internal static void InitWindow() { Rect rect = new Rect(160, 160, 0, 0); PictureFileImportWindow window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <PictureFileImportWindow>(); // GetWindow<PictureFileImportWindow>(); // PictureFileImportWindow window = GetWindow<PictureFileImportWindow>(); window.ShowAsDropDown(rect, new Vector2(640, 480)); }
/// <param name="importerMode"> Importer mode: StreamingAssets or SpriteAnimation</param> /// <param name="path"> Can be a directory path or a file path</param> public static void ImportPictureFiles(PictureFileImporterParam.Mode importerMode, string path, StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset targetAsset) { Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)); //Convert path to folder here string folder = path; FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(path); if (!attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(folder); } string fullSrcPath = Path.GetFullPath(folder).Replace("\\", "/"); Uri fullSrcPathUri = new Uri(fullSrcPath + "/"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder)) { Debug.LogError(@"Folder is empty. Path: " + path); return; } //Enumerate all files with the supported extensions and sort List <string> relFilePaths = new List <string>(); string[] extensions = { "*." + PictureFileImporter.PNG_EXTENSION, "*." + PictureFileImporter.TGA_EXTENSION, }; foreach (string ext in extensions) { IEnumerable <string> files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(fullSrcPath, ext, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string filePath in files) { Uri curPathUri = new Uri(filePath.Replace("\\", "/")); Uri diff = fullSrcPathUri.MakeRelativeUri(curPathUri); relFilePaths.Add(diff.OriginalString); } } if (relFilePaths.Count <= 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(StreamingImageSequenceConstants.DIALOG_HEADER, @"No files in folder:: " + folder, "OK"); return; } relFilePaths.Sort(FileNameComparer); //Estimate the asset name. Use the filename without numbers at the end string assetName = EstimateAssetName(relFilePaths[0]); // set dest folder string rootDestFolder = Application.streamingAssetsPath; if (importerMode == PictureFileImporterParam.Mode.SpriteAnimation) { rootDestFolder = Application.dataPath; } //Set importer param PictureFileImporterParam importerParam = new PictureFileImporterParam { strAssetName = assetName, strSrcFolder = folder, RelativeFilePaths = relFilePaths, mode = importerMode, DoNotCopy = false, TargetAsset = targetAsset }; if (fullSrcPath.StartsWith(rootDestFolder)) { //Import immediately if the assets are already under Unity importerParam.strDstFolder = importerParam.strSrcFolder; importerParam.DoNotCopy = true; PictureFileImporter.Import(importerParam); } else { importerParam.strDstFolder = Path.Combine(rootDestFolder, assetName).Replace("\\", "/"); PictureFileImportWindow.SetParam(importerParam); PictureFileImportWindow.InitWindow(); } }