public bool AddBuildFile(PBXBuildFile file) { if (!ContainsKey(FILES_KEY)) { this.Add(FILES_KEY, new PBXList()); } ((PBXList)_data[FILES_KEY]).Add(file.guid); return(true); }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, bool embed = false) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0 || tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK { string frameworkPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } if (embed) { string ldRuntimePath = "$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks"; this.AddLDRuntimeSearchPaths(ldRuntimePath); //Create a new copyBuildPhase for the embed framework foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak, true); buildFiles.Add(buildFile);["name"] = "Embed Frameworks";["dstSubfolderSpec"] = 10; currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } return(results); }
public PBXDictionary AddFile(string filePath, PBXGroup parent = null, string tree = "SOURCE_ROOT", bool createBuildFiles = true, bool weak = false, bool embed = false) { PBXDictionary results = new PBXDictionary(); string absPath = string.Empty; if (Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { absPath = filePath; } else if (tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { absPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath.Replace("Assets", ""), filePath); } if (!(File.Exists(absPath) || Directory.Exists(absPath)) && tree.CompareTo("SDKROOT") != 0) { Debug.Log("Missing file: " + absPath + " > " + filePath); return(results); } else if (tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0 || tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) { System.Uri fileURI = new System.Uri(absPath); System.Uri rootURI = new System.Uri((projectRootPath + "/.")); filePath = rootURI.MakeRelativeUri(fileURI).ToString(); } if (parent == null) { parent = _rootGroup; } // TODO: Aggiungere controllo se file già presente PBXFileReference fileReference = GetFile(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath)); if (fileReference != null) { return(null); } fileReference = new PBXFileReference(filePath, (TreeEnum)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TreeEnum), tree)); parent.AddChild(fileReference); fileReferences.Add(fileReference); results.Add(fileReference.guid, fileReference); //Create a build file for reference if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileReference.buildPhase) && createBuildFiles) { PBXBuildFile buildFile; switch (fileReference.buildPhase) { case "PBXFrameworksBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXFrameworksBuildPhase> currentObject in frameworkBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && File.Exists(absPath) && tree.CompareTo("SOURCE_ROOT") == 0) { //Debug.LogError(absPath); string libraryPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddLibrarySearchPaths(new PBXList(libraryPath)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(absPath) && Directory.Exists(absPath) && absPath.EndsWith(".framework") && tree.CompareTo("GROUP") == 0) // Annt: Add framework search path for FacebookSDK { string frameworkPath = Path.Combine("$(SRCROOT)", Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)); this.AddFrameworkSearchPaths(new PBXList(frameworkPath)); } if (embed) { string ldRuntimePath = "$(inherited) @executable_path/Frameworks"; this.AddLDRuntimeSearchPaths(ldRuntimePath); const string embedFrameworksName = "Embed Frameworks"; //Create a new copyBuildPhase for the embed framework KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase>?copyPhaseKeyValue = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { // Search for a build phase named "Embed Frameworks". // Unity 2019.3 adds one because of the new Unity as a Library // project structure. if ("name") && string.CompareOrdinal(["name"] is string?(string)["name"] : string.Empty, embedFrameworksName) == 0) { copyPhaseKeyValue = currentObject; break; } } // Didn't find a pre-existing "Embed Frameworks" build phase. // We're likely on Unity 2019.2 or earlier, when Unity // used to make an XCode project that had only a single build target. if (!copyPhaseKeyValue.HasValue) { copyPhaseKeyValue = copyBuildPhases.Last(); } buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak, true); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); var embedFrameworksBuildPhase = copyPhaseKeyValue.Value.Value;["name"] = embedFrameworksName;["dstSubfolderSpec"] = 10; embedFrameworksBuildPhase.AddBuildFile(buildFile); // This will add the "Code Sign On Copy" setting for the embedded framework buildFile.SetEmbed(true); } break; case "PBXResourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXResourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in resourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXShellScriptBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXShellScriptBuildPhase> currentObject in shellScriptBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXSourcesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXSourcesBuildPhase> currentObject in sourcesBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case "PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase": foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase> currentObject in copyBuildPhases) { buildFile = new PBXBuildFile(fileReference, weak); buildFiles.Add(buildFile); currentObject.Value.AddBuildFile(buildFile); } break; case null: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata null"); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("fase non supportata def"); return(null); } } return(results); }