public static void DirectionalCubemap() { int faceSize = 8; Cubemap cube = new Cubemap(faceSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); // For each side foreach (CubemapFace face in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(CubemapFace))) { Color[] pixels = new Color[faceSize * faceSize]; for (int x = 0; x < faceSize; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < faceSize; ++y) { int index = x + y * faceSize; Vector3 dir = Utils.Cubemap.CubemapDirection(face, (x+0.5f) / (float)faceSize - 0.5f, (y+0.5f) / (float)faceSize - 0.5f); pixels[index] = new Color(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); } cube.SetPixels(pixels, face); cube.Apply(); } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(cube, "Assets/BiasedPhysics/DirectionalCubemap.cubemap"); Debug.Log("Generated /BiasedPhysics/DirectionalCubemap.cubemap"); }
public void capture(ref Cubemap targetCube, Transform at, bool HDR) { if( targetCube == null ) return; GameObject go = new GameObject("_temp_probe"); go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; go.SetActive(true); Camera cam = go.AddComponent<Camera>(); if( at != null ) { go.transform.position = at.position; } if(HDR) { Shader.EnableKeyword("MARMO_RGBM"); Shader.DisableKeyword("MARMO_RGBA"); Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_GlowStrength", 0f); Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_EmissionLM", 0f); cam.SetReplacementShader(Shader.Find("Hidden/Marmoset/RGBM Replacement"),"RenderType"); } cam.RenderToCubemap(targetCube); targetCube.Apply(false); if(HDR) { cam.ResetReplacementShader(); Shader.DisableKeyword("MARMO_RGBM"); Shader.EnableKeyword("MARMO_RGBA"); } GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); }
static public int Apply(IntPtr l) { try{ if (matchType(l, 2, typeof(bool), typeof(bool))) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Boolean a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.Apply(a1, a2); return(0); } else if (matchType(l, 2, typeof(bool))) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.Apply(a1); return(0); } else if (matchType(l, 2)) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); self.Apply(); return(0); } LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, "No matched override function to call"); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
static public int Apply(IntPtr l) { try { #if DEBUG var method = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); string methodName = GetMethodName(method); #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #else Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #endif #endif int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (argc == 1) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); self.Apply(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 2) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.Apply(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 3) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Boolean a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.Apply(a1, a2); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function Apply to call"); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } #if DEBUG finally { #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); #else Profiler.EndSample(); #endif } #endif }
void createPlaceHolderCube() { if( PlaceHolderCube == null ) { PlaceHolderCube = new Cubemap(16,TextureFormat.ARGB32,true); for(int face = 0; face < 6; face++) { for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { PlaceHolderCube.SetPixel((CubemapFace)face, x, y,; } } } PlaceHolderCube.Apply(true); } }
public void capture(ref Cubemap targetCube, Transform at) { if( targetCube == null ) return; GameObject go = new GameObject("_temp_probe"); go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; go.SetActive(true); Camera cam = go.AddComponent<Camera>(); if( at != null ) { go.transform.position = at.position; } cam.RenderToCubemap(targetCube); targetCube.Apply(false); GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); }
void Create() { try { string planetFolder = Application.dataPath + "/Worlds/Planets/" + worldName; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(planetFolder); NoiseVector[] noiseVectors = CreateNoiseVectors(noiseLayers); Cubemap clouds = new Cubemap(detail, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); // false for now as unity doesn't have seamless cubemaps $)%ˆ#)!_# foreach (CubemapFace face in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(CubemapFace))) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Latlong to cubemap", "Processing " + face, (float) face / 6.0f); Color[] pixels = new Color[detail * detail]; for (int x = 0; x < detail; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < detail; ++y) { Vector3 dir = Utils.Cubemap.CubemapDirection(face, (x+0.5f) / (float)detail - 0.5f, (y+0.5f) / (float)detail - 0.5f); float intensity = 0.0f; foreach (NoiseVector vec in noiseVectors) { float distance = (dir - vec.Normal).magnitude; float v = Mathf.Max(0.0f, 1.0f - distance / vec.Radius); intensity += v * vec.Amplitude; } int index = x + y * detail; pixels[index] = new Color(intensity, intensity, intensity, intensity); } clouds.SetPixels(pixels, face); clouds.Apply(); } clouds.SmoothEdges(); // Because unity doesn't support seamless filtering, but is it enough? string saveFolder = "Assets/Worlds/Planets/" + worldName + "/"; string savePath = saveFolder + "clouds.cubemap"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clouds, savePath); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Creation of clouds failed:\n" + e); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
void Awake() { fogEffect = FindObjectOfType<FogEffect>(); renderProperties = FindObjectOfType<RenderProperties>(); var tmp = new Texture2D(4096, 4096); tmp.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\Users\\nlight\\Desktop\\sky.png")); var pixels = tmp.GetPixels(); cubemap = new Cubemap(4096, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.NegativeX); cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.NegativeY); cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.PositiveX); cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.PositiveY); cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); cubemap.Apply(); }
public static void ConvertLatLongToCubemap() { foreach(Object o in Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Texture2D), SelectionMode.Assets)) { try { Texture2D latLong = o as Texture2D; int faceSize = Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo(latLong.width / 4); Cubemap cube = new Cubemap(faceSize, latLong.format, latLong.mipmapCount > 0); // For each side foreach (CubemapFace face in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(CubemapFace))) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Latlong to cubemap", "Processing " + + " " + face, (float) face / 6.0f); Color[] pixels = new Color[faceSize * faceSize]; for (int x = 0; x < faceSize; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < faceSize; ++y) { Vector3 dir = Utils.Cubemap.CubemapDirection(face, (x+0.5f) / (float)faceSize - 0.5f, (y+0.5f) / (float)faceSize - 0.5f); Vector2 uv = Utils.Cubemap.DirectionToSphericalUV(dir); int index = x + y * faceSize; pixels[index] = latLong.GetPixelBilinear(uv.x, uv.y); } cube.SetPixels(pixels, face); cube.Apply(); } string sourcePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(latLong); string saveFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath); string destPath = saveFolder +"/" + + ".cubemap"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(cube, destPath); Debug.Log("Converted " + sourcePath + " to cubemap"); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Convertion from lat long to cubemap failed:\n" + e); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
static public int Apply(IntPtr l) { try { int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (argc == 1) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); self.Apply(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 2) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.Apply(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 3) { UnityEngine.Cubemap self = (UnityEngine.Cubemap)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Boolean a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.Apply(a1, a2); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function to call"); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Builds a normalizer cubemap, with the texels solid angle stored in the fourth component void BuildNormalizerSolidAngleCubemap(int a_Size, Cubemap a_Surface) { //a_Size = a_Surface.width; int iCubeFace, u, v; Vector3 a_XYZ = new Vector3(0,0,0); Color[] i_CubeMapColors = new Color[a_Size*a_Size]; // float weight = 0.0f; //iterate over cube faces for(iCubeFace=0; iCubeFace<6; iCubeFace++) { for(v=0; v< a_Size; v++) { for(u=0; u < a_Size; u++) { // calc TexelToVect in a_XYZ a_XYZ = TexelToVect(iCubeFace, (float)u, (float)v, a_Size); // calc weight weight = TexelCoordSolidAngle(iCubeFace, (float)u, (float)v, a_Size); // Compress a_XYZ to fit into Color i_CubeMapColors[v * a_Size + u] = new Color ((a_XYZ[0]+1.0f)/2.0f, (a_XYZ[1]+1.0f)/2.0f, (a_XYZ[2]+1.0f)/2.0f, weight); } } // set CubemapFace a_Surface.SetPixels(i_CubeMapColors, (CubemapFace)iCubeFace); } // set cubeMap a_Surface.Apply(true); // Debug.Log ("BuildNormalizerSolidAngleCubemap finished"); }
