public void LoadSettings(View view = View.Default) { spreadsheetPath = GDESettings.Instance.ExportedGoogleSpreadsheetPath; currentView = view; nextView = view; minSize = new Vector2(420, 250); maxSize = minSize; }
internal static void InitPlaymodeLayout() { EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView = WindowLayout.ShowAppropriateViewOnEnterExitPlaymode(true) as GameView; if ((Object) EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView == (Object) null) return; if (EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView.maximizeOnPlay) { DockArea parent = EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView.m_Parent as DockArea; if ((Object) parent != (Object) null && !parent.actualView.m_Parent.window.maximized) EditorApplicationLayout.m_RootSplit = WindowLayout.MaximizePrepare(parent.actualView); } EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView.m_Parent.SetAsStartView(); Toolbar.RepaintToolbar(); }
internal static void InitPlaymodeLayout() { m_GameView = WindowLayout.ShowAppropriateViewOnEnterExitPlaymode(true) as GameView; if (m_GameView != null) { if (m_GameView.maximizeOnPlay) { DockArea parent = m_GameView.m_Parent as DockArea; if ((parent != null) && !parent.actualView.m_Parent.window.maximized) { m_RootSplit = WindowLayout.MaximizePrepare(parent.actualView); } } m_GameView.m_Parent.SetAsStartView(); Toolbar.RepaintToolbar(); } }
internal static void InitPlaymodeLayout() { EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView = (WindowLayout.ShowAppropriateViewOnEnterExitPlaymode(true) as GameView); if (EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView == null) { return; } if (EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView.maximizeOnPlay) { DockArea dockArea = EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView.m_Parent as DockArea; if (dockArea != null) { ContainerWindow window = dockArea.actualView.m_Parent.window; if (!window.maximized) { EditorApplicationLayout.m_RootSplit = WindowLayout.MaximizePrepare(dockArea.actualView); } } } EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView.m_Parent.SetAsStartView(); Toolbar.RepaintToolbar(); }
void DrawAuthenticateView() { content.text = GDEConstants.AuthWithGoogleLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeAuthWithGoogleLblKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.EnterAccessCodeLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeEnterAccessCodeLblKey, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(1.1f); accessCode = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), drawHelper.FullSeparatorWidth(), size.y), accessCode, textFieldStyle); // Draw Back & Set Code Buttons content.text = GDEConstants.BackBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeBackBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.LaunchAuthURL; content.text = GDEConstants.SetCodeLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeSetCodeLblKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessCode) && GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width-size.x-drawHelper.LeftBuffer, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { GDEDriveHelper.Instance.SetAccessCode(accessCode); GDEDriveHelper.Instance.GetSpreadsheetList(); if (!viewAfterAuth.Equals(View.None)) { nextView = viewAfterAuth; viewAfterAuth = View.None; } else { nextView = View.Default; } GUI.FocusControl(string.Empty); } }
private void DragTab(Rect pos, GUIStyle tabStyle) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); float tabWidth = this.GetTabWidth(pos.width); Event current = Event.current; if (DockArea.s_DragMode != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { PaneDragTab.get.Close(); DockArea.ResetDragVars(); } EventType typeForControl = current.GetTypeForControl(controlID); switch (typeForControl) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (pos.Contains(current.mousePosition) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { int tabAtMousePos = this.GetTabAtMousePos(current.mousePosition, pos); if (tabAtMousePos < this.m_Panes.Count) { switch (current.button) { case 0: if (tabAtMousePos != this.selected) { this.selected = tabAtMousePos; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; DockArea.s_StartDragPosition = current.mousePosition; DockArea.s_DragMode = 0; current.Use(); break; case 2: this.m_Panes[tabAtMousePos].Close(); current.Use(); break; } } } goto IL_6B9; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 vector = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition); if (DockArea.s_DragMode != 0) { DockArea.s_DragMode = 0; PaneDragTab.get.Close(); EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)Delegate.Remove(EditorApplication.update, new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(DockArea.CheckDragWindowExists)); if (DockArea.s_DropInfo != null && DockArea.s_DropInfo.dropArea != null) { DockArea.s_DropInfo.dropArea.PerformDrop(DockArea.s_DragPane, DockArea.s_DropInfo, vector); } else { EditorWindow editorWindow = DockArea.s_DragPane; DockArea.ResetDragVars(); this.RemoveTab(editorWindow); Rect position = editorWindow.position; position.x = vector.x - position.width * 0.5f; position.y = vector.y - position.height * 0.5f; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { position.y = Mathf.Max(InternalEditorUtility.GetBoundsOfDesktopAtPoint(vector).y, position.y); } EditorWindow.CreateNewWindowForEditorWindow(editorWindow, false, false); editorWindow.position = editorWindow.m_Parent.window.FitWindowRectToScreen(position, true, true); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } DockArea.ResetDragVars(); } GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current.Use(); } goto IL_6B9; case EventType.MouseMove: case EventType.KeyDown: case EventType.KeyUp: case EventType.ScrollWheel: IL_6E: if (typeForControl != EventType.ContextClick) { goto IL_6B9; } if (pos.Contains(current.mousePosition) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { int tabAtMousePos2 = this.GetTabAtMousePos(current.mousePosition, pos); if (tabAtMousePos2 < this.m_Panes.Count) { base.PopupGenericMenu(this.m_Panes[tabAtMousePos2], new Rect(current.mousePosition.x, current.mousePosition.y, 0f, 0f)); } } goto IL_6B9; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 vector2 = current.mousePosition - DockArea.s_StartDragPosition; current.Use(); Rect screenPosition = base.screenPosition; if (DockArea.s_DragMode == 0 && vector2.sqrMagnitude > 99f) { DockArea.s_DragMode = 1; DockArea.s_PlaceholderPos = this.selected; DockArea.s_DragPane = this.m_Panes[this.selected]; if (this.m_Panes.Count == 1) { DockArea.s_IgnoreDockingForView = this; } else { DockArea.s_IgnoreDockingForView = null; } DockArea.s_OriginalDragSource = this; PaneDragTab.get.content = DockArea.s_DragPane.cachedTitleContent; base.Internal_SetAsActiveWindow(); PaneDragTab.get.GrabThumbnail(); PaneDragTab.get.Show(new Rect(pos.x + screenPosition.x + tabWidth * (float)this.selected, pos.y + screenPosition.y, tabWidth, pos.height), GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition)); EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)Delegate.Combine(EditorApplication.update, new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(DockArea.CheckDragWindowExists)); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } if (DockArea.s_DragMode == 1) { DropInfo dropInfo = null; ContainerWindow[] windows =; Vector2 vector3 = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition); ContainerWindow inFrontOf = null; ContainerWindow[] array = windows; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ContainerWindow containerWindow = array[i]; View[] allChildren = containerWindow.mainView.allChildren; for (int j = 0; j < allChildren.Length; j++) { View view = allChildren[j]; IDropArea dropArea = view as IDropArea; if (dropArea != null) { dropInfo = dropArea.DragOver(DockArea.s_DragPane, vector3); } if (dropInfo != null) { break; } } if (dropInfo != null) { inFrontOf = containerWindow; break; } } if (dropInfo == null) { dropInfo = new DropInfo(null); } if (dropInfo.type != DropInfo.Type.Tab) { DockArea.s_PlaceholderPos = -1; } DockArea.s_DropInfo = dropInfo; if (PaneDragTab.get.m_Window) { PaneDragTab.get.SetDropInfo(dropInfo, vector3, inFrontOf); } } } goto IL_6B9; case EventType.Repaint: { float num = pos.xMin; int num2 = 0; if (base.actualView) { for (int k = 0; k < this.m_Panes.Count; k++) { if (!(DockArea.s_DragPane == this.m_Panes[k])) { if (DockArea.s_DropInfo != null && object.ReferenceEquals(DockArea.s_DropInfo.dropArea, this) && DockArea.s_PlaceholderPos == num2) { num += tabWidth; } Rect rect = new Rect(num, pos.yMin, tabWidth, pos.height); float num3 = Mathf.Round(rect.x); Rect position2 = new Rect(num3, rect.y, Mathf.Round(rect.x + rect.width) - num3, rect.height); tabStyle.Draw(position2, this.m_Panes[k].cachedTitleContent, false, false, k == this.selected, base.hasFocus); num += tabWidth; num2++; } } } else { Rect rect2 = new Rect(num, pos.yMin, tabWidth, pos.height); float num4 = Mathf.Round(rect2.x); Rect position3 = new Rect(num4, rect2.y, Mathf.Round(rect2.x + rect2.width) - num4, rect2.height); tabStyle.Draw(position3, "Failed to load", false, false, true, false); } goto IL_6B9; } } goto IL_6E; IL_6B9: this.selected = Mathf.Clamp(this.selected, 0, this.m_Panes.Count - 1); }
public virtual void AddChild(View child, int idx) { Array.Resize<View>(ref this.m_Children, this.m_Children.Length + 1); if (idx != this.m_Children.Length - 1) Array.Copy((Array) this.m_Children, idx, (Array) this.m_Children, idx + 1, this.m_Children.Length - idx - 1); this.m_Children[idx] = child; if ((bool) ((UnityEngine.Object) child.m_Parent)) child.m_Parent.RemoveChild(child); child.m_Parent = this; child.SetWindowRecurse(this.window); this.ChildrenMinMaxChanged(); }
public void RemoveChildNice(View child) { if (this.children.Length != 1) { int num1 = this.IndexOfChild(child); float t = num1 != 0 ? (num1 != this.children.Length - 1 ? 0.5f : 1f) : 0.0f; float num2 = !this.vertical ? Mathf.Lerp(child.position.xMin, child.position.xMax, t) : Mathf.Lerp(child.position.yMin, child.position.yMax, t); if (num1 > 0) { View child1 = this.children[num1 - 1]; Rect position = child1.position; if (this.vertical) position.yMax = num2; else position.xMax = num2; child1.position = position; if (child1 is SplitView) ((SplitView) child1).Reflow(); } if (num1 < this.children.Length - 1) { View child1 = this.children[num1 + 1]; Rect position = child1.position; child1.position = !this.vertical ? new Rect(num2, position.y, position.xMax - num2, position.height) : new Rect(position.x, num2, position.width, position.yMax - num2); if (child1 is SplitView) ((SplitView) child1).Reflow(); } } this.RemoveChild(child); }
