public void getAllContainedElements(UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement parentElement, ref List <UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement> allElements) { allElements.Add(parentElement); for (int i = 0; i < parentElement.childCount; i++) { getAllContainedElements(parentElement[i], ref allElements); } }
private void ReflectionVisualElement() { UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement a = new UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement(); Class visualElement = new Class(typeof(UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement)); Property Array = new Property(visualElement, "Item"); visualElement.SetInstance(a); Debug.Log(Array.propertyInfo); Debug.Log(Array.propertyInfo.GetValue(a, new object [] { 0 })); //Class proerty = new Class(typeof(PropertyInfo)); //proerty.SetInstance(Array.propertyInfo); //proerty.ShowMembersValue(); }
public static VisualElement ParseEntry(string entry, VisualElement element) { if (element?.name is null) { Debug.Log($"Failed to parse entry, element was null"); return(null); } var entrySplit = entry.Split(':'); entrySplit[0] = entrySplit[0].Replace(" ", ""); if (entrySplit[0] == "") { return(element); } var property = MapProperty(entrySplit[0]); if (property == null) { Debug.Log($"Failed to find property \"{MapCssName(entrySplit[0])}\""); // Debug.Log($"Type of style: \"{typeof(}\""); } try { if (property is null) { var value = ParseProperty(property, entrySplit[1]); if (value == null) { Debug.Log($"Failed to parse entry {property.Name}\n\"{entry}\""); } else { property.SetValue(, value); } } } catch (Exception) { Debug.Log($"Failed to set property. Skipping {property?.Name}\n\"{entry}\""); } return(element); }
internal static TextCoreSettings TextCoreSettingsForElement(UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement ve) { var fontAsset = GetFontAsset(ve); if (fontAsset == null) { return(new TextCoreSettings()); } var resolvedStyle = ve.resolvedStyle; var computedStyle = ve.computedStyle; // Convert the text settings pixel units to TextCore relative units float paddingPercent = 1.0f / fontAsset.atlasPadding; float pointSizeRatio = ((float)fontAsset.faceInfo.pointSize) / ve.computedStyle.fontSize.value; float factor = paddingPercent * pointSizeRatio; float outlineWidth = Mathf.Max(0.0f, resolvedStyle.unityTextOutlineWidth * factor); float underlaySoftness = Mathf.Max(0.0f, computedStyle.textShadow.blurRadius * factor); Vector2 underlayOffset = computedStyle.textShadow.offset * factor; var outlineColor = resolvedStyle.unityTextOutlineColor; if (outlineWidth < Mathf.Epsilon) { outlineColor.a = 0.0f; } return(new TextCoreSettings() { outlineColor = outlineColor, outlineWidth = outlineWidth, underlayColor = computedStyle.textShadow.color, underlayOffset = underlayOffset, underlaySoftness = underlaySoftness }); }
public static void BuildInspectorProperties(IEditorContainer editor, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <System.Type> usedComponents, SerializedProperty obj, UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement container, bool noFields, System.Action <int, PropertyField> onBuild = null) { BuildInspectorPropertiesElement(string.Empty, editor, usedComponents, obj, container, noFields, onBuild); }
public override void Init(VisualElement ve, IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc) { base.Init(ve, bag, cc); ((BaseField <TValueType>)ve).label = m_Label.GetValueFromBag(bag, cc); }
public override void Init(VisualElement ve, IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc) { base.Init(ve, bag, cc); ((INotifyValueChanged <TValueType>)ve).SetValueWithoutNotify(m_Value.GetValueFromBag(bag, cc)); }
protected BaseField(string label, VisualElement visualInput) : this(label) { this.visualInput = visualInput; }
public void ScrollTo(VisualElement visualElement) { m_ListView.ScrollTo(visualElement); }
int FocusRingAutoIndexSort(FocusRingRecord a, FocusRingRecord b) { switch (defaultFocusOrder) { case DefaultFocusOrder.ChildOrder: default: return(Comparer <int> .Default.Compare(a.m_AutoIndex, b.m_AutoIndex)); case DefaultFocusOrder.PositionXY: { VisualElement ave = a.m_Focusable as VisualElement; VisualElement bve = b.m_Focusable as VisualElement; if (ave != null && bve != null) { if (ave.layout.position.x < bve.layout.position.x) { return(-1); } else if (ave.layout.position.x > bve.layout.position.x) { return(1); } else { if (ave.layout.position.y < bve.layout.position.y) { return(-1); } else if (ave.layout.position.y > bve.layout.position.y) { return(1); } } } // a and b should be ordered using their order of appearance. return(Comparer <int> .Default.Compare(a.m_AutoIndex, b.m_AutoIndex)); } case DefaultFocusOrder.PositionYX: { VisualElement ave = a.m_Focusable as VisualElement; VisualElement bve = b.m_Focusable as VisualElement; if (ave != null && bve != null) { if (ave.layout.position.y < bve.layout.position.y) { return(-1); } else if (ave.layout.position.y > bve.layout.position.y) { return(1); } else { if (ave.layout.position.x < bve.layout.position.x) { return(-1); } else if (ave.layout.position.x > bve.layout.position.x) { return(1); } } } // a and b should be ordered using their order of appearance. return(Comparer <int> .Default.Compare(a.m_AutoIndex, b.m_AutoIndex)); } } }
