コード例 #1
 public ProceduralTexture2DSlotControlView(ProceduralTexture2DInputMaterialSlot slot)
     styleSheets.Add(Resources.Load <StyleSheet>("ProceduralTexture2DSlotControlView"));
     m_Slot = slot;
     proceduralTexture2DField = new ObjectField
         value             = m_Slot.proceduralTexture2D,
         allowSceneObjects = false,
         objectType        = typeof(ProceduralTexture2D)
     proceduralTexture2DField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Object> >(RegisterValueChangedCallback, TrickleDown.NoTrickleDown);
コード例 #2
        public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GenerationMode generationMode)
            // }
            // // Node generations
            // public virtual void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GraphContext graphContext, GenerationMode generationMode)
            // {
            ProceduralTexture2DInputMaterialSlot slot = FindInputSlot <ProceduralTexture2DInputMaterialSlot>(ProceduralTexture2DId);

            // Find Procedural Texture 2D Asset
            ProceduralTexture2D proceduralTexture2D = slot.proceduralTexture2D;
            var edges = owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference).ToArray();

            if (edges.Any())
                var fromSocketRef = edges[0].outputSlot;
                #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
                var fromNode = owner.GetNodeFromId <ProceduralTexture2DNode>(fromSocketRef.node.objectId);
                var fromNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid <ProceduralTexture2DNode>(fromSocketRef.nodeGuid);
                if (fromNode != null)
                    proceduralTexture2D = fromNode.proceduralTexture2D;

            var precision = concretePrecision.ToShaderString();

            // No Procedural Texture 2D Asset found, break and initialize output values to default white
            if (proceduralTexture2D == null || proceduralTexture2D.Tinput == null || proceduralTexture2D.invT == null)
                sb.AppendLine("{0}4 {1} = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
                sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.r;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
                sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.g;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotGId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
                sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.b;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotBId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
                sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.a;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotAId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));

            // Apply hidden inputs stored in Procedural Texture 2D Asset to shader
            FindInputSlot <Texture2DInputMaterialSlot>(TinputId).texture    = proceduralTexture2D.Tinput;
            FindInputSlot <Texture2DInputMaterialSlot>(InvTinputId).texture = proceduralTexture2D.invT;
            FindInputSlot <Vector4MaterialSlot>(CompressionScalersId).value = proceduralTexture2D.compressionScalers;
            FindInputSlot <Vector3MaterialSlot>(ColorSpaceOriginId).value   = proceduralTexture2D.colorSpaceOrigin;
            FindInputSlot <Vector3MaterialSlot>(ColorSpaceVector1Id).value  = proceduralTexture2D.colorSpaceVector1;
            FindInputSlot <Vector3MaterialSlot>(ColorSpaceVector2Id).value  = proceduralTexture2D.colorSpaceVector2;
            FindInputSlot <Vector3MaterialSlot>(ColorSpaceVector3Id).value  = proceduralTexture2D.colorSpaceVector3;
            FindInputSlot <Vector3MaterialSlot>(InputSizeId).value          = new Vector3(
                proceduralTexture2D.Tinput.width, proceduralTexture2D.Tinput.height, proceduralTexture2D.invT.height);

            string code =
				float4 {9} = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
					float2 uvScaled = {0} * 3.464; // 2 * sqrt(3)

					const float2x2 gridToSkewedGrid = float2x2(1.0, 0.0, -0.57735027, 1.15470054);
					float2 skewedCoord = mul(gridToSkewedGrid, uvScaled);

					int2 baseId = int2(floor(skewedCoord));
					float3 temp = float3(frac(skewedCoord), 0);
					temp.z = 1.0 - temp.x - temp.y;

					float w1, w2, w3;
					int2 vertex1, vertex2, vertex3;
					if (temp.z > 0.0)
						w1 = temp.z;
						w2 = temp.y;
						w3 = temp.x;
						vertex1 = baseId;
						vertex2 = baseId + int2(0, 1);
						vertex3 = baseId + int2(1, 0);
						w1 = -temp.z;
						w2 = 1.0 - temp.y;
						w3 = 1.0 - temp.x;
						vertex1 = baseId + int2(1, 1);
						vertex2 = baseId + int2(1, 0);
						vertex3 = baseId + int2(0, 1);