private void DragTab(Rect pos, GUIStyle tabStyle) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); float tabWidth = this.GetTabWidth(pos.width); Event current = Event.current; if ((s_DragMode != 0) && (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0)) { PaneDragTab.get.Close(); ResetDragVars(); } EventType typeForControl = current.GetTypeForControl(controlID); switch (typeForControl) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (pos.Contains(current.mousePosition) && (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0)) { int tabAtMousePos = this.GetTabAtMousePos(current.mousePosition, pos); if (tabAtMousePos < this.m_Panes.Count) { switch (current.button) { case 0: if (tabAtMousePos != this.selected) { this.selected = tabAtMousePos; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; s_StartDragPosition = current.mousePosition; s_DragMode = 0; current.Use(); break; case 2: this.m_Panes[tabAtMousePos].Close(); current.Use(); break; } } } goto Label_06B9; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 vector3 = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition); if (s_DragMode != 0) { s_DragMode = 0; PaneDragTab.get.Close(); EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction) Delegate.Remove(EditorApplication.update, new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(DockArea.CheckDragWindowExists)); if ((s_DropInfo == null) || (s_DropInfo.dropArea == null)) { EditorWindow pane = s_DragPane; ResetDragVars(); this.RemoveTab(pane); Rect position = pane.position; position.x = vector3.x - (position.width * 0.5f); position.y = vector3.y - (position.height * 0.5f); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { position.y = Mathf.Max(InternalEditorUtility.GetBoundsOfDesktopAtPoint(vector3).y, position.y); } EditorWindow.CreateNewWindowForEditorWindow(pane, false, false); pane.position = pane.m_Parent.window.FitWindowRectToScreen(position, true, true); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } else { s_DropInfo.dropArea.PerformDrop(s_DragPane, s_DropInfo, vector3); } ResetDragVars(); } GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current.Use(); } goto Label_06B9; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 vector = current.mousePosition - s_StartDragPosition; current.Use(); Rect screenPosition = base.screenPosition; if ((s_DragMode == 0) && (vector.sqrMagnitude > 99f)) { s_DragMode = 1; s_PlaceholderPos = this.selected; s_DragPane = this.m_Panes[this.selected]; if (this.m_Panes.Count != 1) { s_IgnoreDockingForView = null; } else { s_IgnoreDockingForView = this; } s_OriginalDragSource = this; PaneDragTab.get.content = s_DragPane.titleContent; base.Internal_SetAsActiveWindow(); PaneDragTab.get.GrabThumbnail(); PaneDragTab.get.Show(new Rect((pos.x + screenPosition.x) + (tabWidth * this.selected), pos.y + screenPosition.y, tabWidth, pos.height), GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition)); EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction) Delegate.Combine(EditorApplication.update, new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(DockArea.CheckDragWindowExists)); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } if (s_DragMode == 1) { DropInfo di = null; ContainerWindow[] windows =; Vector2 screenPos = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition); ContainerWindow inFrontOf = null; foreach (ContainerWindow window2 in windows) { foreach (View view in window2.mainView.allChildren) { IDropArea area = view as IDropArea; if (area != null) { di = area.DragOver(s_DragPane, screenPos); } if (di != null) { break; } } if (di != null) { inFrontOf = window2; break; } } if (di == null) { di = new DropInfo(null); } if (di.type != DropInfo.Type.Tab) { s_PlaceholderPos = -1; } s_DropInfo = di; if (PaneDragTab.get.m_Window != null) { PaneDragTab.get.SetDropInfo(di, screenPos, inFrontOf); } } } goto Label_06B9; case EventType.Repaint: { float xMin = pos.xMin; int num8 = 0; if (base.actualView == null) { Rect rect5 = new Rect(xMin, pos.yMin, tabWidth, pos.height); float x = Mathf.Round(rect5.x); Rect rect6 = new Rect(x, rect5.y, Mathf.Round(rect5.x + rect5.width) - x, rect5.height); tabStyle.Draw(rect6, "Failed to load", false, false, true, false); } else { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Panes.Count; i++) { if (s_DragPane != this.m_Panes[i]) { if (((s_DropInfo != null) && object.ReferenceEquals(s_DropInfo.dropArea, this)) && (s_PlaceholderPos == num8)) { xMin += tabWidth; } Rect rect3 = new Rect(xMin, pos.yMin, tabWidth, pos.height); float num10 = Mathf.Round(rect3.x); Rect rect4 = new Rect(num10, rect3.y, Mathf.Round(rect3.x + rect3.width) - num10, rect3.height); tabStyle.Draw(rect4, this.m_Panes[i].titleContent, false, false, i == this.selected, base.hasFocus); xMin += tabWidth; num8++; } } } goto Label_06B9; } } if ((typeForControl == EventType.ContextClick) && (pos.Contains(current.mousePosition) && (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0))) { int num4 = this.GetTabAtMousePos(current.mousePosition, pos); if (num4 < this.m_Panes.Count) { base.PopupGenericMenu(this.m_Panes[num4], new Rect(current.mousePosition.x, current.mousePosition.y, 0f, 0f)); } } Label_06B9: this.selected = Mathf.Clamp(this.selected, 0, this.m_Panes.Count - 1); }