static void OnProcessMatchResult(VisualElement current, MatchResultInfo info) { current.triggerPseudoMask |= info.triggerPseudoMask; current.dependencyPseudoMask |= info.dependencyPseudoMask; }
public override void TraverseRecursive(VisualElement element, int depth) { if (ShouldSkipElement(element)) { return; } // If the element is fully dirty, we need to erase those flags since the full element and its subtree // will be re-styled. // If the element is not in the update list, it's a parent of something dirty and therefore it won't be restyled. bool updateElement = m_UpdateList.Contains(element); if (updateElement) { element.triggerPseudoMask = 0; element.dependencyPseudoMask = 0; } int originalStyleSheetCount = m_StyleMatchingContext.styleSheetStack.Count; int originalVariableCount = m_ProcessVarContext.count; if (element.styleSheetList != null) { for (var index = 0; index < element.styleSheetList.Count; index++) { var styleSheetData = element.styleSheetList[index]; m_StyleMatchingContext.styleSheetStack.Add(styleSheetData); } } // Store the number of custom style before processing rules in case an element stop // to have matching custom styles the event still need to be sent and only looking // at the matched custom styles won't suffice. int originalCustomStyleCount = element.specifiedStyle.customPropertiesCount; var currentInheritStyle = m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle; if (updateElement) { m_StyleMatchingContext.currentElement = element; StyleSelectorHelper.FindMatches(m_StyleMatchingContext, m_TempMatchResults); ProcessMatchedRules(element, m_TempMatchResults); ResolveInheritance(element); m_StyleMatchingContext.currentElement = null; m_TempMatchResults.Clear(); } else { m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle = element.propagatedStyle; m_StyleMatchingContext.variableContext = element.variableContext; } // Need to send the custom styles event after the inheritance is resolved because an element // may want to read standard styles too (TextInputFieldBase callback depends on it). if (updateElement && (originalCustomStyleCount > 0 || element.specifiedStyle.customPropertiesCount > 0)) { using (var evt = CustomStyleResolvedEvent.GetPooled()) { = element; element.SendEvent(evt); } } Recurse(element, depth); m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle = currentInheritStyle; if (m_StyleMatchingContext.styleSheetStack.Count > originalStyleSheetCount) { m_StyleMatchingContext.styleSheetStack.RemoveRange(originalStyleSheetCount, m_StyleMatchingContext.styleSheetStack.Count - originalStyleSheetCount); } if (m_ProcessVarContext.count > originalVariableCount) { m_ProcessVarContext.RemoveRange(originalVariableCount, m_ProcessVarContext.count - originalVariableCount); } }
internal VisualElementStyleSheetSet(VisualElement element) { m_Element = element; }
public override void Init(VisualElement item) { // Do nothing here, we are using the other Init. }
private void ResolveInheritance(VisualElement element) { var specifiedStyle = element.specifiedStyle; var currentInheritedStyle = m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle; element.inheritedStyle = currentInheritedStyle; m_ResolveInheritData.CopyFrom(currentInheritedStyle); if (specifiedStyle.color.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { m_ResolveInheritData.color = specifiedStyle.color; } if (specifiedStyle.unityFont.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { m_ResolveInheritData.font = specifiedStyle.unityFont; } if (specifiedStyle.fontSize.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { // Only calculated value can be inherited // Thus if it's a percentage the real value needs to be propagated // See: m_ResolveInheritData.fontSize = new StyleLength(ComputedStyle.CalculatePixelFontSize(element)); m_ResolveInheritData.fontSize.specificity = specifiedStyle.fontSize.specificity; } if (specifiedStyle.unityFontStyleAndWeight.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { m_ResolveInheritData.unityFontStyle = specifiedStyle.unityFontStyleAndWeight; } if (specifiedStyle.unityTextAlign.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { m_ResolveInheritData.unityTextAlign = specifiedStyle.unityTextAlign; } if (specifiedStyle.visibility.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { m_ResolveInheritData.visibility = specifiedStyle.visibility; } if (specifiedStyle.whiteSpace.specificity != StyleValueExtensions.UndefinedSpecificity) { m_ResolveInheritData.whiteSpace = specifiedStyle.whiteSpace; } if (!m_ResolveInheritData.Equals(currentInheritedStyle)) { InheritedStylesData inheritData = null; int hash = m_ResolveInheritData.GetHashCode(); if (!StyleCache.TryGetValue(hash, out inheritData)) { inheritData = new InheritedStylesData(m_ResolveInheritData); StyleCache.SetValue(hash, inheritData); } m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle = inheritData; } element.propagatedStyle = m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle; }
void ProcessMatchedRules(VisualElement element, List <SelectorMatchRecord> matchingSelectors) { matchingSelectors.Sort(SelectorMatchRecord.Compare); Int64 matchingRulesHash = element.fullTypeName.GetHashCode(); // Let current DPI contribute to the hash so cache is invalidated when this changes matchingRulesHash = (matchingRulesHash * 397) ^ currentPixelsPerPoint.GetHashCode(); int oldVariablesHash = m_StyleMatchingContext.variableContext.GetVariableHash(); int customPropertiesCount = 0; foreach (var record in matchingSelectors) { StyleRule rule = record.complexSelector.rule; int specificity = record.complexSelector.specificity; matchingRulesHash = (matchingRulesHash * 397) ^ rule.GetHashCode(); matchingRulesHash = (matchingRulesHash * 397) ^ specificity; if (rule.customPropertiesCount > 0) { customPropertiesCount += rule.customPropertiesCount; ProcessMatchedVariables(record.sheet, rule); } } int variablesHash = customPropertiesCount > 0 ? m_ProcessVarContext.GetVariableHash() : oldVariablesHash; matchingRulesHash = (matchingRulesHash * 397) ^ variablesHash; if (oldVariablesHash != variablesHash) { StyleVariableContext ctx; if (!StyleCache.TryGetValue(variablesHash, out ctx)) { ctx = new StyleVariableContext(m_ProcessVarContext); StyleCache.SetValue(variablesHash, ctx); } m_StyleMatchingContext.variableContext = ctx; } element.variableContext = m_StyleMatchingContext.variableContext; VisualElementStylesData resolvedStyles; if (StyleCache.TryGetValue(matchingRulesHash, out resolvedStyles)) { element.SetSharedStyles(resolvedStyles); } else { resolvedStyles = new VisualElementStylesData(isShared: true); foreach (var record in matchingSelectors) { m_StylePropertyReader.SetContext(record.sheet, record.complexSelector, m_StyleMatchingContext.variableContext); resolvedStyles.ApplyProperties(m_StylePropertyReader, m_StyleMatchingContext.inheritedStyle); } resolvedStyles.ApplyLayoutValues(); StyleCache.SetValue(matchingRulesHash, resolvedStyles); element.SetSharedStyles(resolvedStyles); } }
bool ShouldSkipElement(VisualElement element) { return(!m_ParentList.Contains(element) && !m_UpdateList.Contains(element)); }
public static void BuildInspectorPropertiesElement(string elementPath, IEditorContainer editor, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <System.Type> usedComponents, SerializedProperty obj, UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement container, bool noFields, System.Action <int, PropertyField> onBuild = null) { obj = obj.Copy(); container.Clear(); var source = obj.Copy(); SerializedProperty iterator = obj; if (iterator.NextVisible(true) == false) { return; } if (iterator.NextVisible(true) == false) { return; } var depth = iterator.depth; var i = 0; var iteratorNext = iterator.Copy(); do { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementPath) == false) { iterator = iteratorNext.FindPropertyRelative(elementPath); } else { iterator = iteratorNext; } if (iterator.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.ManagedReference) { continue; } var element = new VisualElement(); element.AddToClassList("element"); var itCopy = iterator.Copy(); GetTypeFromManagedReferenceFullTypeName(iterator.managedReferenceFullTypename, out var type); element.AddToClassList(i % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"); element.RegisterCallback <UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextClickEvent, int>((evt, idx) => { var menu = new GenericMenu(); if (usedComponents != null) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete"), false, () => { RemoveComponent((DataConfigEditor)editor, usedComponents, source, type, noFields); editor.Save(); BuildInspectorProperties(editor, usedComponents, source, container, noFields); }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Copy JSON"), false, () => { var instance = itCopy.GetValue(); var json = JsonUtility.ToJson(instance, true); EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = json; }); } editor.OnComponentMenu(menu, idx); menu.ShowAsContext(); }, i); if (type != null && usedComponents?.Contains(type) == false) { usedComponents?.Add(type); } if (type == null) { var label = new