コード例 #1
        internal void OnGUI()
            Event e = Event.current;


            if (!m_HasUpdatedGuiStyles)
                m_LineHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(Constants.ErrorStyle.lineHeight);
                m_BorderHeight = Constants.ErrorStyle.border.top + Constants.ErrorStyle.border.bottom;


            // Clear button and clearing options
            bool clearClicked = false;

            if (EditorGUILayout.DropDownToggle(ref clearClicked, Constants.Clear, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDownToggle))
                var clearOnPlay  = HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnPlay);
                var clearOnBuild = HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnBuild);

                GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
                menu.AddItem(Constants.ClearOnPlay, clearOnPlay, () => { SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnPlay, !clearOnPlay); });
                menu.AddItem(Constants.ClearOnBuild, clearOnBuild, () => { SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.ClearOnBuild, !clearOnBuild); });
                var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                rect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
            if (clearClicked)
                GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;

            int currCount = LogEntries.GetCount();

            if (m_ListView.totalRows != currCount && m_ListView.totalRows > 0)
                // scroll bar was at the bottom?
                if (m_ListView.scrollPos.y >= m_ListView.rowHeight * m_ListView.totalRows - ms_LVHeight)
                    m_ListView.scrollPos.y = currCount * RowHeight - ms_LVHeight;

            bool wasCollapsed = HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.Collapse);

            SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.Collapse, GUILayout.Toggle(wasCollapsed, Constants.Collapse, Constants.MiniButton));

            bool collapsedChanged = (wasCollapsed != HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.Collapse));

            if (collapsedChanged)
                // unselect if collapsed flag changed
                m_ListView.row = -1;

                // scroll to bottom
                m_ListView.scrollPos.y = LogEntries.GetCount() * RowHeight;

            if (HasSpaceForExtraButtons())
                SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.ErrorPause, GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.ErrorPause), Constants.ErrorPause, Constants.MiniButton));
                PlayerConnectionGUILayout.ConnectionTargetSelectionDropdown(m_ConsoleAttachToPlayerState, EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown);


            // Search bar
            if (HasSpaceForExtraButtons())

            // Flags
            int errorCount = 0, warningCount = 0, logCount = 0;

            LogEntries.GetCountsByType(ref errorCount, ref warningCount, ref logCount);
            bool setLogFlag     = GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.LogLevelLog), new GUIContent((logCount <= 999 ? logCount.ToString() : "999+"), logCount > 0 ? iconInfoSmall : iconInfoMono), Constants.MiniButton);
            bool setWarningFlag = GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning), new GUIContent((warningCount <= 999 ? warningCount.ToString() : "999+"), warningCount > 0 ? iconWarnSmall : iconWarnMono), Constants.MiniButton);
            bool setErrorFlag   = GUILayout.Toggle(HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError), new GUIContent((errorCount <= 999 ? errorCount.ToString() : "999+"), errorCount > 0 ? iconErrorSmall : iconErrorMono), Constants.MiniButtonRight);

            // Active entry index may no longer be valid
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

            SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.LogLevelLog, setLogFlag);
            SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.LogLevelWarning, setWarningFlag);
            SetFlag(ConsoleFlags.LogLevelError, setErrorFlag);


            // Console entries

            GUIContent tempContent      = new GUIContent();
            int        id               = GUIUtility.GetControlID(0);
            int        rowDoubleClicked = -1;

            /////@TODO: Make Frame selected work with ListViewState
            using (new GettingLogEntriesScope(m_ListView))
                int  selectedRow      = -1;
                bool openSelectedItem = false;
                bool collapsed        = HasFlag(ConsoleFlags.Collapse);
                foreach (ListViewElement el in ListViewGUI.ListView(m_ListView, ListViewOptions.wantsRowMultiSelection, Constants.Box))
                    if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && el.position.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                        selectedRow = m_ListView.row;
                        if (e.clickCount == 2)
                            openSelectedItem = true;
                    else if (e.type == EventType.Repaint)
                        int    mode = 0;
                        string text = null;
                        LogEntries.GetLinesAndModeFromEntryInternal(el.row, Constants.LogStyleLineCount, ref mode, ref text);
                        bool entryIsSelected = m_ListView.selectedItems != null && el.row < m_ListView.selectedItems.Length && m_ListView.selectedItems[el.row];

                        // offset value in x for icon and text
                        var offset = Constants.LogStyleLineCount == 1 ? 4 : 8;

                        // Draw the background
                        GUIStyle s = el.row % 2 == 0 ? Constants.OddBackground : Constants.EvenBackground;
                        s.Draw(el.position, false, false, entryIsSelected, false);