public void RemoveChildNice(View child) { if (base.children.Length != 1) { int num = base.IndexOfChild(child); float t = 0f; if (num == 0) { t = 0f; } else if (num == (base.children.Length - 1)) { t = 1f; } else { t = 0.5f; } t = !this.vertical ? Mathf.Lerp(child.position.xMin, child.position.xMax, t) : Mathf.Lerp(child.position.yMin, child.position.yMax, t); if (num > 0) { View view = base.children[num - 1]; Rect position = view.position; if (this.vertical) { position.yMax = t; } else { position.xMax = t; } view.position = position; if (view is SplitView) { ((SplitView) view).Reflow(); } } if (num < (base.children.Length - 1)) { View view2 = base.children[num + 1]; Rect rect6 = view2.position; if (this.vertical) { view2.position = new Rect(rect6.x, t, rect6.width, rect6.yMax - t); } else { view2.position = new Rect(t, rect6.y, rect6.xMax - t, rect6.height); } if (view2 is SplitView) { ((SplitView) view2).Reflow(); } } } this.RemoveChild(child); }
void DrawImportCompleteView() { content.text = GDEConstants.ExportCompleteLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportCompleteLblKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.ExportMsg1; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportMsg1Key, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(1.1f); content.text = GDEConstants.ExportMsg2; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportMsg2Key, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); // Draw rate box float heightOfBox = 50f; float topOfBox = this.position.height * .5f + 5f; float bottomOfBox = topOfBox + heightOfBox; content.text = GDEConstants.ForumLinkText; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeForumLinkTextKey, content, linkStyle, out size); float widthOfBox = size.x + 10f; float leftOfBox = (this.position.width - widthOfBox) / 2f; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(leftOfBox + 6f, bottomOfBox - size.y - 2f, size.x, size.y), content, linkStyle)) { Application.OpenURL(GDEConstants.ForumURL); } content.text = GDEConstants.RateMeText; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(leftOfBox + 6f, topOfBox + 3f, size.x, size.y), content, linkStyle)) { Application.OpenURL(GDEConstants.RateMeURL); } // Draw Export Again & Close Buttons content.text = GDEConstants.ExportAgainBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportAgainBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.Default; content.text = GDEConstants.CloseBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeCloseBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width-size.x-drawHelper.LeftBuffer, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { Close(); } }
public override void RemoveChild(View child) { this.splitState = null; base.RemoveChild(child); }
void DrawDefaultView() { content.text = GDEConstants.ExportDlgTitleLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportDlgTitleLblKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.ExportToLocalFileBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportToLocalFileBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.LocalFile; drawHelper.NewLine(2.5f); content.text = GDEConstants.ExportToSheetsBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportToSheetsBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { if (HasAuthenticated()) { nextView = View.UploadExisting; GDEDriveHelper.Instance.GetSpreadsheetList(); } else { nextView = View.LaunchAuthURL; viewAfterAuth = View.UploadExisting; } } drawHelper.NewLine(2.5f); content.text = GDEConstants.ExportToNewSheetBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportToNewSheetBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { if (HasAuthenticated()) { nextView = View.UploadNew; } else { nextView = View.LaunchAuthURL; viewAfterAuth = View.UploadNew; } } drawHelper.NewLine(2.5f); content.text = GDEConstants.ReauthWithGoogleLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeReauthWithGoogleLblKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { nextView = View.LaunchAuthURL; } }
void DrawExportLocalFile() { content.text = GDEConstants.ExportExcelWorkbookLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportExcelWorkbookLblKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.ExcelFileExportLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExcelFileExportLblKey, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition += size.x + 2f; drawHelper.NewLine(); spreadsheetPath = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), drawHelper.FullSeparatorWidth(), textFieldStyle.fixedHeight), spreadsheetPath, textFieldStyle); drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition += size.x + 2f; drawHelper.NewLine(1.1f); content.text = GDEConstants.BrowseBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeBrowseBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { string newSpreadSheetPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(GDEConstants.OpenWBLbl, spreadsheetPath, string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newSpreadSheetPath) && !newSpreadSheetPath.Equals(spreadsheetPath)) spreadsheetPath = newSpreadSheetPath; GUI.FocusControl(string.Empty); } // Draw Back & Export Buttons content.text = GDEConstants.BackBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeBackBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.Default; content.text = GDEConstants.ExportBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width-size.x-drawHelper.LeftBuffer, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { GDESettings settings = GDESettings.Instance; settings.ExportedLocalSpreadsheetName = spreadsheetPath; settings.ExportType = ImportExportType.Local; settings.Save(); GDEExcelManager.DoExport(); nextView = View.ImportComplete; } }
