internal CurveSelection(int curveID, CurveEditor host, int keyIndex, CurveSelection.SelectionType t) { this.m_CurveID = curveID; this.m_Host = host; this.m_Key = keyIndex; this.type = t; }
public override bool Equals(object _other) { CurveSelection curveSelection = (CurveSelection)_other; if (curveSelection.curveID == this.curveID && curveSelection.key == this.key) { return(curveSelection.type == this.type); } return(false); }
private void UpdateSelectedKeysToCurveEditor() { this.m_CurveEditor.ClearSelection(); foreach (AnimationWindowKeyframe current in this.m_State.selectedKeys) { CurveSelection curveSelection = AnimationWindowUtility.AnimationWindowKeyframeToCurveSelection(current, this.m_CurveEditor); if (curveSelection != null) { this.m_CurveEditor.AddSelection(curveSelection); } } }
public override bool Equals(object _other) { CurveSelection other = _other as CurveSelection; if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) { return(true); } return(other.curveID == curveID && other.key == key && other.type == type); }
private void UpdateSelectedKeysToCurveEditor() { this.m_CurveEditor.ClearSelection(); using (List <AnimationWindowKeyframe> .Enumerator enumerator = this.m_State.selectedKeys.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CurveSelection curveSelection = AnimationWindowUtility.AnimationWindowKeyframeToCurveSelection(enumerator.Current, this.m_CurveEditor); if (curveSelection != null) { this.m_CurveEditor.AddSelection(curveSelection); } } } }
public int CompareTo(object _other) { CurveSelection curveSelection = (CurveSelection)_other; int num = this.curveID - curveSelection.curveID; if (num != 0) { return(num); } num = this.key - curveSelection.key; if (num != 0) { return(num); } return(this.type - curveSelection.type); }
// We sync keyframe selection from AnimationWindowState to curve editor private void UpdateSelectedKeysToCurveEditor() { UpdateCurveEditorData(); m_CurveEditor.ClearSelection(); m_CurveEditor.BeginRangeSelection(); foreach (AnimationWindowKeyframe keyframe in m_State.selectedKeys) { CurveSelection curveSelection = AnimationWindowUtility.AnimationWindowKeyframeToCurveSelection(keyframe, m_CurveEditor); if (curveSelection != null) { m_CurveEditor.AddSelection(curveSelection); } } m_CurveEditor.EndRangeSelection(); }
public int CompareTo(object _other) { CurveSelection other = (CurveSelection)_other; int cmp = curveID - other.curveID; if (cmp != 0) { return(cmp); } cmp = key - other.key; if (cmp != 0) { return(cmp); } return((int)type - (int)other.type); }
public int CompareTo(object _other) { CurveSelection curveSelection = (CurveSelection)_other; int num = this.curveID - curveSelection.curveID; int result; if (num != 0) { result = num; } else { num = this.key - curveSelection.key; if (num != 0) { result = num; } else { result = this.type - curveSelection.type; } } return(result); }
public static AnimationWindowKeyframe CurveSelectionToAnimationWindowKeyframe(CurveSelection curveSelection, List<AnimationWindowCurve> allCurves) { using (List<AnimationWindowCurve>.Enumerator enumerator = allCurves.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { AnimationWindowCurve current = enumerator.Current; if (current.binding == curveSelection.curveWrapper.binding && current.m_Keyframes.Count > curveSelection.key) return current.m_Keyframes[curveSelection.key]; } } return (AnimationWindowKeyframe) null; }
public override bool Equals(object _other) { CurveSelection selection = (CurveSelection)_other; return(((selection.curveID == this.curveID) && (selection.key == this.key)) && (selection.type == this.type)); }
public void UpdateCurvesFromPoints(Vector2 movement) { this.m_DisplayedSelection = new List<CurveSelection>(); foreach (CurveEditor.SavedCurve current in this.m_CurveBackups) { List<CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame> list = new List<CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame>(current.keys.Count); int num; int num2; int num3; if (movement.x <= 0f) { num = 0; num2 = current.keys.Count; num3 = 1; } else { num = current.keys.Count - 1; num2 = -1; num3 = -1; } for (int num4 = num; num4 != num2; num4 += num3) { CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame savedKeyFrame = current.keys[num4]; if (savedKeyFrame.selected != CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.None) { savedKeyFrame = new CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame(savedKeyFrame.key, savedKeyFrame.selected); savedKeyFrame.key.time = Mathf.Clamp(savedKeyFrame.key.time + movement.x, base.hRangeMin, base.hRangeMax); if (savedKeyFrame.selected == CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.Selected) { savedKeyFrame.key.value = this.ClampVerticalValue(savedKeyFrame.key.value + movement.y, current.curveId); } for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Mathf.Abs(list[i].key.time - savedKeyFrame.key.time) < 1E-05f) { list.RemoveAt(i); } } } list.Add(new CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame(savedKeyFrame.key, savedKeyFrame.selected)); } list.Sort(); Keyframe[] array = new Keyframe[list.