コード例 #1
            protected override void DrawInternal(int itemIdx, int endItem, float yOffset)
                int endContainerItem = m_Assets.Count;
                int startItemIdx     = itemIdx;

                // The seperator bar is drawn before all items
                yOffset += kGroupSeparatorHeight;

                bool isRepaintEvent = Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint;

                Rect r;

                if (ListMode)
                    // Draw row
                    //position.width = Mathf.Max (position.width, 500); // For some reason the icon is clipped if the rect cannot contain both the text and icon so make sure its large
                    for (; itemIdx < endItem && itemIdx < endContainerItem; itemIdx++)
                        r = m_Grid.CalcRect(itemIdx, yOffset);
                        // Mouse event handling
                        int clicks = HandleMouse(r);
                        if (clicks != 0)
                            m_Owner.SetSelection(m_Assets[itemIdx], clicks == 2);

                        if (isRepaintEvent)
                            bool selected = !AssetStoreAssetSelection.Empty && AssetStoreAssetSelection.ContainsAsset(m_Assets[itemIdx].id);
                            DrawLabel(r, m_Assets[itemIdx], selected);
                    // First loop over assets to draw icons and the loop again to
                    // draw labels. Two loops in order to get rid of too many
                    // expensive setShader calls.
                    for (; itemIdx < endItem && itemIdx < endContainerItem; itemIdx++)
                        r = m_Grid.CalcRect(itemIdx, yOffset);

                        // Mouse event handling
                        int clicks = HandleMouse(r);
                        if (clicks != 0)
                            m_Owner.SetSelection(m_Assets[itemIdx], clicks == 2);

                        if (isRepaintEvent)
                            Rect position = new Rect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height - s_Styles.resultsGridLabel.fixedHeight);
                            DrawIcon(position, m_Assets[itemIdx]);
                    itemIdx = startItemIdx;

                    // Labels
                    if (isRepaintEvent)
                        for (; itemIdx < endItem && itemIdx < endContainerItem; itemIdx++)
                            r = m_Grid.CalcRect(itemIdx, yOffset);
                            bool selected = !AssetStoreAssetSelection.Empty && AssetStoreAssetSelection.ContainsAsset(m_Assets[itemIdx].id);
                            DrawLabel(r, m_Assets[itemIdx], selected);

                // "Show more" button if more asset can by found in asset store
                if (ItemsAvailable <= (m_Grid.rows * m_Grid.columns))
                    return; // no more items to fetch from A$ server
                r = new Rect(m_Owner.GetVisibleWidth() - m_ShowMoreDims.x - 6,
                             yOffset + m_Grid.height + kMoreButtonOffset,

                if (ItemsAvailable > (m_Grid.rows * m_Grid.columns) &&
                    ItemsAvailable >= Assets.Count &&
                    Assets.Count < kMaxQueryItems)
                    Event evt = Event.current;
                    switch (evt.type)
                    case EventType.MouseDown:
                        if (evt.button == 0 && r.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                            if (ListMode)
                                ItemsWantedShown += kMoreRowsAddedListMode;
                                // Try to make sure that we have full rows of preview
                                // after the update. Partly filled rows can occur when resizing the
                                // listarea or when we reached the limit of results from server.
                                int itemsNeededToFillLastRow = m_Grid.columns - (ItemCount % m_Grid.columns);
                                itemsNeededToFillLastRow = itemsNeededToFillLastRow % m_Grid.columns;
                                ItemsWantedShown        += (kMoreRowsAdded * m_Grid.columns) + itemsNeededToFillLastRow;
                            if (NeedItems)     // Check that we need to fetch it since we might already have it prefetched

                    case EventType.Repaint:
                        EditorStyles.miniButton.Draw(r, "More", false, false, false, false);