コード例 #1
        public PBXGroup GetGroup( string name, string path = null, PBXGroup parent = null )
            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) )
                return null;

            if( parent == null )
                parent = rootGroup;

            foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXGroup> current in groups ) {

                if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( current.Value.name ) ) {
                    if( current.Value.path.CompareTo( name ) == 0 ) {
                        return current.Value;
                else if( current.Value.name.CompareTo( name ) == 0 ) {
                    return current.Value;

            PBXGroup result = new PBXGroup( name, path );
            groups.Add( result );
            parent.AddChild( result );

            modified = true;
            return result;
コード例 #2
        public void ApplyMod( XCMod mod )
            string[] groupsName = mod.group.Split('/');

            PBXGroup[] groups = new PBXGroup[groupsName.Length];

            groups[0] = GetGroup (groupsName[0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < groupsName.Length ; i++ ) {
                groups[i] = this.GetGroup ( groupsName[i], null, groups[i-1] );

            PBXGroup modGroup = groups[groups.Length - 1];

            foreach( XCModFile libRef in mod.libs ) {
                string completeLibPath;
                if(libRef.sourceTree.Equals("SDKROOT")) {
                    completeLibPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( "usr/lib", libRef.filePath );
                    PBXGroup libraryGroup = GetGroup("Libraries");
                    this.AddFile( completeLibPath, libraryGroup, libRef.sourceTree, true, libRef.isWeak );
                else {
                    completeLibPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, libRef.filePath );
                    this.AddFile( completeLibPath, modGroup, libRef.sourceTree, true, libRef.isWeak );
            PBXGroup frameworkGroup = this.GetGroup( "Frameworks" );
            foreach( string framework in mod.frameworks ) {
                string[] filename = framework.Split( ':' );
                bool isWeak = ( filename.Length > 1 ) ? true : false;
                string completePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( "System/Library/Frameworks", filename[0] );
                this.AddFile( completePath, frameworkGroup, "SDKROOT", true, isWeak );

            foreach( string file in mod.files ) {
                string[] fileDesc = file.Split(':');
                string[] compilerFlags = null;
                if (fileDesc.Length > 1)
                    compilerFlags = fileDesc[1].Split(';');
                string absoluteFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, fileDesc[0] );
                //string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false
                this.AddFile( absoluteFilePath, modGroup, "SOURCE_ROOT", true, false, compilerFlags );

            foreach( string folderPath in mod.folders ) {
                string absoluteFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, folderPath );
                absoluteFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(absoluteFolderPath).TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);
                this.AddFolder( absoluteFolderPath, mod.path, modGroup, mod.excludes.ToArray(), false/*recursive*/);

            foreach( string headerpath in mod.headerpaths ) {
                string absoluteHeaderPath = AddXcodeQuotes( System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, headerpath ) );
                this.AddHeaderSearchPaths( absoluteHeaderPath );

            foreach( string librarypath in mod.librarysearchpaths ) {
                string absolutePath = AddXcodeQuotes(System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, librarypath ));
                this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( absolutePath );

            if(mod.frameworksearchpath != null)
                foreach( string frameworksearchpath in mod.frameworksearchpath ) {
                    string absoluteHeaderPath = AddXcodeQuotes(System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, frameworksearchpath ));
                    this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths( absoluteHeaderPath );

            if (mod.linkers != null)
                foreach( string linker in mod.linkers ) {
                    string _linker = linker;
                    if( !_linker.StartsWith("-") )
                        _linker = "-" + _linker;
                    this.AddOtherLDFlags( _linker );


            foreach (string plistMod in mod.plist) {
                UnityEditor.SponsorPayEditor.PlistUpdater.UpdatePlist(projectRootPath, plistMod);
コード例 #3
        public bool AddFolder( string folderPath, string rootModPath, PBXGroup parent = null, string[] exclude = null, bool recursive = true, bool createBuildFile = true )
            if( !Directory.Exists( folderPath ) )
                return false;
            DirectoryInfo sourceDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo( folderPath );

            if( exclude == null )
                exclude = new string[] {};

            if( parent == null )
                parent = rootGroup;

            //Do not create a new group if we are adding the root directory of the current parent
            PBXGroup newGroup = parent;
            if (folderPath != rootModPath) {
                newGroup = GetGroup( sourceDirectoryInfo.Name, null /*relative path*/, parent );

            foreach( string directory in Directory.GetDirectories( folderPath ) )
                if( directory.EndsWith( ".bundle" ) ) {
                    // Treath it like a file and copy even if not recursive
                    Debug.LogWarning( "This is a special folder: " + directory );
                    AddFile( directory, newGroup, "SOURCE_ROOT", createBuildFile );

                if( recursive ) {
                    Debug.Log( "recursive" );
                    AddFolder( directory, rootModPath, newGroup, exclude, recursive, createBuildFile );