                        // Draw the icon
                        GUIStyle iconStyle = GetStyleForErrorMode(mode, true, Constants.LogStyleLineCount == 1);
                        Rect     iconRect  = el.position;
                        iconRect.x += offset;
                        iconRect.y += 2;

                        iconStyle.Draw(iconRect, false, false, entryIsSelected, false);

                        // Draw the text
                        tempContent.text = text;
                        GUIStyle errorModeStyle =
                            GetStyleForErrorMode(mode, false, Constants.LogStyleLineCount == 1);
                        var textRect = el.position;
                        textRect.x += offset;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SearchText))
                            errorModeStyle.Draw(textRect, tempContent, id, m_ListView.row == el.row);
                            //the whole text contains the searchtext, we have to know where it is
                            int startIndex = text.IndexOf(m_SearchText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                            if (startIndex == -1) // the searchtext is not in the visible text, we don't show the selection
                                errorModeStyle.Draw(textRect, tempContent, id, m_ListView.row == el.row);
                            else // the searchtext is visible, we show the selection
                                int endIndex = startIndex + m_SearchText.Length;

                                const bool isActive          = false;
                                const bool hasKeyboardFocus  = true; // This ensure we draw the selection text over the label.
                                const bool drawAsComposition = false;
                                Color      selectionColor    = GUI.skin.settings.selectionColor;

                                errorModeStyle.DrawWithTextSelection(textRect, tempContent, isActive, hasKeyboardFocus, startIndex, endIndex, drawAsComposition, selectionColor);

                        if (collapsed)
                            Rect badgeRect = el.position;
                            tempContent.text = LogEntries.GetEntryCount(el.row)
                            Vector2 badgeSize = Constants.CountBadge.CalcSize(tempContent);

                            if (Constants.CountBadge.fixedHeight > 0)
                                badgeSize.y = Constants.CountBadge.fixedHeight;
                            badgeRect.xMin  = badgeRect.xMax - badgeSize.x;
                            badgeRect.yMin += ((badgeRect.yMax - badgeRect.yMin) - badgeSize.y) * 0.5f;
                            badgeRect.x    -= 5f;
                            GUI.Label(badgeRect, tempContent, Constants.CountBadge);

                if (selectedRow != -1)
                    if (m_ListView.scrollPos.y >= m_ListView.rowHeight * m_ListView.totalRows - ms_LVHeight)
                        m_ListView.scrollPos.y = m_ListView.rowHeight * m_ListView.totalRows - ms_LVHeight - 1;

                // Make sure the selected entry is up to date
                if (m_ListView.totalRows == 0 || m_ListView.row >= m_ListView.totalRows || m_ListView.row < 0)
                    if (m_ActiveText.Length != 0)
                    LogEntry entry = new LogEntry();
                    LogEntries.GetEntryInternal(m_ListView.row, entry);

                    // see if selected entry changed. if so - clear additional info
                    LogEntries.GetEntryInternal(m_ListView.row, entry);
                    if (m_ListView.selectionChanged || !m_ActiveText.Equals(entry.message))

                    // If copy, get the messages from selected rows
                    if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && e.commandName == EventCommandNames.Copy && m_ListView.selectedItems != null)
                        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < m_ListView.selectedItems.Length; rowIndex++)
                            if (m_ListView.selectedItems[rowIndex])
                                LogEntries.GetEntryInternal(rowIndex, entry);
                // Open entry using return key
                if ((GUIUtility.keyboardControl == m_ListView.ID) && (e.type == EventType.KeyDown) &&
                    (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) && (m_ListView.row != 0))
                    selectedRow      = m_ListView.row;
                    openSelectedItem = true;

                if (e.type != EventType.Layout && ListViewGUI.ilvState.rectHeight != 1)
                    ms_LVHeight = ListViewGUI.ilvState.rectHeight;

                if (openSelectedItem)
                    rowDoubleClicked = selectedRow;

            // Prevent dead locking in EditorMonoConsole by delaying callbacks (which can log to the console) until after LogEntries.EndGettingEntries() has been
            // called (this releases the mutex in EditorMonoConsole so logging again is allowed). Fix for case 1081060.
            if (rowDoubleClicked != -1)

            // Display active text (We want word wrapped text with a vertical scrollbar)
            m_TextScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_TextScroll, Constants.Box);

            string stackWithHyperlinks = StacktraceWithHyperlinks(m_ActiveText);
            float  height = Constants.MessageStyle.CalcHeight(GUIContent.Temp(stackWithHyperlinks), position.width);

            EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(stackWithHyperlinks, Constants.MessageStyle, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true), GUILayout.MinHeight(height + 10));



            // Copy & Paste selected item
            if ((e.type == EventType.ValidateCommand || e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) && e.commandName == EventCommandNames.Copy && m_CopyString != null)
                if (e.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand)
                    EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = m_CopyString.ToString();