コード例 #1
                private MetaTable BuildOrGetMetaTable(ViewTable parentVTable, ViewTable buildingVTable)
                    if (parentVTable == null)
                        //no parent view table mean we are building the root table and must create a meta table.
                        if (buildingVTable == null)
                            //we must be building a view table when building the root.
                            DebugUtility.LogError("Failed to build the root view table.");
                            MemoryProfilerAnalytics.AddMetaDatatoEvent <MemoryProfilerAnalytics.LoadViewXMLEvent>(8);

                        Database.MetaTable metaTable = new Database.MetaTable();
                        metaTable.name                      = name;
                        metaTable.displayName               = name;
                        metaTable.defaultFilter             = defaultFilter;
                        metaTable.defaultAllLevelSortFilter = defaultAllLevelSortFilter;
                        buildingVTable.m_Meta               = metaTable;
                        // if has a parent, use parent's meta table
                        if (buildingVTable != null)
                            buildingVTable.m_Meta = parentVTable.m_Meta;
コード例 #2
                    public long GetChildCount(ViewSchema vs, ViewTable vTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
                        switch (type)
                        case DataType.Node:
                            if (vTable.ValidChildNodeIndices != null)

                        case DataType.Select:
                            if (vTable.dataSelectSet.IsManyToMany())

                        case DataType.NoData:
コード例 #3
 public WhereUnion(List <Where.Builder> builders, ViewSchema vs, ViewTable vTable, SelectSet selectSet, Select select, Schema baseSchema, Table table, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
     foreach (var b in builders)
         Add(b.Build(vs, vTable, selectSet, select, baseSchema, table, expressionParsingContext));
コード例 #4
 public bool EvaluateCondition(ViewSchema vs, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
     if (condition == null)
     using (ScopeDebugContext.Func(() => { return("EvaluateCondition on Node '" + GetFullName() + "'"); }))
         var option = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(vs, parentViewTable, true, true, null, expressionParsingContext);
         option.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) =>
             string str = "Error while evaluating node condition.";
             if (vs != null)
                 str += " schema '" + vs.name + "'";
             if (parentViewTable != null)
                 str += " view table '" + parentViewTable.GetName() + "'";
             return(str + " : " + s);
         var resolvedCondition = condition.Build(option);
         if (resolvedCondition == null)
コード例 #5
            //A column under a <Node> (or <View>) element is either a declaration (build meta data only) or defines an entry in the parent's ViewColumnNode
            public void BuildNodeValue(ViewTable.Builder.BuildingData buildingData, ViewTable vTable, ViewTable.Builder.Node node, long row, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, ref Database.MetaColumn metaColum)
                BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(buildingData, vTable, ref metaColum, expressionParsingContext);

                //If the parent's node data type is Node
                if (node.parent != null && node.parent.data.type == ViewTable.Builder.Node.Data.DataType.Node)
                    // this column is an entry in the parent's column
                    var option = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(buildingData.Schema, parentViewTable, true, true, metaColum != null ? metaColum.Type.scriptingType : null, expressionParsingContext);
                    option.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) =>
                        return(FormatErrorContextInfo(buildingData.Schema, parentViewTable) + " : " + s);
                    Operation.Expression expression = Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifier(value, option);

                    //if the meta column does not have a type defined yet, define it as the expression's type.
                    if (metaColum.Type.scriptingType == null)
                        DataMatchMethod matchMethod = expression.type == typeof(string) ? DataMatchMethod.AsString : DataMatchMethod.AsNumber;
                        metaColum.Type = new MetaType()
                            scriptingType = expression.type, comparisonMethod = matchMethod
                    ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode column = BuildOrGetColumnNode(parentViewTable, metaColum, name, expressionParsingContext);
                    column.SetEntry(row, expression, m_MetaLink);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ViewColumn.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
            static ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode BuildOrGetColumnNode(ViewTable vTable, Database.MetaColumn metaColumn, string columnName, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
                var column = vTable.GetColumnByName(columnName);

                if (column == null)
                    var            columnNode     = (ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode)Operation.ColumnCreator.CreateColumn(typeof(ViewColumnNodeTyped <>), metaColumn.Type);
                    ViewColumnNode viewColumnNode = new ViewColumnNode(vTable, metaColumn, expressionParsingContext);

                    vTable.SetColumn(metaColumn, columnNode.GetColumn());