void FakeHDR (Cubemap CubeMap, bool hasmipLevels) { int maxMipLevels = 1; if (hasmipLevels) { maxMipLevels = (int)(Mathf.Log((float)CubeMap.width, 2.0f)) + 1; } int base_Size = CubeMap.width; Vector4 rgbmColor = new Vector4(); for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < maxMipLevels; mipLevel++) { int a_Size = base_Size >> mipLevel; // As we use a_Size as pointer in our arrays we have to lower it by 1 //a_Size -= 1; for (int a_FaceIdx = 0; a_FaceIdx < 6; a_FaceIdx++) { // Get all pixels of the given face Color[] FaceColors = CubeMap.GetPixels((CubemapFace)a_FaceIdx, mipLevel); // Iterate over dst cube map face texel for (int a_V = 0; a_V < a_Size; a_V++) { for (int a_U = 0; a_U < a_Size; a_U++) { rgbmColor.x = FaceColors[a_V * a_Size + a_U].r; rgbmColor.y = FaceColors[a_V * a_Size + a_U].g; rgbmColor.z = FaceColors[a_V * a_Size + a_U].b; rgbmColor *= 1.0f/6.0f; rgbmColor.w = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(rgbmColor.x, rgbmColor.y), rgbmColor.z)); rgbmColor.w = Mathf.Ceil(rgbmColor.w*255.0f) / 255.0f; rgbmColor.x = rgbmColor.x / rgbmColor.w; rgbmColor.y = rgbmColor.y / rgbmColor.w; rgbmColor.z = rgbmColor.z / rgbmColor.w; FaceColors[a_V * a_Size + a_U] = rgbmColor; } } CubeMap.SetPixels(FaceColors,(CubemapFace)a_FaceIdx, mipLevel); } } CubeMap.Apply(false); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Irridiance Convolution based on SH void ConvolveIrradianceEnvironmentMap(Cubemap irrCubeMap) { int a_Size = irrCubeMap.width; Vector4[] m_NormCubeMapArray = new Vector4[a_Size*a_Size*6]; BuildNormalizerSolidAngleArray(a_Size, ref m_NormCubeMapArray); //This is a custom implementation of D3DXSHProjectCubeMap to avoid to deal with LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 pointer //Use Sh order 2 for a total of 9 coefficient as describe in //accumulators are 64-bit floats in order to have the precision needed //over a summation of a large number of pixels double[] SHr = new double[25]; // NUM_SH_COEFFICIENT double[] SHg = new double[25]; double[] SHb = new double[25]; double[] SHdir = new double[25]; double weightAccum = 0.0; double weight = 0.0; int startFacePtr = 0; for (int iFaceIdx = 0; iFaceIdx < 6; iFaceIdx++) { // read pixels of m_NormCubeMap //var m_NormCubeMap_pixels = new Color[m_NormCubeMap.width*m_NormCubeMap.height]; //m_NormCubeMap_pixels = m_NormCubeMap.GetPixels((CubemapFace)iFaceIdx); // Pointer to the start of the given face in m_NormCubeMapArray startFacePtr = a_Size*a_Size*iFaceIdx; // read all pixels of irrCubeMap var cubeMap_pixels = new Color[irrCubeMap.width * irrCubeMap.height]; cubeMap_pixels = irrCubeMap.GetPixels((CubemapFace)iFaceIdx); for (int y = 0; y < a_Size; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < a_Size; x++) { // read normalCube single pixel Vector4 m_NormCubeMap_pixel = m_NormCubeMapArray[startFacePtr + y*a_Size + x]; // read originalCube single pixel Color cubeMap_pixel = cubeMap_pixels[y*a_Size + x]; // solid angle stored in 4th channel of normalizer/solid angle cube map weight = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[3]; //weight = TexelCoordSolidAngle(iFaceIdx, (float)x, (float)y, a_Size); // pointer to direction and solid angle in cube map associated with texel Vector3 texelVect; texelVect.x = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[0]; texelVect.y = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[1]; texelVect.z = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[2]; //texelVect = TexelToVect(iFaceIdx, (float)x, (float)y, a_Size); EvalSHBasis(texelVect, ref SHdir); // read original colors and convert to float64 double R = cubeMap_pixel[0]; double G = cubeMap_pixel[1]; double B = cubeMap_pixel[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { SHr[i] += R * SHdir[i] * weight; SHg[i] += G * SHdir[i] * weight; SHb[i] += B * SHdir[i] * weight; } weightAccum += weight; } } } // Normalization - The sum of solid angle should be equal to the solid angle of the sphere (4 PI), so // Normalize in order our weightAccum exactly match 4 PI. for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { SHr[i] *= 4.0 * CP_PI / weightAccum; SHg[i] *= 4.0 * CP_PI / weightAccum; SHb[i] *= 4.0 * CP_PI / weightAccum; } // Second step - Generate cubemap from SH coefficient // Normalized vectors per cubeface and per-texel solid angle // Why do we do it a 2nd time???? BuildNormalizerSolidAngleArray(a_Size, ref m_NormCubeMapArray); for (int iFaceIdx = 0; iFaceIdx < 6; iFaceIdx++) { // Pointer to the start of the given face in m_NormCubeMapArray startFacePtr = a_Size*a_Size*iFaceIdx; for (int y = 0; y < a_Size; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < a_Size; x++) { // read normalCube pixel Vector4 m_NormCubeMap_pixel = m_NormCubeMapArray[startFacePtr + y*a_Size + x]; // read normalvector and pass it to EvalSHBasis to get SHdir Vector3 texelVect; texelVect.x = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[0]; texelVect.y = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[1]; texelVect.z = m_NormCubeMap_pixel[2]; //texelVect = TexelToVect(iFaceIdx, (float)x, (float)y, a_Size); EvalSHBasis( texelVect, ref SHdir); // set color values double R = 0.0; double G = 0.0; double B = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { R += (SHr[i] * SHdir[i] * SHBandFactor[i]); G += (SHg[i] * SHdir[i] * SHBandFactor[i]); B += (SHb[i] * SHdir[i] * SHBandFactor[i]); } // Lux needs alpha! irrCubeMap.SetPixel((CubemapFace)iFaceIdx, x, y, new Color((float)R,(float)G,(float)B, 1.0f )); } } } irrCubeMap.Apply(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fixup cube edges void FixupCubeEdges (Cubemap CubeMap) { int maxMipLevels = (int)(Mathf.Log((float)CubeMap.width, 2.0f)) + 1; int base_Size = CubeMap.width; // Do not perform any edge fixed for mip level 0 for (int mipLevel = 1; mipLevel < maxMipLevels; mipLevel++) { // declare jagged array for all faces and init its child arrays Color[][] PixelsOfAllFaces = new Color[6][]; PixelsOfAllFaces[0] = CubeMap.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveX, mipLevel); PixelsOfAllFaces[1] = CubeMap.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeX, mipLevel); PixelsOfAllFaces[2] = CubeMap.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveY, mipLevel); PixelsOfAllFaces[3] = CubeMap.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeY, mipLevel); PixelsOfAllFaces[4] = CubeMap.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveZ, mipLevel); PixelsOfAllFaces[5] = CubeMap.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeZ, mipLevel); int a_Size = base_Size >> mipLevel; // As we use a_Size as pointer in our arrays we have to lower it by 1 a_Size -= 1; int a_FixupWidth = 3; int fixupDist = (int)Mathf.Min( a_FixupWidth, a_Size / 2); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[0,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[0,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[0,2]], 0, 0, a_Size, a_Size, a_Size, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[1,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[1,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[1,2]], a_Size, 0, a_Size, 0, 0, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[2,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[2,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[2,2]], 0, a_Size, a_Size, 0, a_Size, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[3,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[3,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[3,2]], a_Size, a_Size, a_Size, a_Size, 0, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[4,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[4,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[4,2]], a_Size, 0, 0, a_Size, 0, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[5,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[5,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[5,2]], 0, 0, 0, 0, a_Size, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[6,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[6,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[6,2]], a_Size, a_Size, 0, 0, 0, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[7,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[7,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[7,2]], 0, a_Size, 0, a_Size, a_Size, a_Size); // Perform 2nd iteration in reverse order AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[7,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[7,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[7,2]], 0, a_Size, 0, a_Size, a_Size, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[6,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[6,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[6,2]], a_Size, a_Size, 0, 0, 0, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[5,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[5,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[5,2]], 0, 0, 0, 0, a_Size, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[4,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[4,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[4,2]], a_Size, 0, 0, a_Size, 0, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[3,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[3,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[3,2]], a_Size, a_Size, a_Size, a_Size, 0, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[2,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[2,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[2,2]], 0, a_Size, a_Size, 0, a_Size, a_Size); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[1,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[1,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[1,2]], a_Size, 