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame savedKeyFrame2 = list[j]; array[j] = savedKeyFrame2.key; if (savedKeyFrame2.selected != CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.None) { CurveSelection curveSelection = new CurveSelection(current.curveId, this, j); if (savedKeyFrame2.selected == CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.SemiSelected) { curveSelection.semiSelected = true; } this.m_DisplayedSelection.Add(curveSelection); } } CurveWrapper curveFromID = this.GetCurveFromID(current.curveId); curveFromID.curve.keys = array; curveFromID.changed = true; } this.UpdateTangentsFromSelection(); }
internal void AddSelection(CurveSelection curveSelection) { this.m_Selection.Add(curveSelection); this.lastSelected = curveSelection; }
/// Finds the closest selectable point on the curve. /// - Key frames /// - if a key frame is selected, searches the tangents CurveSelection FindClosest(AnimationCurve curve, Vector2 mousePos, out float outDist) { float distance = Mathf.Infinity; CurveSelection closest = new CurveSelection(); // Find closest key point for (int i=0;i<curve.length;i++) { Vector2 pos = new Vector2 (curve[i].time, curve[i].value); float curDist = Vector2.Distance(pos, mousePos); if (curDist < distance) { closest.index = i; closest.type = SelectionType.Key; distance = curDist; } } // Find if selected key is close CurveSelection activeKey = m_DragKey != null ? m_DragKey : m_SelectedKey; if (activeKey != null) { // Go through tangents and key for (int i=0;i<(int)SelectionType.Count;i++) { Vector2 pos = GetPosition(curve, new CurveSelection(activeKey.index, (SelectionType)i)); float curDist = Vector2.Distance(pos, mousePos); if (curDist < distance) { closest.index = activeKey.index; closest.type = (SelectionType)i; distance = curDist; } } } outDist = distance; if (closest.index != -1) return closest; else return null; }
private CurveSelection AddKeyframeAndSelect(Keyframe key, CurveWrapper cw) { int num = cw.curve.AddKey(key); CurveUtility.SetKeyModeFromContext(cw.curve, num); CurveUtility.UpdateTangentsFromModeSurrounding(cw.curve, num); CurveSelection result = new CurveSelection(, this, num); cw.selected = CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.Selected; cw.changed = true; this.activeTime = key.time; return result; }
public bool OnGUI(Rect rect) { bool modified = false; GUILayout.BeginArea(rect); Color oldColor = GUI.color; // Check selection indices out of bounds if (m_DragKey != null && (m_DragKey.index < 0 || m_DragKey.index >= animationCurve.length)) m_DragKey = null; if (m_SelectedKey != null && (m_SelectedKey.index < 0 || m_SelectedKey.index >= animationCurve.length) ) m_SelectedKey = null; modified = DisplayActionsGui (rect); bool mouseEvent = Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown || Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag | Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp; if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint) { DrawGrid(rect); DrawCurve(animationCurve); } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && Event.current.clickCount == 2) { Keyframe key = new Keyframe(transformedMousePosition.x, transformedMousePosition.y); SetKeyTangentMode(ref key, 0, TangentMode.Smooth); SetKeyTangentMode(ref key, 1, TangentMode.Smooth); int index = animationCurve.AddKey(key); UpdateTangentsFromModeSurrounding(animationCurve, index); m_DragKey = new CurveSelection (index, SelectionType.Key); modified = true; Event.current.Use(); } else if ((Event.current.type == EventType.scrollWheel) || (mouseEvent && Event.current.command)) { m_Scale *= (1 - * 0.01F); m_Scale.x = Mathf.Clamp(m_Scale.x, 0.02F, 10000.0F); m_Scale.y = -m_Scale.x; Event.current.Use(); } else if (mouseEvent && Event.current.alt) { m_Translation +=; Event.current.Use(); } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown) { float dist; CurveSelection closest = FindClosest(animationCurve, transformedMousePosition, out dist); if (dist < 20 / m_Scale.magnitude) { m_SelectedKey = m_DragKey = closest; Vector2 keyPos = GetPosition(animationCurve, m_DragKey); m_MouseDownOffset = keyPos - transformedMousePosition; } else { m_DragKey = null; } Event.current.Use(); } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp) { m_SelectedKey = m_DragKey; m_DragKey = null; Event.current.Use(); } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag && m_DragKey != null) { Keyframe key = animationCurve[m_DragKey.index]; Vector2 newPosition = transformedMousePosition + m_MouseDownOffset; if (m_DragKey.type == SelectionType.Key) { key.time = newPosition.x; key.value = newPosition.y; } else if (m_DragKey.type == SelectionType.InTangent) { Vector2 tangentDirection = newPosition - new Vector2 (key.time, key.value); if (tangentDirection.x < -0.0001F) key.inTangent = tangentDirection.y / tangentDirection.x; else key.inTangent = Mathf.Infinity; SetKeyTangentMode(ref key, 0, TangentMode.Editable); if (!GetKeyBroken(key)) { key.outTangent = key.inTangent; SetKeyTangentMode(ref key, 1, TangentMode.Editable); } } else if (m_DragKey.type == SelectionType.OutTangent) { Vector2 tangentDirection = newPosition - new Vector2 (key.time, key.value); if (tangentDirection.x > 0.0001F) key.outTangent = tangentDirection.y / tangentDirection.x; else key.outTangent = Mathf.Infinity; SetKeyTangentMode(ref key, 1, TangentMode.Editable); if (!GetKeyBroken(key)) { key.inTangent = key.outTangent; SetKeyTangentMode(ref key, 0, TangentMode.Editable); } } m_DragKey.index = animationCurve.MoveKey(m_DragKey.index, key); UpdateTangentsFromModeSurrounding(animationCurve, m_DragKey.index); modified = true; Event.current.Use(); } else if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace) || (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName =="Delete")) { if (m_SelectedKey != null) { animationCurve.RemoveKey(m_SelectedKey.index); m_SelectedKey.index--; modified = true; Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "FrameSelected") { FrameSelected(rect); Event.current.Use(); } GUILayout.EndArea(); GUI.color = oldColor; return modified; }
public override bool Equals(object _other) { CurveSelection other = (CurveSelection)_other; return(other.curveID == curveID && other.key == key && other.type == type); }
private void UpdateCurvesFromPoints(System.Action<CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame, CurveEditor.SavedCurve> action) { List<CurveSelection> curveSelectionList = new List<CurveSelection>(); using (List<CurveEditor.SavedCurve>.Enumerator enumerator = this.m_CurveBackups.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CurveEditor.SavedCurve current = enumerator.Current; List<CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame> savedKeyFrameList = new List<CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame>(current.keys.Count); for (int index1 = 0; index1 != current.keys.Count; ++index1) { CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame savedKeyFrame = current.keys[index1]; if (savedKeyFrame.selected != CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.None) { savedKeyFrame = new CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame(savedKeyFrame.key, savedKeyFrame.selected); action(savedKeyFrame, current); for (int index2 = savedKeyFrameList.Count - 1; index2 >= 0; --index2) { if ((double) Mathf.Abs(savedKeyFrameList[index2].key.time - savedKeyFrame.key.time) < 9.99999974737875E-06) savedKeyFrameList.RemoveAt(index2); } } savedKeyFrameList.Add(new CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame(savedKeyFrame.key, savedKeyFrame.selected)); } savedKeyFrameList.Sort(); Keyframe[] keyframeArray = new Keyframe[savedKeyFrameList.Count]; for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < savedKeyFrameList.Count; ++keyIndex) { CurveEditor.SavedCurve.SavedKeyFrame savedKeyFrame = savedKeyFrameList[keyIndex]; keyframeArray[keyIndex] = savedKeyFrame.key; if (savedKeyFrame.selected != CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.None) { CurveSelection curveSelection = new CurveSelection(current.curveId, this, keyIndex); if (savedKeyFrame.selected == CurveWrapper.SelectionMode.SemiSelected) curveSelection.semiSelected = true; curveSelectionList.Add(curveSelection); } } this.selectedCurves = curveSelectionList; CurveWrapper curveFromId = this.GetCurveFromID(current.curveId); curveFromId.curve.keys = keyframeArray; curveFromId.changed = true; } } this.UpdateTangentsFromSelection(); }
