コード例 #1
        public static Unity.Mathematics.float3 stereographicProjection(Unity.Mathematics.float4 pos)
            //then inflate each vert to the edge of the sphere and keep that value.
            pos = pos / IMRE.Math.Operations.magnitude(pos);

            //TODO turn to make north pole float4.right
//            IMRE.Math.HigherDimensionsMaths.rotate(pos, new UnityEngine.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
//                IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.NorthPole,
//                IMRE.Math.Operations.Angle(new UnityEngine.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
//                    IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.NorthPole));

            //take stereographic projection in a given direction.
            //this assumes that the north pole is in the (x) direction.
            //from wikipedia
            float denom = 1 - pos.x;

            //result needs sums across y,z,w.  Map onto x,y,z in UntiySpace.
            Unity.Mathematics.float3 result = new float3(UnityEngine.Mathf.Pow(pos.y / denom, 2),
                                                         UnityEngine.Mathf.Pow(pos.z / denom, 2),
                                                         UnityEngine.Mathf.Pow(pos.w / denom, 2));

            //TODO turn to restore north
            //HigherDimensionsMaths.rotate(result, new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
            //    IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.NorthPole,
            //    -1f*Operations.Angle(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.NorthPole));
コード例 #2
 private static void Vector4Cosin(ref Vector4 input, Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
     input.x = Cosine(a.x + b.x);
     input.y = Cosine(a.y + b.y);
     input.z = Cosine(a.z + b.z);
     input.w = Cosine(a.w + b.w);
コード例 #3
        private static Vector4 MultiplyVec4(Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
            return(a * b);
            return(Vector4.Scale(a, b));
コード例 #4
        private static float Dot4(Vector4 a, Vector4 b)
            return(dot(a, b));
            return(Vector4.Dot(a, b));
コード例 #5
        private static Unity.Mathematics.float4[] GetRange(this Unity.Mathematics.float4[] v, int start, int end)
            Unity.Mathematics.float4[] result = new Unity.Mathematics.float4[end - start];
            int length = System.Math.Min(v.Length, end - start);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                result[i] = v[i + start];
コード例 #6
        public static Unity.Mathematics.float3 parallelProjection(Unity.Mathematics.float4 tmpVert)
            Unity.Mathematics.float4 planePos    = IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.hyperPlane;
            Unity.Mathematics.float4 planeNormal = IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.hyperPlaneNormal;

            Unity.Mathematics.float4 pos =
                tmpVert - IMRE.Math.HigherDimensionsMaths.project(tmpVert - planePos, planeNormal);

            //this basis system might be unstable as the axis is moved.  Consider defining axis by basis.
            Unity.Mathematics.float4x3 basis = IMRE.Math.HigherDimensionsMaths.basisSystem(planeNormal);
            return(new Unity.Mathematics.float3(UnityEngine.Vector4.Dot(pos, basis.c0),
                                                UnityEngine.Vector4.Dot(pos, basis.c1), UnityEngine.Vector4.Dot(pos, basis.c2)));
コード例 #7
            bool PlaneRaycast(vec3 ro, vec3 rd, vec4 plane, out float distance)
                float a   = dot(rd, plane.xyz);
                float num = -dot(ro, plane.xyz) - plane.w;
                float a   = dot(rd, plane);
                float num = -dot(ro, plane) - plane.w;
                if (abs(a) < EPSILON)
                    distance = 0.0f;
                distance = num / a;
                return(distance > 0.0);
コード例 #8
        public static Unity.Mathematics.float3 projectPosition(Unity.Mathematics.float4 pos)
            switch (IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.projectionMethod)
            case IMRE.Math.ProjectionMethod.stereographic:

            case IMRE.Math.ProjectionMethod.projective:

            case IMRE.Math.ProjectionMethod.parallel:

                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Failed to Project, Method not Implemented");
コード例 #9
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 a = fiveCellVertices[0];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 b = fiveCellVertices[1];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 c = fiveCellVertices[2];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 d = fiveCellVertices[3];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 e = fiveCellVertices[4];

        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid1 = { a, b, c, d };
        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid2 = { a, b, d, e };
        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid3 = { a, c, d, e };
        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid4 = { b, c, d, e };