0, a_Size, 0, 0, 0); AverageCorner(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[0,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[0,1]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeCornerList[0,2]], 0, 0, a_Size, a_Size, a_Size, 0); // Average Edges // Note that this loop does not process the corner texels, since they have already been averaged for (int i = 1; i < (a_Size - 1); i++) { AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[0,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[0,1]], i, 0, a_Size, a_Size - i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[1,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[1,1]], i, a_Size, a_Size, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[2,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[2,1]], 0, i, a_Size, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(1, 0, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[3,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[3,1]], a_Size, i, 0, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(-1, 0, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[4,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[4,1]], i, 0, 0, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[5,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[5,1]], i, a_Size, 0, a_Size - i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[6,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[6,1]], a_Size, i, 0, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(-1, 0, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[7,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[7,1]], 0, i, a_Size, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(1, 0, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[8,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[8,1]], i, a_Size, i, 0, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[9,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[9,1]], i, 0, a_Size - i, 0, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[10,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[10,1]], i, 0, i, a_Size, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, 0, -1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[11,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[11,1]], i, a_Size, a_Size - i, a_Size, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, 0, -1) ); } // Perform 2nd iteration in reverse order /* for (int i = 0; i < (a_Size); i++) { AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[11,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[11,1]], i, a_Size, a_Size - i, a_Size, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, 0, -1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[10,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[10,1]], i, 0, i, a_Size, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, 0, -1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[9,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[9,1]], i, 0, a_Size - i, 0, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[8,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[8,1]], i, a_Size, i, 0, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, 0, 1) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[7,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[7,1]], 0, i, a_Size, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(1, 0, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[6,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[6,1]], a_Size, i, 0, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(-1, 0, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[5,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[5,1]], i, a_Size, 0, a_Size - i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[4,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[4,1]], i, 0, 0, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[3,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[3,1]], a_Size, i, 0, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(-1, 0, 1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[2,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[2,1]], 0, i, a_Size, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(1, 0, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[1,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[1,1]], i, a_Size, a_Size, i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, -1, -1, 0) ); AverageEdge(a_Size, PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[0,0]], PixelsOfAllFaces[sg_CubeEdgeList[0,1]], i, 0, a_Size, a_Size - i, fixupDist, new Vector4(0, 1, -1, 0) ); } */ // Write Pixel from the jagged array back to the cubemap faces for (int writeFace = 0; writeFace < 6; writeFace++ ) { Color[] tempColors = PixelsOfAllFaces[writeFace]; CubeMap.SetPixels(tempColors, (CubemapFace)writeFace, mipLevel); } } CubeMap.Apply(false); }
// This is the coroutine that creates the cubemap images IEnumerator CreateCubeMap(bool diffuse) { int size; if(diffuse == true) { size = CubeSizeSetup(true); } else { size = CubeSizeSetup(false); } Cubemap tempCube = new Cubemap(size, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true); if( hasPro == false ) { cubeCamera.RenderToCubemap(tempCube); } else { yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveZ, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveX, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeX, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeZ, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveY, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeY, cubeCamera)); } // v0.035 this fix the ugly mipmap transition tempCube.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; tempCube.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; if (SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel != 50) { tempCube.SmoothEdges(smoothEdge); } tempCube.Apply(); if(diffuse == true) { diffuseCube = tempCube; string diffusePath = GetOutPutPath(diffuseCube,true); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(diffuseCube, diffusePath); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(diffuseCube); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, false); } else { specularCube = tempCube; string specularPath = GetOutPutPath(specularCube,false); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(specularCube, specularPath); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(specularCube); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, false); } /* // Re-enable the renderer if(renderer) { renderer.enabled = true; } */ yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureFinished()); }
private void RemakeCubemap(ref Cubemap originalCubemap) { Cubemap c = new Cubemap(m_resolution, originalCubemap.format, m_useMipMaps); CubemapFace face = CubemapFace.PositiveX; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: face = CubemapFace.PositiveX; break; case 1: face = CubemapFace.PositiveY; break; case 2: face = CubemapFace.PositiveZ; break; case 3: face = CubemapFace.NegativeX; break; case 4: face = CubemapFace.NegativeY; break; case 5: face = CubemapFace.NegativeZ; break; } CopyCubemapFace(face, originalCubemap, ref c); } c.mipMapBias = originalCubemap.mipMapBias; c.Apply(); string pathToOriginalCubemap = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(originalCubemap); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(c, pathToOriginalCubemap); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // Assign the new Cubemap again for User convience m_Cubemap = c; // Linear Space if wanted SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(m_Cubemap); CubemapHelpers.setLinear(ref serializedCubemap, m_useLinearSpace); }
void UseColor() { var othersCube = new Cubemap (LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false) as Cubemap; CubeMapColorsR = othersCube.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveX); for(var rXp = 0; rXp < CubeMapColorsR.Length; rXp++) { CubeMapColorsR[rXp] = LightShapeProbe.reflectedColor; } othersCube.SetPixels(CubeMapColorsR, CubemapFace.PositiveX); othersCube.Apply(); CubeMapColorsR = othersCube.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeX); for(var rXn = 0; rXn < CubeMapColorsR.Length; rXn++) { CubeMapColorsR[rXn] = LightShapeProbe.reflectedColor; } othersCube.SetPixels(CubeMapColorsR, CubemapFace.NegativeX); othersCube.Apply(); CubeMapColorsR = othersCube.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveY); for(var rYp = 0; rYp < CubeMapColorsR.Length; rYp++) { CubeMapColorsR[rYp] = LightShapeProbe.reflectedColor; } othersCube.SetPixels(CubeMapColorsR, CubemapFace.PositiveY); othersCube.Apply(); CubeMapColorsR = othersCube.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeY); for(var rYn = 0; rYn < CubeMapColorsR.Length; rYn++) { CubeMapColorsR[rYn] = LightShapeProbe.reflectedColor; } othersCube.SetPixels(CubeMapColorsR, CubemapFace.NegativeY); othersCube.Apply(); CubeMapColorsR = othersCube.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveZ); for(var rZp = 0; rZp < CubeMapColorsR.Length; rZp++) { CubeMapColorsR[rZp] = LightShapeProbe.reflectedColor; } othersCube.SetPixels(CubeMapColorsR, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); othersCube.Apply(); CubeMapColorsR = othersCube.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeZ); for(var rZn = 0; rZn < CubeMapColorsR.Length; rZn++) { CubeMapColorsR[rZn] = LightShapeProbe.reflectedColor; } othersCube.SetPixels(CubeMapColorsR, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); othersCube.Apply(); GameObject[] wObjects = LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.cubeProbes; foreach(GameObject o in wObjects) { var oo = o.GetComponent("LightShapeProbe") as LightShapeProbe; foreach(GameObject ooo in oo.myObjects) { var tempMat = ooo.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); tempMat.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_Cube", othersCube); } } }
