コード例 #1
ファイル: safe_area.cs プロジェクト: wxFancer/UIWidgets
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            EdgeInsets padding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding;

            return(new Padding(
                       padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                           left: Math.Max(this.left ? padding.left : 0.0, this.minimum.left),
                           top: Math.Max(this.top ? padding.top : 0.0, this.minimum.top),
                           right: Math.Max(this.right ? padding.right : 0.0, this.minimum.right),
                           bottom: Math.Max(this.bottom ? padding.bottom : 0.0, this.minimum.bottom)
                       child: MediaQuery.removePadding(
                           context: context,
                           removeLeft: this.left,
                           removeTop: this.top,
                           removeRight: this.right,
                           removeBottom: this.bottom,
                           child: this.child)));
コード例 #2
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            EdgeInsets padding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding;

            return(new SliverPadding(
                       padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                           left: Mathf.Max(left ? padding.left : 0.0f, minimum.left),
                           top: Mathf.Max(top ? padding.top : 0.0f, minimum.top),
                           right: Mathf.Max(right ? padding.right : 0.0f, minimum.right),
                           bottom: Mathf.Max(bottom ? padding.bottom : 0.0f, minimum.bottom)
                       sliver: MediaQuery.removePadding(
                           context: context,
                           removeLeft: left,
                           removeTop: top,
                           removeRight: right,
                           removeBottom: bottom,
                           child: sliver)));
コード例 #3
        protected override List <Widget> buildSlivers(BuildContext context)
            Widget sliver = buildChildLayout(context);

            EdgeInsetsGeometry effectivePadding = padding;

            if (padding == null)
                MediaQueryData mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context, nullOk: true);
                if (mediaQuery != null)
                    EdgeInsets mediaQueryHorizontalPadding =
                        mediaQuery.padding.copyWith(top: 0.0f, bottom: 0.0f);
                    EdgeInsets mediaQueryVerticalPadding =
                        mediaQuery.padding.copyWith(left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f);
                    effectivePadding = scrollDirection == Axis.vertical
                        ? mediaQueryVerticalPadding
                        : mediaQueryHorizontalPadding;
                    sliver = new MediaQuery(
                        data: mediaQuery.copyWith(
                            padding: scrollDirection == Axis.vertical
                                ? mediaQueryHorizontalPadding
                                : mediaQueryVerticalPadding
                        child: sliver

            if (effectivePadding != null)
                sliver = new SliverPadding(padding: effectivePadding, sliver: sliver);

            return(new List <Widget> {
コード例 #4
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            base.build(context); // See AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.

            return(new Scrollable(
                       axisDirection: this._isMultiline ? AxisDirection.down : AxisDirection.right,
                       controller: this._scrollController,
                       physics: new ClampingScrollPhysics(),
                       viewportBuilder: (BuildContext _context, ViewportOffset offset) =>
                       new CompositedTransformTarget(
                           link: this._layerLink,
                           child: new _Editable(
                               key: this._editableKey,
                               textSpan: this.buildTextSpan(),
                               value: this._value,
                               cursorColor: this.widget.cursorColor,
                               showCursor: this._showCursor,
                               hasFocus: this._hasFocus,
                               maxLines: this.widget.maxLines,
                               selectionColor: this.widget.selectionColor,
                               textScaleFactor: this.widget.textScaleFactor ?? MediaQuery.textScaleFactorOf(context),
                               textAlign: this.widget.textAlign,
                               textDirection: this._textDirection,
                               obscureText: this.widget.obscureText,
                               autocorrect: this.widget.autocorrect,
                               offset: offset,
                               onSelectionChanged: this._handleSelectionChanged,
                               onCaretChanged: this._handleCaretChanged,
                               rendererIgnoresPointer: this.widget.rendererIgnoresPointer,
                               cursorWidth: this.widget.cursorWidth,
                               cursorRadius: this.widget.cursorRadius,
                               enableInteractiveSelection: this.widget.enableInteractiveSelection,
                               textSelectionDelegate: this
コード例 #5
ファイル: media_query.cs プロジェクト: wxFancer/UIWidgets
        public static MediaQueryData of(BuildContext context, bool nullOk = false)
            D.assert(context != null);
            MediaQuery query = (MediaQuery)context.inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(typeof(MediaQuery));

            if (query != null)

            if (nullOk)

            throw new UIWidgetsError(
                      "MediaQuery.of() called with a context that does not contain a MediaQuery.\n" +
                      "No MediaQuery ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed " +
                      "to MediaQuery.of(). This can happen because you do not have a WidgetsApp or " +
                      "MaterialApp widget (those widgets introduce a MediaQuery), or it can happen " +
                      "if the context you use comes from a widget above those widgets.\n" +
                      "The context used was:\n" +
                      $"  {context}");
コード例 #6
ファイル: app.cs プロジェクト: silingfei/UIWidgets
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            Widget navigator = null;

            if (this._navigator != null)
                navigator = new Navigator(
                    key: this._navigator,
                    initialRoute: this.widget.initialRoute ?? Navigator.defaultRouteName,
                    onGenerateRoute: this._onGenerateRoute,
                    onUnknownRoute: this._onUnknownRoute,
                    observers: this.widget.navigatorObservers

            Widget result;

            if (this.widget.builder != null)
                result = new Builder(
                    builder: _context => { return(this.widget.builder(_context, navigator)); }
                D.assert(navigator != null);
                result = navigator;

            if (this.widget.textStyle != null)
                result = new DefaultTextStyle(
                    style: this.widget.textStyle,
                    child: result

            PerformanceOverlay performanceOverlay = null;

            if (this.widget.showPerformanceOverlay)
                performanceOverlay = PerformanceOverlay.allEnabled();

            if (performanceOverlay != null)
                result = new Stack(
                    children: new List <Widget> {
                    new Positioned(top: 0.0f,
                                   left: 0.0f,
                                   right: 0.0f,
                                   child: performanceOverlay)

            D.assert(() => {
                if (WidgetInspectorService.instance.debugShowInspector)
                    result = new WidgetInspector(null, result, this._InspectorSelectButtonBuilder);


            result = new Directionality(child: result, TextDirection.ltr);
            result = new WindowProvider(
                window: this.widget.window,
                child: result

            Locale appLocale = this.widget.locale != null
                ? this._resolveLocales(new List <Locale> {
            }, this.widget.supportedLocales)
                : this._locale;

            result = new MediaQuery(
                data: MediaQueryData.fromWindow(this.widget.window),
                child: new Localizations(
                    locale: appLocale,
                    delegates: this._localizationsDelegates,
                    child: result)

コード例 #7
 void _updateInvertColors()
     _invertColors = MediaQuery.of(context: context, true)?.invertColors
                     ?? false;