コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the next waypoint of a given path.
        /// Returns the first point which is farer away than the specified distance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalPath"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="horizon">The time horizon for planning</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Vector2 GetNextWaypoint(MotionTrajectory2D globalPath, Vector2 currentPosition, TimeSpan horizon)
            Vector2 waypoint = currentPosition;

            TimeSpan time = this.EstimateCurrentTime(currentPosition);

            //Determine the next pose
            TimedPose2D pose = this.trajectory.Poses.Last();

            //Only interpolate if time is not exceeded
            if (time + horizon < pose.Time)
                pose = this.trajectory.GetPose(time + horizon);

            //Set the waypoint
            waypoint = new Vector2(pose.Position.x, pose.Position.y);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method does the local steering
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The planning time for the present frame</param>
        private void FollowPathRootTransform(float time)
            //Use the root transform
            Vector2    currentPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z);
            Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;

            //Check if target position has changed
            float dist = (this.lastGoalPosition - this.goalPosition).magnitude;

            //Estimate the distance to the goal
            float goalDistance = (currentPosition - this.goalPosition).magnitude;

            bool replanPath = false;

            //Check if the target object has changed -> Replanning required
            if (dist > 0.1f)
                this.goalPosition = new Vector2(this.goalPosition.x, this.goalPosition.y);
                replanPath        = true;

            //Check if replanning is enforced by replanning time
                replanPath = goalDistance > 0.5f && replanningTime > 0 && elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds > 0 && (int)elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds % this.replanningTime == 0;

            //Optionally do reactive replanning
            if (replanPath)
                //Compute a new path
                this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z), this.goalPosition);

                //Get the discrete poses from the path
                this.discretePoses = this.trajectory.SampleFrames(60);

                //Reset index and first frame flag
                this.currentIndex = 0;
                this.firstFrame   = true;

                //Create a visualization of the trajectory (drawing calls)

            //Get the next waypoint
            Vector2 nextWaypoint = this.GetNextWaypoint(this.trajectory, currentPosition, this.TimeHorizon);

            //Use the goal position directly if below threshold
            if (goalDistance < 0.5)
                nextWaypoint = new Vector2(this.goalPosition.x, this.goalPosition.y);

            switch (this.state)
            //Rotate towards the target before starting
            case WalkState.Starting:

                //Call the method of the dhm
                if (this.OrientateTowards(nextWaypoint, this.timespan, 5))
                    //Change the state if finished
                    this.state = WalkState.Walking;


            //The main state during walking
            case WalkState.Walking:

                //Determine the next target position
                Vector2 nextTarget = this.GetNextWaypoint(this.trajectory, currentPosition, this.TimeHorizon);

                //Check if the goal distance is below a defined threhsold -> Set the next target to goal position
                if (goalDistance < 0.5)
                    nextTarget = new Vector2(this.goalPosition.x, this.goalPosition.y);

                //Determine the trajectory direction
                Vector2 trajectoryDirection = (nextTarget - currentPosition);

                //Estimate the max distance allowed
                float travelDistance = time * this.Velocity;

                //Compute the new position
                Vector2 nextPosition = currentPosition + trajectoryDirection.normalized * travelDistance;

                //Update the position and rotation according to the animation
                this.transform.position = this.animator.rootPosition;
                this.transform.rotation = this.animator.rootRotation;

                //The current direction vector
                Vector3 currentDirection = (this.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward);
                currentDirection.y = 0;

                //Estimate the current angle mismatch
                float currentDeltaAngle = Vector3.Angle(currentDirection, new Vector3(trajectoryDirection.x, 0, trajectoryDirection.y));

                //Rotate to direction
                //Adjust the rotation
                //Only adjust the rotation if a sufficient distance to the goal can be encountred
                //In case the distance is too low -> Turning in place is used instead
                if (Math.Abs(currentDeltaAngle) > 1e-5f && goalDistance > 0.3f)
                    float maxAngle  = time * this.AngularVelocity;
                    float goalDelta = Math.Abs(currentDeltaAngle);
                    float delta     = Math.Min(maxAngle, goalDelta);

                    Vector3 right = (this.transform.rotation * Vector3.right);
                    Vector3 left  = (this.transform.rotation * Vector3.left);

                    //Determine the sign of the angle
                    float sign = -1;

                    if (Vector3.Angle(right, new Vector3(trajectoryDirection.x, 0, trajectoryDirection.y)) < Vector3.Angle(left, new Vector3(trajectoryDirection.x, 0, trajectoryDirection.y)))
                        sign = 1;

                    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, sign * delta, 0) * this.transform.rotation;

                //Update the animation -> Set the flots of the animator component to control the animation tree
                this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", ((nextPosition - currentPosition).magnitude / time));
                this.animator.SetFloat("Direction", 0.5f);

                //Check if target reached
                if ((nextPosition - this.goalPosition).magnitude < this.goalAccuracy)
                    //Set velocity to zero
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0f);

                    //Check velocity threshold if defined
                    if (!useVelocityStoppingThreshold || (this.leftFootAnimationTracker.Velocity < velocityStoppingThreshold && this.rightFootAnimationTracker.Velocity < velocityStoppingThreshold))
                        //Go to finishing state and perform further reorientation
                        if (this.useTargetOrientation)
                            this.state = WalkState.Finishing;

