protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var transform = entity.View.transform; transform.localPosition = component.GetProperty <Vector3>("localPosition"); transform.localRotation = component.GetProperty <Quaternion>("localRotation"); transform.localScale = component.GetProperty <Vector3>("localScale"); }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { OnAddBinding(entity, component); var behaviour = GetComponent <RectHitBox2D>(entity); behaviour.Box = component.GetProperty <Rect>("box"); }
protected override void OnRemoveBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var camera = GetComponent <Camera>(entity); if (camera && camera != null) { camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Default; } }
protected override void OnRemoveComponent(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var module = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(entity).rotationOverLifetime; // This should be false, but for some reason, the particle system continues to rotate. module.enabled = true; module.separateAxes = true; module.x = module.y = module.z = NoCurve; }
protected override void OnAddBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var renderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(entity); renderer.drawMode = Translate(component.GetProperty <TileMode>("mode")); if (component.GetProperty <Vector2>("size") == { component.AssignPropertyFrom("size", renderer.size); } }
protected void RemoveComponent <TComponent>(UTinyEntity entity) where TComponent : Component { var component = GetComponent <TComponent>(entity); if (null != component) { Object.DestroyImmediate(component, false); } }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var camera = GetComponent <Camera>(entity); if (camera && camera != null) { camera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.CustomAxis; camera.transparencySortAxis = component.GetProperty <Vector3>("axis"); } }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject textRenderer) { OnAddBinding(entity, textRenderer); #if UNITY_EDITOR try { var textMesh = GetComponent <TextMesh>(entity); textMesh.text = textRenderer.GetProperty <string>("text"); textMesh.fontSize = textRenderer.GetProperty <int>("fontSize"); var bold = textRenderer.GetProperty <bool>("bold"); var italic = textRenderer.GetProperty <bool>("italic"); if (bold && italic) { textMesh.fontStyle = FontStyle.BoldAndItalic; } else if (bold) { textMesh.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; } else if (italic) { textMesh.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; } else { textMesh.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; } textMesh.characterSize = 10; textMesh.lineSpacing = 1; textMesh.richText = false; textMesh.alignment = TextAlignment.Left; textMesh.anchor = textRenderer.GetProperty <TextAnchor>("anchor"); textMesh.color = textRenderer.GetProperty <Color>("color"); textMesh.font = textRenderer.GetProperty <Font>("font"); if (textMesh.font) { var renderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(entity); var block = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); renderer.GetPropertyBlock(block); block.Clear(); block.SetTexture("_MainTex", textMesh.font.material.mainTexture); renderer.SetPropertyBlock(block); } } finally { UnityEditor.SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endif }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { OnAddBinding(entity, component); var collider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(entity); var pivot = component.GetProperty <Vector2>("pivot"); var width = component.GetProperty <float>("width"); var height = component.GetProperty <float>("height"); collider.size = new Vector2(width, height); collider.offset = new Vector2(-(pivot.x - 0.5f) * width, -(pivot.y - 0.5f) * height); }
protected override void OnAddBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { AddMissingComponent <ParticleSystem>(entity, (system) => { var renderer = system.GetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>(); renderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("UTiny/Particle2D")); renderer.mesh = GenerateQuad(); var emission = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(entity).emission; emission.enabled = null != entity.GetComponent(entity.Registry.GetEmitterBoxSourceType()); }); }
private bool MatchesRequiredComponentTypes(UTinyEntity entity) { foreach (var type in m_RequiredComponentTypes) { if (!Has(entity, type)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { OnAddBinding(entity, component); var spriteRenderer = entity.GetComponent(entity.Registry.GetSprite2DRendererType()); var sprite = spriteRenderer?.GetProperty <Sprite>("sprite"); var behaviour = GetComponent <Sprite2DRendererHitBox2D>(entity); behaviour.Sprite = sprite; }
