internal Texture Lerp(Texture from, Texture to, float t) { Assert.IsNotNull(from); Assert.IsNotNull(to); Assert.AreEqual(from.width, to.width); Assert.AreEqual(from.height, to.height); // Saves a potentially expensive fullscreen blit when using dirt textures & the likes if (from == to) { return(from); } bool is3D = from is Texture3D || (from is RenderTexture && ((RenderTexture)from).volumeDepth > 1); RenderTexture rt; // 3D texture blending is a special case and only works on compute enabled platforms if (is3D) { int dpth = @from is Texture3D ? ((Texture3D)@from).depth : ((RenderTexture)@from).volumeDepth; int size = Mathf.Max(from.width, from.height); size = Mathf.Max(size, dpth); rt = Get(RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, from.width, from.height, dpth, true, true); var compute = m_Resources.computeShaders.texture3dLerp; int kernel = compute.FindKernel("KTexture3DLerp"); m_Command.SetComputeVectorParam(compute, "_DimensionsAndLerp", new Vector4(from.width, from.height, dpth, t)); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_Output", rt); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_From", from); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_To", to); int groupSizeXY = Mathf.CeilToInt(size / 8f); int groupSizeZ = Mathf.CeilToInt(size / 8f); m_Command.DispatchCompute(compute, kernel, groupSizeXY, groupSizeXY, groupSizeZ); return(rt); } // 2D texture blending // We could handle textures with different sizes by picking the biggest one to avoid // popping effects. This would work in most cases but will still pop if one texture is // wider but shorter than the other. Generally speaking you're expected to use same-size // textures anyway so we decided not to handle this case at the moment, especially since // it would waste a lot of texture memory as soon as you start using bigger textures // (snow ball effect). var format = TextureFormatUtilities.GetUncompressedRenderTextureFormat(to); rt = Get(format, to.width, to.height); var sheet = m_PropertySheets.Get(m_Resources.shaders.texture2dLerp);, to);, t); m_Command.BlitFullscreenTriangle(from, rt, sheet, 0); return(rt); }
internal Texture Lerp(Texture from, Texture to, float t) { if (from == to) { return(from); } RenderTexture renderTexture; if (from is Texture3D || (from is RenderTexture && ((RenderTexture)from).volumeDepth > 1)) { int num = (!(from is Texture3D)) ? ((RenderTexture)from).volumeDepth : ((Texture3D)from).depth; int a = Mathf.Max(from.width, from.height); a = Mathf.Max(a, num); renderTexture = Get(RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, from.width, from.height, num, enableRandomWrite: true, force3D: true); ComputeShader texture3dLerp = m_Resources.computeShaders.texture3dLerp; int kernelIndex = texture3dLerp.FindKernel("KTexture3DLerp"); m_Command.SetComputeVectorParam(texture3dLerp, "_DimensionsAndLerp", new Vector4(from.width, from.height, num, t)); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(texture3dLerp, kernelIndex, "_Output", renderTexture); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(texture3dLerp, kernelIndex, "_From", from); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(texture3dLerp, kernelIndex, "_To", to); int num2 = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)a / 8f); int threadGroupsZ = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)a / 8f); m_Command.DispatchCompute(texture3dLerp, kernelIndex, num2, num2, threadGroupsZ); return(renderTexture); } RenderTextureFormat uncompressedRenderTextureFormat = TextureFormatUtilities.GetUncompressedRenderTextureFormat(to); renderTexture = Get(uncompressedRenderTextureFormat, to.width, to.height); PropertySheet propertySheet = m_PropertySheets.Get(m_Resources.shaders.texture2dLerp);, to);, t); m_Command.BlitFullscreenTriangle(from, renderTexture, propertySheet, 0); return(renderTexture); }
internal Texture Lerp(Texture from, Texture to, float t) { Assert.IsNotNull(from); Assert.IsNotNull(to); // Saves a potentially expensive fullscreen blit when using dirt textures & the likes if (from == to) { return(from); } bool is3d = to is Texture3D || (to is RenderTexture && ((RenderTexture)to).volumeDepth > 1); RenderTexture rt = null; if (is3d) { int size = to.width; rt = Get(RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, size, size, size, true); var compute = m_Resources.computeShaders.texture3dLerp; int kernel = compute.FindKernel("KTexture3DLerp"); m_Command.SetComputeVectorParam(compute, "_Params", new Vector4(t, size, 0f, 0f)); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_Output", rt); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_From", from); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_To", to); int groupSizeXY = Mathf.CeilToInt(size / 8f); int groupSizeZ = Mathf.CeilToInt(size / (RuntimeUtilities.isAndroidOpenGL ? 2f : 8f)); m_Command.DispatchCompute(compute, kernel, groupSizeXY, groupSizeXY, groupSizeZ); } else { var format = TextureFormatUtilities.GetUncompressedRenderTextureFormat(to); rt = Get(format, to.width, to.height); var sheet = m_PropertySheets.Get(m_Resources.shaders.texture2dLerp);, to);, t); m_Command.BlitFullscreenTriangle(from, rt, sheet, 0); } return(rt); }
internal Texture Lerp(Texture from, Texture to, float t) { Assert.IsNotNull(from); Assert.IsNotNull(to); bool is3d = to is Texture3D || (to is RenderTexture && ((RenderTexture)to).volumeDepth > 1); RenderTexture rt = null; bool isAndroidOpenGL = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType != GraphicsDeviceType.Vulkan; if (is3d) { int size = to.width; rt = Get(RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, size, size, size, true); var compute = m_Resources.computeShaders.texture3dLerp; int kernel = compute.FindKernel("KTexture3DLerp"); m_Command.SetComputeVectorParam(compute, "_Params", new Vector4(t, size, 0f, 0f)); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_Output", rt); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_From", from); m_Command.SetComputeTextureParam(compute, kernel, "_To", to); int groupSizeXY = Mathf.CeilToInt(size / 8f); int groupSizeZ = Mathf.CeilToInt(size / (isAndroidOpenGL ? 2f : 8f)); m_Command.DispatchCompute(compute, kernel, groupSizeXY, groupSizeXY, groupSizeZ); } else { var format = TextureFormatUtilities.GetUncompressedRenderTextureFormat(to); rt = Get(format, to.width, to.height); var sheet = m_PropertySheets.Get(m_Resources.shaders.texture2dLerp);, to);, t); m_Command.BlitFullscreenTriangle(from, rt, sheet, 0); } return(rt); }