IEnumerator ConvolveDiffuseCubeMap() { int size = 0; int samples = 0; size = CubeSizeSetup(true); samples = qualitySetup(true); if(irradianceModel == irradianceEnum.SphereUniform) { convolveDiffuseSkybox = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Antonov Suit/Irradiance/Sphere")); } if(irradianceModel == irradianceEnum.HemisphereUniform) { convolveDiffuseSkybox = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Antonov Suit/Irradiance/Hemisphere")); } if(irradianceModel == irradianceEnum.HemisphereCosine) { convolveDiffuseSkybox = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Antonov Suit/Irradiance/Cosine")); } convolveDiffuseSkybox.SetInt("_diffSamples",samples); convolveDiffuseSkybox.SetInt("_diffuseSize", size); convolveDiffuseSkybox.SetTexture("_DiffCubeIBL", diffuseCube); UnityEngine.RenderSettings.skybox = convolveDiffuseSkybox; Cubemap tempCube = new Cubemap(size, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); if( hasPro == true ) { cubeCamera.RenderToCubemap(tempCube); } else { yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveZ, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveX, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeX, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeZ, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveY, cubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeY, cubeCamera)); } tempCube.Apply(); diffuseCube = tempCube; string convolvedDiffusePath = GetOutPutPath(diffuseCube,true); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(diffuseCube, convolvedDiffusePath); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(diffuseCube); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, false); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureFinished()); }
IEnumerator ScreenCapture() { Transform cam = camera.transform; while(isTakingScreenshots) { // Loop through each node for(int a=0; a<nodes.Length; a++) { // Make sure this Node is set to allow generation of either cubemaps or PNGs // Ignore the Allow parameter if we have no cubemap assigned yet at all if(nodes[a].allowCubemapGeneration || nodes[a].allowGeneratePNG || (!nodes[a].allowCubemapGeneration && nodes[a].cubemap == null) ) { // Set Camera cam.position = nodes[a].transform.position; cam.rotation = Quaternion.identity; // Set resolution because Node may override SetNodeResolution(nodes[a]); // Make cubemap Cubemap cubemap = new Cubemap(nodeResolution, textureFormat, useMipMaps); cubemap.mipMapBias = mipMapBias; // Loop through all Directions to take screenshots for this node for(int b=0; b<6; b++) { //Debug.Log("Processing Node " + nodes[a].name + " in Direction " + currentDir); switch(currentDir) { case DIR.Right: cam.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0); yield return StartCoroutine(MakeSnapshot(cubemap, CubemapFace.PositiveX, nodes[a])); currentDir = DIR.Left; break; case DIR.Left: cam.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -90, 0); yield return StartCoroutine(MakeSnapshot(cubemap, CubemapFace.NegativeX, nodes[a])); currentDir = DIR.Top; break; case DIR.Top: cam.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0); yield return StartCoroutine(MakeSnapshot(cubemap, CubemapFace.PositiveY, nodes[a])); currentDir = DIR.Bottom; break; case DIR.Bottom: cam.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0); yield return StartCoroutine(MakeSnapshot(cubemap, CubemapFace.NegativeY, nodes[a])); currentDir = DIR.Front; break; case DIR.Front: cam.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0); yield return StartCoroutine(MakeSnapshot(cubemap, CubemapFace.PositiveZ, nodes[a])); currentDir = DIR.Back; break; case DIR.Back: cam.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0); yield return StartCoroutine(MakeSnapshot(cubemap, CubemapFace.NegativeZ, nodes[a])); currentDir = DIR.Right; // back to the beginning (or else it gets stuck) break; } } #if !UNITY_2_6 && !UNITY_2_6_1 && !UNITY_3_0 && !UNITY_3_0_0 && !UNITY_3_1 && !UNITY_3_2 && !UNITY_3_3 && !UNITY_3_4 && !UNITY_3_5 // Smooth Edges on Unity 4+ if (smoothEdges) { cubemap.SmoothEdges(smoothEdgesWidth); cubemap.Apply(); } #endif // Create Cubemap, but only if we are allowed to (unless there is no cubemap on the node yet) if (nodes[a].allowCubemapGeneration || (!nodes[a].allowCubemapGeneration && nodes[a].cubemap == null)) { string finalCubemapPath = pathCubemaps + "/" + sceneName + "_" + nodes[a].name + ".cubemap"; if (finalCubemapPath.Contains("//")) finalCubemapPath = finalCubemapPath.Replace("//", "/"); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(cubemap, finalCubemapPath); } // Set Linear Space if wanted SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(cubemap); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, useLinearSpace); // Free up memory to prevent memory leak Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); isTakingScreenshots = false; completedTakingScreenshots = true; } Debug.Log("CUBEMAPS GENERATED!"); }
IEnumerator MakeSnapshot(Cubemap c, CubemapFace face, CubemapNode node) { // We should only read the screen buffer after rendering is complete yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); int width = Screen.width; int height = Screen.height; //Create the blank texture container Texture2D snapshot = new Texture2D(width, height, textureFormat, useMipMaps); snapshot.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; // Rectangle Area from the Camera Rect copyRect = new Rect((camera.pixelWidth * 0.5f) - (snapshot.width * 0.5f), (camera.pixelHeight * 0.5f) - (snapshot.height * 0.5f), snapshot.width, snapshot.height); //Read the current render into the texture container, snapshot snapshot.ReadPixels(copyRect, 0, 0, false); yield return null; snapshot.Apply(); // Resize our Texture snapshot = Scale(snapshot, nodeResolution, nodeResolution); // Write mirrored pixels from our Texture to Cubemap Color cubemapColor; for (int y = 0; y<nodeResolution; y++) { for (int x = 0; x<nodeResolution; x++) { cubemapColor = snapshot.GetPixel(nodeResolution + x, (nodeResolution-1) - y); c.SetPixel(face, x, y, cubemapColor); } } c.Apply(); // Optional PNG generation. Double-check it with overriding Node setting if(makePNG && node.allowGeneratePNG) { // Mirror the snapshot image for our PNG in order to be identical with the cubemap faces snapshot.SetPixels32( MirrorColor32( c.GetPixels(face) ) ); snapshot.Apply(); // Convert to PNG file byte[] bytes = snapshot.EncodeToPNG(); // Save the file string path = Application.dataPath + "/" + pathCubemapPNG + "/" + sceneName + "_" + + "_" + face.ToString() + ".png"; //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); // deprecated because not available on Webplayer System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Create); System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(bytes); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); // Fix compression state string finalImagePath = "Assets/" + pathCubemapPNG + "/" + sceneName + "_" + + "_" + face.ToString() + ".png"; if (finalImagePath.Contains("//")) finalImagePath = finalImagePath.Replace("//", "/"); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); // refresh necessary before we can use the textureimporter TextureImporter textureImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(finalImagePath) as TextureImporter; if (textureImporter != null) { textureImporter.textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.RGB24; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(finalImagePath); } } // Delete our screenshot texture as clean up DestroyImmediate(snapshot); yield return null; }
// This function computes a diffuse environment map in // "filteredCubemap" of the same dimensions as "originalCubemap" // by integrating -- for each texel of "filteredCubemap" -- // the diffuse illumination from all texels of "originalCubemap" // for the surface normal vector corresponding to the direction // of each texel of "filteredCubemap". private Cubemap computeFilteredCubeMap() { Cubemap filteredCubeMap = new Cubemap(originalCubeMap.width, originalCubeMap.format, true); int filteredSize = filteredCubeMap.width; int originalSize = originalCubeMap.width; // Compute all texels of the diffuse environment cube map // by itterating over all of them for (int filteredFace = 0; filteredFace < 6; filteredFace++) // the six sides of the cube { for (int filteredI = 0; filteredI < filteredSize; filteredI++) { for (int filteredJ = 0; filteredJ < filteredSize; filteredJ++) { Vector3 filteredDirection = getDirection(filteredFace, filteredI, filteredJ, filteredSize).normalized; float totalWeight = 0.0f; Vector3 originalDirection; Vector3 originalFaceDirection; float weight; Color filteredColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // sum (i.e. integrate) the diffuse illumination // by all texels in the original environment map for (int originalFace = 0; originalFace < 6; originalFace++) { originalFaceDirection = getDirection( originalFace, 1, 1, 3).normalized; //the normal vector of the face for (int originalI = 0; originalI < originalSize; originalI++) { for (int originalJ = 0; originalJ < originalSize; originalJ++) { originalDirection = getDirection( originalFace, originalI, originalJ, originalSize); // direction