private void DragTab(Rect pos, GUIStyle tabStyle) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); float tabWidth = this.GetTabWidth(pos.width); Event current = Event.current; if (DockArea.s_DragMode != 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { PaneDragTab.get.Close(); DockArea.ResetDragVars(); } EventType typeForControl = current.GetTypeForControl(controlID); switch (typeForControl) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (pos.Contains(current.mousePosition) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { int tabAtMousePos = this.GetTabAtMousePos(current.mousePosition, pos); if (tabAtMousePos < this.m_Panes.Count) { int button = current.button; if (button != 0) { if (button == 2) { this.m_Panes[tabAtMousePos].Close(); current.Use(); } } else { if (tabAtMousePos != this.selected) { this.selected = tabAtMousePos; } GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; DockArea.s_StartDragPosition = current.mousePosition; DockArea.s_DragMode = 0; current.Use(); } } } goto IL_744; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 vector = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition); if (DockArea.s_DragMode != 0) { DockArea.s_DragMode = 0; PaneDragTab.get.Close(); Delegate arg_49D_0 = EditorApplication.update; if (DockArea.< > f__mg$cache1 == null) { DockArea.< > f__mg$cache1 = new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(DockArea.CheckDragWindowExists); } EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)Delegate.Remove(arg_49D_0, DockArea.< > f__mg$cache1); if (DockArea.s_DropInfo != null && DockArea.s_DropInfo.dropArea != null) { DockArea.s_DropInfo.dropArea.PerformDrop(DockArea.s_DragPane, DockArea.s_DropInfo, vector); } else { EditorWindow editorWindow = DockArea.s_DragPane; DockArea.ResetDragVars(); this.RemoveTab(editorWindow); Rect position = editorWindow.position; position.x = vector.x - position.width * 0.5f; position.y = vector.y - position.height * 0.5f; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { position.y = Mathf.Max(InternalEditorUtility.GetBoundsOfDesktopAtPoint(vector).y, position.y); } EditorWindow.CreateNewWindowForEditorWindow(editorWindow, false, false); editorWindow.position = editorWindow.m_Parent.window.FitWindowRectToScreen(position, true, true); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } DockArea.ResetDragVars(); } GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current.Use(); } goto IL_744; case EventType.MouseMove: case EventType.KeyDown: case EventType.KeyUp: case EventType.ScrollWheel: IL_6F: if (typeForControl != EventType.ContextClick) { goto IL_744; } if (pos.Contains(current.mousePosition) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { int tabAtMousePos2 = this.GetTabAtMousePos(current.mousePosition, pos); if (tabAtMousePos2 < this.m_Panes.Count) { base.PopupGenericMenu(this.m_Panes[tabAtMousePos2], new Rect(current.mousePosition.x, current.mousePosition.y, 0f, 0f)); } } goto IL_744; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 vector2 = current.mousePosition - DockArea.s_StartDragPosition; current.Use(); Rect screenPosition = base.screenPosition; bool flag = base.window.showMode != ShowMode.MainWindow || this.GetMainWindowPaneCount() > 1; if (DockArea.s_DragMode == 0 && vector2.sqrMagnitude > 99f && flag) { DockArea.s_DragMode = 1; DockArea.s_PlaceholderPos = this.selected; DockArea.s_DragPane = this.m_Panes[this.selected]; if (this.m_Panes.Count == 1) { DockArea.s_IgnoreDockingForView = this; } else { DockArea.s_IgnoreDockingForView = null; } DockArea.s_OriginalDragSource = this; PaneDragTab.get.Show(new Rect(pos.x + screenPosition.x + tabWidth * (float)this.selected, pos.y + screenPosition.y, tabWidth, pos.height), DockArea.s_DragPane.titleContent, base.position.size, GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition)); Delegate arg_2F8_0 = EditorApplication.update; if (DockArea.< > f__mg$cache0 == null) { DockArea.< > f__mg$cache0 = new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(DockArea.CheckDragWindowExists); } EditorApplication.update = (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)Delegate.Combine(arg_2F8_0, DockArea.