private void DragTangents() { Event current1 = Event.current; int controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(CurveEditor.s_TangentControlIDHash, FocusType.Passive); switch (current1.GetTypeForControl(controlId)) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (current1.button != 0 || current1.alt) break; this.m_SelectedTangentPoint = (CurveSelection) null; float num = 100f; Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; using (List<CurveSelection>.Enumerator enumerator = this.selectedCurves.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { CurveSelection current2 = enumerator.Current; Keyframe keyframe = current2.keyframe; if (CurveUtility.GetKeyTangentMode(keyframe, 0) == TangentMode.Editable) { CurveSelection selection = new CurveSelection(current2.curveID, this, current2.key, CurveSelection.SelectionType.InTangent); float sqrMagnitude = (this.DrawingToViewTransformPoint(this.GetPosition(selection)) - mousePosition).sqrMagnitude; if ((double) sqrMagnitude <= (double) num) { this.m_SelectedTangentPoint = selection; num = sqrMagnitude; } } if (CurveUtility.GetKeyTangentMode(keyframe, 1) == TangentMode.Editable) { CurveSelection selection = new CurveSelection(current2.curveID, this, current2.key, CurveSelection.SelectionType.OutTangent); float sqrMagnitude = (this.DrawingToViewTransformPoint(this.GetPosition(selection)) - mousePosition).sqrMagnitude; if ((double) sqrMagnitude <= (double) num) { this.m_SelectedTangentPoint = selection; num = sqrMagnitude; } } } } if (this.m_SelectedTangentPoint == null) break; GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId; current1.Use(); break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) break; GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current1.Use(); break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl != controlId) break; Vector2 positionInDrawing = this.mousePositionInDrawing; CurveSelection selectedTangentPoint = this.m_SelectedTangentPoint; Keyframe keyframe1 = selectedTangentPoint.keyframe; if (selectedTangentPoint.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.InTangent) { Vector2 vector2 = positionInDrawing - new Vector2(keyframe1.time, keyframe1.value); keyframe1.inTangent = (double) vector2.x >= -9.99999974737875E-05 ? float.PositiveInfinity : vector2.y / vector2.x; CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe1, 0, TangentMode.Editable); if (!CurveUtility.GetKeyBroken(keyframe1)) { keyframe1.outTangent = keyframe1.inTangent; CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe1, 1, TangentMode.Editable); } } else if (selectedTangentPoint.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.OutTangent) { Vector2 vector2 = positionInDrawing - new Vector2(keyframe1.time, keyframe1.value); keyframe1.outTangent = (double) vector2.x <= 9.99999974737875E-05 ? float.PositiveInfinity : vector2.y / vector2.x; CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe1, 1, TangentMode.Editable); if (!CurveUtility.GetKeyBroken(keyframe1)) { keyframe1.inTangent = keyframe1.outTangent; CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe1, 0, TangentMode.Editable); } } selectedTangentPoint.key = selectedTangentPoint.curve.MoveKey(selectedTangentPoint.key, keyframe1); CurveUtility.UpdateTangentsFromModeSurrounding(selectedTangentPoint.curveWrapper.curve, selectedTangentPoint.key); selectedTangentPoint.curveWrapper.changed = true; GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); break; } }
internal void ClearSelection() { this.m_Selection.Clear(); this.lastSelected = (CurveSelection) null; }
internal void RemoveSelection(CurveSelection curveSelection) { this.m_Selection.Remove(curveSelection); this.lastSelected = (CurveSelection) null; }
Vector2 GetPosition(AnimationCurve curve, CurveSelection selection) { Keyframe key = curve[selection.index]; Vector2 position = new Vector2 (key.time, key.value); if (selection.type == SelectionType.InTangent) { if (key.inTangent == Mathf.Infinity) return position + Vector2.Scale(new Vector2(0.0F, -1.0F), GetTangentScale()); else { Vector2 dir = new Vector2(1.0F, key.inTangent); dir /= dir.magnitude; return position - Vector2.Scale(dir, GetTangentScale ()); } } else if (selection.type == SelectionType.OutTangent) { if (key.outTangent == Mathf.Infinity) { return position + Vector2.Scale(new Vector2(0.0F, 1.0F), GetTangentScale()); } else { Vector2 dir = new Vector2(1.0F, key.outTangent); dir /= dir.magnitude; return position + Vector2.Scale(dir, GetTangentScale()); } } else return position; }
private Vector2 GetPosition(CurveSelection selection) { Keyframe keyframe = selection.keyframe; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(keyframe.time, keyframe.value); float d = 50f; if (selection.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.InTangent) { Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(1f, keyframe.inTangent); if (keyframe.inTangent == float.PositiveInfinity) { vector2 = new Vector2(0f, -1f); } vector2 = base.NormalizeInViewSpace(vector2); return vector - vector2 * d; } if (selection.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.OutTangent) { Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(1f, keyframe.outTangent); if (keyframe.outTangent == float.PositiveInfinity) { vector3 = new Vector2(0f, -1f); } vector3 = base.NormalizeInViewSpace(vector3); return vector + vector3 * d; } return vector; }