        BuildTetrahedron(pyrmaid1, planePos, planeNormal);
        BuildTetrahedron(pyrmaid2, planePos, planeNormal);
        BuildTetrahedron(pyrmaid3, planePos, planeNormal);
        BuildTetrahedron(pyrmaid4, planePos, planeNormal);
コード例 #10
    private void UpdateTriangles()
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 a = fiveCellVertices[0];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 b = fiveCellVertices[1];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 c = fiveCellVertices[2];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 d = fiveCellVertices[3];
        Unity.Mathematics.float4 e = fiveCellVertices[4];

        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid1 = { a, b, c, d };
        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid2 = { a, b, d, e };
        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid3 = { a, c, d, e };
        Unity.Mathematics.float4[] pyrmaid4 = { b, c, d, e };

        pyramidXC.ForEach(p => p.planePos    = planePos);
        pyramidXC.ForEach(p => p.planeNormal = planeNormal);
        //TODO project verticies down a dimension.
        //pyramidXC[0].tetrahderonVertices = pyrmaid1;
        //pyramidXC[1].tetrahderonVertices = pyrmaid2;
        //pyramidXC[2].tetrahderonVertices = pyrmaid3;
        //pyramidXC[3].tetrahderonVertices = pyrmaid4;
コード例 #11
        public static Unity.Mathematics.float3 projectiveProjection(Unity.Mathematics.float4 tmpVert)
            Unity.Mathematics.float4 origin      = IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.origin;
            Unity.Mathematics.float4 planePos    = IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.hyperPlane;
            Unity.Mathematics.float4 planeNormal = IMRE.ScaleDimension.SpencerStudyControl.ins.hyperPlaneNormal;

            Unity.Mathematics.float4 dir = (tmpVert - origin) / IMRE.Math.Operations.magnitude(tmpVert - origin);

            float4 pos = Operations.SegmentPlaneIntersection(origin, tmpVert, planePos, planeNormal);

/*            //normalized direction
 *          Unity.Mathematics.float4 projOnPlane =
 *              tmpVert - IMRE.Math.HigherDimensionsMaths.project(tmpVert - planePos, planeNormal);
 *          //TODO consider if mathf.cos takes an absolute value here
 *          float diff = IMRE.Math.Operations.magnitude(tmpVert - projOnPlane) /
 *                       UnityEngine.Mathf.Cos(IMRE.Math.Operations.Angle(planeNormal, dir));
 *          Unity.Mathematics.float4 pos = tmpVert + diff * dir;*/

            //this basis system might be unstable as the axis is moved.  Consider defining axis by basis.
            Unity.Mathematics.float4x3 basis = IMRE.Math.HigherDimensionsMaths.basisSystem(planeNormal);
            return(new Unity.Mathematics.float3(UnityEngine.Vector4.Dot(pos, basis.c0),
                                                UnityEngine.Vector4.Dot(pos, basis.c1), UnityEngine.Vector4.Dot(pos, basis.c2)));
コード例 #12
        //explicit version of subdivide function
        private static void subdivideVerts(ref Unity.Mathematics.float4[] verts, ref int[] tris)
            //store old values in temporary locations
            float4[] oldVerts = new float4[verts.Length];
            int[]    oldTris  = new int[tris.Length];
            verts.CopyTo(oldVerts, 0);
            tris.CopyTo(oldTris, 0);

            //store new values here.
            int oldTriCount = oldTris.Length / 3;

            tris  = new int[oldTriCount * 12];
            verts = new Unity.Mathematics.float4[verts.Length == 3 ? 6 : verts.Length * 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < oldTriCount; i++)
                int[]    newTri         = newTriangle(i * 6);
                float4[] oldVertsSubSet =
                { oldVerts[oldTris[i * 3]], oldVerts[oldTris[i * 3 + 1]], oldVerts[oldTris[i * 3 + 2]] };
                float4[] newVerts = MeshOperations.newVerts(oldVertsSubSet);
                newTri.CopyTo(tris, i * 12);
                newVerts.CopyTo(verts, i * 6);
コード例 #13
ファイル: math.cs プロジェクト: luco2018/Unity.Mathematics
        public static float4 smoothstep(float4 a, float4 b, float4 x)
            var t = saturate((x - a) / (b - a));

            return(t * t * (3.0F - (2.0F * t)));
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Classic Perlin noise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="P">Point on a 4D grid of gradient vectors.</param>
        /// <returns>Noise value.</returns>
        public static float cnoise(float4 P)
            float4 Pi0 = floor(P);   // Integer part for indexing
            float4 Pi1 = Pi0 + 1.0f; // Integer part + 1

