versionEngine = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); if (format < 6) { int bundleSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); } else if (format == 6) { ReadFormat6(b_Stream, true); return; } short dummy2 = b_Stream.ReadInt16(); int offset = b_Stream.ReadInt16(); int dummy3 = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); int lzmaChunks = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); int lzmaSize = 0; long streamSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lzmaChunks; i++) { lzmaSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); streamSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); } b_Stream.Position = offset; switch (signature) { case "\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA": //.bytes case "UnityWeb": { byte[] lzmaBuffer = new byte[lzmaSize]; b_Stream.Read(lzmaBuffer, 0, lzmaSize); using (var lzmaStream = new EndianStream(SevenZipHelper.StreamDecompress(new MemoryStream(lzmaBuffer)), EndianType.BigEndian)) { getFiles(lzmaStream, 0); } break; } case "UnityRaw": { getFiles(b_Stream, offset); break; } } } else if (signature == "UnityFS") { format = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); versionPlayer = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); versionEngine = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); if (format == 6) { ReadFormat6(b_Stream); } } }
private void ReadFormat6(EndianStream b_Stream, bool padding = false) { var bundleSize = b_Stream.ReadInt64(); int compressedSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); int uncompressedSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); int flag = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); if (padding) { b_Stream.ReadByte(); } byte[] blocksInfoBytes; if ((flag & 0x80) != 0)//at end of file { var position = b_Stream.Position; b_Stream.Position = b_Stream.BaseStream.Length - compressedSize; blocksInfoBytes = b_Stream.ReadBytes(compressedSize); b_Stream.Position = position; } else { blocksInfoBytes = b_Stream.ReadBytes(compressedSize); } EndianStream blocksInfo; switch (flag & 0x3F) { default: //None { blocksInfo = new EndianStream(new MemoryStream(blocksInfoBytes), EndianType.BigEndian); break; } case 1: //LZMA { blocksInfo = new EndianStream(SevenZipHelper.StreamDecompress(new MemoryStream(blocksInfoBytes)), EndianType.BigEndian); break; } case 2: //LZ4 case 3: //LZ4HC { byte[] uncompressedBytes = new byte[uncompressedSize]; using (var mstream = new MemoryStream(blocksInfoBytes)) { var decoder = new Lz4DecoderStream(mstream); decoder.Read(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedSize); decoder.Dispose(); } blocksInfo = new EndianStream(new MemoryStream(uncompressedBytes), EndianType.BigEndian); break; } //case 4:LZHAM? } using (blocksInfo) { blocksInfo.Position = 0x10; int blockcount = blocksInfo.ReadInt32(); EndianStream assetsData; var assetsDataStream = new MemoryStream(); for (int i = 0; i < blockcount; i++) { uncompressedSize = blocksInfo.ReadInt32(); compressedSize = blocksInfo.ReadInt32(); flag = blocksInfo.ReadInt16(); var compressedBytes = b_Stream.ReadBytes(compressedSize); switch (flag & 0x3F) { default: //None { assetsDataStream.Write(compressedBytes, 0, compressedSize); break; } case 1: //LZMA { var uncompressedBytes = new byte[uncompressedSize]; using (var mstream = new MemoryStream(compressedBytes)) { var decoder = SevenZipHelper.StreamDecompress(mstream, uncompressedSize); decoder.Read(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedSize); decoder.Dispose(); } assetsDataStream.Write(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedSize); break; } case 2: //LZ4 case 3: //LZ4HC { var uncompressedBytes = new byte[uncompressedSize]; using (var mstream = new MemoryStream(compressedBytes)) { var decoder = new Lz4DecoderStream(mstream); decoder.Read(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedSize); decoder.Dispose(); } assetsDataStream.Write(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedSize); break; } //case 4:LZHAM? } } assetsData = new EndianStream(assetsDataStream, EndianType.BigEndian); using (assetsData) { var entryinfo_count = blocksInfo.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < entryinfo_count; i++) { var memFile = new MemoryAssetsFile(); var entryinfo_offset = blocksInfo.ReadInt64(); var entryinfo_size = blocksInfo.ReadInt64(); var unknown = blocksInfo.ReadInt32(); memFile.fileName = blocksInfo.ReadStringToNull(); assetsData.Position = entryinfo_offset; var buffer = new byte[entryinfo_size]; assetsData.Read(buffer, 0, (int)entryinfo_size); memFile.memStream = new MemoryStream(buffer); MemoryAssetsFileList.Add(memFile); } } } }
