コード例 #1
        public static bool OverlapSphereCustom <T, C>(ref T target, float3 position, float radius, ref C collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            where C : struct, ICollector <DistanceHit>
            PointDistanceInput input = new PointDistanceInput
                Filter      = filter,
                MaxDistance = radius,
                Position    = position

            if (queryInteraction == QueryInteraction.Default)
                return(target.CalculateDistance(input, ref collector));
                    var interactionCollector = new QueryInteractionCollector <DistanceHit, C>
                        Collector = collector

                    bool returnValue = target.CalculateDistance(input, ref interactionCollector);

                    collector = interactionCollector.Collector;
コード例 #2
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> CreateQuad(float3 vertex0, float3 vertex1, float3 vertex2, float3 vertex3, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex0, nameof(vertex0));
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex1, nameof(vertex1));
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex2, nameof(vertex2));
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex3, nameof(vertex3));
            SafetyChecks.CheckCoplanarAndThrow(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, nameof(vertex3));

            PolygonCollider collider = default;

            collider.InitAsQuad(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, filter, material);
            return(BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(&collider, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PolygonCollider>()));
コード例 #3
 internal void InitAsTriangle(float3 vertex0, float3 vertex1, float3 vertex2, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
     Init(filter, material);
     SetAsTriangle(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2);
コード例 #4
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(NativeArray <float3> vertices, NativeArray <int3> triangles, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
            // Copy vertices
            var tempVertices = new NativeArray <float3>(vertices, Allocator.Temp);

            // Triangle indices - needed for WeldVertices
            var tempIndices = new NativeArray <int>(triangles.Length * 3, Allocator.Temp);

            for (int iTriangle = 0; iTriangle < triangles.Length; iTriangle++)
                if (triangles[iTriangle][0] >= 0 && triangles[iTriangle][0] < vertices.Length &&
                    triangles[iTriangle][1] >= 0 && triangles[iTriangle][1] < vertices.Length &&
                    triangles[iTriangle][2] >= 0 && triangles[iTriangle][2] < vertices.Length)
                    tempIndices[iTriangle * 3]     = triangles[iTriangle][0];
                    tempIndices[iTriangle * 3 + 1] = triangles[iTriangle][1];
                    tempIndices[iTriangle * 3 + 2] = triangles[iTriangle][2];
                    throw new ArgumentException("Tried to create a MeshCollider with indices referencing outside vertex array");

            // Build connectivity and primitives

            NativeList <float3> uniqueVertices = MeshConnectivityBuilder.WeldVertices(tempIndices, tempVertices);

            var tempTriangleIndices = new NativeArray <int3>(triangles.Length, Allocator.Temp);

            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempTriangleIndices.GetUnsafePtr(), tempIndices.GetUnsafePtr(), tempIndices.Length * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <int>());

            var connectivity = new MeshConnectivityBuilder(tempTriangleIndices, uniqueVertices);
            NativeList <MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive> primitives = connectivity.EnumerateQuadDominantGeometry(tempTriangleIndices, uniqueVertices);

            // Build bounding volume hierarchy
            int nodeCount = math.max(primitives.Length * 2 + 1, 2); // We need at least two nodes - an "invalid" node and a root node.
            var nodes     = new NativeArray <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>(nodeCount, Allocator.Temp);
            int numNodes  = 0;

                // Prepare data for BVH
                var points = new NativeList <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.PointAndIndex>(primitives.Length, Allocator.Temp);
                var aabbs  = new NativeArray <Aabb>(primitives.Length, Allocator.Temp);

                for (int i = 0; i < primitives.Length; i++)
                    MeshConnectivityBuilder.Primitive p = primitives[i];

                    // Skip degenerate triangles
                    if (MeshConnectivityBuilder.IsTriangleDegenerate(p.Vertices[0], p.Vertices[1], p.Vertices[2]))

                    aabbs[i] = Aabb.CreateFromPoints(p.Vertices);
                    points.Add(new BoundingVolumeHierarchy.PointAndIndex
                        Position = aabbs[i].Center,
                        Index    = i

                var bvh = new BoundingVolumeHierarchy(nodes);

                bvh.Build(points.AsArray(), aabbs, out numNodes, useSah: true);