UnityEngine.UIElements.Label("MISSING: " + iterator.managedReferenceFullTypename); = "missing"; label.AddToClassList("inner-element"); label.AddToClassList("missing-label"); element.Add(label); } else if (iterator.hasVisibleChildren == false || noFields == true) { var horizontal = new UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement(); horizontal.AddToClassList("inner-element"); horizontal.AddToClassList("no-fields-container"); = type.Name; var toggle = new UnityEngine.UIElements.Toggle(); toggle.AddToClassList("no-fields-toggle"); toggle.SetEnabled(false); toggle.SetValueWithoutNotify(true); horizontal.Add(toggle); var label = new UnityEngine.UIElements.Label(GUILayoutExt.GetStringCamelCaseSpace(type.Name)); label.AddToClassList("no-fields-label"); horizontal.Add(label); element.Add(horizontal); } else { var label = GUILayoutExt.GetStringCamelCaseSpace(type.Name); if (iterator.hasVisibleChildren == true) { var childs = iterator.Copy(); //var height = EditorUtilities.GetPropertyHeight(childs, true, new GUIContent(label)); var cnt = EditorUtilities.GetPropertyChildCount(childs); if (cnt == 1 /*&& height <= 22f*/) { iterator.NextVisible(true); } } var propertyField = new PropertyField(iterator.Copy(), label); propertyField.BindProperty(iterator); onBuild?.Invoke(i, propertyField); propertyField.AddToClassList("property-field"); propertyField.AddToClassList("inner-element"); = type.Name; element.Add(propertyField); } if (type != null) { var helps = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ComponentHelpAttribute), false); if (helps.Length > 0) { var label = new UnityEngine.UIElements.Label(((ComponentHelpAttribute)helps[0]).comment); label.AddToClassList("comment"); element.Add(label); } if (typeof(IComponentStatic).IsAssignableFrom(type) == true) { var label = new UnityEngine.UIElements.Label("Static"); label.AddToClassList("static-component"); element.AddToClassList("has-static-component"); element.Add(label); } if (typeof(IComponentShared).IsAssignableFrom(type) == true) { var label = new UnityEngine.UIElements.Label("Shared"); label.AddToClassList("shared-component"); element.AddToClassList("has-shared-component"); element.Add(label); } } container.Add(element); ++i; } while (iteratorNext.NextVisible(false) == true && depth <= iteratorNext.depth); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="root">The root of the element tree for which we want to build a focus ring.</param> /// <param name="dfo">Default ordering of the elements in the ring.</param> public VisualElementFocusRing(VisualElement root, DefaultFocusOrder dfo = DefaultFocusOrder.ChildOrder) { defaultFocusOrder = dfo; this.root = root; m_FocusRing = new List <FocusRingRecord>(); }
public static VisualElement CreateVisualElement(XmlNode node) { if (node == null) { throw new Exception("Node is null"); } // Debug.Log($"Looking for type: {node.Name.Replace("ui:", "")}"); Type elementType = Array.Find(typeof(VisualElement).Assembly.GetTypes(), x => x.Name.Equals(node.Name.Replace("ui:", ""))); if (elementType == null) { if (!node.Name.Replace("ui:", "").Equals("Style")) { Debug.Log($"Couldn't find type \"{node.Name.Replace("ui:", "")}\"\nSkipping..."); } return(null); } VisualElement element = (VisualElement)typeof(VisualElement).GetMethod("CreateUnityType") ?.MakeGenericMethod(elementType) .Invoke(null, new object[] { new object[] { } }); // Debug.Log("Creating element.."); if (node.Attributes != null) { foreach (XmlAttribute attr in node.Attributes) { // Debug.Log("Parsing Attribute"); var property = elementType.GetProperty(MapCssName(attr.Name)); if (attr.Name.Equals("class")) { //Debug.Log("Class found with value: " + attr.Value); element?.AddToClassList(attr.Value); } if (property == null) { if (!attr.Name.Equals("class")) { Debug.Log($"Skipping attribute \"{attr.Name}\""); } // throw new Exception($"No property found with name \"{attr.Name}\""); continue; } if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum) { property.SetValue(element, Enum.Parse(property.PropertyType, attr.Value)); continue; } switch (property.PropertyType.Name) { case "Boolean": // Debug.Log($"Parsing Boolean: {attr.Value}"); property.SetValue(element, bool.Parse(attr.Value)); break; case "String": // Debug.Log($"Parsing String: {attr.Value}"); property.SetValue(element, attr.Value); break; case "IStyle": // Debug.Log("Parsing IStyle"); element = ParseStyle(attr.Value, element); break; default: throw new Exception($"Found no matching type to {property.PropertyType.FullName}"); } } } VisualElement resultElement = element; foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) { var parsedChild = CreateVisualElement(child); } return(resultElement); }
public void AddChangedElement(VisualElement ve) { m_UpdateList.Add(ve); PropagateToChildren(ve); PropagateToParents(ve); }