            Pi0 = mod289(Pi0);
            Pi1 = mod289(Pi1);
            float4 Pf0 = frac(P);    // Fractional part for interpolation
            float4 Pf1 = Pf0 - 1.0f; // Fractional part - 1.0
            float4 ix  = float4(Pi0.x, Pi1.x, Pi0.x, Pi1.x);
            float4 iy  = float4(Pi0.yy, Pi1.yy);
            float4 iz0 = float4(Pi0.zzzz);
            float4 iz1 = float4(Pi1.zzzz);
            float4 iw0 = float4(Pi0.wwww);
            float4 iw1 = float4(Pi1.wwww);

            float4 ixy   = permute(permute(ix) + iy);
            float4 ixy0  = permute(ixy + iz0);
            float4 ixy1  = permute(ixy + iz1);
            float4 ixy00 = permute(ixy0 + iw0);
            float4 ixy01 = permute(ixy0 + iw1);
            float4 ixy10 = permute(ixy1 + iw0);
            float4 ixy11 = permute(ixy1 + iw1);

            float4 gx00 = ixy00 * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gy00 = floor(gx00) * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gz00 = floor(gy00) * (1.0f / 6.0f);

            gx00 = frac(gx00) - 0.5f;
            gy00 = frac(gy00) - 0.5f;
            gz00 = frac(gz00) - 0.5f;
            float4 gw00 = float4(0.75f) - abs(gx00) - abs(gy00) - abs(gz00);
            float4 sw00 = step(gw00, float4(0.0f));

            gx00 -= sw00 * (step(0.0f, gx00) - 0.5f);
            gy00 -= sw00 * (step(0.0f, gy00) - 0.5f);

            float4 gx01 = ixy01 * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gy01 = floor(gx01) * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gz01 = floor(gy01) * (1.0f / 6.0f);

            gx01 = frac(gx01) - 0.5f;
            gy01 = frac(gy01) - 0.5f;
            gz01 = frac(gz01) - 0.5f;
            float4 gw01 = float4(0.75f) - abs(gx01) - abs(gy01) - abs(gz01);
            float4 sw01 = step(gw01, float4(0.0f));

            gx01 -= sw01 * (step(0.0f, gx01) - 0.5f);
            gy01 -= sw01 * (step(0.0f, gy01) - 0.5f);

            float4 gx10 = ixy10 * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gy10 = floor(gx10) * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gz10 = floor(gy10) * (1.0f / 6.0f);

            gx10 = frac(gx10) - 0.5f;
            gy10 = frac(gy10) - 0.5f;
            gz10 = frac(gz10) - 0.5f;
            float4 gw10 = float4(0.75f) - abs(gx10) - abs(gy10) - abs(gz10);
            float4 sw10 = step(gw10, float4(0.0f));

            gx10 -= sw10 * (step(0.0f, gx10) - 0.5f);
            gy10 -= sw10 * (step(0.0f, gy10) - 0.5f);

            float4 gx11 = ixy11 * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gy11 = floor(gx11) * (1.0f / 7.0f);
            float4 gz11 = floor(gy11) * (1.0f / 6.0f);

            gx11 = frac(gx11) - 0.5f;
            gy11 = frac(gy11) - 0.5f;
            gz11 = frac(gz11) - 0.5f;
            float4 gw11 = float4(0.75f) - abs(gx11) - abs(gy11) - abs(gz11);
            float4 sw11 = step(gw11, float4(0.0f));

            gx11 -= sw11 * (step(0.0f, gx11) - 0.5f);
            gy11 -= sw11 * (step(0.0f, gy11) - 0.5f);