to the texel // (i.e. light source) weight = 1.0f / originalDirection.sqrMagnitude; // take smaller size of more // distant texels into account originalDirection = originalDirection.normalized; weight = weight * Vector3.Dot( originalFaceDirection, originalDirection); // take tilt of texel compared // to face into account // weight = weight * Mathf.Max(0.0f, // Vector3.Dot(filteredDirection, // originalDirection)); // directional filter // for diffuse illumination weight = weight * Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Max(0.0f, Vector3.Dot(filteredDirection, originalDirection)), 50.0f); //directional filter for specular illumination totalWeight = totalWeight + weight; // instead of analytically // normalization, we just normalize // to the potential max illumination filteredColor = filteredColor + weight * originalCubeMap.GetPixel( (CubemapFace)originalFace, originalI, originalJ); // add the // illumination by this texel } } } filteredCubeMap.SetPixel( (CubemapFace)filteredFace, filteredI, filteredJ, filteredColor / totalWeight); // store the diffuse illumination of this texel } } } // Avoid seams between cube faces: average edge texels // to the same color on each side of the seam int maxI = filteredCubeMap.width - 1; for (int i = 0; i < maxI; i++) { setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, i, 0, 2, maxI, maxI - i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, 0, i, 4, maxI, i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, i, maxI, 3, maxI, i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, maxI, i, 5, 0, i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, i, 0, 2, 0, i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, 0, i, 5, maxI, i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, i, maxI, 3, 0, maxI - i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, maxI, i, 4, 0, i); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 2, i, 0, 5, maxI - i, 0); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 2, i, maxI, 4, i, 0); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 3, i, 0, 4, i, maxI); setFaceAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 3, i, maxI, 5, maxI - i, maxI); } // Avoid seams between cube faces: // average corner texels to the same color // on all three faces meeting in one corner setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, 0, 0, 2, maxI, maxI, 4, maxI, 0); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, maxI, 0, 2, maxI, 0, 5, 0, 0); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, 0, maxI, 3, maxI, 0, 4, maxI, maxI); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 0, maxI, maxI, 3, maxI, maxI, 5, 0, maxI); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 5, maxI, 0); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, maxI, 0, 2, 0, maxI, 4, 0, 0); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, 0, maxI, 3, 0, maxI, 5, maxI, maxI); setCornerAverage(ref filteredCubeMap, 1, maxI, maxI, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, maxI); filteredCubeMap.Apply(); //apply all SetPixel(..) commands return filteredCubeMap; }
private void CopyCubemapFace(CubemapFace face, Cubemap source, ref Cubemap target) { //Create the blank texture container Texture2D snapshot = new Texture2D(source.width, source.height, source.format, m_useMipMaps, false); snapshot.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; // Read Face Pixels into the Texture snapshot.SetPixels(source.GetPixels(face), 0); // Resize to new size snapshot = Scale(snapshot, m_resolution, m_resolution); // Finally write the contents to the new Cubemap target.SetPixels(snapshot.GetPixels(), face, 0); target.Apply(); }
private void OnGUI() { m_scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_scrollPos); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.MaxWidth(325)); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This tool aims to help you when you want to change properties that are not covered by the standard Unity Inspector for Cubemaps, e.g. Mip Map Bias and Unity 4 Smooth Edges. This tool is experimental and should be used with care. I do not take responsibility if something goes wrong or produces undesirable results.", MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("1. Define Cubemap", EditorStyles.boldLabel); m_Cubemap = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(m_Cubemap, typeof(Cubemap), false, GUILayout.Height(70), GUILayout.Width(70)) as Cubemap; if(m_Cubemap != null) { // Serialization helps determine and set Linear and Mip Map values SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(m_Cubemap); // Display Name of the current Cubemap GUILayout.Label(; GUILayout.Space(15); GUILayout.Label("2. Modify Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(125f); // SETTINGS VERTICAL AREA EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(325)); { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Some settings require the Cubemap to be rebuilt, which means you need to re-assign it to your objects.", MessageType.Warning); // SETTINGS START HERE EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.MaxWidth(300)); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(250)); { m_resolution = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("New Resolution:", m_resolution, m_resolutions, m_resSizes); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Currently:", m_Cubemap.height.ToString() + "x" + m_Cubemap.width.ToString()); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)); { GUI.backgroundColor = CubemapHelpers.ColorGreen; if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20))) { RemakeCubemap(ref m_Cubemap); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.MaxWidth(300)); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(250)); { m_useLinearSpace = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Linear Space:", m_useLinearSpace); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Currently: " + (CubemapHelpers.isLinear(serializedCubemap) ? "Yes":"No")); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)); { GUI.backgroundColor = CubemapHelpers.ColorGreen; if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20))) { CubemapHelpers.setLinear(ref serializedCubemap, m_useLinearSpace); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.MaxWidth(300)); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(250)); { m_useMipMaps = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mip Maps:", m_useMipMaps); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Currently: " + (CubemapHelpers.usingMipMap(serializedCubemap) ? "Yes" : "No")); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(50)); { GUI.backgroundColor = CubemapHelpers.ColorGreen; if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20))) { CubemapHelpers.setMipMap(ref serializedCubemap, m_useMipMaps); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(300)); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(250)); { m_mipmapBias = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Mip Map Bias:", m_mipmapBias, -10f, 10f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Currently:", m_Cubemap.mipMapBias.ToString()); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(50f)); { GUI.backgroundColor = CubemapHelpers.ColorGreen; if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20))) { m_Cubemap.mipMapBias = m_mipmapBias; m_Cubemap.Apply(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); #if !UNITY_2_6 && !UNITY_2_6_1 && !UNITY_3_0 && !UNITY_3_0_0 && !UNITY_3_1 && !UNITY_3_2 && !UNITY_3_3 && !UNITY_3_4 && !UNITY_3_5 m_smoothEdges = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Smooth Edges?", m_smoothEdges); if (m_smoothEdges) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("CAREFUL: This effect can't be undone!", MessageType.Warning); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.MaxWidth(300)); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(250)); { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(150)); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Edge Smooth Width:", GUILayout.Width(150)); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(30)); { m_smoothEdgeWidth = EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_smoothEdgeWidth, GUILayout.Width(30)); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(30)); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("px", GUILayout.Width(30)); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(50f)); { GUI.backgroundColor = CubemapHelpers.ColorGreen; if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20))) { m_Cubemap.SmoothEdges(m_smoothEdgeWidth); m_Cubemap.Apply(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } #endif } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUI.backgroundColor = CubemapHelpers.ColorGreen; if (GUILayout.Button("Apply ALL (use carefully!)", GUILayout.Width(200), GUILayout.Height(40))) { ApplyChanges(m_Cubemap); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); Repaint(); }
IEnumerator Capture(Cubemap cubemap,CubemapFace face,Camera cam) { var width = Screen.width; var height = Screen.height; Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(height, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); int cubeSize = cubemap.height; cam.transform.localRotation = Rotation(face); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels(new Rect((width-height)/2, 0, height, height), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); tex = Resize(tex, cubeSize,cubeSize,false); Color cubeCol; for (int y = 0; y < cubeSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < cubeSize; x++) { cubeCol = tex.GetPixel(cubeSize + x, (cubeSize - 1) - y); cubemap.SetPixel(face, x, y, cubeCol); } } cubemap.Apply(); DestroyImmediate(tex); }