            // Adding files.
            string regexExclude = string.Format( @"{0}", string.Join( "|", exclude ) );
            foreach( string file in Directory.GetFiles( folderPath ) ) {
                if( Regex.IsMatch( file, regexExclude ) ) {
                AddFile( file, newGroup, "SOURCE_ROOT", createBuildFile );

            modified = true;
            return modified;
コード例 #4
        public PBXDictionary AddFile( string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, string[] compilerFlags = null )
            PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary();
            string absPath = string.Empty;

            if( Path.IsPathRooted( filePath ) ) {
                absPath = filePath;
            else if( tree.CompareTo( "SDKROOT" ) != 0) {
                absPath = Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, filePath );

            if( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) {
                System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri( absPath );
                System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri( ( projectRootPath + "/." ) );
                filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri( fileURI ).ToString();

            if( parent == null ) {
                parent = _rootGroup;

            // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente
            String filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (filePath);
            if (filename.Contains("+")) {
                filename = string.Format ("\"{0}\"", filename);

            PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(filename);

            if (fileReference != null) {
                //Weak references always taks precedence over strong reference
                if (weak) {
                    PBXBuildFile buildFile = GetBuildFile(fileReference.guid);
                    if(buildFile != null) {
                // Dear future me: If they ever invent a time machine, please don't come back in time to hunt me down.
                // From Unity 5, AdSupport is loaded dinamically, meaning that there will be a reference to the
                // file in the project and it won't add it to the linking libraries. And we need that.
                // TODO: The correct solution would be to check inside each phase if that file is already present.
                if (filename.Contains("AdSupport.framework")) {
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase)) {
                        fileReference.buildPhase = "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase";
                } else {
                    return null;


            if (fileReference == null) {
                fileReference = new PBXFileReference (filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse (typeof(TreeEnum), tree));
                parent.AddChild (fileReference);
                fileReferences.Add (fileReference);
                results.Add (fileReference.guid, fileReference);

            //Create a build file for reference
            if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fileReference.buildPhase ) && createBuildFiles ) {
                PBXBuildFile buildFile;
                switch( fileReference.buildPhase ) {
                    case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase":
                        foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases ) {
                            PBXBuildFile newBuildFile = GetBuildFile(fileReference.guid);
                            if (newBuildFile == null){
                                newBuildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak );
                                buildFiles.Add( newBuildFile );

                            if (currentObject.Value.HasBuildFile(newBuildFile.guid)) {
                            currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( newBuildFile );

                        if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( absPath ) && ( tree.CompareTo( "SOURCE_ROOT" ) == 0 ) && File.Exists( absPath ) ) {
                            string libraryPath = Path.Combine( "$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath ) );
                            this.AddLibrarySearchPaths( new PBXList( libraryPath ) );
                    case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase":
                        foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases ) {
                            buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak );
                            buildFiles.Add( buildFile );
                            currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile );
                    case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase":
                        foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases ) {
                            buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak );
                            buildFiles.Add( buildFile );
                            currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile );
                    case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase":
                        foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases ) {
                            buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak );
                            foreach (string flag in compilerFlags) {
                            buildFiles.Add( buildFile );
                            currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile );
                    case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase":
                        foreach( KeyValuePair<string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases ) {
                            buildFile = new PBXBuildFile( fileReference, weak );
                            buildFiles.Add( buildFile );
                            currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile( buildFile );
                    case null:
                        Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata null" );
                        Debug.LogWarning( "fase non supportata def" );
                        return null;

            return results;
コード例 #5
        public XCProject( string filePath )
            : this()
            if( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( filePath ) ) {
                Debug.LogWarning( "Path does not exists." );

            if( filePath.EndsWith( ".xcodeproj" ) ) {
                this.projectRootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName( filePath );
                this.filePath = filePath;
            } else {
                string[] projects = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories( filePath, "*.xcodeproj" );
                if( projects.Length == 0 ) {
                    Debug.LogWarning( "Error: missing xcodeproj file" );

                this.projectRootPath = filePath;
                this.filePath = projects[ 0 ];

            projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( Path.Combine( this.filePath, "project.pbxproj" ) );
            StreamReader streamReader = projectFileInfo.OpenText();
            string contents = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            PBXParser parser = new PBXParser();
            _datastore = parser.Decode( contents );
            if( _datastore == null ) {
                throw new System.Exception( "Project file not found at file path " + filePath );

            if( !_datastore.ContainsKey( "objects" ) ) {
                Debug.Log( "Errore " + _datastore.Count );

            _objects = (PBXDictionary)_datastore["objects"];
            modified = false;

            _rootObjectKey = (string)_datastore["rootObject"];
            if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( _rootObjectKey ) ) {
                _project = new PBXProject( _rootObjectKey, (PBXDictionary)_objects[ _rootObjectKey ] );
                _rootGroup = new PBXGroup( _rootObjectKey, (PBXDictionary)_objects[ _project.mainGroupID ] );
            else {
                Debug.LogWarning( "Error: project has no root object" );
                _project = null;
                _rootGroup = null;