                // View table use expand column to decorate the IViewColumnNode with required functionality for expanding rows.
                // So we need to get the underlying column, which is the IViewColumnNode we want.
                if (column is IColumnDecorator)
                    column = (column as IColumnDecorator).GetBaseColumn();

                if (column is ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode)
                    throw new Exception("Expecting column  '" + vTable.GetName() + "." + metaColumn.Name + "' to be a from a node data type (ViewColumnNode) but is of type '" + column.GetType().Name + "'");
コード例 #7
ファイル: ViewTable.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
                // When building as node, the columns are interpreted as entries in the parent's view table.
                public void BuildAsNode(ViewTable parentViewTable, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parentExpressionParsingContext)
                    MetaTable metaTable = BuildOrGetMetaTable(parentViewTable, null);

                    if (localSelectSet.select.Count > 0)
                        DebugUtility.LogError("Node '" + GetFullName() + " ' cannot have any local select statement when the parent data type is 'node'. Ignoring all selects.");

                    //build columns
                    foreach (var colb in column)
                        MetaColumn metaColumn    = metaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);
                        bool       hadMetaColumn = metaColumn != null;

                        colb.BuildNodeValue(this, row, vs, baseSchema, parentViewTable, parentExpressionParsingContext, ref metaColumn);

                        // add the metacolum to the metatable if it just got created
                        if (!hadMetaColumn)

                    //Build missing column
                    for (int i = 0; i != metaTable.GetColumnCount(); ++i)
                        var metaColumn = metaTable.GetColumnByIndex(i);
                        if (!HasColumn(metaColumn.Name))
                            ViewColumn.Builder.BuildNodeValueDefault(this, row, vs, baseSchema, parentViewTable, parentExpressionParsingContext, metaColumn);
コード例 #8
                // When building as node, the columns are interpreted as entries in the parent's view table.
                public void BuildAsNode(BuildingData buildingData, ViewTable parentViewTable, long row, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parentExpressionParsingContext)
                    MetaTable metaTable = BuildOrGetMetaTable(parentViewTable, null);

                    if (localSelectSet.select.Count > 0)
                        DebugUtility.LogError("Node '" + GetFullName() + " ' cannot have any local select statement when the parent data type is 'node'. Ignoring all selects.");

                    //build columns
                    foreach (var colb in column)
                        MetaColumn metaColumn = metaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);

                        colb.BuildNodeValue(buildingData, parentViewTable, this, row, parentViewTable, parentExpressionParsingContext, ref metaColumn);

                    //Build missing column
                    for (int i = 0; i != metaTable.GetColumnCount(); ++i)
                        var metaColumn = metaTable.GetColumnByIndex(i);
                        if (!HasColumn(metaColumn.Name))
                            ViewColumn.Builder.BuildNodeValueDefault(buildingData, this, row, parentViewTable, parentExpressionParsingContext, metaColumn);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ViewColumn.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
            //Create a column that merge the result of all sub nodes
            static public Column BuildColumnNodeMerge(ViewTable vTable, Database.MetaColumn metaColumn, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
                var            columnNode     = (ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode)Operation.ColumnCreator.CreateColumn(typeof(ViewColumnNodeMergeTyped <>), metaColumn.Type);
                ViewColumnNode viewColumnNode = new ViewColumnNode(vTable, metaColumn, expressionParsingContext);

コード例 #10
                    public void Build(BuildingData buildingData, Node node, ViewTable vTable, ViewTable parent, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parentExpressionParsingContext)
                        // build selects
                        vTable.SetupDataSelectSet(dataSelectSet.Build(vTable, buildingData.Schema, buildingData.BaseSchema));

                        // build columns
                        switch (type)
                        case Data.DataType.Node:
                            // these column are declarations
                            foreach (var colb in column)
                                MetaColumn metaColumn = buildingData.MetaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);

                                colb.BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(buildingData, vTable, ref metaColumn, vTable.ExpressionParsingContext);

                            // for node type we need to build all child node right away as they defines the entries in this viewtable
                            var validChildNodeIndices = new List <int>();
                            int iValidChild           = 0;
                            for (int iChild = 0; iChild != child.Count; ++iChild)
                                var c = child[iChild];
                                if (c.EvaluateCondition(buildingData.Schema, vTable, vTable.ExpressionParsingContext))
                                    c.BuildAsNode(buildingData, vTable, (long)iValidChild, vTable.ExpressionParsingContext);
                            if (iValidChild != child.Count)
                                vTable.ValidChildNodeIndices = validChildNodeIndices.ToArray();
                                vTable.ValidChildNodeIndices = null;

                        case DataType.Select:
                            // these columns are instances of ViewColumn. They have the result of select statement as entries
                            foreach (var colb in column)
                                MetaColumn metaColumn = buildingData.MetaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);

                                var newColumn = colb.Build(buildingData, node, vTable, vTable.ExpressionParsingContext, ref metaColumn);

                                vTable.SetColumn(metaColumn, newColumn.GetColumn());
コード例 #11
            public Where Build(ViewSchema vs, ViewTable vTable, SelectSet selectSet, Select select, Schema baseSchema, Table table, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
                Where w      = new Where();
                var   option = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(vs, table, true, false, null, expressionParsingContext);

                option.formatError = (msg, y) =>
                    return(FormatErrorContextInfo(vs, vTable, select) + msg);
                option.BypassSelectSetCondition = selectSet;
                w.m_Comparison = comparison.Build(option);
コード例 #12
ファイル: ViewColumn.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
            private string FormatErrorContextInfo(ViewSchema vs, ViewTable vTable)
                string str = "Error while building view column '" + name + "'";

                if (vs != null)
                    str += " schema '" + vs.name + "'";
                if (vTable != null)
                    str += " view table '" + vTable.GetName() + "'";
コード例 #13
 public void Build(ViewSchema vs, ViewTable vTable, SelectSet selectSet, Select sel, Database.Schema baseSchema, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext)
     if (where.Count > 0)
         sel.where = new WhereUnion();
         foreach (var w in where)
             var w2 = w.Build(vs, vTable, selectSet, sel, baseSchema, sel.sourceTable, expressionParsingContext);
             if (w2.Comparison.IsManyToMany())
                 sel.isManyToMany = true;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Select.cs プロジェクト: MyJules/Story-OF-Muriculus
            public SelectSet Build(ViewTable viewTable, ViewSchema viewSchema, Database.Schema baseSchema)
                if (select.Count == 0)

                SelectSet selectSet = new SelectSet();

                // Create select statements (first pass)
                foreach (var iSelect in select)
                    Select s = iSelect.Create(viewTable.ViewSchema, baseSchema, viewTable);
                    if (s != null)
                        DebugUtility.LogError("Could not create Select named '" + iSelect.name + "'");

                // add current set to the expression parsing hierarchy
                var expressionParsingContext = new Operation.ExpressionParsingContext(viewTable.ExpressionParsingContext, selectSet);

                // Build select statements (second pass)
                var eSelBuilder = select.GetEnumerator();
                var eSelList    = selectSet.select.GetEnumerator();

                while (eSelBuilder.MoveNext())
                    eSelBuilder.Current.Build(viewSchema, viewTable, selectSet, eSelList.Current, baseSchema, expressionParsingContext);

                if (Condition != null)
                    Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption parseOpt = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(viewSchema, viewTable, true, false, null, expressionParsingContext);
                    parseOpt.BypassSelectSetCondition = selectSet;
                    selectSet.Condition = Condition.Build(parseOpt);

コード例 #15
            private string FormatErrorContextInfo(ViewSchema vs, ViewTable vTable, Select select)
                string str = "";

                if (vs != null && vTable != null)
                    str += "Error while building view '" + vs.name + "' table '" + vTable.GetName() + "'";
                if (select != null)
                    str += " select '" + select.name + "'";
                if (str != "")
                    str += ". ";
コード例 #16
                public ViewTable Build(BuildingData buildingData, ViewTable parent, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parentExpressionParsingContext)
                    // Check for usage error from data.
                    if (parent == null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        DebugUtility.LogError("Table need a name");

                    using (ScopeDebugContext.Func(() => { return("View '" + GetFullName() + "'"); }))
                        // Check for usage error from code.
                        DebugUtility.CheckCondition(parent == null || (parent.node == this.parent), "Parent ViewTable must points to the node's parent while building child node's ViewTable.");

                        ViewTable vTable = new ViewTable(vs, baseSchema, this, parentExpressionParsingContext);

                        // If has local select set, create it and add it to the expression parsing context hierarchy. see [Figure.1]
                        vTable.SetupLocalSelectSet(localSelectSet.Build(vTable, vs, baseSchema));

                        MetaTable metaTable = BuildOrGetMetaTable(parent, vTable);

                        if (buildingData.MetaTable == null)
                            buildingData.MetaTable = metaTable;

                        //declare columns
                        foreach (var colb in column)
                            MetaColumn metaColumn = metaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);

                            colb.BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(buildingData, vTable, ref metaColumn, vTable.ExpressionParsingContext);

                        if (data != null)
                            data.Build(buildingData, this, vTable, parent, parentExpressionParsingContext);

                        // Fix meta columns (that does not have a data type set) to their fallback value
                        foreach (var fb in buildingData.FallbackColumnType)
                            if (fb.Key.Type == null)
                                fb.Key.Type = fb.Value;

                        //Build missing column with default behavior
                        for (int i = 0; i != metaTable.GetColumnCount(); ++i)
                            var metaColumn = metaTable.GetColumnByIndex(i);
                            var column     = vTable.GetColumnByIndex(i);

                            if (column == null)
                                if (metaColumn.DefaultMergeAlgorithm != null)
                                    //when we have a merge algorithm, set the entries as the result of each group's merge value.
                                    column = ViewColumn.Builder.BuildColumnNodeMerge(vTable, metaColumn, parentExpressionParsingContext);

                                vTable.SetColumn(metaColumn, column);

                        if (data != null && data.type == Data.DataType.Select && vTable.dataSelectSet.IsManyToMany())
                            DebugUtility.LogError("Cannot build a view using a many-to-many select statement. Specify a row value for your select statement where condition(s).");
                            MemoryProfilerAnalytics.AddMetaDatatoEvent <MemoryProfilerAnalytics.LoadViewXMLEvent>(7);

コード例 #17
ファイル: ViewColumn.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
            public IViewColumn Build(ViewTable.Builder.Node node, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, ViewTable vTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, ref Database.MetaColumn metaColumn)
                // Check if we have a type mismatch
                Type columnValueType = metaColumn != null ? metaColumn.Type : null;

                if (value.type != null)
                    if (columnValueType != null && columnValueType != value.type)
                        DebugUtility.LogWarning("While building column '" + name + "' : "
                                                + "Cannot override type from '" + columnValueType.Name
                                                + "' to '" + value.type.Name + "'");
                    columnValueType = value.type;

                // Parse expression value
                Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption parseOpt = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(vs, vTable, true, false, columnValueType, expressionParsingContext);
                parseOpt.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) => {
                    return(FormatErrorContextInfo(vs, vTable) + " : " + s);

                Operation.Expression expression = Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifier(value, parseOpt);

                // Build declaration with the type we've just parsed
                BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ref metaColumn, expression.type);

                IViewColumn result = (IViewColumn)Operation.ColumnCreator.CreateViewColumnExpression(expression);
                ViewColumn  vc     = new ViewColumn();

                vc.m_MetaLink     = m_MetaLink;
                vc.viewTable      = vTable;
                vc.ParsingContext = expressionParsingContext;
                result.SetColumn(vc, null);
コード例 #18
ファイル: ViewColumn.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
 // Set a Node value to the merged result of it's sub entries
 public static void BuildNodeValueDefault(ViewTable.Builder.Node node, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, Database.MetaColumn metaColumn)
     //set the entry for merge column
     if (metaColumn.DefaultMergeAlgorithm != null && metaColumn.Type != null)
         ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode column     = BuildOrGetColumnNode(parentViewTable, metaColumn, metaColumn.Name, expressionParsingContext);
         Operation.Expression           expression = Operation.ColumnCreator.CreateTypedExpressionColumnMerge(metaColumn.Type, parentViewTable, row, column.GetColumn(), metaColumn);
         column.SetEntry(row, expression, null);
コード例 #19
ファイル: ViewColumn.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
            //A column under a <Node> (or <View>) element is either a declaration (build meta data only) or defines an entry in the parent's ViewColumnNode
            public void BuildNodeValue(ViewTable.Builder.Node node, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, ViewTable parentViewTable, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, ref Database.MetaColumn metaColum)
                BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ref metaColum);

                //If the parent's node data type is Node
                if (node.parent != null && node.parent.data.type == ViewTable.Builder.Node.Data.DataType.Node)
                    // this column is an entry in the parent's column
                    var option = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(vs, parentViewTable, true, true, metaColum != null ? metaColum.Type : null, expressionParsingContext);
                    option.formatError = (string s, Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption opt) =>
                        return(FormatErrorContextInfo(vs, parentViewTable) + " : " + s);
                    Operation.Expression expression = Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifier(value, option);

                    //if the meta column does not have a type defined yet, define it as the expression's type.
                    if (metaColum.Type == null)
                        metaColum.Type = expression.type;
                    ViewColumnNode.IViewColumnNode column = BuildOrGetColumnNode(parentViewTable, metaColum, name, expressionParsingContext);
                    column.SetEntry(row, expression, m_MetaLink);
コード例 #20
ファイル: ViewTable.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
                public ViewTable Build(ViewTable parent, long row, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parentExpressionParsingContext)
                    // Check for usage error from data.
                    if (parent == null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        DebugUtility.LogError(FormatErrorContextInfo(vs) + ": Table need a name");
                    using (ScopeDebugContext.Func(() => { return("View '" + GetFullName() + "'"); }))
                        // Check for usage error from code.
                        DebugUtility.CheckCondition(parent == null || (parent.node == this.parent), FormatErrorContextInfo(vs) + ": Parent ViewTable must points to the node's parent while building child node's ViewTable.");

                        if (data == null)
                            //no data

                        ViewTable vTable = new ViewTable(vs, baseSchema);
                        vTable.node = this;
                        vTable.parentExpressionParsingContext = parentExpressionParsingContext;
                        vTable.expressionParsingContext       = parentExpressionParsingContext;

                        // If has local select set, create it and add it to the expression parsing context hierarchy. see [Figure.1]
                        vTable.localSelectSet = localSelectSet.Build(vTable, vs, baseSchema);
                        if (vTable.localSelectSet != null)
                            vTable.expressionParsingContext = new Operation.ExpressionParsingContext(vTable.expressionParsingContext, vTable.localSelectSet);

                        MetaTable metaTable = BuildOrGetMetaTable(parent, vTable);

                        //declare columns
                        foreach (var colb in column)
                            MetaColumn metaColumn    = metaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);
                            bool       hadMetaColumn = metaColumn != null;

                            colb.BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ref metaColumn);

                            // add the metacolum to the metatable if it just got created
                            if (!hadMetaColumn)

                        data.Build(this, vTable, parent, vs, baseSchema, parentExpressionParsingContext, metaTable);

                        //Build missing column with default behavior
                        for (int i = 0; i != metaTable.GetColumnCount(); ++i)
                            var metaColumn = metaTable.GetColumnByIndex(i);
                            var column     = vTable.GetColumnByIndex(i);

                            if (column == null)
                                if (metaColumn.DefaultMergeAlgorithm != null)
                                    //when we have a merge algorithm, set the entries as the result of each group's merge value.
                                    column = ViewColumn.Builder.BuildColumnNodeMerge(vTable, metaColumn, parentExpressionParsingContext);

                                vTable.SetColumn(metaColumn, column);

                        if (data.type == Data.DataType.Select && vTable.dataSelectSet.IsManyToMany())
                            DebugUtility.LogError("Cannot build the view table '" + vTable.GetName() + "' using a many-to-many select statement. Specify a row value for your select statement where condition(s).");
                            MemoryProfilerAnalytics.AddMetaDatatoEvent <MemoryProfilerAnalytics.LoadViewXMLEvent>(7);

コード例 #21
            // a column declaration only creates or adds to the column meta data. it does not create the actual column.
            public void BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ViewTable.Builder.BuildingData buildingData, ViewTable vTable, ref MetaColumn metaColumn, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext expressionParsingContext, Type aOverrideType = null)
                Type finalType = aOverrideType != null
                    ? aOverrideType
                    : (value == null
                        ? null
                        : value.type

                //Build meta data
                var mergeAlgo = BuildOrGetMergeAlgo(null, finalType, metaColumn);

                BuildOrUpdateMetaColumn(buildingData, ref metaColumn, finalType, mergeAlgo);

                if (metaColumn != null && metaColumn.Type.scriptingType == null && finalType == null && !buildingData.FallbackColumnType.ContainsKey(metaColumn))
                    Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption parseOpt = new Operation.Expression.ParseIdentifierOption(buildingData.Schema, vTable, true, false, null, expressionParsingContext);
                    var fallbackType = Operation.Expression.ResolveTypeOf(value, parseOpt);
                    if (fallbackType != null)
                        buildingData.FallbackColumnType.Add(metaColumn, fallbackType);
コード例 #22
 public ViewColumnNode(ViewTable viewTable, MetaColumn metaColumn, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parsingContext)
     this.viewTable  = viewTable;
     this.metaColumn = metaColumn;
     ParsingContext  = parsingContext;
コード例 #23
ファイル: ViewTable.cs プロジェクト: BickhamM21/Radon-Unity-
                    public void Build(Node node, ViewTable vTable, ViewTable parent, ViewSchema vs, Database.Schema baseSchema, Operation.ExpressionParsingContext parentExpressionParsingContext, MetaTable metaTable)
                        // build selects
                        vTable.dataSelectSet = dataSelectSet.Build(vTable, vs, baseSchema);
                        if (vTable.dataSelectSet != null)
                            // add the select set to the expression parsing context hierarchy. see [Figure.1]
                            vTable.expressionParsingContext = new Operation.ExpressionParsingContext(vTable.expressionParsingContext, vTable.dataSelectSet);

                        // build columns
                        switch (type)
                        case Data.DataType.Node:
                            // these column are declarations
                            foreach (var colb in column)
                                MetaColumn metaColumn    = metaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);
                                bool       hadMetaColumn = metaColumn != null;

                                colb.BuildOrUpdateDeclaration(ref metaColumn);

                                // add the metacolum to the metatable if it just got created
                                if (!hadMetaColumn)

                            // for node type we need to build all child node right away as they defines the entries in this viewtable
                            var validChildNodeIndices = new List <int>();
                            int iValidChild           = 0;
                            for (int iChild = 0; iChild != child.Count; ++iChild)
                                var c = child[iChild];
                                if (c.EvaluateCondition(vs, vTable, vTable.expressionParsingContext))
                                    c.BuildAsNode(vTable, (long)iValidChild, vs, baseSchema, vTable.expressionParsingContext);
                            if (iValidChild != child.Count)
                                vTable.ValidChildNodeIndices = validChildNodeIndices.ToArray();
                                vTable.ValidChildNodeIndices = null;

                        case DataType.Select:
                            // these columns are instances of ViewColumn. They have the result of select statement as entries
                            foreach (var colb in column)
                                MetaColumn metaColumn    = metaTable.GetColumnByName(colb.name);
                                bool       hadMetaColumn = metaColumn != null;

                                var newColumn = colb.Build(node, vs, baseSchema, vTable, vTable.expressionParsingContext, ref metaColumn);

                                // add the metacolum to the metatable if it just got created
                                if (!hadMetaColumn)

                                vTable.SetColumn(metaColumn, newColumn.GetColumn());