public HTTPRequest getClone() { HTTPRequest clone; if(method == HTTPMethod.GET) { clone = new HTTPRequest(url); } else { // HTTPMethod.POST clone = new HTTPRequest("POST", url); } if(postData != null) { if(postData.Length > 0) { clone.setPayload(postData); } } if(headers != null) { if(headers.Count > 0) { foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in headers) { clone.addHeader((string)pair.Key, (string)pair.Value); } } } return clone; }
public void downloadJson() { string requestURLString = requestURL(); HTTPRequest jsonRequest = new HTTPRequest ("POST", requestURLString); jsonRequest.addHeader ("Content-Type", "application/json"); string jsonInfo = jsonPayload(); jsonRequest.setPayload (jsonInfo); HTTPManager.sendRequest(jsonRequest, HTTPJsonCallback, retryDelays, 20 * 60); }
public void execute(System.Action<bool> eventCallback) { callback = eventCallback; HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest("POST", url); req.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); req.setPayload(jsonData); HTTPManager.sendRequest(req, HTTPCallback, retryDelayTable, deadlineDelay); }
// convenience method for generating simple retry strategy public static void sendRequest(HTTPRequest request, System.Action<HTTPResponse> callback, int retries, int delay, int maxDelay) { int[] delays = new int[retries]; for(int i = 0; i < retries; i++) { delays[i] = delay; } sendRequest(request, callback, delays, maxDelay); }
public RetryRequest(int[] delays, int maxDelay, HTTPRequest req) { retryPosition = 0; retryDelayTable = delays; if(maxDelay > 0) { deadlineDelay = maxDelay; useDeadline = true; } request = req; }
public override void init (string gameId, bool testModeEnabled, bool debugModeEnabled, string gameObjectName) { if(initialized) return; initialized = true; Utils.LogDebug ("UnityEditor: init(), gameId=" + gameId + ", testModeEnabled=" + testModeEnabled + ", gameObjectName=" + gameObjectName + ", debugModeEnabled=" + debugModeEnabled); string url = "" + WWW.EscapeURL(gameId) + "&unityVersion=" + WWW.EscapeURL(Application.unityVersion); HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest(url); req.execute(handleResponse); }
public void downloadJson() { string requestURLString = requestURL(); HTTPRequest jsonRequest = new HTTPRequest ("POST", requestURLString); jsonRequest.addHeader ("Content-Type", "application/json"); string jsonInfo = jsonPayload(); jsonRequest.setPayload (jsonInfo); jsonRequest.execute(response => { if(response.dataLength == 0) return; string jsonString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(, 0, response.dataLength); EventManager.sendAdplanEvent(Engine.Instance.AppId); _jsonAvailable(jsonString); _operationCompleteDelegate(); }); }
void executeRequestForResource(PictureAd ad, ImageOrientation imageOrientation, ImageType imageType) { string filePath = ad.getLocalImageURL(imageOrientation, imageType); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { downloadedResourcesCount++; if(downloadedResourcesCount == PictureAd.expectedResourcesCount) { _resourcesAvailable (); _operationCompleteDelegate(); } return; } string url = ad.getRemoteImageURL(imageOrientation, imageType); HTTPRequest pictureURLRequest = new HTTPRequest(url); pictureURLRequest.execute(pictureURLRequestResponse => { downloadedResourcesCount ++; if(pictureURLRequestResponse.dataLength != 0) System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(ad.getLocalImageURL(imageOrientation, imageType),; if(downloadedResourcesCount == PictureAd.expectedResourcesCount) { _resourcesAvailable (); _operationCompleteDelegate(); } }); }
// request: HTTP request to be sent and retried // callback: callback method to call with server response (or failure) // delays: table with retry delays in seconds, allows exponential retry strategy e.g. [10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320] means six retries with increasing intervals // maxDelay: maximum amount of seconds until callback is sent and all pending retries are considered timed out public static void sendRequest(HTTPRequest request, System.Action<HTTPResponse> callback, int[] delays, int maxDelay) { RetryRequest req = new RetryRequest(delays, maxDelay, request); req.execute(callback); }