public IEnumerator RenderCube(GameObject lightShapeObjTemp, GameObject lightShapeObjTempAlt, GameObject groundShapeObjTemp, Material gMat, Material lsMat, Material alsMat) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); var cubeCamera = new GameObject( "CubemapCamera", typeof(Camera) ) as GameObject; cubeCamera.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; var cubeCam = cubeCamera.GetComponent("Camera") as Camera; var tempFull = new Cubemap (LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.hasMips) as Cubemap; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); cubeCam.nearClipPlane = 0.001f; cubeCam.aspect = 1.0f; if(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.worldCamera) { if(!RenderSettings.skybox) { if(!LightShapeProbe.overrideCameraColor) { cubeCam.backgroundColor = LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.worldCamera.backgroundColor; } if(LightShapeProbe.overrideCameraColor) { cubeCam.backgroundColor = LightShapeProbe.BGColor; } } if(RenderSettings.skybox) { if(!LightShapeProbe.overrideCameraColor) { cubeCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; } if(LightShapeProbe.overrideCameraColor) { cubeCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; cubeCam.backgroundColor = LightShapeProbe.BGColor; } } } cubeCam.fov = 90; cubeCam.cullingMask = 1 << 0; cubeCamera.transform.position = transform.position; cubeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0); Texture2D tex = new Texture2D (LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors = tex.GetPixels(); Color [,] bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors[i]; } Color [,] flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveX); tempFull.Apply(); cubeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 270, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeX); tempFull.Apply(); cubeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); tempFull.Apply(); cubeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); tempFull.Apply(); cubeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(270, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveY); tempFull.Apply(); cubeCamera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeY); tempFull.Apply(); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); var cubeCamera2 = new GameObject( "CubemapCamera", typeof(Camera) ) as GameObject; cubeCamera2.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; var cubeCam2 = cubeCamera2.GetComponent("Camera") as Camera; var tempFull2 = new Cubemap (LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.hasMips) as Cubemap; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); cubeCam2.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; cubeCam2.nearClipPlane = 0.001f; cubeCam2.aspect = 1.0f; cubeCam2.cullingMask = 2 << 0; cubeCam2.fov = 90; cubeCam2.backgroundColor =; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); cubeCamera2.transform.position = transform.position; cubeCamera2.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors2 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors2[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors2[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull2.SetPixels(CubeMapColors2, CubemapFace.PositiveX); tempFull2.Apply(); cubeCamera2.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 270, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors2 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors2[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors2[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull2.SetPixels(CubeMapColors2, CubemapFace.NegativeX); tempFull2.Apply(); cubeCamera2.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors2 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors2[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors2[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull2.SetPixels(CubeMapColors2, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); tempFull2.Apply(); cubeCamera2.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors2 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors2[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors2[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull2.SetPixels(CubeMapColors2, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); tempFull2.Apply(); cubeCamera2.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(270, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors2 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors2[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors2[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull2.SetPixels(CubeMapColors2, CubemapFace.PositiveY); tempFull2.Apply(); cubeCamera2.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors2 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors2[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors2[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull2.SetPixels(CubeMapColors2, CubemapFace.NegativeY); tempFull2.Apply(); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveX); CubeMapColors2 = tempFull2.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveX); SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors2); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveX); tempFull.Apply(); CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeX); CubeMapColors2 = tempFull2.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeX); SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors2); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeX); tempFull.Apply(); CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveY); CubeMapColors2 = tempFull2.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveY); SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors2); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveY); tempFull.Apply(); CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeY); CubeMapColors2 = tempFull2.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeY); SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors2); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeY); tempFull.Apply(); CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveZ); CubeMapColors2 = tempFull2.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveZ); SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors2); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); tempFull.Apply(); CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeZ); CubeMapColors2 = tempFull2.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeZ); SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors2); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); tempFull.Apply(); if(lightShapeObjTemp) { Destroy(lightShapeObjTemp.gameObject); Destroy(lsMat); } if(lightShapeObjTempAlt) { Destroy(lightShapeObjTempAlt.gameObject); Destroy(alsMat); } if(LightShapeProbe.hasGround) { var cubeCamera3 = new GameObject( "CubemapCamera", typeof(Camera) ) as GameObject; var cubeCam3 = cubeCamera3.GetComponent("Camera") as Camera; cubeCam3.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; cubeCam3.nearClipPlane = 0.001f; cubeCam3.farClipPlane = 5f; cubeCam3.aspect = 1.0f; cubeCam3.cullingMask = 2 << 0; cubeCam3.fov = 90; cubeCam3.backgroundColor = Color.white; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); cubeCamera3.transform.position = transform.position; cubeCamera3.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; var tempFull3 = new Cubemap (LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false) as Cubemap; cubeCamera3.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 90, 0); //1 yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors3 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors3[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors3[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull3.SetPixels(CubeMapColors3, CubemapFace.PositiveX); tempFull3.Apply(); //2 cubeCamera3.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 270, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors3 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors3[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors3[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull3.SetPixels(CubeMapColors3, CubemapFace.NegativeX); tempFull3.Apply(); //3 cubeCamera3.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors3 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors3[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors3[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull3.SetPixels(CubeMapColors3, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); tempFull3.Apply(); //4 cubeCamera3.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors3 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors3[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors3[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull3.SetPixels(CubeMapColors3, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); tempFull3.Apply(); //5 cubeCamera3.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(270, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors3 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors3[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors3[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull3.SetPixels(CubeMapColors3, CubemapFace.PositiveY); tempFull3.Apply(); //6 cubeCamera3.