public AssetsFile(string fullName, EndianStream fileStream) { //if (memFile != null) { Stream = new EndianStream(memFile, endianType); } //else { Stream = new EndianStream(File.OpenRead(fileName), endianType); } a_Stream = fileStream; filePath = fullName; fileName = Path.GetFileName(fullName); int tableSize = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataEnd = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); fileGen = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); uint dataOffset = a_Stream.ReadUInt32(); sharedAssetsList[0].fileName = Path.GetFileName(fullName); //reference itself because sharedFileIDs start from 1 switch (fileGen) { case 6: //2.5.0 - 2.6.1 { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; break; } case 7: //3.0.0 beta { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); break; } case 8: //3.0.0 - 3.4.2 { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 9: //3.5.0 - 4.6.x { a_Stream.Position += 4; //azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 14: //5.0.0 beta and final case 15: //5.0.1 - 5.4 case 16: //??.. no sure case 17: //5.5.0 and up { a_Stream.Position += 4; //azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); baseDefinitions = a_Stream.ReadBoolean(); break; } default: { //MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Unity version!" + fileGen, "Unity Studio Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } if (platform > 255 || platform < 0) { byte[] b32 = BitConverter.GetBytes(platform); Array.Reverse(b32); platform = BitConverter.ToInt32(b32, 0); //endianType = EndianType.LittleEndian; a_Stream.endian = EndianType.LittleEndian; } switch (platform) { case -2: platformStr = "Unity Package"; break; case 4: platformStr = "OSX"; break; case 5: platformStr = "PC"; break; case 6: platformStr = "Web"; break; case 7: platformStr = "Web streamed"; break; case 9: platformStr = "iOS"; break; case 10: platformStr = "PS3"; break; case 11: platformStr = "Xbox 360"; break; case 13: platformStr = "Android"; break; case 16: platformStr = "Google NaCl"; break; case 21: platformStr = "WP8"; break; case 25: platformStr = "Linux"; break; case 29: platformStr = "Wii U"; break; default: platformStr = "Unknown Platform"; break; } int baseCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < baseCount; i++) { if (fileGen < 14) { int classID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); string baseType = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); string baseName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; int memberCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); var cb = new List <ClassMember>(); for (int m = 0; m < memberCount; m++) { readBase(cb, 1); } var aClass = new ClassStruct() { ID = classID, Text = (baseType + " " + baseName), members = cb }; aClass.SubItems.Add(classID.ToString()); ClassStructures.Add(classID, aClass); } else { readBase5(); } } if (fileGen >= 7 && fileGen < 14) { a_Stream.Position += 4; } //azero int assetCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); #region asset preload table string assetIDfmt = "D" + assetCount.ToString().Length; //format for unique ID for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) { //each table entry is aligned individually, not the whole table if (fileGen >= 14) { a_Stream.AlignStream(4); } AssetPreloadData asset = new AssetPreloadData(); if (fileGen < 14) { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); } else { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } asset.Offset = a_Stream.ReadUInt32(); asset.Offset += dataOffset; asset.Size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); if (fileGen > 15) { int index = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type1 = classIDs[index][0]; asset.Type2 = (ushort)classIDs[index][1]; } else { asset.Type1 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type2 = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); a_Stream.Position += 2; } if (fileGen == 15) { byte unknownByte = a_Stream.ReadByte(); //this is a single byte, not an int32 //the next entry is aligned after this //but not the last! if (unknownByte != 0) { //bool investigate = true; } } string typeString; if (ClassIDReference.Names.TryGetValue(asset.Type2, out typeString)) { asset.TypeString = typeString; } else { asset.TypeString = "Unknown Type " + asset.Type2; } asset.uniqueID = i.ToString(assetIDfmt); asset.sourceFile = this; preloadTable.Add(asset.m_PathID, asset); #region read BuildSettings to get version for unity 2.x files if (asset.Type2 == 141 && fileGen == 6) { long nextAsset = a_Stream.Position; BuildSettings BSettings = new BuildSettings(asset); m_Version = BSettings.m_Version; a_Stream.Position = nextAsset; } #endregion } #endregion buildType = m_Version.Split(buildTypeSplit, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var strver = m_Version.Split(strverSplit, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); version = Array.ConvertAll(strver, int.Parse); if (fileGen >= 14) { //this looks like a list of assets that need to be preloaded in memory before anytihng else int someCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < someCount; i++) { int num1 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); a_Stream.AlignStream(4); long m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } } int sharedFileCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < sharedFileCount; i++) { UnityShared shared = new UnityShared(); shared.aName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; string sharedFileName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); //relative path shared.fileName = sharedFileName.Replace("/", "\\"); sharedAssetsList.Add(shared); } }
