コード例 #1
        public override void ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget(EventBase evt)

            if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
                OnFocus(evt as FocusEvent);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == MouseDownEvent.TypeId())
                OnMouseDown(evt as MouseDownEvent);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == MouseUpEvent.TypeId())
                OnMouseUp(evt as MouseUpEvent);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == MouseMoveEvent.TypeId())
                OnMouseMove(evt as MouseMoveEvent);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == KeyDownEvent.TypeId())
                OnKeyDown(evt as KeyDownEvent);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == ValidateCommandEvent.TypeId())
                OnValidateCommandEvent(evt as ValidateCommandEvent);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == ExecuteCommandEvent.TypeId())
                OnExecuteCommandEvent(evt as ExecuteCommandEvent);
コード例 #2
        protected override void ExecuteDefaultAction(EventBase evt)

            if (evt == null)

            if (evt.eventTypeId == BlurEvent.TypeId())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    // Make sure that empty field gets the default value
                    value = default(TValueType);
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
                if (showMixedValue)
                    value = default(TValueType);
コード例 #3
        protected override void ExecuteDefaultAction(EventBase evt)
            if (evt == null)

            // no call to base.ExecuteDefaultAction(evt):
            // - we dont want mouse click to directly give focus to IMGUIContainer:
            //   they should be handled by IMGUI and if an IMGUI control grabs the
            //   keyboard, the IMGUIContainer will gain focus via FocusController.SyncIMGUIFocus.
            // - same thing for tabs: IMGUI should handle them.
            // - we dont want to set the PseudoState.Focus flag on IMGUIContainer.
            //   They are focusable, but only for the purpose of focusing their children.

            // Here, we set flags that will be acted upon in DoOnGUI(), since we need to change IMGUI state.
            if (evt.eventTypeId == BlurEvent.TypeId())
                // A lost focus event is ... a lost focus event.
                // The specific handling of the IMGUI will be done in the DoOnGUI() above...
                lostFocus = true;

                // On lost focus, we need to repaint to remove any focused element blue borders.
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
                FocusEvent fe = evt as FocusEvent;
                receivedFocus        = true;
                focusChangeDirection = fe.direction;
                m_IsFocusDelegated   = fe.IsFocusDelegated;
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == DetachFromPanelEvent.TypeId())
                if (elementPanel != null)
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == AttachToPanelEvent.TypeId())
                if (elementPanel != null)

                    // Set class names for foldout depth.
コード例 #4
        protected override void ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget(EventBase evt)

            if (evt == null)

            if (evt.eventTypeId == KeyDownEvent.TypeId())
                KeyDownEvent keyDownEvt = evt as KeyDownEvent;

                // We must handle the ETX (char 3) or the \n instead of the KeypadEnter or Return because the focus will
                //     have the drawback of having the second event to be handled by the focused field.
                if ((keyDownEvt?.character == 3) ||     // KeyCode.KeypadEnter
                    (keyDownEvt?.character == '\n'))    // KeyCode.Return
            // The following code is to help achieve the following behaviour:
            // On IMGUI, on any text input field in focused-non-edit-mode, doing a TAB will allow the user to get to the next control...
            // To mimic that behaviour in UIE, when in focused-non-edit-mode, we have to make sure the input is not "tabbable".
            //     So, each time, either the main TextField or the Label is receiving the focus, we remove the tabIndex on
            //     the input, and we put it back when the BlurEvent is received.
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusInEvent.TypeId())
                if (evt.leafTarget == this || evt.leafTarget == labelElement)
                    m_VisualInputTabIndex = visualInput.tabIndex;
                    visualInput.tabIndex  = -1;
            // The following code was added to help achieve the following behaviour:
            // On IMGUI, doing a Return, Shift+Return or Escape will get out of the Edit mode, but stay on the control. To allow a
            //     focused-non-edit-mode, we remove the delegateFocus when we start editing to allow focusing on the parent,
            //     and we restore it when we exit the control, to prevent coming in a semi-focused state from outside the control.
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
                delegatesFocus = false;
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == BlurEvent.TypeId())
                delegatesFocus = true;

                if (evt.leafTarget == this || evt.leafTarget == labelElement)
                    visualInput.tabIndex = m_VisualInputTabIndex;
            // The following code is to help achieve the following behaviour:
            // On IMGUI, on any text input field in focused-non-edit-mode, doing a TAB will allow the user to get to the next control...
            // To mimic that behaviour in UIE, when in focused-non-edit-mode, we have to make sure the input is not "tabbable".
            //     So, each time, either the main TextField or the Label is receiving the focus, we remove the tabIndex on
            //     the input, and we put it back when the BlurEvent is received.
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusInEvent.TypeId())
                if (showMixedValue)

                if (evt.leafTarget == this || evt.leafTarget == labelElement)
                    m_VisualInputTabIndex = visualInput.tabIndex;
                    visualInput.tabIndex  = -1;
            // The following code was added to help achieve the following behaviour:
            // On IMGUI, doing a Return, Shift+Return or Escape will get out of the Edit mode, but stay on the control. To allow a
            //     focused-non-edit-mode, we remove the delegateFocus when we start editing to allow focusing on the parent,
            //     and we restore it when we exit the control, to prevent coming in a semi-focused state from outside the control.
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == FocusEvent.TypeId())
                delegatesFocus = false;
            else if (evt.eventTypeId == BlurEvent.TypeId())
                delegatesFocus = true;

                if (evt.leafTarget == this || evt.leafTarget == labelElement)
                    visualInput.tabIndex = m_VisualInputTabIndex;