            // Build mesh sections
            BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *nodesPtr = (BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node *)nodes.GetUnsafePtr();
            MeshBuilder.TempSection       sections = MeshBuilder.BuildSections(nodesPtr, numNodes, primitives);

            // Allocate collider
            int meshDataSize      = Mesh.CalculateMeshDataSize(numNodes, sections.Ranges);
            int totalColliderSize = Math.NextMultipleOf(sizeof(MeshCollider), 16) + meshDataSize;

            MeshCollider *meshCollider = (MeshCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalColliderSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            // Initialize it
                UnsafeUtility.MemClear(meshCollider, totalColliderSize);
                meshCollider->MemorySize = totalColliderSize;

                meshCollider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Mesh;
                meshCollider->m_Header.CollisionType = CollisionType.Composite;
                meshCollider->m_Header.Version      += 1;
                meshCollider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;

                ref var mesh = ref meshCollider->Mesh;

                mesh.Init(nodesPtr, numNodes, sections, filter, material);

                // Calculate combined filter
                meshCollider->m_Header.Filter = mesh.Sections.Length > 0 ? mesh.Sections[0].Filters[0] : CollisionFilter.Default;
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Sections.Length; ++i)
                    for (var j = 0; j < mesh.Sections[i].Filters.Length; ++j)
                        var f = mesh.Sections[i].Filters[j];
                        meshCollider->m_Header.Filter = CollisionFilter.CreateUnion(meshCollider->m_Header.Filter, f);

                meshCollider->m_Aabb             = meshCollider->Mesh.BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Domain;
                meshCollider->NumColliderKeyBits = meshCollider->Mesh.NumColliderKeyBits;
コード例 #5
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> CreateTriangle(float3 vertex0, float3 vertex1, float3 vertex2, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex0, nameof(vertex0));
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex1, nameof(vertex1));
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndThrow(vertex2, nameof(vertex2));

            var collider = new PolygonCollider();

            collider.InitAsTriangle(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, filter, material);

            return(BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(&collider, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PolygonCollider>()));
コード例 #6
ファイル: CompoundCollider.cs プロジェクト: taotao111/ainav
        // Create a compound collider containing an array of other colliders.
        // The source colliders are copied into the compound, so that it becomes one blob.
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(NativeArray <ColliderBlobInstance> children)
            if (children.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            // Get the total required memory size for the compound plus all its children,
            // and the combined filter of all children
            // TODO: Verify that the size is enough
            int             totalSize = Math.NextMultipleOf16(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <CompoundCollider>());
            CollisionFilter filter    = children[0].Collider.Value.Filter;

            foreach (var child in children)
                totalSize += Math.NextMultipleOf16(child.Collider.Value.MemorySize);
                filter     = CollisionFilter.CreateUnion(filter, child.Collider.Value.Filter);
            totalSize += (children.Length + BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Constants.MaxNumTreeBranches) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>();

            // Allocate the collider
            var compoundCollider = (CompoundCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            UnsafeUtility.MemClear(compoundCollider, totalSize);
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Compound;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.CollisionType = CollisionType.Composite;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Version       = 0;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Filter        = filter;

            // Initialize children array
            Child *childrenPtr = (Child *)((byte *)compoundCollider + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <CompoundCollider>());

            compoundCollider->m_ChildrenBlob.Offset = (int)((byte *)childrenPtr - (byte *)(&compoundCollider->m_ChildrenBlob.Offset));
            compoundCollider->m_ChildrenBlob.Length = children.Length;
            byte *end = (byte *)childrenPtr + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Child>() * children.Length;

            end = (byte *)Math.NextMultipleOf16((ulong)end);

            // Copy children
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                Collider *collider = (Collider *)children[i].Collider.GetUnsafePtr();
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(end, collider, collider->MemorySize);
                childrenPtr[i].m_ColliderOffset  = (int)(end - (byte *)(&childrenPtr[i].m_ColliderOffset));
                childrenPtr[i].CompoundFromChild = children[i].CompoundFromChild;
                end += Math.NextMultipleOf16(collider->MemorySize);

