コード例 #1
        public static void Solve3d(float3 up, SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint0, SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint1, SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint2, ref float3 velocity)
            float3 plane0 = constraint0.Plane.Normal;
            float3 plane1 = constraint1.Plane.Normal;
            float3 plane2 = constraint2.Plane.Normal;

            float4x4 m  = new float4x4();
            float3   r0 = math.cross(plane1, plane2);
            float3   r1 = math.cross(plane2, plane0);
            float3   r2 = math.cross(plane0, plane1);

            m.c0 = new float4(r0, sfloat.Zero);
            m.c1 = new float4(r1, sfloat.Zero);
            m.c2 = new float4(r2, sfloat.Zero);
            m.c3 = new float4(sfloat.Zero, sfloat.Zero, sfloat.Zero, sfloat.One);

            sfloat det = math.dot(r0, plane0);
            sfloat tst = math.abs(det);

            if (tst < k_Epsilon)
                Sort3d(ref constraint0, ref constraint1, ref constraint2);
                Solve2d(up, constraint1, constraint2, ref velocity);
                Solve2d(up, constraint0, constraint2, ref velocity);
                Solve2d(up, constraint0, constraint1, ref velocity);


            float3 t = new float3(
                math.dot(plane0, constraint0.Velocity),
                math.dot(plane1, constraint1.Velocity),
                math.dot(plane2, constraint2.Velocity));

            float3 pointVel = math.rotate(m, t);

            pointVel /= det;

            velocity = pointVel;
コード例 #2
        public static void Sort3d(ref SurfaceConstraintInfo plane0, ref SurfaceConstraintInfo plane1, ref SurfaceConstraintInfo plane2)
            int priority0 = plane0.Priority;
            int priority1 = plane1.Priority;
            int priority2 = plane2.Priority;

            if (priority0 <= priority1)
                if (priority1 <= priority2)
                    // 0, 1, 2
                else if (priority0 <= priority2)
                    // 0, 2, 1
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane1, ref plane2);
                    // 1, 2, 0
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane0, ref plane1);
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane0, ref plane2);
                if (priority2 < priority1)
                    // 2, 1, 0
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane0, ref plane2);
                else if (priority2 > priority0)
                    // 1, 0, 2
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane0, ref plane1);
                    // 2, 0, 1
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane0, ref plane1);
                    SwapPlanes(ref plane1, ref plane2);
コード例 #3
        public static unsafe void Solve(
            sfloat deltaTime, sfloat minDeltaTime, float3 up, sfloat maxVelocity,
            NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref float3 position, ref float3 velocity, out sfloat integratedTime, bool useConstraintVelocities = true
            // List of planes to solve against (up to 4)
            SurfaceConstraintInfo *supportPlanes = stackalloc SurfaceConstraintInfo[4];
            int numSupportPlanes = 0;

            sfloat remainingTime = deltaTime;
            sfloat currentTime   = sfloat.Zero;

            // Clamp the input velocity to max movement speed
            ClampToMaxLength(maxVelocity, ref velocity);

            while (remainingTime > sfloat.Zero)
                int    hitIndex         = -1;
                sfloat minCollisionTime = remainingTime;

                // Iterate over constraints and solve them
                for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
                    if (constraints[i].Touched)

                    SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint = constraints[i];

                    float3 relVel     = velocity - (useConstraintVelocities ? constraint.Velocity : float3.zero);
                    sfloat relProjVel = -math.dot(relVel, constraint.Plane.Normal);
                    if (relProjVel < k_Epsilon)

                    // Clamp distance to 0, since penetration is handled by constraint.Velocity already
                    sfloat distance = math.max(constraint.Plane.Distance, sfloat.Zero);
                    if (distance < minCollisionTime * relProjVel)
                        minCollisionTime = distance / relProjVel;
                        hitIndex         = i;

                // Integrate
                    currentTime   += minCollisionTime;
                    remainingTime -= minCollisionTime;
                    position      += minCollisionTime * velocity;

                if (hitIndex < 0 || currentTime > minDeltaTime)