< > f__mg$cache0); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } if (DockArea.s_DragMode == 1) { DropInfo dropInfo = null; ContainerWindow[] windows =; Vector2 vector3 = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(current.mousePosition); ContainerWindow inFrontOf = null; ContainerWindow[] array = windows; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ContainerWindow containerWindow = array[i]; SplitView rootSplitView = containerWindow.rootSplitView; if (rootSplitView != null) { dropInfo = rootSplitView.DragOverRootView(vector3); } if (dropInfo == null) { View[] allChildren = containerWindow.rootView.allChildren; for (int j = 0; j < allChildren.Length; j++) { View view = allChildren[j]; IDropArea dropArea = view as IDropArea; if (dropArea != null) { dropInfo = dropArea.DragOver(DockArea.s_DragPane, vector3); } if (dropInfo != null) { break; } } } if (dropInfo != null) { inFrontOf = containerWindow; break; } } if (dropInfo == null) { dropInfo = new DropInfo(null); } if (dropInfo.type != DropInfo.Type.Tab) { DockArea.s_PlaceholderPos = -1; } DockArea.s_DropInfo = dropInfo; if (PaneDragTab.get.m_Window) { PaneDragTab.get.SetDropInfo(dropInfo, vector3, inFrontOf); } } } goto IL_744; case EventType.Repaint: { float num = pos.xMin; int num2 = 0; if (base.actualView) { for (int k = 0; k < this.m_Panes.Count; k++) { if (!(DockArea.s_DragPane == this.m_Panes[k])) { if (DockArea.s_DropInfo != null && object.ReferenceEquals(DockArea.s_DropInfo.dropArea, this) && DockArea.s_PlaceholderPos == num2) { num += tabWidth; } Rect rect = new Rect(num, pos.yMin, tabWidth, pos.height); float num3 = Mathf.Round(rect.x); Rect position2 = new Rect(num3, rect.y, Mathf.Round(rect.x + rect.width) - num3, rect.height); tabStyle.Draw(position2, this.m_Panes[k].titleContent, false, false, k == this.selected, base.hasFocus); num += tabWidth; num2++; } } } else { Rect rect2 = new Rect(num, pos.yMin, tabWidth, pos.height); float num4 = Mathf.Round(rect2.x); Rect position3 = new Rect(num4, rect2.y, Mathf.Round(rect2.x + rect2.width) - num4, rect2.height); tabStyle.Draw(position3, "Failed to load", false, false, true, false); } goto IL_744; } } goto IL_6F; IL_744: this.selected = Mathf.Clamp(this.selected, 0, this.m_Panes.Count - 1); }
public void OnGUI() { base.ClearBackground(); EditorGUIUtility.ResetGUIState(); SplitView splitView = base.parent as SplitView; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && splitView) { View child = this; while (splitView) { int controlID = splitView.controlID; if (controlID == GUIUtility.hotControl || GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { int num = splitView.IndexOfChild(child); if (splitView.vertical) { if (num != 0) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, 0f, base.position.width, 5f), MouseCursor.SplitResizeUpDown, controlID); } if (num != splitView.children.Length - 1) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, base.position.height - 5f, base.position.width, 5f), MouseCursor.SplitResizeUpDown, controlID); } } else { if (num != 0) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0f, 0f, 5f, base.position.height), MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight, controlID); } if (num != splitView.children.Length - 1) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(base.position.width - 5f, 0f, 5f, base.position.height), MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight, controlID); } } } child = splitView; splitView = (splitView.parent as SplitView); } splitView = (base.parent as SplitView); } bool flag = false; if (base.window.rootView.GetType() != typeof(MainView)) { flag = true; if (base.windowPosition.y == 0f) { this.background = "dockareaStandalone"; } else { this.background = "dockarea"; } } else { this.background = "dockarea"; } if (splitView) { Event @event = new Event(Event.current); @event.mousePosition += new Vector2(base.position.x, base.position.y); splitView.SplitGUI(@event); if (@event.type == EventType.Used) { Event.current.Use(); } } Rect rect = this.background.margin.Remove(new Rect(0f, 0f, base.position.width, base.position.height)); rect.x = (float)this.background.margin.left; rect.y = (float); Rect windowPosition = base.windowPosition; float num2 = 2f; if (windowPosition.x == 0f) { rect.x -= num2; rect.width += num2; } if (windowPosition.xMax == base.window.position.width) { rect.width += num2; } if (windowPosition.yMax == base.window.position.height) { rect.height += ((!flag) ? 2f : 2f); } GUI.Box(rect, GUIContent.none, this.background); if (this.tabStyle == null) { this.tabStyle = "dragtab"; } if (this.m_Panes.Count > 0) { HostView.BeginOffsetArea(new Rect(rect.x + 2f, rect.y + 17f, rect.width - 4f, rect.height - 17f - 2f), GUIContent.none, "TabWindowBackground"); Vector2 vector = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(; Rect pos = base.borderSize.Remove(base.position); pos.x = vector.x; pos.y = vector.y; this.m_Panes[this.selected].m_Pos = pos; HostView.EndOffsetArea(); } this.DragTab(new Rect(rect.x + 1f, rect.y, rect.width - 40f, 17f), this.tabStyle); this.tabStyle = "dragtab"; base.ShowGenericMenu(); if (this.m_Panes.Count > 0) { base.InvokeOnGUI(rect); } EditorGUI.ShowRepaints(); Highlighter.ControlHighlightGUI(this); }
public virtual void RemoveChild(View child) { int idx = Array.IndexOf<View>(this.m_Children, child); if (idx == -1) Debug.LogError((object) "Unable to remove child - it's not IN the view"); else this.RemoveChild(idx); }
public override void AddChild(View child, int idx) { base.AddChild(child, idx); this.ChildrenMinMaxChanged(); this.splitState = null; }
