Playable CreateInfiniteTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree <RuntimeElement> tree, AppliedOffsetMode mode) { if (m_InfiniteClip == null) { return(Playable.Null); } var mixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, 1); // In infinite mode, we always force the loop mode of the clip off because the clip keys are offset in infinite mode // which causes loop to behave different. // The inline curve editor never shows loops in infinite mode. var playable = AnimationPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, m_InfiniteClip, m_InfiniteClipOffsetPosition, m_InfiniteClipOffsetEulerAngles, false, mode, infiniteClipApplyFootIK, AnimationPlayableAsset.LoopMode.Off); if (playable.IsValid()) { tree.Add(new InfiniteRuntimeClip(playable)); graph.Connect(playable, 0, mixer, 0); mixer.SetInputWeight(0, 1.0f); } if (!AnimatesRootTransform()) { return(mixer); } var rootTrack = isSubTrack ? (AnimationTrack)parent : this; return(rootTrack.ApplyTrackOffset(graph, mixer, go, mode)); }
void AssignAnimationClip(TimelineClip clip, AnimationClip animClip) { if (clip == null || animClip == null) { return; } if (animClip.legacy) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Legacy Animation Clips are not supported"); } AnimationPlayableAsset asset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (asset != null) { asset.clip = animClip; =; var duration = asset.duration; if (!double.IsInfinity(duration) && duration >= TimelineClip.kMinDuration && duration < TimelineClip.kMaxTimeValue) { clip.duration = duration; } } clip.displayName =; }
void DeleteRecordedAnimation(TimelineClip clip) { if (clip == null) { return; } if (clip.curves != null) { TimelineUndo.PushDestroyUndo(this, clip.parentTrack, clip.curves); } if (!clip.recordable) { return; } AnimationPlayableAsset asset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (asset == null || asset.clip == null) { return; } TimelineUndo.PushDestroyUndo(this, asset, asset.clip); }
private void AssignAnimationClip(TimelineClip clip, AnimationClip animClip) { if (clip != null && !(animClip == null)) { if (animClip.legacy) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Legacy Animation Clips are not supported"); } if (animClip.frameRate > 0f) { double num = (double)Mathf.Round(animClip.length * animClip.frameRate); clip.duration = num / (double)animClip.frameRate; } else { clip.duration = (double)animClip.length; } TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation clipExtrapolation = TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation.None; if (!base.isSubTrack) { clipExtrapolation = TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation.Hold; } AnimationPlayableAsset animationPlayableAsset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (animationPlayableAsset != null) { animationPlayableAsset.clip = animClip; } clip.preExtrapolationMode = clipExtrapolation; clip.postExtrapolationMode = clipExtrapolation; } }
internal Playable CompileTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, TrackAsset track, GameObject go, IntervalTree <RuntimeElement> tree) { AnimationMixerPlayable animationMixerPlayable = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, track.clips.Length, false); for (int i = 0; i < track.clips.Length; i++) { TimelineClip timelineClip = track.clips[i]; PlayableAsset playableAsset = timelineClip.asset as PlayableAsset; if (!(playableAsset == null)) { if (timelineClip.recordable) { AnimationPlayableAsset animationPlayableAsset = playableAsset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (animationPlayableAsset != null) { animationPlayableAsset.removeStartOffset = !timelineClip.recordable; } } Playable playable = playableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go); if (playable.IsValid <Playable>()) { RuntimeClip item = new RuntimeClip(timelineClip, playable, animationMixerPlayable); tree.Add(item); graph.Connect <Playable, AnimationMixerPlayable>(playable, 0, animationMixerPlayable, i); animationMixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(i, 0f); } } } return(this.ApplyTrackOffset(graph, animationMixerPlayable)); }
internal override void OnCreateClipFromAsset(Object asset, TimelineClip clip) { AnimationClip animationClip = asset as AnimationClip; if (animationClip != null) { if (animationClip.legacy) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Legacy Animation Clips are not supported"); } AnimationPlayableAsset animationPlayableAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AnimationPlayableAsset>(); TimelineCreateUtilities.SaveAssetIntoObject(animationPlayableAsset, this); animationPlayableAsset.clip = animationClip; clip.asset = animationPlayableAsset; this.AssignAnimationClip(clip, animationClip); } }
private void DeleteRecordedAnimation(TimelineClip clip) { if (clip != null) { if (clip.curves != null) { TimelineUndo.PushDestroyUndo(this, clip.parentTrack, clip.curves, "Delete Parameters"); } if (clip.recordable) { AnimationPlayableAsset animationPlayableAsset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (!(animationPlayableAsset == null) && !(animationPlayableAsset.clip == null)) { TimelineUndo.PushDestroyUndo(this, animationPlayableAsset, animationPlayableAsset.clip, "Delete Recording"); } } } }
Playable CreateInfiniteTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree <RuntimeElement> tree, AppliedOffsetMode mode) { if (m_InfiniteClip == null) { return(Playable.Null); } var mixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, 1); var playable = AnimationPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, m_InfiniteClip, m_InfiniteClipOffsetPosition, m_InfiniteClipOffsetEulerAngles, false, mode, infiniteClipApplyFootIK); if (playable.IsValid()) { tree.Add(new InfiniteRuntimeClip(playable)); graph.Connect(playable, 0, mixer, 0); mixer.SetInputWeight(0, 1.0f); } return(ApplyTrackOffset(graph, mixer, go, mode)); }
private Playable CreateInfiniteTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree <RuntimeElement> tree) { Playable result; if (base.animClip == null) { result = Playable.Null; } else { if (this.m_FakeAnimClip == null || this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset == null) { this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AnimationPlayableAsset>(); this.m_FakeAnimClip = new TimelineClip(null) { asset = this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset, displayName = "Animation Clip", timeScale = 1.0, start = 0.0, postExtrapolationMode = TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation.Hold, preExtrapolationMode = TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation.Hold }; this.m_FakeAnimClip.SetPostExtrapolationTime(TimelineClip.kMaxTimeValue); } this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset.clip = base.animClip; this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset.position = this.m_OpenClipOffsetPosition; this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset.rotation = this.m_OpenClipOffsetRotation; this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset.removeStartOffset = false; this.m_FakeAnimClip.start = 0.0; this.m_FakeAnimClip.SetPreExtrapolationTime(0.0); this.m_FakeAnimClip.duration = (double)base.animClip.length; AnimationMixerPlayable animationMixerPlayable = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, 1, false); Playable playable = this.m_AnimationPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go); if (playable.IsValid <Playable>()) { tree.Add(new RuntimeClip(this.m_FakeAnimClip, playable, animationMixerPlayable)); graph.Connect <Playable, AnimationMixerPlayable>(playable, 0, animationMixerPlayable, 0); animationMixerPlayable.SetInputWeight(0, 1f); } result = this.ApplyTrackOffset(graph, animationMixerPlayable); } return(result); }
internal bool AnimatesRootTransform() { // infinite mode if (AnimationPlayableAsset.HasRootTransforms(m_InfiniteClip)) { return(true); } // clip mode foreach (var c in GetClips()) { var apa = c.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (apa != null && apa.hasRootTransforms) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void ConvertRotationToEuler(AnimationPlayableAsset asset) { #pragma warning disable 618 asset.m_EulerAngles = asset.m_Rotation.eulerAngles; #pragma warning restore 618 }