public AssetsFile(string fileName, EndianStream fileStream) { //if (memFile != null) { Stream = new EndianStream(memFile, endianType); } //else { Stream = new EndianStream(File.OpenRead(fileName), endianType); } a_Stream = fileStream; filePath = fileName; int tableSize = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataEnd = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); fileGen = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataOffset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); sharedAssetsList[0].fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); //reference itself because sharedFileIDs start from 1 switch (fileGen) { case 6: //2.5.0 - 2.6.1 { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; break; } case 7: //3.0.0 beta { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); break; } case 8: //3.0.0 - 3.4.2 { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 9: //3.5.0 - 4.6.x { a_Stream.Position += 4; //azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 14: //5.0.0 beta and final case 15: //5.0.1 and up case 16: //5.5.0 and up case 17: //5.5.0 and up { a_Stream.Position += 4; //azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); baseDefinitions = a_Stream.ReadBoolean(); break; } default: { //MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Unity version!", "Unity Studio Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } if (platform > 255 || platform < 0) { byte[] b32 = BitConverter.GetBytes(platform); Array.Reverse(b32); platform = BitConverter.ToInt32(b32, 0); //endianType = EndianType.LittleEndian; a_Stream.endian = EndianType.LittleEndian; } switch (platform) { case -2: platformStr = "Unity Package"; break; case 4: platformStr = "OSX"; break; case 5: platformStr = "PC"; break; case 6: platformStr = "Web"; break; case 7: platformStr = "Web streamed"; break; case 9: platformStr = "iOS"; break; case 10: platformStr = "PS3"; break; case 11: platformStr = "Xbox 360"; break; case 13: platformStr = "Android"; break; case 16: platformStr = "Google NaCl"; break; case 21: platformStr = "WP8"; break; case 25: platformStr = "Linux"; break; } int baseCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < baseCount; i++) { if (fileGen < 14) { int classID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); string baseType = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); string baseName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; int memberCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); StringBuilder cb = new StringBuilder(); for (int m = 0; m < memberCount; m++) { readBase(cb, 1); } var aClass = new ClassStrStruct() { ID = classID, Text = (baseType + " " + baseName), members = cb.ToString() }; aClass.subItems.Add(classID.ToString()); ClassStructures.Add(classID, aClass); } else { readBase5(i); } } if (fileGen >= 7 && fileGen < 14) { a_Stream.Position += 4; } //azero int assetCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); #region asset preload table string assetIDfmt = "D" + assetCount.ToString().Length.ToString(); //format for unique ID for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) { //each table entry is aligned individually, not the whole table if (fileGen >= 14) { a_Stream.AlignStream(4); } AssetPreloadData asset = new AssetPreloadData(); if (fileGen < 14) { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); } else { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } if (fileGen > 15) { asset.Offset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int tmp = asset.Offset; asset.Offset += dataOffset; asset.Size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int classIndex = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); if (classIDLookup.ContainsKey(classIndex)) { asset.Type2 = classIDLookup[classIndex]; } } else { asset.Offset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Offset += dataOffset; asset.Size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type1 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type2 = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); a_Stream.Position += 2; if (fileGen >= 15) { a_Stream.ReadByte(); //this is a single byte, not an int32 //the next entry is aligned after this //but not the last! } } if (UnityClassID.Names[asset.Type2] != null) { asset.TypeString = UnityClassID.Names[asset.Type2]; } asset.uniqueID = i.ToString(assetIDfmt); asset.exportSize = asset.Size; asset.sourceFile = this; preloadTable.Add(asset.m_PathID, asset); #region read BuildSettings to get version for unity 2.x files if (asset.Type2 == 141 && fileGen == 6) { long nextAsset = a_Stream.Position; BuildSettings BSettings = new BuildSettings(asset); m_Version = BSettings.m_Version; a_Stream.Position = nextAsset; } #endregion } #endregion buildType = m_Version.Split(new string[] { ".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] strver = (m_Version.Split(new string[] { ".", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); version = Array.ConvertAll <string, int>(strver, int.Parse); if (fileGen > 15) { a_Stream.Position += 2; } if (fileGen >= 14) { //this looks like a list of assets that need to be preloaded in memory before anytihng else int someCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < someCount; i++) { a_Stream.ReadInt32(); a_Stream.AlignStream(4); a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } } int sharedFileCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < sharedFileCount; i++) { UnityShared shared = new UnityShared(); shared.aName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; string sharedFileName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); //relative path shared.fileName = sharedFileName.Replace("/", "\\"); sharedAssetsList.Add(shared); } }
public BundleFile(string fileName) { if (Path.GetExtension(fileName) == ".lz4") { byte[] filebuffer; using (BinaryReader lz4Stream = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(fileName))) { int version = lz4Stream.ReadInt32(); int uncompressedSize = lz4Stream.ReadInt32(); int compressedSize = lz4Stream.ReadInt32(); int something = lz4Stream.ReadInt32(); //1 byte[] lz4buffer = new byte[compressedSize]; lz4Stream.Read(lz4buffer, 0, compressedSize); using (var inputStream = new MemoryStream(lz4buffer)) { var decoder = new Lz4DecoderStream(inputStream); filebuffer = new byte[uncompressedSize]; //is this ok? for (;;) { int nRead = decoder.Read(filebuffer, 0, uncompressedSize); if (nRead == 0) break; } } } Stream = new EndianStream(new MemoryStream(filebuffer), EndianType.BigEndian); } else { Stream = new EndianStream(File.OpenRead(fileName), EndianType.BigEndian); } long magicHeader = Stream.ReadInt64(); if (magicHeader == -361700864190383366 || magicHeader == 6155973689634940258 || magicHeader == 6155973689634611575) { int dummy = Stream.ReadInt32(); ver1 = Stream.ReadByte(); ver2 = Stream.ReadStringToNull(); ver3 = Stream.ReadStringToNull(); int lzmaSize = 0; int fileSize = Stream.ReadInt32(); short dummy2 = Stream.ReadInt16(); int offset = Stream.ReadInt16(); int dummy3 = Stream.ReadInt32(); int lzmaChunks = Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < lzmaChunks; i++) { lzmaSize = Stream.ReadInt32(); fileSize = Stream.ReadInt32(); } Stream.Position = offset; switch (magicHeader) { case -361700864190383366: //.bytes case 6155973689634940258: //UnityWeb { byte[] lzmaBuffer = new byte[lzmaSize]; Stream.Read(lzmaBuffer, 0, lzmaSize); Stream.Close(); Stream.Dispose(); Stream = new EndianStream(SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper.StreamDecompress(new MemoryStream(lzmaBuffer)), EndianType.BigEndian); offset = 0; break; } case 6155973689634611575: //UnityRaw { break; } } int fileCount = Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { MemoryAssetsFile memFile = new MemoryAssetsFile(); memFile.fileName = Stream.ReadStringToNull(); int fileOffset = Stream.ReadInt32(); fileOffset += offset; fileSize = Stream.ReadInt32(); long nextFile = Stream.Position; Stream.Position = fileOffset; byte[] buffer = new byte[fileSize]; Stream.Read(buffer, 0, fileSize); memFile.memStream = new MemoryStream(buffer); MemoryAssetsFileList.Add(memFile); Stream.Position = nextFile; } } Stream.Close(); }
public AssetsFile(string fileName, EndianStream fileStream) { //if (memFile != null) { Stream = new EndianStream(memFile, endianType); } //else { Stream = new EndianStream(File.OpenRead(fileName), endianType); } a_Stream = fileStream; filePath = fileName; int tableSize = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataEnd = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); fileGen = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); int dataOffset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); sharedAssetsList[0].fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); //reference itself because sharedFileIDs start from 1 switch (fileGen) { case 6: { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; break; } case 7://beta { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); break; } case 8: { a_Stream.Position = (dataEnd - tableSize); a_Stream.Position += 1; m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 9: { a_Stream.Position += 4;//azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); break; } case 14: case 15://not fully tested!s { a_Stream.Position += 4;//azero m_Version = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); platform = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); baseDefinitions = a_Stream.ReadBoolean(); break; } default: { //MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Unity version!", "Unity Studio Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } if (platform > 255 || platform < 0) { byte[] b32 = BitConverter.GetBytes(platform); Array.Reverse(b32); platform = BitConverter.ToInt32(b32, 0); //endianType = EndianType.LittleEndian; a_Stream.endian = EndianType.LittleEndian; } /*Platform list: -2: unitypackage 4: OSX 5: PC 6: Web 7: Web_streamed 9: iOS 10: PS3(big) 11: Xbox360(big) 13: Android 16: Google_NaCl 21: WP8 25: Linux */ int baseCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < baseCount; i++) { if (fileGen < 14) { int baseType = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); readBase(); } else { readBase5(); } } if (fileGen >= 7 && fileGen < 14) {a_Stream.Position += 4;}//azero int assetCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); if (fileGen >= 14) { a_Stream.AlignStream(4); } string assetIDfmt = "D" + assetCount.ToString().Length.ToString(); //format for unique ID for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++) { AssetPreloadData asset = new AssetPreloadData(); if (fileGen < 14) { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); } else { asset.m_PathID = a_Stream.ReadInt64(); } asset.Offset = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Offset += dataOffset; asset.Size = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type1 = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); asset.Type2 = a_Stream.ReadUInt16(); a_Stream.Position += 2; if (fileGen >= 15) { int azero = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); } asset.TypeString = asset.Type2.ToString(); if (UnityClassID.Names[asset.Type2] != null) { asset.TypeString = UnityClassID.Names[asset.Type2]; } asset.uniqueID = i.ToString(assetIDfmt); asset.exportSize = asset.Size; asset.sourceFile = this; preloadTable.Add(asset.m_PathID, asset); //this should be among the first nodes in mainData and it contains the version - useful for unity 2.x files if (asset.Type2 == 141 && fileGen == 6) { long nextAsset = a_Stream.Position; BuildSettings BSettings = new BuildSettings(asset); m_Version = BSettings.m_Version; a_Stream.Position = nextAsset; } } buildType = m_Version.Split(new string[] { ".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] strver = (m_Version.Split(new string[] { ".", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); version = Array.ConvertAll(strver, int.Parse); if (fileGen >= 14) { int someCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); a_Stream.Position += someCount * 12; } int sharedFileCount = a_Stream.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < sharedFileCount; i++) { UnityShared shared = new UnityShared(); shared.aName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); a_Stream.Position += 20; string sharedFileName = a_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); //relative path shared.fileName = sharedFileName.Replace("/", "\\"); sharedAssetsList.Add(shared); } }
private void readBundle(EndianStream b_Stream) { var header = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); if (header == "UnityWeb" || header == "UnityRaw" || header == "\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA") { ver1 = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); ver2 = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); ver3 = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); if (ver1 < 6) { int bundleSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); } else { long bundleSize = b_Stream.ReadInt64(); return; } short dummy2 = b_Stream.ReadInt16(); int offset = b_Stream.ReadInt16(); int dummy3 = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); int lzmaChunks = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); int lzmaSize = 0; long streamSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lzmaChunks; i++) { lzmaSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); streamSize = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); } b_Stream.Position = offset; switch (header) { case "\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA\xFA": //.bytes case "UnityWeb": { byte[] lzmaBuffer = new byte[lzmaSize]; b_Stream.Read(lzmaBuffer, 0, lzmaSize); using (var lzmaStream = new EndianStream(SevenZip.Compression.LZMA.SevenZipHelper.StreamDecompress(new MemoryStream(lzmaBuffer)), EndianType.BigEndian)) { getFiles(lzmaStream, 0); } break; } case "UnityRaw": { getFiles(b_Stream, offset); break; } } } else if (header == "UnityFS") { ver1 = b_Stream.ReadInt32(); ver2 = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); ver3 = b_Stream.ReadStringToNull(); long bundleSize = b_Stream.ReadInt64(); } }