void DrawLaunchAuthURL() { content.text = GDEConstants.AuthWithGoogleLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeAuthWithGoogleLblKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.AuthInstruction1_1; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeAuthInstruction1_1Key, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(); content.text = GDEConstants.AuthInstruction1_2; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeAuthInstruction1_2Key, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.AuthInstruction2_1; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeAuthInstruction2_1Key, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(); content.text = GDEConstants.AuthInstruction2_2; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeAuthInstruction2_2Key, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); // Draw Back & GOTO Auth buttons content.text = GDEConstants.BackBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeBackBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.Default; content.text = GDEConstants.GotoAuthURL; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeGotoAuthURLKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width-size.x-drawHelper.LeftBuffer, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { GDEDriveHelper.Instance.RequestAuthFromUser(); nextView = View.Authenticate; } }
public void RemoveChildNice(View child) { if (base.children.Length != 1) { int num = base.IndexOfChild(child); float num2; if (num == 0) { num2 = 0f; } else { if (num == base.children.Length - 1) { num2 = 1f; } else { num2 = 0.5f; } } num2 = ((!this.vertical) ? Mathf.Lerp(child.position.xMin, child.position.xMax, num2) : Mathf.Lerp(child.position.yMin, child.position.yMax, num2)); if (num > 0) { View view = base.children[num - 1]; Rect position = view.position; if (this.vertical) { position.yMax = num2; } else { position.xMax = num2; } view.position = position; if (view is SplitView) { ((SplitView)view).Reflow(); } } if (num < base.children.Length - 1) { View view2 = base.children[num + 1]; Rect position2 = view2.position; if (this.vertical) { view2.position = new Rect(position2.x, num2, position2.width, position2.yMax - num2); } else { view2.position = new Rect(num2, position2.y, position2.xMax - num2, position2.height); } if (view2 is SplitView) { ((SplitView)view2).Reflow(); } } } this.RemoveChild(child); }
private static void Clear() { EditorApplicationLayout.m_RootSplit = null; EditorApplicationLayout.m_GameView = null; }
internal void InternalCloseWindow() { this.Save(); if ((bool) ((Object) this.m_MainView)) { if (this.m_MainView is GUIView) ((GUIView) this.m_MainView).RemoveFromAuxWindowList(); Object.DestroyImmediate((Object) this.m_MainView, true); this.m_MainView = (View) null; } Object.DestroyImmediate((Object) this, true); }
public int IndexOfChild(View child) { int num = 0; foreach (View view in this.m_Children) { if (view == child) { return num; } num++; } return -1; }
internal void InternalCloseWindow() { this.Save(); if (this.m_MainView) { if (this.m_MainView is GUIView) { ((GUIView)this.m_MainView).RemoveFromAuxWindowList(); } UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(this.m_MainView, true); this.m_MainView = null; } UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(this, true); }
public virtual void AddChild(View child, int idx) { Array.Resize<View>(ref this.m_Children, this.m_Children.Length + 1); if (idx != (this.m_Children.Length - 1)) { Array.Copy(this.m_Children, idx, this.m_Children, idx + 1, (this.m_Children.Length - idx) - 1); } this.m_Children[idx] = child; if (child.m_Parent != null) { child.m_Parent.RemoveChild(child); } child.m_Parent = this; child.SetWindowRecurse(this.window); this.ChildrenMinMaxChanged(); }
void DrawUploadExistingView() { content.text = GDEConstants.ExportGoogleSheetLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportGoogleSheetLblKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.SelectExportSpreadSheetLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeSelectExportSpreadSheetLblKey, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(1.1f); downloadSelectionIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), drawHelper.FullSeparatorWidth(), size.y), downloadSelectionIndex, GDEDriveHelper.Instance.SpreadSheetNames, comboBoxStyle); // Draw Back & Upload Buttons content.text = GDEConstants.BackBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeBackBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.Default; content.text = GDEConstants.UploadBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeUploadBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width-size.x-drawHelper.LeftBuffer, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { GDESettings settings = GDESettings.Instance; settings.ExportedGoogleSpreadsheetPath = GDEDriveHelper.Instance.SpreadSheetNames[downloadSelectionIndex]; settings.ExportType = ImportExportType.Google; settings.Save(); GDEExcelManager.DoExport(); nextView = View.ImportComplete; } }
public int IndexOfChild(View child) { int num = 0; foreach (UnityEngine.Object child1 in this.m_Children) { if (child1 == (UnityEngine.Object) child) return num; ++num; } return -1; }
