static void GenerateVertexPickingObjects( IList <ProBuilderMesh> selection, bool doDepthTest, out Dictionary <uint, SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, int> > map, out GameObject[] depthObjects, out GameObject[] pickerObjects) { map = new Dictionary <uint, SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, int> >(); // don't start at 0 because that means one vertex would be black, matching // the color used to cull hidden vertices. uint index = 0x02; int selectionCount = selection.Count; pickerObjects = new GameObject[selectionCount]; for (int i = 0; i < selectionCount; i++) { // build vertex billboards var pb = selection[i]; var mesh = BuildVertexMesh(pb, map, ref index); GameObject go = InternalUtility.MeshGameObjectWithTransform( + " (Vertex Billboards)", pb.transform, mesh, BuiltinMaterials.vertexPickerMaterial, true); pickerObjects[i] = go; } if (doDepthTest) { depthObjects = new GameObject[selectionCount]; // copy the select gameobject just for z-write for (int i = 0; i < selectionCount; i++) { var pb = selection[i]; GameObject go = InternalUtility.MeshGameObjectWithTransform( + " (Depth Mask)", pb.transform, pb.mesh, BuiltinMaterials.facePickerMaterial, true); depthObjects[i] = go; } } else { depthObjects = null; } }
public static GameObject MeshGameObjectWithTransform(string name, Transform t, Mesh mesh, Material mat, bool inheritParent) { GameObject go = InternalUtility.EmptyGameObjectWithTransform(t); = name; go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = mesh; go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = mat; go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; if (inheritParent) { go.transform.SetParent(t.parent, false); } return(go); }
static void GenerateEdgePickingObjects( IList <ProBuilderMesh> selection, bool doDepthTest, out Dictionary <uint, SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, Edge> > map, out GameObject[] depthObjects, out GameObject[] pickerObjects) { map = new Dictionary <uint, SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, Edge> >(); uint index = 0x2; int selectionCount = selection.Count; pickerObjects = new GameObject[selectionCount]; for (int i = 0; i < selectionCount; i++) { // build edge billboards var pb = selection[i]; var mesh = BuildEdgeMesh(pb, map, ref index); GameObject go = InternalUtility.MeshGameObjectWithTransform( + " (Edge Billboards)", pb.transform, mesh, BuiltinMaterials.edgePickerMaterial, true); pickerObjects[i] = go; } if (doDepthTest) { depthObjects = new GameObject[selectionCount]; for (int i = 0; i < selectionCount; i++) { var pb = selection[i]; // copy the select gameobject just for z-write GameObject go = InternalUtility.MeshGameObjectWithTransform( + " (Depth Mask)", pb.transform, pb.mesh, BuiltinMaterials.facePickerMaterial, true); depthObjects[i] = go; } } else { depthObjects = null; } }
static GameObject[] GenerateFacePickingObjects( IList <ProBuilderMesh> selection, out Dictionary <uint, SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, Face> > map) { int selectionCount = selection.Count; GameObject[] pickerObjects = new GameObject[selectionCount]; map = new Dictionary <uint, SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, Face> >(); uint index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectionCount; i++) { var pb = selection[i]; GameObject go = InternalUtility.EmptyGameObjectWithTransform(pb.transform); = + " (Face Depth Test)"; Mesh m = new Mesh(); m.vertices = pb.positionsInternal; m.triangles = pb.facesInternal.SelectMany(x => x.indexesInternal).ToArray(); Color32[] colors = new Color32[m.vertexCount]; foreach (Face f in pb.facesInternal) { Color32 color = EncodeRGBA(index++); map.Add(DecodeRGBA(color), new SimpleTuple <ProBuilderMesh, Face>(pb, f)); for (int n = 0; n < f.distinctIndexesInternal.Length; n++) { colors[f.distinctIndexesInternal[n]] = color; } } m.colors32 = colors; go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = m; go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = BuiltinMaterials.facePickerMaterial; pickerObjects[i] = go; } return(pickerObjects); }