protected TComponent AddMissingComponent <TComponent>(UTinyEntity entity, Action <TComponent> init) where TComponent : Component { var component = GetComponent <TComponent>(entity); if (!component && null == component) { component = AddComponent(entity, init); } return(component); }
private UTinyEntityView CreateLink(UTinyEntity entity) { try { var entityRef = (UTinyEntity.Reference)entity; if (null != entity.View && entity.View) { entity.View.EntityRef = entityRef; entity.View.Registry = entity.Registry; entity.View.gameObject.SetActive(entity.Enabled); entity.View.gameObject.layer = entity.Layer; return(null); } // We may have recreated the entity, try to find an active view { var scene = UTinyEditorApplication.EntityGroupManager.UnityScratchPad; foreach (var r in scene.GetRootGameObjects()) { foreach (var v in r.GetComponentsInChildren <UTinyEntityView>()) { if (v.EntityRef.Equals(entityRef)) { entity.View = v; entity.View.EntityRef = entityRef; entity.View.Registry = entity.Registry; v.gameObject.SetActive(entity.Enabled); v.gameObject.layer = entity.Layer; return(null); } } } } var go = new GameObject(entity.Name); var view = go.AddComponent <UTinyEntityView>(); view.gameObject.SetActive(entity.Enabled); view.gameObject.layer = entity.Layer; view.EntityRef = entityRef; view.Registry = entity.Registry; entity.View = view; return(view); } finally { // At this point, it is not clear if the bindings have been added or not (we may have undo-ed something). entity.OnComponentAdded -= HandleComponentAdded; entity.OnComponentRemoved -= HandleComponentRemoved; entity.OnComponentAdded += HandleComponentAdded; entity.OnComponentRemoved += HandleComponentRemoved; BindingsHelper.RunAllBindings(entity); } }
public static void RunAllBindings(UTinyEntity entity) { if (!ComponentBinding.ValidateBindingsParams(entity)) { return; } foreach (var component in entity.Components) { RunBindings(entity, component); } }
protected override void OnAddComponent(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var spriteRenderer = entity.GetComponent(entity.Registry.GetSprite2DRendererType()); var sprite = spriteRenderer?.GetProperty <Sprite>("sprite"); if (null == sprite || !sprite) { return; } component.AssignPropertyFrom("width", sprite.bounds.size.x); component.AssignPropertyFrom("height", sprite.bounds.size.y); }
private void DeleteLink(UTinyEntity entity) { entity.OnComponentAdded -= HandleComponentAdded; entity.OnComponentRemoved -= HandleComponentRemoved; var view = entity.View; if (null != view && view && entity.View.gameObject) { Object.DestroyImmediate(entity.View.gameObject, false); } entity.View = null; }
public UTinyEntity CreateEntity(UTinyId id, string name) { var entity = new UTinyEntity(this, m_VersionStorage) { Id = id, Name = name }; m_VersionStorage.MarkAsChanged(entity); Register(entity); return(entity); }
protected TComponent AddComponent <TComponent>(UTinyEntity entity, Action <TComponent> init) where TComponent : Component { if (!ValidateBindingsParams(entity)) { return(null); } var component = entity.View.gameObject.AddComponent <TComponent>(); if (null != component) { init?.Invoke(component); } return(component); }
private void HandleComponentRemoved(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { component.Refresh(); var type = component.Type.Dereference(Registry); if (type.HasAttribute <BindingsAttribute>()) { var bindings = type.GetAttribute <BindingsAttribute>().Binding; // Invoke callback to perform teardown hook bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnRemoveComponent, entity, component); // Invoke binding to unregister and remove `unity` components bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnRemoveBindings, entity, component); } }
private void HandleComponentAdded(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { component.Refresh(); var type = component.Type.Dereference(Registry); if (type.HasAttribute <BindingsAttribute>()) { var bindings = type.GetAttribute <BindingsAttribute>().Binding; // Invoke bindings to register and add `unity` components bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnAddBindings, entity, component); bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnUpdateBindings, entity, component); // Invoke callback to perform first time setup hook bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnAddComponent, entity, component); } }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject sprite2DRenderer) { #if UNITY_EDITOR try { OnAddBinding(entity, sprite2DRenderer); var sprite = sprite2DRenderer.GetProperty <Sprite>("sprite"); var spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(entity); var block = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); spriteRenderer.GetPropertyBlock(block); block.Clear(); SetColorProperty(sprite2DRenderer, block); if (sprite) { spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite; var blending = sprite2DRenderer.GetProperty <UTinyEnum.Reference>("blending").Value; Vector2 blendMode; if (s_BlendModes.TryGetValue(blending, out blendMode)) { spriteRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_SrcMode", blendMode.x); spriteRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_DstMode", blendMode.y); } else { Debug.Log($"{UTinyConstants.ApplicationName}: Unknown blending mode, of value '{blending}'"); } block.SetTexture("_MainTex", sprite.texture); SetColorProperty(sprite2DRenderer, block); } else { spriteRenderer.sprite = null; } spriteRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(block); } finally { UnityEditor.SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endif }