internal void InternalCloseWindow() { this.Save(); if (this.m_RootView != null) { if (this.m_RootView is GUIView) { ((GUIView) this.m_RootView).RemoveFromAuxWindowList(); } Object.DestroyImmediate(this.m_RootView, true); this.m_RootView = null; } Object.DestroyImmediate(this, true); }
void DrawUploadNewView() { content.text = GDEConstants.ExportNewGoogleSheetLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeExportToNewSheetBtnKey, content, headerStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CenteredOnLine(size.x), drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, headerStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(2); content.text = GDEConstants.NewSheetFileNameLbl; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeNewSheetFileNameLblKey, content, labelStyle, out size); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), size.x, size.y), content, labelStyle); drawHelper.NewLine(1.1f); spreadsheetName = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, drawHelper.TopOfLine(), drawHelper.FullSeparatorWidth(), size.y), spreadsheetName, textFieldStyle); // Draw Back & Upload Buttons content.text = GDEConstants.BackBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeBackBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(drawHelper.CurrentLinePosition, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) nextView = View.Default; content.text = GDEConstants.UploadBtn; drawHelper.TryGetCachedSize(GDEConstants.SizeUploadBtnKey, content, buttonStyle, out size); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spreadsheetName) && GUI.Button(new Rect(position.width-size.x-drawHelper.LeftBuffer, position.height-size.y-drawHelper.BottomBuffer, size.x, size.y), content, buttonStyle)) { GDESettings settings = GDESettings.Instance; settings.ExportedGoogleSpreadsheetPath = spreadsheetName; settings.ExportType = ImportExportType.Google; settings.Save(); GDEExcelManager.DoExport(true); nextView = View.ImportComplete; } }
public void AddChild(View child) { this.AddChild(child, this.m_Children.Length); }
void OnGUI() { SetStyles(); size =; drawHelper.ResetToTop(); if (currentView.Equals(View.Default)) DrawDefaultView(); else if (currentView.Equals(View.LaunchAuthURL)) DrawLaunchAuthURL(); else if (currentView.Equals(View.Authenticate)) DrawAuthenticateView(); else if (currentView.Equals(View.UploadExisting)) DrawUploadExistingView(); else if (currentView.Equals(View.UploadNew)) DrawUploadNewView(); else if (currentView.Equals(View.LocalFile)) DrawExportLocalFile(); else if (currentView.Equals(View.ImportComplete)) DrawImportCompleteView(); currentView = nextView; }
public virtual void RemoveChild(View child) { int index = Array.IndexOf<View>(this.m_Children, child); if (index == -1) { Debug.LogError("Unable to remove child - it's not IN the view"); } else { this.RemoveChild(index); } }
public static void Unmaximize(EditorWindow win) { HostView parent = win.m_Parent; if (parent == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Host view was not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { UnityEngine.Object[] objArray = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(Path.Combine(layoutsProjectPath, "CurrentMaximizeLayout.dwlt")); if (objArray.Length < 2) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximized serialized file backup not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { SplitView child = objArray[0] as SplitView; EditorWindow item = objArray[1] as EditorWindow; if (child == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view was not found"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { ContainerWindow window = win.m_Parent.window; if (window == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view has no container window"); RevertFactorySettings(); } else { try { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); if (parent.parent == null) { throw new Exception(); } int idx = parent.parent.IndexOfChild(parent); Rect position = parent.position; View view3 = parent.parent; view3.RemoveChild(idx); view3.AddChild(child, idx); child.position = position; DockArea area = item.m_Parent as DockArea; int index = area.m_Panes.IndexOf(item); parent.actualView = null; win.m_Parent = null; area.AddTab(index, win); area.RemoveTab(item); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(item); foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj2 in objArray) { EditorWindow window3 = obj2 as EditorWindow; if (window3 != null) { window3.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); } } view3.Initialize(view3.window); view3.position = view3.position; child.Reflow(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(parent); win.Focus(); window.DisplayAllViews(); win.m_Parent.MakeVistaDWMHappyDance(); } catch (Exception exception) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed: " + exception); RevertFactorySettings(); } try { if (((Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) && SystemInfo.operatingSystem.Contains("10.7")) && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor.Contains("ATI")) { foreach (GUIView view4 in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView))) { view4.Repaint(); } } } finally { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); } } } } } }