            // Build mass properties
            compoundCollider->MassProperties = compoundCollider->BuildMassProperties();

            // Build bounding volume
            int numNodes = compoundCollider->BuildBoundingVolume(out NativeArray <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node> nodes);
            int bvhSize  = numNodes * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>();

            compoundCollider->m_BvhNodesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)(&compoundCollider->m_BvhNodesBlob.Offset));
            compoundCollider->m_BvhNodesBlob.Length = numNodes;
            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(end, nodes.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), bvhSize);
            end += bvhSize;

            // Copy to blob asset
            int usedSize = (int)(end - (byte *)compoundCollider);

            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(usedSize < totalSize);
            compoundCollider->MemorySize = usedSize;
            var blob = BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(compoundCollider, usedSize);

            UnsafeUtility.Free(compoundCollider, Allocator.Temp);

コード例 #7
ファイル: Manifold.cs プロジェクト: debuggerpls/pongDOTS
            public void AddColliderKeys(ColliderKey *keys, int count)
                var colliderKeys = new ColliderKeyPair {
                    ColliderKeyA = m_ConvexColliderKey, ColliderKeyB = m_ConvexColliderKey
                CollisionFilter filter = m_ConvexColliderA->Filter;

                // Collide the convex A with all overlapping leaves of B
                switch (m_CompositeColliderB->Type)
                // Special case meshes (since we know all polygons will be built on the fly)
                case ColliderType.Mesh:
                    Mesh *mesh           = &((MeshCollider *)m_CompositeColliderB)->Mesh;
                    uint  numMeshKeyBits = mesh->NumColliderKeyBits;
                    var   polygon        = new PolygonCollider();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        ColliderKey compositeKey = m_CompositeColliderKeyPath.GetLeafKey(keys[i]);
                        uint        meshKey      = compositeKey.Value >> (32 - (int)numMeshKeyBits);
                        if (mesh->GetPolygon(meshKey, filter, ref polygon))
                            if (m_Flipped)
                                colliderKeys.ColliderKeyA = compositeKey;
                                colliderKeys.ColliderKeyB = compositeKey;

                            switch (m_ConvexColliderA->CollisionType)
                            case CollisionType.Convex:
                                    m_Context, colliderKeys, m_ConvexColliderA, (Collider *)&polygon,
                                    m_WorldFromA, m_WorldFromB, m_CollisionTolerance, m_Flipped);

                            case CollisionType.Terrain:
                                    m_Context, colliderKeys, m_ConvexColliderA, (Collider *)&polygon,
                                    m_WorldFromA, m_WorldFromB, m_CollisionTolerance, m_Flipped);

                            default:         // GetLeaf() may not return a composite collider
                                throw new NotImplementedException();

                // General case for all other composites (compounds, compounds of meshes, etc)
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        ColliderKey compositeKey = m_CompositeColliderKeyPath.GetLeafKey(keys[i]);
                        m_CompositeColliderB->GetLeaf(compositeKey, out ChildCollider leaf);
                        if (CollisionFilter.IsCollisionEnabled(filter, leaf.Collider->Filter))      // TODO: shouldn't be needed if/when filtering is done fully by the BVH query
                            if (m_Flipped)
                                colliderKeys.ColliderKeyA = compositeKey;
                                colliderKeys.ColliderKeyB = compositeKey;

                            MTransform worldFromLeafB = Mul(m_WorldFromB, new MTransform(leaf.TransformFromChild));
                            switch (leaf.Collider->CollisionType)
                            case CollisionType.Convex:
                                    m_Context, colliderKeys, m_ConvexColliderA, leaf.Collider,
                                    m_WorldFromA, worldFromLeafB, m_CollisionTolerance, m_Flipped);

                            case CollisionType.Terrain:
                                    m_Context, colliderKeys, m_ConvexColliderA, leaf.Collider,
                                    m_WorldFromA, worldFromLeafB, m_CollisionTolerance, m_Flipped);

