コード例 #1
        private void AddMappedLight(ref LightingBGFX r, ref ShadowmappedLight sml, ref Light l, ref float4x4 tx, ref LightMatrices txCache, RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bool isSpot, float4 spotmask, bool srgbColors)
            if (r.numMappedLights >= LightingBGFX.maxMappedLights)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many mapped lights");
            bgfx.TextureHandle texShadowMap = sys->m_noShadow;
            int shadowMapSize = 1;

            if (sml.shadowMap != Entity.Null && EntityManager.HasComponent <TextureBGFX>(sml.shadowMap))
                var imShadowMap = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Image2D>(sml.shadowMap);
                Assert.IsTrue(imShadowMap.imagePixelWidth == imShadowMap.imagePixelHeight);
                shadowMapSize = imShadowMap.imagePixelHeight;
                texShadowMap  = EntityManager.GetComponentData <TextureBGFX>(sml.shadowMap).handle;
            float4 mask          = isSpot ? spotmask : new float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            float4 worldPosOrDir = isSpot? new float4(tx.c3.xyz, 1.0f) : new float4(-tx.c2.xyz, 0.0f);
            float3 c             = srgbColors?Color.LinearToSRGB(l.color):l.color;

            r.SetMappedLight(r.numMappedLights, txCache.mvp, c * l.intensity, worldPosOrDir, l.clipZFar, mask, texShadowMap, shadowMapSize);
コード例 #2
 private void AddMappedLight(ref LightingBGFX r, ref ShadowmappedLight sml, ref Light l, ref float4x4 tx, ref LightMatrices txCache, RendererBGFXSystem sys, bool isSpot)
     if (r.numMappedLights >= LightingBGFX.maxMappedLights)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many mapped lights"); }
コード例 #3
        private void AddCascadeMappedLight(ref LightingBGFX r, ref ShadowmappedLight sml, ref Light l, ref float4x4 tx, ref LightMatrices txCache,
                                           ref CascadeShadowmappedLight csm, ref CascadeShadowmappedLightCache csmData, RendererBGFXInstance *sys, bool srgbColors)
            if (r.numCsmLights >= LightingBGFX.maxCsmLights)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many cascade mapped lights");
            bgfx.TextureHandle texShadowMap = sys->m_noShadow;
            int shadowMapSize = 1;

            if (sml.shadowMap != Entity.Null && EntityManager.HasComponent <TextureBGFX>(sml.shadowMap))
                var imShadowMap = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Image2D>(sml.shadowMap);
                Assert.IsTrue(imShadowMap.imagePixelWidth == imShadowMap.imagePixelHeight);
                shadowMapSize = imShadowMap.imagePixelHeight;
                texShadowMap  = EntityManager.GetComponentData <TextureBGFX>(sml.shadowMap).handle;
            float4 worldPosOrDir = new float4(math.normalize(-tx.c2.xyz), 0.0f);
            float4 mask          = new float4(0);
            float3 c             = srgbColors?Color.LinearToSRGB(l.color):l.color;

            r.SetMappedLight(LightingBGFX.maxMappedLights + r.numCsmLights, txCache.mvp, c * l.intensity, worldPosOrDir, l.clipZFar, mask, texShadowMap, shadowMapSize);
            unsafe {
                r.csmOffsetScale[0]  = csmData.c0.offset.x; r.csmOffsetScale[1] = csmData.c0.offset.y; r.csmOffsetScale[2] = 0; r.csmOffsetScale[3] = csmData.c0.scale;
                r.csmOffsetScale[4]  = csmData.c1.offset.x; r.csmOffsetScale[5] = csmData.c1.offset.y; r.csmOffsetScale[6] = 0; r.csmOffsetScale[7] = csmData.c1.scale;
                r.csmOffsetScale[8]  = csmData.c2.offset.x; r.csmOffsetScale[9] = csmData.c2.offset.y; r.csmOffsetScale[10] = 0; r.csmOffsetScale[11] = csmData.c2.scale;
                r.csmOffsetScale[12] = csmData.c3.offset.x; r.csmOffsetScale[13] = csmData.c3.offset.y; r.csmOffsetScale[14] = 0; r.csmOffsetScale[15] = csmData.c3.scale;
            // r.csmLightsis set in SetMappedLight
コード例 #4
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            var bgfxsys = World.GetExistingSystem <RendererBGFXSystem>();

            if (!bgfxsys.Initialized)

            // make sure passes have viewid, transform, scissor rect and view rect set

            // reset alreadyAdded state
            // we expect < 100 or so passes, so the below code does not need to be crazy great
            Entities.ForEach((ref RenderNode rnode) => { rnode.alreadyAdded = false; });
            Entities.ForEach((ref RenderPass pass) => { pass.viewId = 0xffff; }); // there SHOULD not be any passes around that are not referenced by the graph...

            // get all nodes, sort (bgfx issues in-order per view. a better api could use the render graph to issue without gpu
            // barriers where possible)
            // sort into eval order, assign pass viewId
            ushort nextViewId = 0;

            Entities.WithAll <RenderNodePrimarySurface>().ForEach((Entity eNode) => { RecAddPasses(eNode, ref nextViewId); });

            Entities.WithAll <RenderPassAutoSizeToNode>().ForEach((Entity e, ref RenderPass pass) =>
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <RenderNodePrimarySurface>(pass.inNode))
                    var di          = World.TinyEnvironment().GetConfigData <DisplayInfo>();
                    pass.viewport.x = 0;
                    pass.viewport.y = 0;
                    pass.viewport.w = (ushort)di.width;
                    pass.viewport.h = (ushort)di.height;
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <RenderNodeTexture>(pass.inNode))
                    var texRef    = EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderNodeTexture>(pass.inNode);
                    pass.viewport = texRef.rect;
                // TODO: add others like cubemap

            // auto update passes that are matched with a camera
            Entities.ForEach((Entity e, ref RenderPass pass, ref RenderPassUpdateFromCamera fromCam) =>
                Entity eCam              = fromCam.camera;
                CameraMatrices camData   = EntityManager.GetComponentData <CameraMatrices>(eCam);
                pass.viewTransform       = camData.view;
                pass.projectionTransform = camData.projection;
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Frustum>(eCam))
                    if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Frustum>(e))
                        EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, EntityManager.GetComponentData <Frustum>(eCam));
                    if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Frustum>(e))
                        EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, new Frustum());

            // auto update passes that are matched with a light
            Entities.ForEach((Entity e, ref RenderPass pass, ref RenderPassUpdateFromLight fromLight) =>
                Entity eLight            = fromLight.light;
                LightMatrices lightData  = EntityManager.GetComponentData <LightMatrices>(eLight);
                pass.viewTransform       = lightData.view;
                pass.projectionTransform = lightData.projection;
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Frustum>(eLight))
                    if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Frustum>(e))
                        EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, EntityManager.GetComponentData <Frustum>(eLight));
                    if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Frustum>(e))
                        EntityManager.SetComponentData(e, new Frustum());

            // set up extra pass data
            Entities.ForEach((Entity e, ref RenderPass pass) =>
                if (pass.viewId == 0xffff)
                    RenderDebug.LogFormat("Render pass entity {0} on render node entity {1} is not referenced by the render graph. It should be deleted.", e, pass.inNode);
                bool rtt = EntityManager.HasComponent <FramebufferBGFX>(pass.inNode);
                // those could be more shared ... (that is, do all passes really need a copy of view & projection?)
                unsafe { fixed(float4x4 * viewp = &pass.viewTransform, projp = &pass.projectionTransform)
                             if (bgfxsys.m_homogeneousDepth && bgfxsys.m_originBottomLeft) // gl style
                                 bgfx.set_view_transform(pass.viewId, viewp, projp);
                                 pass.flipCulling = 0;
                             else // dx style
                                 bool yflip = !bgfxsys.m_originBottomLeft && rtt;
                                 float4x4 adjustedProjection = RendererBGFXSystem.AdjustProjection(ref pass.projectionTransform, !bgfxsys.m_homogeneousDepth, yflip);
                                 bgfx.set_view_transform(pass.viewId, viewp, &adjustedProjection);
                                 pass.flipCulling = yflip ? (byte)3 : (byte)0;
                         } }
                bgfx.set_view_mode(pass.viewId, (bgfx.ViewMode)pass.sorting);
                bgfx.set_view_rect(pass.viewId, pass.viewport.x, pass.viewport.y, pass.viewport.w, pass.viewport.h);
                bgfx.set_view_scissor(pass.viewId, pass.scissor.x, pass.scissor.y, pass.scissor.w, pass.scissor.h);
                bgfx.set_view_clear(pass.viewId, (ushort)pass.clearFlags, pass.clearRGBA, pass.clearDepth, pass.clearStencil);
                if (rtt)
                    var rttbgfx = EntityManager.GetComponentData <FramebufferBGFX>(pass.inNode);
                    bgfx.set_view_frame_buffer(pass.viewId, rttbgfx.handle);
                    bgfx.set_view_frame_buffer(pass.viewId, new bgfx.FrameBufferHandle {
                        idx = 0xffff
                // touch it? needed?