                        //Finish and move to idle
                            this.state = WalkState.Idle;
                            this.events.Add(new MSimulationEvent(this.instruction.Name, mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_End, this.instruction.ID));


            //The finishing state which performs the final fine-grained rotation
            case WalkState.Finishing:

                //Get the ttarget transform
                MTransform targetTransform = this.GetTarget();

                MVector3 forward  = targetTransform.Rotation.Multiply(new MVector3(0, 0, 1));
                Vector2  forward2 = new Vector2((float)forward.X, (float)forward.Z).normalized;

                bool validOrientation = false;

                if (this.OrientateTowards(goalPosition + forward2 * 10f, this.timespan, 5))
                    validOrientation = true;

                //Only finish if velocity is close to zero
                if (validOrientation)
                    //Set to finished -> Reset state machine
                    this.state = WalkState.Idle;

                    //Add finished event
                    this.events.Add(new MSimulationEvent(this.instruction.Name, mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_End, this.instruction.ID));

コード例 #3
        public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Create a response
            MBoolResponse response = new MBoolResponse(true);

            //Set default values
            this.abort = false;
            this.filterSceneObjects = true;

            //Assign the simulation state
            this.simulationState = simulationState;

            //Assign the instruction
            this.instruction = instruction;

            //Reset the elapsed time
            this.elapsedTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            ///Parse the properties
            bool requiredPropertiesSet = this.ParseProperties(instruction);

            //Check if all required properties have been set
            if (!requiredPropertiesSet)
                response.LogData = new List <string>()
                    "Properties are not defined -> cannot start the MMU"

                response.Successful = false;

            //Get the target transform
            MTransform targetTransform = this.GetTarget();

            if (targetTransform == null)
                response.Successful = false;
                response.LogData    = new List <string>()
                    "Problem at fetching the target transform!"

            //Flag indicates wheather a predefined trajectory should be used
            bool usePredefinedTrajectory = false;

            //Execute instructions on main thread
            this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() =>
                //Set the channel data of the current simulation state

                //Get the root position and rotation
                MVector3 rootPosition    = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);
                MQuaternion rootRotation = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);

                //Extract the start position
                Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2((float)rootPosition.X, (float)rootPosition.Z);

                //Get the goal position
                this.goalPosition = new Vector2((float)targetTransform.Position.X, (float)targetTransform.Position.Z);

                this.lastGoalPosition = this.goalPosition;

                //Fetch the trajectory if available
                if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Trajectory"))
                        //Get the path constraint
                        MPathConstraint pathConstraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.ID == instruction.Properties["Trajectory"]).PathConstraint;

                        //Get the actual trajectory from the path constraint
                        List <Vector2> pointList = pathConstraint.GetVector2List();

                        //Estimate the distance between the start point and first point of trajectory
                        float distance = (startPosition - pointList[0]).magnitude;

                        //If distance to first point of trajectory is below threshold -> Directly connect the start point with the first point of the trajectory
                        if (distance < 0.5)
                            pointList.Insert(0, startPosition);
                            trajectory = new MotionTrajectory2D(pointList, this.Velocity);

                            //Compute a path to the trajectory start location
                            this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(startPosition, pointList[0], this.filterSceneObjects);

                            //Add the defined trajectory

                            //Finally estimate the timestamps based on the velocity

                        //Set flag that no more planning is required
                        usePredefinedTrajectory = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, "UnityLocomotionMMU: Cannot parse trajectory -> plan new one: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);

                //Only plan the path if no predefined trajectory should be used
                if (!usePredefinedTrajectory)
                    //Compute a path which considers the indivudal path goals and the constraints
                    this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(startPosition, this.goalPosition, filterSceneObjects);

                if (this.trajectory == null || this.trajectory.Poses.Count == 0)
                    this.abort = true;

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"No path found in assign instruction. Aborting MMU.");

                    response.LogData = new List <string>()
                        "No path found"

                    response.Successful = false;

                //Valid path found
                if (this.trajectory != null && this.trajectory.Poses.Count > 0)
                    //Create the visualization data for the trajectory (drawing calls)

                    //Set the speed of the animator
                    this.animator.speed = this.Velocity / 2.0f;

                    //Reset the goal direction
                    this.goalPosition = new Vector2();

                    //Update the animation
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Direction", 0.5f);

                    //Reset the current index
                    this.currentIndex = 0;

                    //Set the internal fields
                    this.transform.position = new Vector3((float)rootPosition.X, 0, (float)rootPosition.Z);

                    // In the new intermediate skeleton definition, x is pointing backwards, y up, z right.
                    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, new Quaternion((float)rootRotation.X, (float)rootRotation.Y, (float)rootRotation.Z, (float)rootRotation.W).eulerAngles.y - 90.0f, 0);

                    //Get the discrete poses representing the trajectory
                    this.discretePoses = this.trajectory.SampleFrames(60);

                    //Set state to starting
                    this.state = WalkState.Starting;

                    //Set flag which indicates the start
                    this.firstFrame = true;

                    //Reset the foot trackers