					float2 uv1 = {0} + frac(sin(mul(float2x2(127.1, 311.7, 269.5, 183.3), (float2)vertex1)) * 43758.5453);
					float2 uv2 = {0} + frac(sin(mul(float2x2(127.1, 311.7, 269.5, 183.3), (float2)vertex2)) * 43758.5453);
					float2 uv3 = {0} + frac(sin(mul(float2x2(127.1, 311.7, 269.5, 183.3), (float2)vertex3)) * 43758.5453);

					float2 duvdx = ddx({0});
					float2 duvdy = ddy({0});

					float4 G1 = {1}.SampleGrad({10}, uv1, duvdx, duvdy);
					float4 G2 = {1}.SampleGrad({10}, uv2, duvdx, duvdy);
					float4 G3 = {1}.SampleGrad({10}, uv3, duvdx, duvdy);

					float exponent = 1.0 + {11} * 15.0;
					w1 = pow(w1, exponent);
					w2 = pow(w2, exponent);
					w3 = pow(w3, exponent);
					float sum = w1 + w2 + w3;
					w1 = w1 / sum;
					w2 = w2 / sum;
					w3 = w3 / sum;

					float4 G = w1 * G1 + w2 * G2 + w3 * G3;
					G = G - 0.5;
					G = G * rsqrt(w1 * w1 + w2 * w2 + w3 * w3);
					G = G * {3};
					G = G + 0.5;

					duvdx *= {8}.xy;
					duvdy *= {8}.xy;
					float delta_max_sqr = max(dot(duvdx, duvdx), dot(duvdy, duvdy));
					float mml = 0.5 * log2(delta_max_sqr);
					float LOD = max(0, mml) / {8}.z;

					{9}.r = {2}.SampleLevel(sampler{2}, float2(G.r, LOD), 0).r;
					{9}.g = {2}.SampleLevel(sampler{2}, float2(G.g, LOD), 0).g;
					{9}.b = {2}.SampleLevel(sampler{2}, float2(G.b, LOD), 0).b;
					{9}.a = {2}.SampleLevel(sampler{2}, float2(G.a, LOD), 0).a;
			"            ;

            if (proceduralTexture2D != null && proceduralTexture2D.type != ProceduralTexture2D.TextureType.Other)
                code += "{9}.rgb = {4} + {5} * {9}.r + {6} * {9}.g + {7} * {9}.b;";
            if (proceduralTexture2D != null && proceduralTexture2D.type == ProceduralTexture2D.TextureType.Normal)
                code += "{9}.rgb = UnpackNormalmapRGorAG({9});";

            code = code.Replace("{0}", GetSlotValue(UVInput, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{1}", GetSlotValue(TinputId, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{2}", GetSlotValue(InvTinputId, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{3}", GetSlotValue(CompressionScalersId, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{4}", GetSlotValue(ColorSpaceOriginId, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{5}", GetSlotValue(ColorSpaceVector1Id, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{6}", GetSlotValue(ColorSpaceVector2Id, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{7}", GetSlotValue(ColorSpaceVector3Id, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{8}", GetSlotValue(InputSizeId, generationMode));
            code = code.Replace("{9}", GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));

            var edgesSampler = owner.GetEdges(FindInputSlot <MaterialSlot>(SamplerInput).slotReference);
            code = code.Replace("{10}", edgesSampler.Any() ? GetSlotValue(SamplerInput, generationMode) : "sampler" + GetSlotValue(TinputId, generationMode));

            code = code.Replace("{11}", GetSlotValue(BlendId, generationMode));


            sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.r;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
            sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.g;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotGId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
            sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.b;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotBId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));
            sb.AppendLine("{0} {1} = {2}.a;", precision, GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotAId), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotRGBAId));