コード例 #1
        // Clone the world
        public DynamicsWorld Clone()
            DynamicsWorld clone = new DynamicsWorld
                m_MotionDatas       = new NativeArray <MotionData>(m_MotionDatas.Length, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
                m_MotionVelocities  = new NativeArray <MotionVelocity>(m_MotionVelocities.Length, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
                m_NumMotions        = m_NumMotions,
                m_Joints            = new NativeArray <Joint>(m_Joints.Length, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
                m_NumJoints         = m_NumJoints,
                EntityJointIndexMap = new NativeHashMap <Entity, int>(m_Joints.Length, Allocator.Persistent),

コード例 #2
        // Schedule a job to integrate the world's motions forward by the given time step.
        internal static JobHandle ScheduleIntegrateJobs(ref DynamicsWorld world, float timeStep, JobHandle inputDeps, int threadCountHint = 0)
            var job = new IntegrateMotionsJob
                MotionDatas      = world.MotionDatas,
                MotionVelocities = world.MotionVelocities,
                TimeStep         = timeStep

            if (threadCountHint <= 0)
                return(job.Schedule(world.NumMotions, 64, inputDeps));
コード例 #3
        // Schedule some jobs to build Jacobians from the contacts stored in the simulation context
        public static JobHandle ScheduleBuildContactJacobiansJobs(ref DynamicsWorld world, float timeStep, ref Simulation.Context context, JobHandle inputDeps)
            var buildJob = new BuildContactJacobiansJob
                ContactReader       = context.Contacts,
                JointJacobianReader = context.JointJacobians,
                JacobianWriter      = context.Jacobians,
                TimeStep            = timeStep,
                MotionDatas         = world.MotionDatas,
                MotionVelocities    = world.MotionVelocities

            int       numWorkItems = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumWorkItems;
            JobHandle handle       = buildJob.Schedule(numWorkItems, 1, inputDeps);

            context.DisposeContacts = context.Contacts.ScheduleDispose(handle);

コード例 #4
ファイル: Solver.cs プロジェクト: lieene/SRTK.DOTS
        // Schedule the job to apply gravity to all dynamic bodies and copy input velocities
        internal static JobHandle ScheduleApplyGravityAndCopyInputVelocitiesJob(ref DynamicsWorld world, NativeSlice <Velocity> inputVelocities,
                                                                                float3 gravityAcceleration, JobHandle inputDeps, int threadCountHint = 0)
            var job = new ApplyGravityAndCopyInputVelocitiesJob
                MotionDatas         = world.MotionDatas,
                MotionVelocities    = world.MotionVelocities,
                InputVelocities     = inputVelocities,
                GravityAcceleration = gravityAcceleration

            if (threadCountHint <= 0)
                return(job.Schedule(world.NumMotions, 64, inputDeps));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Solver.cs プロジェクト: debuggerpls/pongDOTS
        // Schedule some jobs to build Jacobians from the contacts stored in the simulation context
        internal static JobHandle ScheduleBuildContactJacobiansJobs(ref DynamicsWorld world, float timeStep, float gravityAcceleration, ref Simulation.Context context, JobHandle inputDeps)
            var buildJob = new BuildContactJacobiansJob
                ContactReader       = context.Contacts.AsReader(),
                JointJacobianReader = context.JointJacobians.AsReader(),
                JacobianWriter      = context.Jacobians.AsWriter(),
                TimeStep            = timeStep,
                InvTimeStep         = timeStep > 0.0f ? 1.0f / timeStep : 0.0f,
                GravityAcceleration = gravityAcceleration,
                MotionDatas         = world.MotionDatas,
                MotionVelocities    = world.MotionVelocities

            JobHandle handle = buildJob.ScheduleUnsafeIndex0(context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumWorkItems, 1, inputDeps);

            context.DisposeContacts = context.Contacts.Dispose(handle);

コード例 #6
 // Schedule a job to integrate the world's motions forward by the given time step.
 internal static JobHandle ScheduleIntegrateJobs(ref DynamicsWorld world, float timeStep, JobHandle inputDeps, bool multiThreaded = true)
     if (!multiThreaded)
         var job = new IntegrateMotionsJob
             MotionDatas      = world.MotionDatas,
             MotionVelocities = world.MotionVelocities,
             TimeStep         = timeStep
         var job = new ParallelIntegrateMotionsJob
             MotionDatas      = world.MotionDatas,
             MotionVelocities = world.MotionVelocities,
             TimeStep         = timeStep
         return(job.Schedule(world.NumMotions, 64, inputDeps));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Solver.cs プロジェクト: debuggerpls/pongDOTS
        // Schedule some jobs to solve the Jacobians stored in the simulation context
        internal static unsafe JobHandle ScheduleSolveJacobiansJobs(ref DynamicsWorld dynamicsWorld, float timestep, int numIterations, ref Simulation.Context context, JobHandle inputDeps)
            JobHandle handle;

            int numPhases = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumPhases;

            // Use persistent allocator to allow these to live until the start of next step
                NativeArray <int> workItemList = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumWorkItems;

                //TODO: Change this to Allocator.TempJob when https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/Unity.Physics/issues/7 is resolved
                JobHandle collisionEventStreamHandle = NativeStream.ScheduleConstruct(out context.CollisionEventStream, workItemList, inputDeps, Allocator.Persistent);
                JobHandle triggerEventStreamHandle   = NativeStream.ScheduleConstruct(out context.TriggerEventStream, workItemList, inputDeps, Allocator.Persistent);

                handle = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(collisionEventStreamHandle, triggerEventStreamHandle);

                float invNumIterations = math.rcp(numIterations);

                var phaseInfoPtrs = (Scheduler.SolverSchedulerInfo.SolvePhaseInfo *)NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafeBufferPointerWithoutChecks(context.SolverSchedulerInfo.PhaseInfo);

                for (int solverIterationId = 0; solverIterationId < numIterations; solverIterationId++)
                    bool lastIteration = solverIterationId == numIterations - 1;
                    for (int phaseId = 0; phaseId < numPhases; phaseId++)
                        var job = new SolverJob
                            JacobianReader   = context.Jacobians.AsReader(),
                            PhaseIndex       = phaseId,
                            Phases           = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.PhaseInfo,
                            MotionVelocities = dynamicsWorld.MotionVelocities,
                            StepInput        = new StepInput
                                InvNumSolverIterations = invNumIterations,
                                IsLastIteration        = lastIteration,
                                Timestep    = timestep,
                                InvTimestep = timestep > 0.0f ? 1.0f / timestep : 0.0f

                        // Only initialize event writers for last solver iteration jobs
                        if (lastIteration)
                            job.CollisionEventsWriter = context.CollisionEventStream.AsWriter();
                            job.TriggerEventsWriter   = context.TriggerEventStream.AsWriter();

                        // NOTE: The last phase must be executed on a single job since it
                        // int.MaxValue can't be used as batchSize since 19.1 overflows in that case...
                        bool isLastPhase = phaseId == numPhases - 1;
                        int  batchSize   = isLastPhase ? (int.MaxValue / 2) : 1;

                        int *numWorkItems = &(phaseInfoPtrs[phaseId].NumWorkItems);
                        handle = job.Schedule(numWorkItems, batchSize, handle);

            // Dispose processed data
            context.DisposeJacobians           = context.Jacobians.Dispose(handle);
            context.DisposeJointJacobians      = context.JointJacobians.Dispose(handle);
            context.DisposeSolverSchedulerData = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.ScheduleDisposeJob(handle);

コード例 #8
 // Construct a world with the given number of uninitialized bodies and joints
 public PhysicsWorld(int numStaticBodies, int numDynamicBodies, int numJoints)
     CollisionWorld = new CollisionWorld(numStaticBodies, numDynamicBodies);
     DynamicsWorld  = new DynamicsWorld(numDynamicBodies, numJoints);
コード例 #9
        // Schedule some jobs to solve the Jacobians stored in the simulation context
        public static unsafe JobHandle ScheduleSolveJacobiansJobs(ref DynamicsWorld dynamicsWorld, float timestep, float3 gravity, int numIterations, ref Simulation.Context context, JobHandle inputDeps)
            JobHandle handle = inputDeps;

            int numPhases = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumPhases;

            // Use persistent allocator to allow these to live until the start of next step
            int numWorkItems = math.max(context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumWorkItems, 1); // Need at least one work item if user is going to add contacts

                context.CollisionEventStream = new BlockStream(numWorkItems, 0xb17b474f, Allocator.Persistent);
                context.TriggerEventStream   = new BlockStream(numWorkItems, 0x43875d8f, Allocator.Persistent);

                float invNumIterations = math.rcp(numIterations);
                float gravityLength    = math.length(gravity);
                for (int solverIterationId = 0; solverIterationId < numIterations; solverIterationId++)
                    bool lastIteration = solverIterationId == numIterations - 1;
                    for (int phaseId = 0; phaseId < numPhases; phaseId++)
                        int numWorkItemsPerPhase = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.NumWorkItemsPerPhase(phaseId);
                        if (numWorkItemsPerPhase == 0)

                        var job = new SolverJob
                            JacobianReader           = context.Jacobians,
                            WorkItemStartIndexOffset = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.FirstWorkItemsPerPhase(phaseId),
                            MotionVelocities         = dynamicsWorld.MotionVelocities,
                            StepInput = new StepInput
                                InvNumSolverIterations = invNumIterations,
                                IsLastIteration        = lastIteration,
                                Timestep      = timestep,
                                GravityLength = gravityLength

                        // Only initialize event writers for last solver iteration jobs
                        if (lastIteration)
                            job.CollisionEventsWriter = context.CollisionEventStream;
                            job.TriggerEventsWriter   = context.TriggerEventStream;

                        bool isLastPhase = phaseId == numPhases - 1;
                        int  batchSize   = isLastPhase ? numWorkItemsPerPhase : 1;
                        handle = job.Schedule(numWorkItemsPerPhase, batchSize, handle);

            // Dispose processed data
            context.DisposeJacobians           = context.Jacobians.ScheduleDispose(handle);
            context.DisposeJointJacobians      = context.JointJacobians.ScheduleDispose(handle);
            context.DisposeSolverSchedulerData = context.SolverSchedulerInfo.ScheduleDisposeJob(handle);
