protected override bool MouseDown(Event evt, WindowState state) { if (evt.button == 1) { ItemSelection.HandleSingleSelection(evt); } return(false); }
protected override bool MouseDown(Event evt, WindowState state) { var handle = PickerUtils.PickedLayerableOfType <TimelineClipHandle>(); if (handle == null) { return(false); } if (handle.clipGUI.clip.parentTrack != null && handle.clipGUI.clip.parentTrack.lockedInHierarchy) { return(false); } if (ItemSelection.CanClearSelection(evt)) { SelectionManager.Clear(); } if (!SelectionManager.Contains(handle.clipGUI.clip)) { SelectionManager.Add(handle.clipGUI.clip); } m_TrimClipHandler = handle; m_IsCaptured = true; state.AddCaptured(this); m_UndoSaved = false; var clip = m_TrimClipHandler.clipGUI.clip; m_OriginalDuration = clip.duration; m_OriginalTimeScale = clip.timeScale; m_OriginalEaseInDuration = clip.easeInDuration; m_OriginalEaseOutDuration = clip.easeOutDuration; RefreshOverlayStrings(m_TrimClipHandler, state); // in ripple trim, the right edge moves and needs to snap var edges = ManipulateEdges.Right; if (EditMode.editType != EditMode.EditType.Ripple && m_TrimClipHandler.trimDirection == TrimEdge.Start) { edges = ManipulateEdges.Left; } m_SnapEngine = new SnapEngine(m_TrimClipHandler.clipGUI, new TrimClipAttractionHandler(), edges, state, evt.mousePosition); EditMode.BeginTrim(ItemsUtils.ToItem(clip), m_TrimClipHandler.trimDirection); return(true); }
protected override bool MouseUp(Event evt, WindowState state) { if (!m_Dragged) { var item = PickerUtils.TopmostPickedItem() as ISelectable; if (item == null) { return(false); } if (!item.IsSelected()) { return(false); } // Re-selecting an item part of a multi-selection should only keep this item selected. if (SelectionManager.Count() > 1 && ItemSelection.CanClearSelection(evt)) { SelectionManager.Clear(); item.Select(); return(true); } if (m_CycleMarkersPending) { m_CycleMarkersPending = false; TimelineMarkerClusterGUI.CycleMarkers(); return(true); } return(false); } m_TimeAreaAutoPanner = null; DropItems(); m_SnapEngine = null; m_MoveItemHandler = null; state.Evaluate(); state.RemoveCaptured(this); m_Dragged = false; TimelineCursors.ClearCursor(); return(true); }
protected override bool OnFinish(Event evt, WindowState state, Rect rect) { var selectables = state.spacePartitioner.GetItemsInArea <ISelectable>(rect).ToList(); if (!selectables.Any()) { return(false); } if (ItemSelection.CanClearSelection(evt)) { SelectionManager.Clear(); } foreach (var selectable in selectables) { ItemSelection.HandleItemSelection(evt, selectable); } return(true); }
protected override bool MouseDown(Event evt, WindowState state) { // If we hit this point this means no one used the mouse down events. We can safely clear the selection if needed if (evt.button != 0) { return(false); } var window = state.GetWindow(); if (!window.sequenceRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { return(false); } if (ItemSelection.CanClearSelection(evt)) { SelectionManager.Clear(); } return(false); }
static bool HandleSingleSelection(Event evt) { return(ItemSelection.HandleSingleSelection(evt) != null); }