// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas"); keyOb = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("KeyUI"); r = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ResettableObjects"); resettableObjects = r.GetComponent <UnityStandardAssets.Utility.ObjectResetter>(); keyOb.SetActive(false); sm = new SoundManager(); sm.InitSoundManager(); a = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); sm.PlaySoundByName(a, "BGMDrums", true, 0.5f, 1.0f); inventory = gameObject.AddComponent <Inventory>(); inventory.Initialize(this); }
// implementing one method from monobehviour to ensure that the enable/disable tickbox appears in the inspector private void Start() { m_ObjectResetter = GetComponent<ObjectResetter>(); }