private void DragTangents() { Event current = Event.current; int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(CurveEditor.s_TangentControlIDHash, FocusType.Passive); switch (current.GetTypeForControl(controlID)) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (current.button == 0 && !current.alt) { this.m_SelectedTangentPoint = null; float num = 64f; Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; foreach (CurveSelection current2 in this.m_Selection) { Keyframe keyframe = current2.keyframe; if (CurveUtility.GetKeyTangentMode(keyframe, 0) == TangentMode.Editable) { CurveSelection curveSelection = new CurveSelection(current2.curveID, this, current2.key, CurveSelection.SelectionType.InTangent); float sqrMagnitude = (base.DrawingToViewTransformPoint(this.GetPosition(curveSelection)) - mousePosition).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude <= num) { this.m_SelectedTangentPoint = curveSelection; num = sqrMagnitude; } } if (CurveUtility.GetKeyTangentMode(keyframe, 1) == TangentMode.Editable) { CurveSelection curveSelection2 = new CurveSelection(current2.curveID, this, current2.key, CurveSelection.SelectionType.OutTangent); float sqrMagnitude2 = (base.DrawingToViewTransformPoint(this.GetPosition(curveSelection2)) - mousePosition).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrMagnitude2 <= num) { this.m_SelectedTangentPoint = curveSelection2; num = sqrMagnitude2; } } } if (this.m_SelectedTangentPoint != null) { GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; this.activeTime = this.m_SelectedTangentPoint.keyframe.time; current.Use(); } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { Vector2 mousePositionInDrawing = base.mousePositionInDrawing; CurveSelection selectedTangentPoint = this.m_SelectedTangentPoint; Keyframe keyframe2 = selectedTangentPoint.keyframe; if (selectedTangentPoint.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.InTangent) { Vector2 vector = mousePositionInDrawing - new Vector2(keyframe2.time, keyframe2.value); if (vector.x < -0.0001f) { keyframe2.inTangent = vector.y / vector.x; } else { keyframe2.inTangent = float.PositiveInfinity; } CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe2, 0, TangentMode.Editable); if (!CurveUtility.GetKeyBroken(keyframe2)) { keyframe2.outTangent = keyframe2.inTangent; CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe2, 1, TangentMode.Editable); } } else { if (selectedTangentPoint.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.OutTangent) { Vector2 vector2 = mousePositionInDrawing - new Vector2(keyframe2.time, keyframe2.value); if (vector2.x > 0.0001f) { keyframe2.outTangent = vector2.y / vector2.x; } else { keyframe2.outTangent = float.PositiveInfinity; } CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe2, 1, TangentMode.Editable); if (!CurveUtility.GetKeyBroken(keyframe2)) { keyframe2.inTangent = keyframe2.outTangent; CurveUtility.SetKeyTangentMode(ref keyframe2, 0, TangentMode.Editable); } } } selectedTangentPoint.key = selectedTangentPoint.curve.MoveKey(selectedTangentPoint.key, keyframe2); CurveUtility.UpdateTangentsFromModeSurrounding(selectedTangentPoint.curveWrapper.curve, selectedTangentPoint.key); selectedTangentPoint.curveWrapper.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } break; } }
public static AnimationWindowKeyframe CurveSelectionToAnimationWindowKeyframe(CurveSelection curveSelection, List<AnimationWindowCurve> allCurves) { foreach (AnimationWindowCurve curve in allCurves) { if ((curve.binding == curveSelection.curveWrapper.binding) && (curve.m_Keyframes.Count > curveSelection.key)) { return curve.m_Keyframes[curveSelection.key]; } } return null; }
private Vector2 GetPosition(CurveSelection selection) { Keyframe keyframe = selection.keyframe; Vector2 vector2_1 = new Vector2(keyframe.time, keyframe.value); float num = 50f; if (selection.type == CurveSelection.SelectionType.InTangent) { Vector2 vec = new Vector2(1f, keyframe.inTangent); if ((double) keyframe.inTangent == double.PositiveInfinity) vec = new Vector2(0.0f, -1f); Vector2 vector2_2 = this.NormalizeInViewSpace(vec); return vector2_1 - vector2_2 * num; } if (selection.type != CurveSelection.SelectionType.OutTangent) return vector2_1; Vector2 vec1 = new Vector2(1f, keyframe.outTangent); if ((double) keyframe.outTangent == double.PositiveInfinity) vec1 = new Vector2(0.0f, -1f); Vector2 vector2_3 = this.NormalizeInViewSpace(vec1); return vector2_1 + vector2_3 * num; }