protected override void OnAddComponent(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var spriteRenderer = entity.GetComponent(entity.Registry.GetSprite2DRendererType()); var sprite = spriteRenderer?.GetProperty <Sprite>("sprite"); if (null == sprite || !sprite) { return; } var rect = new Rect { min = sprite.bounds.min, max = sprite.bounds.max }; component.AssignPropertyFrom("box", rect); }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var module = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(entity).colorOverLifetime; var registry = entity.Registry; var gradientRef = component.GetProperty <UTinyEntity.Reference>("gradient"); var gradientEntity = gradientRef.Dereference(registry); var colorGradient = gradientEntity?.GetComponent(registry.GetGradientType()); if (null == gradientEntity || null == colorGradient) { module.enabled = false; } else { module.enabled = true; module.color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient(colorGradient.As <Gradient>()); } }
public static void RunBindings(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { if (!ComponentBinding.ValidateBindingsParams(entity, component)) { return; } var type = component.Type.Dereference(entity.Registry); if (!type.HasAttribute <BindingsAttribute>()) { return; } var bindings = type.GetAttribute <BindingsAttribute>().Binding; bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnAddBindings, entity, component); bindings.Run(BindingTiming.OnUpdateBindings, entity, component); }
protected override void OnRemoveComponent(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { // We need to set the parent of the associated Unity Object to null. // And potentially move them outside of view. entity.SetParent(UTinyEntity.Reference.None); var children = entity.EntityGroup.Entities .Deref(entity.Registry) .Where(e => { var t = e.GetComponent(entity.Registry.GetTransformType()); return(null != t && (t.GetProperty <UTinyEntity.Reference>("parent")).Equals((UTinyEntity.Reference)entity)); }); foreach (var child in children) { child.SetParent(UTinyEntity.Reference.None); } }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var module = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(entity).sizeOverLifetime; var registry = entity.Registry; var curveRef = component.GetProperty <UTinyEntity.Reference>("curve"); var curveEntity = curveRef.Dereference(registry); var curve = curveEntity?.GetComponent(registry.GetCurveType()); if (null == curveEntity || null == curve) { module.enabled = false; } else { module.enabled = true; module.separateAxes = false; module.size = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1.0f, curve.As <AnimationCurve>()); } }
private void SetSortingLayerOrder(UTinyEntity entity, int sortingLayerID, int sortingOrder) { var group = GetComponent <SortingGroup>(entity); if (group && group != null) { group.sortingLayerID = sortingLayerID; group.sortingOrder = sortingOrder; EditorUtility.SetDirty(group); } var renderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(entity); if (renderer && renderer != null) { renderer.sortingLayerID = sortingLayerID; renderer.sortingOrder = sortingOrder; EditorUtility.SetDirty(renderer); } }
public static void SetEntity(UTinyEntity entity, bool additive = false) { var instance = GetInstance(); instance.Registry = entity.Registry; instance.EntityRef = (UTinyEntity.Reference)entity; if (!additive) { Selection.activeInstanceID = instance.GetInstanceID(); } else { if (!Selection.instanceIDs.Contains(instance.GetInstanceID())) { var selection = Selection.instanceIDs.ToList(); selection.Add(instance.GetInstanceID()); Selection.instanceIDs = selection.ToArray(); } } }
protected override void OnUpdateBinding(UTinyEntity entity, UTinyObject component) { var module = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(entity).colorOverLifetime; var registry = entity.Registry; var curveRef = component.GetProperty <UTinyEntity.Reference>("curve"); var curveEntity = curveRef.Dereference(registry); var curve = curveEntity?.GetComponent(registry.GetCurveType()); if (UsesLifetimeColor(entity)) { return; } if (null == curveEntity || null == curve) { module.enabled = false; } else { module.enabled = true; module.color = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxGradient(ConvertToAlphaGradient(curve)); } }