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels (new Rect(1, 1, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize), 0, 0); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.Apply (); CubeMapColors3 = tex.GetPixels(); bigPicture = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; bigPicture[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize] = CubeMapColors3[i]; } flippedX = new Color[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { for( int j = 0; j < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++j) { flippedX[LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize - 1 - i, j] = bigPicture[i, j]; } } row = -1; for( int i = 0; i < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize * LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize; ++i ) { if ( i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize == 0 ) ++row; CubeMapColors3[i] = flippedX[row, i % LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize]; } tempFull3.SetPixels(CubeMapColors3, CubemapFace.NegativeY); tempFull3.Apply(); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); //1 CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveY); CubeMapColors3 = tempFull3.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveY); SetGround(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors3); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveY); tempFull.Apply(); //2 CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeY); CubeMapColors3 = tempFull3.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeY); SetGround(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors3); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeY); tempFull.Apply(); //3 CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveX); CubeMapColors3 = tempFull3.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveX); SetGround(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors3); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveX); tempFull.Apply(); //4 CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeX); CubeMapColors3 = tempFull3.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeX); SetGround(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors3); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeX); tempFull.Apply(); //5 CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveZ); CubeMapColors3 = tempFull3.GetPixels(CubemapFace.PositiveZ); SetGround(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors3); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); tempFull.Apply(); //6 CubeMapColors = tempFull.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeZ); CubeMapColors3 = tempFull3.GetPixels(CubemapFace.NegativeZ); SetGround(CubeMapColors, CubeMapColors3); tempFull.SetPixels(CubeMapColors, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); tempFull.Apply(); DestroyImmediate( cubeCamera3 ); } if(groundShapeObjTemp) { Destroy(groundShapeObjTemp.gameObject); Destroy(gMat); } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(tempFull, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.savePath + LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.folderName + "/Cube_" + LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.CubeMapSize + "_" + (LightShapeProbe.myIndex + 1) + ".cubemap"); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.curProbeInt == LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.cubeProbes.Length) { if(!LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.secondPass) { LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.StopBatch(); } } if(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.secondPass) { if(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.curProbeInt == LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.reflectObjs.Length) { LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.StopBatch(); } if(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.curProbeInt < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.reflectObjs.Length) { StartCoroutine(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.RenderCubeMaps()); } } if(!LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.secondPass) { if(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.curProbeInt < LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.cubeProbes.Length) { StartCoroutine(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.AltMethodManger.RenderCubeMaps()); } } UpdateCubeMaps(); rewardInt = Random.Range(0, LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.rewardStrings.Length); if(!LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.renderingCubeMaps) { Debug.Log(LightShapeProbe.LightShapeManager.rewardStrings[rewardInt] + " CubeMap Rendered!"); EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; } }
IEnumerator CaptureImportanceSample(Cubemap cubemap,CubemapFace face,Camera cam, int mip) { var width = Screen.width; var height = Screen.height; Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(height, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); cam.transform.localRotation = Rotation(face); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); tex.ReadPixels(new Rect((width-height)/2, 0, height, height), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); int cubeSize = Mathf.Max(1, cubemap.width >> mip ); tex = Resize(tex, cubeSize,cubeSize,true); Color[] tempCol = tex.GetPixels(); cubemap.SetPixels(tempCol,face,mip); cubemap.Apply(false); DestroyImmediate(tex); }
/** * キューブマップの作成. */ private void m_CreateCubemap() { if (m_srcTexture == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Please set panorama image!", "OK"); return; } // Textureを出力するディレクトリの作成. if (!Directory.Exists(PanoramaToCubemap.outputImageDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(PanoramaToCubemap.outputImageDirectory); } int texSize = m_GetCubemapTextureSize(); m_Cubemap = new Cubemap(texSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); if (m_dstTextureFront != null) { m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureFront, true); Color [] dstCols = new Color[texSize * texSize]; int iPos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texSize; y++) { Color [] srcLines = m_dstTextureFront.GetPixels(0, texSize - y - 1, texSize, 1); for (int x = 0; x < texSize; x++) { dstCols[iPos + x] = srcLines[x]; } iPos += texSize; } m_Cubemap.SetPixels(dstCols, CubemapFace.PositiveZ); m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureFront, false); } if (m_dstTextureBack != null) { m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureBack, true); Color [] dstCols = new Color[texSize * texSize]; int iPos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texSize; y++) { Color [] srcLines = m_dstTextureBack.GetPixels(0, texSize - y - 1, texSize, 1); for (int x = 0; x < texSize; x++) { dstCols[iPos + x] = srcLines[x]; } iPos += texSize; } m_Cubemap.SetPixels(dstCols, CubemapFace.NegativeZ); m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureBack, false); } if (m_dstTextureLeft != null) { m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureLeft, true); Color [] dstCols = new Color[texSize * texSize]; int iPos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texSize; y++) { Color [] srcLines = m_dstTextureLeft.GetPixels(0, texSize - y - 1, texSize, 1); for (int x = 0; x < texSize; x++) { dstCols[iPos + x] = srcLines[x]; } iPos += texSize; } m_Cubemap.SetPixels(dstCols, CubemapFace.PositiveX); m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureLeft, false); } if (m_dstTextureRight != null) { m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureRight, true); Color [] dstCols = new Color[texSize * texSize]; int iPos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texSize; y++) { Color [] srcLines = m_dstTextureRight.GetPixels(0, texSize - y - 1, texSize, 1); for (int x = 0; x < texSize; x++) { dstCols[iPos + x] = srcLines[x]; } iPos += texSize; } m_Cubemap.SetPixels(dstCols, CubemapFace.NegativeX); m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureRight, false); } if (m_dstTextureUp != null) { m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureUp, true); Color [] dstCols = new Color[texSize * texSize]; int iPos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texSize; y++) { Color [] srcLines = m_dstTextureUp.GetPixels(0, texSize - y - 1, texSize, 1); for (int x = 0; x < texSize; x++) { dstCols[iPos + x] = srcLines[x]; } iPos += texSize; } m_Cubemap.SetPixels(dstCols, CubemapFace.PositiveY); m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureUp, false); } if (m_dstTextureDown != null) { m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureDown, true); Color [] dstCols = new Color[texSize * texSize]; int iPos = 0; for (int y = 0; y < texSize; y++) { Color [] srcLines = m_dstTextureDown.GetPixels(0, texSize - y - 1, texSize, 1); for (int x = 0; x < texSize; x++) { dstCols[iPos + x] = srcLines[x]; } iPos += texSize; } m_Cubemap.SetPixels(dstCols, CubemapFace.NegativeY); m_EnableTextureGetPixel(m_dstTextureDown, false); } m_Cubemap.Apply(); string fileName = outputImageDirectory + "/" + + ".cubemap"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(m_Cubemap, fileName); Selection.activeObject = m_Cubemap; }