private IEnumerator executePost(HTTPRequest req, System.Action<HTTPResponse> callback) { WWW www = null; if(networkLogging) { printUp("POST", req.url); } Type wwwType = typeof(UnityEngine.WWW); ConstructorInfo wwwConstructor = wwwType.GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof(string), typeof(byte[]), typeof(Dictionary<string, string>)}); ConstructorInfo wwwConstructorOld = wwwType.GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof(string), typeof(byte[]), typeof(Hashtable)}); if(wwwConstructor == null && wwwConstructorOld != null) { Hashtable tempHeaders = new Hashtable(req.headers); www = (WWW)wwwConstructorOld.Invoke(new object[] {req.url, req.postData, tempHeaders}); } else { www = (WWW)wwwConstructor.Invoke(new object[] {req.url, req.postData, req.headers}); } yield return www; HTTPResponse response = processWWW(www); response.url = req.url; if(networkLogging) { printDown(req.url, www.bytes); } callback(response); }
private IEnumerator executeGet(HTTPRequest req, System.Action<HTTPResponse> callback) { if(networkLogging) { printUp("GET", req.url); } WWW www = new WWW(req.url); yield return www; HTTPResponse response = processWWW(www); response.url = req.url; if(networkLogging) { printDown(req.url, www.bytes); } callback(response); }
void Update() { if(!adIsShowing) return; float distinct = currentTime - previousTime; increase = distinct/animationDuration; if(!_isClosed) showAnimation (); else hideAnimation (); if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if(mouseInRect(texturesRects[screenOrientation][ImageType.CloseActiveArea])) { EventManager.sendCloseEvent(Engine.Instance.AppId,, false); _isClosed = true; manager.pictureAdClosed(); return; } if(mouseInRect(texturesRects[screenOrientation][ImageType.Base])) { EventManager.sendClickEvent(Engine.Instance.AppId,; HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest("POST", _ad.clickActionUrl); request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.setPayload(DeviceInfo.getJson()); request.execute((HTTPResponse response) => { if(response != null && != null) { string jsonString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(, 0, response.dataLength); object jsonObject = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(jsonString); if(jsonObject != null && jsonObject is Dictionary<string, object>) { Dictionary<string, object> json = (Dictionary<string, object>)jsonObject; string redirectLocation = (string)json["clickUrl"]; if(redirectLocation != null) { Application.OpenURL(redirectLocation); } } } }); return; } } previousTime = currentTime; currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; }
void executeRequestForResource(PictureAd ad, ImageOrientation imageOrientation, ImageType imageType) { string filePath = ad.getLocalImageURL(imageOrientation, imageType); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { downloadedResourcesCount++; if(downloadedResourcesCount == PictureAd.expectedResourcesCount) { _resourcesAvailable (); _operationCompleteDelegate(); } return; } string url = ad.getRemoteImageURL(imageOrientation, imageType); HTTPRequest pictureURLRequest = new HTTPRequest(url); imageTypes[url] = imageType; imageOrientations[url] = imageOrientation; HTTPManager.sendFileRequest(pictureURLRequest, HTTPFileCallback, retryDelays, 20 * 60); }
public RetryFileRequest(int[] delays, int maxDelay, HTTPRequest req) : base(delays, maxDelay, req) { }
private IEnumerator executeGet(HTTPRequest req, System.Action<HTTPResponse> callback) { WWW www = new WWW(req.url); yield return www; HTTPResponse response = processWWW(www); response.url = req.url; callback(response); }
// request: HTTP request to be sent and retried // callback: callback method to call with server response (or failure) // delays: table with retry delays in seconds, allows exponential retry strategy e.g. [10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320] means six retries with increasing intervals // maxDelay: maximum amount of seconds until callback is sent and all pending retries are considered timed out public static void sendRequest(HTTPRequest request, System.Action <HTTPResponse> callback, int[] delays, int maxDelay) { RetryRequest req = new RetryRequest(delays, maxDelay, request); req.execute(callback); }