                // Mark constraint as touched
                    var constraint = constraints[hitIndex];
                    constraint.Touched    = true;
                    constraints[hitIndex] = constraint;

                // Add the hit to the current list of active planes
                supportPlanes[numSupportPlanes] = constraints[hitIndex];
                if (!useConstraintVelocities)
                    supportPlanes[numSupportPlanes].Velocity = float3.zero;

                // Solve support planes
                ExamineActivePlanes(up, supportPlanes, ref numSupportPlanes, ref velocity);

                // Clamp the solved velocity to max movement speed
                ClampToMaxLength(maxVelocity, ref velocity);

                // Can't handle more than 4 support planes
                if (numSupportPlanes == 4)

            integratedTime = currentTime;
コード例 #4
        public static unsafe void ExamineActivePlanes(float3 up, SurfaceConstraintInfo *supportPlanes, ref int numSupportPlanes, ref float3 velocity)
            switch (numSupportPlanes)
            case 1:
                Solve1d(supportPlanes[0], ref velocity);

            case 2:
                // Test whether we need plane 0 at all
                float3 tempVelocity = velocity;
                Solve1d(supportPlanes[1], ref tempVelocity);

                bool plane0Used = Test1d(supportPlanes[0], tempVelocity);
                if (!plane0Used)
                    // Compact the buffer and reduce size
                    supportPlanes[0] = supportPlanes[1];
                    numSupportPlanes = 1;

                    // Write back the result
                    velocity = tempVelocity;
                    Solve2d(up, supportPlanes[0], supportPlanes[1], ref velocity);


            case 3:
                // Try to drop both planes
                float3 tempVelocity = velocity;
                Solve1d(supportPlanes[2], ref tempVelocity);

                bool plane0Used = Test1d(supportPlanes[0], tempVelocity);
                if (!plane0Used)
                    bool plane1Used = Test1d(supportPlanes[1], tempVelocity);
                    if (!plane1Used)
                        // Compact the buffer and reduce size
                        supportPlanes[0] = supportPlanes[2];
                        numSupportPlanes = 1;
                        goto case 1;

                // Try to drop plane 0 or 1
                for (int testPlane = 0; testPlane < 2; testPlane++)
                    tempVelocity = velocity;
                    Solve2d(up, supportPlanes[testPlane], supportPlanes[2], ref tempVelocity);

                    bool planeUsed = Test1d(supportPlanes[1 - testPlane], tempVelocity);
                    if (!planeUsed)
                        supportPlanes[0] = supportPlanes[testPlane];
                        supportPlanes[1] = supportPlanes[2];
                        goto case 2;

                // Try solve all three
                Solve3d(up, supportPlanes[0], supportPlanes[1], supportPlanes[2], ref velocity);


            case 4:
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    float3 tempVelocity = velocity;
                    Solve3d(up, supportPlanes[(i + 1) % 3], supportPlanes[(i + 2) % 3], supportPlanes[3], ref tempVelocity);
                    bool planeUsed = Test1d(supportPlanes[i], tempVelocity);
                    if (!planeUsed)
                        supportPlanes[i] = supportPlanes[2];
                        supportPlanes[2] = supportPlanes[3];
                        numSupportPlanes = 3;
                        goto case 3;

                // Nothing can be dropped so we've failed to solve,
                // now we do all 3d combinations
                float3 tempVel            = velocity;
                SurfaceConstraintInfo sp0 = supportPlanes[0];
                SurfaceConstraintInfo sp1 = supportPlanes[1];
                SurfaceConstraintInfo sp2 = supportPlanes[2];
                SurfaceConstraintInfo sp3 = supportPlanes[3];
                Solve3d(up, sp0, sp1, sp2, ref tempVel);
                Solve3d(up, sp0, sp1, sp3, ref tempVel);
                Solve3d(up, sp0, sp2, sp3, ref tempVel);
                Solve3d(up, sp1, sp2, sp3, ref tempVel);

                velocity = tempVel;


                // Can't have more than 4 and less than 1 plane