IEnumerator ConvolveSpecularCubeMap() { int size = 0; int samples = 0; size = CubeSizeSetup(false); samples = qualitySetup(false); if(radianceModel == radianceEnum.BlinnPhong) { convolveSpecularSkybox = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Antonov Suit/Radiance/Blinn")); } if(radianceModel == radianceEnum.GGX) { convolveSpecularSkybox = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Antonov Suit/Radiance/GGX")); } convolveSpecularSkybox.SetInt("_specSamples",samples); convolveSpecularSkybox.SetInt("_specularSize", size); convolveSpecularSkybox.SetTexture("_SpecCubeIBL", specularCube); UnityEngine.RenderSettings.skybox = convolveSpecularSkybox; Cubemap tempCube = new Cubemap(size, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true); for(int mip = 0; (size >> mip) > 0; mip++) { // v0.035 better way to get exponent with different cubemap size float minExponent = 0.005f; float exponent = Mathf.Max( (float)specularExponent / (float)size * (float)mip, minExponent ); /* float[] expVal = new float [] { 0.01f,0.1f,0.2f,0.3f,0.4f,0.5f,0.6f,0.7f,0.8f,0.9f,1.0f }; float exponent = expVal[mip]; convolveSpecularSkybox.SetFloat("_Shininess", exponent ); */ if( mip == 0 ) { convolveSpecularSkybox.SetFloat("_Shininess", minExponent); } if( mip != 0 && radianceModel == radianceEnum.GGX) { convolveSpecularSkybox.SetFloat("_Shininess", exponent + 0.05f); } if( mip != 0 && radianceModel == radianceEnum.BlinnPhong) { convolveSpecularSkybox.SetFloat("_Shininess", exponent); } int cubeSize = Mathf.Max(1, tempCube.width >> mip ); Cubemap mipCube = new Cubemap(cubeSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); if( hasPro == true ) { cubeCamera.RenderToCubemap(mipCube); for(int f=0; f<6; ++f) { CubemapFace face = (CubemapFace)f; tempCube.SetPixels(mipCube.GetPixels(face), face, mip); } } else { yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureImportanceSample(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveZ, cubeCamera,mip)); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureImportanceSample(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveX, cubeCamera,mip)); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureImportanceSample(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeX, cubeCamera,mip)); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureImportanceSample(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeZ, cubeCamera,mip)); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureImportanceSample(tempCube, CubemapFace.PositiveY, cubeCamera,mip)); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureImportanceSample(tempCube, CubemapFace.NegativeY, cubeCamera,mip)); } } // v0.035 this fix the ugly mipmap transition tempCube.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; tempCube.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; if (SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel != 50) { tempCube.SmoothEdges(smoothEdge); } tempCube.Apply(false); specularCube = tempCube; string convolvedSpecularPath = GetOutPutPath(specularCube,false); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(specularCube, convolvedSpecularPath); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(specularCube); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, false); yield return StartCoroutine(CaptureFinished()); }
public static void TestCubemap() { int faceSize = 8; Cubemap cube = new Cubemap(faceSize, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); // For each side foreach (CubemapFace face in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(CubemapFace))) { Color color = FaceToColor(face); Color[] pixels = new Color[faceSize * faceSize]; for (int i = 0; i < faceSize * faceSize; ++i) pixels[i] = color; cube.SetPixels(pixels, face); cube.Apply(); } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(cube, "Assets/BiasedPhysics/TestCubemap.cubemap"); Debug.Log("Generated /BiasedPhysics/TestCubemap.cubemap"); }
IEnumerator RenderCubeFaces(Cubemap cube, bool irradiance) { if (irradiance) { size = (int)DiffSize; mipmap = false; } else { size = (int)SpecSize; mipmap = true; } cube = new Cubemap((int)size, texFor, mipmap); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(cube, CubemapFace.PositiveZ, CubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(cube, CubemapFace.PositiveX, CubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(cube, CubemapFace.NegativeX, CubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(cube, CubemapFace.NegativeZ, CubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(cube, CubemapFace.PositiveY, CubeCamera)); yield return StartCoroutine(Capture(cube, CubemapFace.NegativeY, CubeCamera)); cube.Apply(mipmap); if (irradiance) { Cubemap diffCube = cube; = cubeName; if (SmoothEdges) { diffCube.SmoothEdges(SmoothEdgePixel); } diffCube.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; string finalDiffPath = + "DIFF.cubemap"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(diffCube, finalDiffPath); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(diffCube); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, true); DIFFCube = diffCube; } else { Cubemap specCube = cube; = cubeName; if (SmoothEdges) { specCube.SmoothEdges(SmoothEdgePixel); } specCube.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; string finalSpecPath = + "SPEC.cubemap"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(specCube, finalSpecPath); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(specCube); SetLinearSpace(ref serializedCubemap, true); SPECCube = specCube; } yield return StartCoroutine(Finished()); }
private void ApplyChanges(Cubemap cubemap) { if (cubemap.height != m_resolution) RemakeCubemap(ref cubemap); else { cubemap.mipMapBias = m_mipmapBias; #if !UNITY_2_6 && !UNITY_2_6_1 && !UNITY_3_0 && !UNITY_3_0_0 && !UNITY_3_1 && !UNITY_3_2 && !UNITY_3_3 && !UNITY_3_4 && !UNITY_3_5 if (m_smoothEdges) cubemap.SmoothEdges(m_smoothEdgeWidth); #endif cubemap.Apply(); SerializedObject serializedCubemap = new SerializedObject(cubemap); CubemapHelpers.setMipMap(ref serializedCubemap, m_useMipMaps); CubemapHelpers.setLinear(ref serializedCubemap, m_useLinearSpace); } }
void RenderToCubeMap(Cubemap dest, Camera cam) { // get MIP level 0 to be pure reflection /* for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { BeginCubeFaceRender(dest, (CubemapFace)i, 0, cam); cam.Render(); EndCubeFaceRender(dest, (CubemapFace)i, 0, cam, false); }*/ dest.Apply(false); // blur each mip level Material blurMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Custom/MirrorBlurCubemap")); blurMaterial.SetTexture("MyCube", dest); for (int mip=1; (dest.width>>mip)>0;mip++) { //specular[mip] // blurMaterial.SetFloat("_SpecPwr", specular[mip]); // FIXME what is specular[mip]? blurMaterial.SetFloat("_SpecPwr", mip*8); // blur each face by rendering a cube that does a tons of samples for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { BeginCubeFaceRender(dest, (CubemapFace)i, mip, cam); // FIXME: what is outsideCubeMesh? Graphics.DrawMesh(outsideCubeMesh, cam.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, blurMaterial, 1, cam, 0); cam.Render(); EndCubeFaceRender(dest, (CubemapFace)i, mip, cam, false); } } // upload final version dest.Apply(false); }
//[MenuItem ("Lux Cubemapper/Cubemapper")] //static void CreateWizard () { // ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard<LuxCubeMapper>("Convolve cubemap", "Go"); //} //void OnWizardCreate () { // if (TakeNewProbe) RenderToCubeMap(cubeMap,probe); // // diffuse // if (ConvolutionMode == ConvoModes.Diffuse) { // ConvolveIrradianceEnvironmentMap (cubeMap); // if (PullHDR) FakeHDR(cubeMap, false); // } // if (ConvolutionMode == ConvoModes.Specular) { // ConvolveRadianceEnvironmentMap (cubeMap); // FixupCubeEdges(cubeMap); // if (PullHDR) FakeHDR(cubeMap, true); // cubeMap.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; // cubeMap.mipMapBias = 0.5f; // } //} //void OnWizardUpdate () { //} //void RenderToCubeMap(Cubemap dest, GameObject probe) { // var cubeCamera = new GameObject( "CubemapCamera", typeof(Camera) ) as GameObject; //// cubeCamera.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; // var cubeCam = cubeCamera.GetComponent("Camera") as Camera; // cubeCam.nearClipPlane = 0.001f; // cubeCam.farClipPlane = 1000.0f; // cubeCam.aspect = 1.0f; //// cubeCam.hdr = true; // cubeCam.cullingMask = 1 << 0; // cubeCamera.transform.position = probe.transform.position; // cubeCam.RenderToCubemap(dest); // GameObject.DestroyImmediate(cubeCamera); //} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConvolveRadianceEnvironmentMap void ConvolveRadianceEnvironmentMap (Cubemap RadianceCube) { int a_Size = RadianceCube.width; int n_Size = a_Size; int startMipLevel = 0; float specularPower; float[] specPowr = new float [] { SpecularPower, SpecularPower/2.0f, SpecularPower/4.0f, SpecularPower/8.0f, SpecularPower/16.0f, SpecularPower/32.0f, SpecularPower/64.0f, SpecularPower/128.0f, SpecularPower/256.0f, SpecularPower/512.0f }; // Calculate maxmiplevels int maxMipLevels = (int)Mathf.Log(a_Size, 2) + 1; // float mytime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; // if HighestMipIsReflection == true then skip processing of the highest mip level if (HighestMipIsReflection) { startMipLevel = 1; n_Size = n_Size >> 1; } for (int mipLevel = startMipLevel; mipLevel < maxMipLevels; mipLevel++) { Vector4[] m_NormCubeMapArray = new Vector4[n_Size*n_Size*6]; BuildNormalizerSolidAngleArray(n_Size, ref m_NormCubeMapArray); specularPower = specPowr[mipLevel]; float Angle; // If we use SpecularPower, automatically calculate the a_BaseFilterAngle required, this will speed the process Angle = GetBaseFilterAngle(specularPower); // Go for it: FilterCubefaces(RadianceCube, m_NormCubeMapArray, mipLevel, Angle, specularPower); // FilterCubefacesBF(RadianceCube, mipLevel, Angle, specularPower); n_Size = n_Size >> 1; } // Debug.Log(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - mytime); RadianceCube.Apply(false); }