コード例 #1
    void pickTrack(AudioSource source, AudioClip clip)
        //First check to see if we are selecting a new track or sticking with the same one.
        if (Random.value < GameSettings.chanceToRepeatTrack) {
            //this checks against GameSettings variable for repetition.
        } else { //We are not repeating, so we are selecting a new clip.

            int index = Random.Range (0, sounds.Length);
            AudioClip newClip = sounds[index]; //assigns a new clip to the index determined randomly.
            if (clip.Equals(newClip)) { //if the newClip is the same as the clip we were just playing we do stuff.
                //just shifts by one, if at max, wrap to 0.
                if (index < sounds.Length-1) {
                    newClip = sounds[index + 1];
                } else {
                    newClip = sounds[0];

            source.clip = newClip; //After checks, assigns source.clip to be the newly made and assigned clip.