                            default:         // GetLeaf() may not return a composite collider
                                throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #8
        public static bool SphereCastAll <T>(ref T target, float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref NativeList <ColliderCastHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var collector = new AllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit>(1.0f, ref outHits);

            return(target.SphereCastCustom(origin, radius, direction, maxDistance, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction));
コード例 #9
        public static bool SphereCast <T>(ref T target, float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, out ColliderCastHit hitInfo, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var  collector = new ClosestHitCollector <ColliderCastHit>(1.0f);
            bool hasHit    = target.SphereCastCustom(origin, radius, direction, maxDistance, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction);

            hitInfo = collector.ClosestHit;

コード例 #10
        public static bool OverlapBoxCustom <T, C>(ref T target, float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, ref C collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            where C : struct, ICollector <DistanceHit>
            Assert.IsTrue(collector.MaxFraction == 0);

            BoxCollider collider = default;
            BoxGeometry geometry = new BoxGeometry
                BevelRadius = 0.0f,
                Center      = float3.zero,
                Size        = halfExtents * 2,
                Orientation = quaternion.identity

            collider.Initialize(geometry, filter, Material.Default);

            ColliderDistanceInput input;

                input = new ColliderDistanceInput
                    Collider    = (Collider *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref collider),
                    MaxDistance = 0.0f,
                    Transform   = new RigidTransform
                        pos = center,
                        rot = orientation

            if (queryInteraction == QueryInteraction.Default)
                return(target.CalculateDistance(input, ref collector));
                    var interactionCollector = new QueryInteractionCollector <DistanceHit, C>
                        Collector = collector,

                    bool returnValue = target.CalculateDistance(input, ref interactionCollector);

                    collector = interactionCollector.Collector;
コード例 #11
        public static bool CheckBox <T>(ref T target, float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var collector = new AnyHitCollector <DistanceHit>(0.0f);

            return(target.OverlapBoxCustom(center, orientation, halfExtents, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction));
コード例 #12
        public static bool CheckCapsule <T>(ref T target, float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var collector = new AnyHitCollector <DistanceHit>(0.0f);

            return(target.OverlapCapsuleCustom(point1, point2, radius, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction));
コード例 #13
        public static bool OverlapCapsuleCustom <T, C>(ref T target, float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, ref C collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            where C : struct, ICollector <DistanceHit>
            Assert.IsTrue(collector.MaxFraction == 0);

            CapsuleCollider collider = default;
            float3          center   = (point1 + point2) / 2;

            CapsuleGeometry geometry = new CapsuleGeometry
                Radius  = radius,
                Vertex0 = point1 - center,
                Vertex1 = point2 - center

            collider.Initialize(geometry, filter, Material.Default);
            ColliderDistanceInput input;

                input = new ColliderDistanceInput
                    Collider    = (Collider *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref collider),
                    MaxDistance = 0.0f,
                    Transform   = new RigidTransform
                        pos = center,
                        rot = quaternion.identity

            if (queryInteraction == QueryInteraction.Default)
                return(target.CalculateDistance(input, ref collector));
                    var interactionCollector = new QueryInteractionCollector <DistanceHit, C>
                        Collector = collector,

                    bool returnValue = target.CalculateDistance(input, ref interactionCollector);

                    collector = interactionCollector.Collector;
コード例 #14
        public static bool OverlapSphere <T>(ref T target, float3 position, float radius, ref NativeList <DistanceHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var collector = new AllHitsCollector <DistanceHit>(radius, ref outHits);

            return(target.OverlapSphereCustom(position, radius, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction));
コード例 #15
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(
            NativeArray <float> heights, int2 size, float3 scale, CollisionMethod collisionMethod, CollisionFilter filter, Material material
            if (math.any(size < 2))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Tried to create TerrainCollider with size < 2");
            if (math.any(scale <= float3.zero))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Tried to create TerrainCollider with scale <= 0");

            // Allocate memory for the collider
            int totalSize = sizeof(TerrainCollider) + Terrain.CalculateDataSize(size);
            var collider  = (TerrainCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);
            // BlobAssetReference<T> does memcpy, so allocate memory first and then assign properly aligned values to result
            var blob = BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(collider, totalSize);

            UnsafeUtility.Free(collider, Allocator.Temp);
            collider = (TerrainCollider *)blob.GetUnsafePtr();
            UnsafeUtility.MemClear(collider, totalSize);

            // Initialize the collider
            collider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Terrain;
            collider->m_Header.CollisionType = (collisionMethod == CollisionMethod.Triangles) ? CollisionType.Composite : CollisionType.Terrain;
            collider->m_Header.Version       = 1;
            collider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;
            collider->m_Header.Filter        = filter;
            collider->Material   = material;
            collider->MemorySize = totalSize;
            collider->Terrain.Init(size, scale, (float *)heights.GetUnsafePtr());

コード例 #16
        public static bool BoxCastCustom <T, C>(ref T target, float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref C collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            where C : struct, ICollector <ColliderCastHit>
            BoxCollider collider    = default;
            BoxGeometry boxGeometry = new BoxGeometry
                BevelRadius = 0,
                Center      = 0,
                Orientation = quaternion.identity,
                Size        = halfExtents * 2

            collider.Initialize(boxGeometry, filter, Material.Default);

            ColliderCastInput input;

                input = new ColliderCastInput
                    Collider    = (Collider *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref collider),
                    Orientation = orientation,
                    Start       = center,
                    End         = center + direction * maxDistance

            if (queryInteraction == QueryInteraction.Default)
                return(target.CastCollider(input, ref collector));
                    var interactionCollector = new QueryInteractionCollector <ColliderCastHit, C>
                        Collector = collector

                    bool returnValue = target.CastCollider(input, ref interactionCollector);

                    collector = interactionCollector.Collector;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Distance.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
        public static unsafe bool PointCollider <T>(PointDistanceInput input, Collider *target, ref T collector) where T : struct, ICollector <DistanceHit>
            if (!CollisionFilter.IsCollisionEnabled(input.Filter, target->Filter))

            Result result;

            switch (target->Type)
            case ColliderType.Sphere:
                var sphere = (SphereCollider *)target;
                result = PointPoint(sphere->Center, input.Position, sphere->Radius, sphere->Radius);

            case ColliderType.Capsule:
                var capsule = (CapsuleCollider *)target;
                result = CapsuleSphere(capsule->Vertex0, capsule->Vertex1, capsule->Radius, input.Position, 0.0f, MTransform.Identity);

            case ColliderType.Triangle:
                var triangle = (PolygonCollider *)target;
                result = TriangleSphere(
                    triangle->Vertices[0], triangle->Vertices[1], triangle->Vertices[2], triangle->Planes[0].Normal,
                    input.Position, 0.0f, MTransform.Identity);

            case ColliderType.Quad:
                var quad = (PolygonCollider *)target;
                result = QuadSphere(
                    quad->Vertices[0], quad->Vertices[1], quad->Vertices[2], quad->Vertices[3], quad->Planes[0].Normal,
                    input.Position, 0.0f, MTransform.Identity);

            case ColliderType.Convex:
            case ColliderType.Box:
            case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                ref ConvexHull hull = ref ((ConvexCollider *)target)->ConvexHull;
                result = ConvexConvex(hull.VerticesPtr, hull.NumVertices, hull.ConvexRadius, &input.Position, 1, 0.0f, MTransform.Identity);

            case ColliderType.Mesh:
                return(PointMesh(input, (MeshCollider *)target, ref collector));

            case ColliderType.Compound:
                return(PointCompound(input, (CompoundCollider *)target, ref collector));

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (result.Distance < collector.MaxFraction)
                collector.AddHit(new DistanceHit
                    Fraction      = result.Distance,
                    SurfaceNormal = -result.NormalInA,
                    Position      = result.PositionOnAinA,
                    ColliderKey   = ColliderKey.Empty
コード例 #18
        public static bool BoxCast <T>(ref T target, float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, float3 direction, float maxDistance, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var collector = new AnyHitCollector <ColliderCastHit>(1.0f);

            return(target.BoxCastCustom(center, orientation, halfExtents, direction, maxDistance, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction));
コード例 #19
ファイル: Manifold.cs プロジェクト: debuggerpls/pongDOTS
        // Write a set of contact manifolds for a pair of bodies to the given stream.
        public static unsafe void BodyBody(RigidBody rigidBodyA, RigidBody rigidBodyB, MotionVelocity motionVelocityA, MotionVelocity motionVelocityB,
                                           float collisionTolerance, float timeStep, BodyIndexPair pair, ref NativeStream.Writer contactWriter)
            Collider *colliderA = rigidBodyA.Collider;
            Collider *colliderB = rigidBodyB.Collider;

            if (colliderA == null || colliderB == null || !CollisionFilter.IsCollisionEnabled(colliderA->Filter, colliderB->Filter))

            // Build combined motion expansion
            MotionExpansion expansion;
                MotionExpansion expansionA = motionVelocityA.CalculateExpansion(timeStep);
                MotionExpansion expansionB = motionVelocityB.CalculateExpansion(timeStep);
                expansion = new MotionExpansion
                    Linear  = expansionA.Linear - expansionB.Linear,
                    Uniform = expansionA.Uniform + expansionB.Uniform + collisionTolerance

            var context = new Context
                BodyIndices    = pair,
                BodyCustomTags = new CustomTagsPair {
                    CustomTagsA = rigidBodyA.CustomTags, CustomTagsB = rigidBodyB.CustomTags
                BodiesHaveInfiniteMass =
                    !math.any(motionVelocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass) &&
                ContactWriter = (NativeStream.Writer *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref contactWriter)

            var worldFromA = new MTransform(rigidBodyA.WorldFromBody);
            var worldFromB = new MTransform(rigidBodyB.WorldFromBody);

            // Dispatch to appropriate manifold generator
            switch (colliderA->CollisionType)
            case CollisionType.Convex:
                switch (colliderB->CollisionType)
                case CollisionType.Convex:
                    ConvexConvex(context, ColliderKeyPair.Empty, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion.MaxDistance, false);

                case CollisionType.Composite:
                    ConvexComposite(context, ColliderKey.Empty, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion, false);

                case CollisionType.Terrain:
                    ConvexTerrain(context, ColliderKeyPair.Empty, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion.MaxDistance, false);

            case CollisionType.Composite:
                switch (colliderB->CollisionType)
                case CollisionType.Convex:
                    CompositeConvex(context, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion, false);

                case CollisionType.Composite:
                    CompositeComposite(context, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion, false);

                case CollisionType.Terrain:
                    CompositeTerrain(context, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion.MaxDistance, false);

            case CollisionType.Terrain:
                switch (colliderB->CollisionType)
                case CollisionType.Convex:
                    TerrainConvex(context, ColliderKeyPair.Empty, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion.MaxDistance, false);

                case CollisionType.Composite:
                    TerrainComposite(context, colliderA, colliderB, worldFromA, worldFromB, expansion.MaxDistance, false);

                case CollisionType.Terrain:
コード例 #20
        public static bool CapsuleCastCustom <T, C>(ref T target, float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref C collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            where C : struct, ICollector <ColliderCastHit>
            CapsuleCollider collider = default;

            float3 center = (point1 + point2) / 2;

            CapsuleGeometry geometry = new CapsuleGeometry
                Radius  = radius,
                Vertex0 = point1 - center,
                Vertex1 = point2 - center

            collider.Initialize(geometry, filter, Material.Default);

            ColliderCastInput input;

                input = new ColliderCastInput
                    Collider    = (Collider *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref collider),
                    Orientation = quaternion.identity,
                    Start       = center,
                    End         = center + direction * maxDistance

            if (queryInteraction == QueryInteraction.Default)
                return(target.CastCollider(input, ref collector));
                    var interactionCollector = new QueryInteractionCollector <ColliderCastHit, C>
                        Collector = collector

                    bool returnValue = target.CastCollider(input, ref interactionCollector);

                    collector = interactionCollector.Collector;
コード例 #21
 public static BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(NativeArray <float3> vertices, NativeArray <int3> triangles, CollisionFilter filter) =>
 Create(vertices, triangles, filter, Material.Default);
コード例 #22
        public static bool CapsuleCast <T>(ref T target, float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
            where T : struct, ICollidable
            var collector = new AnyHitCollector <ColliderCastHit>(1.0f);

            return(target.CapsuleCastCustom(point1, point2, radius, direction, maxDistance, ref collector, filter, queryInteraction));
コード例 #23
        // Create a compound collider containing an array of other colliders.
        // The source colliders are copied into the compound, so that it becomes one blob.
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(NativeArray <ColliderBlobInstance> children)
            SafetyChecks.CheckNotEmptyAndThrow(children, nameof(children));

            // Get the total required memory size for the compound plus all its children,
            // and the combined filter of all children
            // TODO: Verify that the size is enough
            int             totalSize = Math.NextMultipleOf16(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <CompoundCollider>());
            CollisionFilter filter    = children[0].Collider.Value.Filter;
            var             srcToDestInstanceAddrs = new NativeHashMap <long, long>(children.Length, Allocator.Temp);

            for (var childIndex = 0; childIndex < children.Length; childIndex++)
                var child       = children[childIndex];
                var instanceKey = (long)child.Collider.GetUnsafePtr();
                if (srcToDestInstanceAddrs.ContainsKey(instanceKey))
                totalSize += Math.NextMultipleOf16(child.Collider.Value.MemorySize);
                filter     = CollisionFilter.CreateUnion(filter, child.Collider.Value.Filter);
                srcToDestInstanceAddrs.Add(instanceKey, 0L);
            totalSize += (children.Length + BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Constants.MaxNumTreeBranches) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>();

            // Allocate the collider
            var compoundCollider = (CompoundCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            UnsafeUtility.MemClear(compoundCollider, totalSize);
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Compound;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.CollisionType = CollisionType.Composite;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Version       = 0;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;
            compoundCollider->m_Header.Filter        = filter;

            // Initialize children array
            Child *childrenPtr = (Child *)((byte *)compoundCollider + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <CompoundCollider>());

            compoundCollider->m_ChildrenBlob.Offset = (int)((byte *)childrenPtr - (byte *)(&compoundCollider->m_ChildrenBlob.Offset));
            compoundCollider->m_ChildrenBlob.Length = children.Length;
            byte *end = (byte *)childrenPtr + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Child>() * children.Length;

            end = (byte *)Math.NextMultipleOf16((ulong)end);

            uint maxTotalNumColliderKeyBits = 0;

            // Copy children
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                Collider *collider       = (Collider *)children[i].Collider.GetUnsafePtr();
                var       srcInstanceKey = (long)collider;
                var       dstAddr        = srcToDestInstanceAddrs[srcInstanceKey];
                if (dstAddr == 0L)
                    dstAddr = (long)end;
                    srcToDestInstanceAddrs[srcInstanceKey] = dstAddr;
                    UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(end, collider, collider->MemorySize);
                    end += Math.NextMultipleOf16(collider->MemorySize);
                childrenPtr[i].m_ColliderOffset  = (int)((byte *)dstAddr - (byte *)(&childrenPtr[i].m_ColliderOffset));
                childrenPtr[i].CompoundFromChild = children[i].CompoundFromChild;

                maxTotalNumColliderKeyBits = math.max(maxTotalNumColliderKeyBits, collider->TotalNumColliderKeyBits);

            // Build mass properties
            compoundCollider->MassProperties = compoundCollider->BuildMassProperties();

            // Build bounding volume
            int numNodes = compoundCollider->BuildBoundingVolume(out NativeArray <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node> nodes);
            int bvhSize  = numNodes * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <BoundingVolumeHierarchy.Node>();

            compoundCollider->m_BvhNodesBlob.Offset = (int)(end - (byte *)(&compoundCollider->m_BvhNodesBlob.Offset));
            compoundCollider->m_BvhNodesBlob.Length = numNodes;
            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(end, nodes.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), bvhSize);
            end += bvhSize;

            // Validate nesting level of composite colliders.
            compoundCollider->TotalNumColliderKeyBits = maxTotalNumColliderKeyBits + compoundCollider->NumColliderKeyBits;

            // If TotalNumColliderKeyBits is greater than 32, it means maximum nesting level of composite colliders has been breached.
            // ColliderKey has 32 bits so it can't handle infinite nesting of composite colliders.
            if (compoundCollider->TotalNumColliderKeyBits > 32)
                SafetyChecks.ThrowArgumentException(nameof(children), "Composite collider exceeded maximum level of nesting!");

            // Copy to blob asset
            int usedSize = (int)(end - (byte *)compoundCollider);

            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(usedSize < totalSize);
            compoundCollider->MemorySize = usedSize;
            var blob = BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(compoundCollider, usedSize);

            UnsafeUtility.Free(compoundCollider, Allocator.Temp);

コード例 #24
        // Get the vertices, flags and collision filter of a primitive
        internal void GetPrimitive(int primitiveKey, out float3x4 vertices, out PrimitiveFlags flags, out CollisionFilter filter)
            int sectionIndex          = primitiveKey >> 8;
            int sectionPrimitiveIndex = primitiveKey & 0xFF;

            ref Section section = ref Sections[sectionIndex];
コード例 #25
 public static BlobAssetReference <Collider> CreateQuad(float3 vertex0, float3 vertex1, float3 vertex2, float3 vertex3, CollisionFilter filter) =>
 CreateQuad(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, filter, Material.Default);
コード例 #26
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(
            NativeArray <float> heights, int2 size, float3 scale, CollisionMethod collisionMethod, CollisionFilter filter, Material material
            SafetyChecks.CheckInRangeAndThrow(size.x, new int2(2, int.MaxValue), nameof(size));
            SafetyChecks.CheckInRangeAndThrow(size.y, new int2(2, int.MaxValue), nameof(size));
            SafetyChecks.CheckFiniteAndPositiveAndThrow(scale, nameof(scale));

            // Allocate memory for the collider
            int totalSize = sizeof(TerrainCollider) + Terrain.CalculateDataSize(size);
            var collider  = (TerrainCollider *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);
            // BlobAssetReference<T> does memcpy, so allocate memory first and then assign properly aligned values to result
            var blob = BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(collider, totalSize);

            UnsafeUtility.Free(collider, Allocator.Temp);
            collider = (TerrainCollider *)blob.GetUnsafePtr();
            UnsafeUtility.MemClear(collider, totalSize);

            // Initialize the collider
            collider->m_Header.Type          = ColliderType.Terrain;
            collider->m_Header.CollisionType = (collisionMethod == CollisionMethod.Triangles) ? CollisionType.Composite : CollisionType.Terrain;
            collider->m_Header.Version       = 1;
            collider->m_Header.Magic         = 0xff;
            collider->m_Header.Filter        = filter;
            collider->Material   = material;
            collider->MemorySize = totalSize;
            collider->Terrain.Init(size, scale, (float *)heights.GetUnsafePtr());

コード例 #27
 internal void InitNoVertices(CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
     Init(filter, material);
     ConvexHull.VerticesBlob.Length = 0;
コード例 #28
 public static BlobAssetReference <Collider> Create(
     NativeArray <float> heights, int2 size, float3 scale, CollisionMethod collisionMethod, CollisionFilter filter
     ) =>
 Create(heights, size, scale, collisionMethod, filter, Material.Default);
コード例 #29
 internal void InitAsQuad(float3 vertex0, float3 vertex1, float3 vertex2, float3 vertex3, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
     Init(filter, material);
     SetAsQuad(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3);
コード例 #30
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <Collider> CreateQuad(float3 vertex0, float3 vertex1, float3 vertex2, float3 vertex3, CollisionFilter filter, Material material)
            if (math.any(!math.isfinite(vertex0)) || math.any(!math.isfinite(vertex1)) || math.any(!math.isfinite(vertex2)) || math.any(!math.isfinite(vertex3)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Tried to create triangle collider with nan/inf vertex");

            // check if vertices are co-planar
            float3 normal = math.normalize(math.cross(vertex1 - vertex0, vertex2 - vertex0));

            if (math.abs(math.dot(normal, vertex3 - vertex0)) > 1e-3f)
                throw new ArgumentException("Vertices for quad creation are not co-planar");

            PolygonCollider collider = default;

            collider.InitAsQuad(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, filter, material);
            return(BlobAssetReference <Collider> .Create(&collider, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PolygonCollider>()));