            float4 g0000 = float4(gx00.x, gy00.x, gz00.x, gw00.x);
            float4 g1000 = float4(gx00.y, gy00.y, gz00.y, gw00.y);
            float4 g0100 = float4(gx00.z, gy00.z, gz00.z, gw00.z);
            float4 g1100 = float4(gx00.w, gy00.w, gz00.w, gw00.w);
            float4 g0010 = float4(gx10.x, gy10.x, gz10.x, gw10.x);
            float4 g1010 = float4(gx10.y, gy10.y, gz10.y, gw10.y);
            float4 g0110 = float4(gx10.z, gy10.z, gz10.z, gw10.z);
            float4 g1110 = float4(gx10.w, gy10.w, gz10.w, gw10.w);
            float4 g0001 = float4(gx01.x, gy01.x, gz01.x, gw01.x);
            float4 g1001 = float4(gx01.y, gy01.y, gz01.y, gw01.y);
            float4 g0101 = float4(gx01.z, gy01.z, gz01.z, gw01.z);
            float4 g1101 = float4(gx01.w, gy01.w, gz01.w, gw01.w);
            float4 g0011 = float4(gx11.x, gy11.x, gz11.x, gw11.x);
            float4 g1011 = float4(gx11.y, gy11.y, gz11.y, gw11.y);
            float4 g0111 = float4(gx11.z, gy11.z, gz11.z, gw11.z);
            float4 g1111 = float4(gx11.w, gy11.w, gz11.w, gw11.w);

            float4 norm00 = taylorInvSqrt(float4(dot(g0000, g0000), dot(g0100, g0100), dot(g1000, g1000), dot(g1100, g1100)));

            g0000 *= norm00.x;
            g0100 *= norm00.y;
            g1000 *= norm00.z;
            g1100 *= norm00.w;

            float4 norm01 = taylorInvSqrt(float4(dot(g0001, g0001), dot(g0101, g0101), dot(g1001, g1001), dot(g1101, g1101)));

            g0001 *= norm01.x;
            g0101 *= norm01.y;
            g1001 *= norm01.z;
            g1101 *= norm01.w;

            float4 norm10 = taylorInvSqrt(float4(dot(g0010, g0010), dot(g0110, g0110), dot(g1010, g1010), dot(g1110, g1110)));

            g0010 *= norm10.x;
            g0110 *= norm10.y;
            g1010 *= norm10.z;
            g1110 *= norm10.w;

            float4 norm11 = taylorInvSqrt(float4(dot(g0011, g0011), dot(g0111, g0111), dot(g1011, g1011), dot(g1111, g1111)));

            g0011 *= norm11.x;
            g0111 *= norm11.y;
            g1011 *= norm11.z;
            g1111 *= norm11.w;

            float n0000 = dot(g0000, Pf0);
            float n1000 = dot(g1000, float4(Pf1.x, Pf0.yzw));
            float n0100 = dot(g0100, float4(Pf0.x, Pf1.y, Pf0.zw));
            float n1100 = dot(g1100, float4(Pf1.xy, Pf0.zw));
            float n0010 = dot(g0010, float4(Pf0.xy, Pf1.z, Pf0.w));
            float n1010 = dot(g1010, float4(Pf1.x, Pf0.y, Pf1.z, Pf0.w));
            float n0110 = dot(g0110, float4(Pf0.x, Pf1.yz, Pf0.w));
            float n1110 = dot(g1110, float4(Pf1.xyz, Pf0.w));
            float n0001 = dot(g0001, float4(Pf0.xyz, Pf1.w));
            float n1001 = dot(g1001, float4(Pf1.x, Pf0.yz, Pf1.w));
            float n0101 = dot(g0101, float4(Pf0.x, Pf1.y, Pf0.z, Pf1.w));
            float n1101 = dot(g1101, float4(Pf1.xy, Pf0.z, Pf1.w));
            float n0011 = dot(g0011, float4(Pf0.xy, Pf1.zw));
            float n1011 = dot(g1011, float4(Pf1.x, Pf0.y, Pf1.zw));
            float n0111 = dot(g0111, float4(Pf0.x, Pf1.yzw));
            float n1111 = dot(g1111, Pf1);

            float4 fade_xyzw = fade(Pf0);
            float4 n_0w      = lerp(float4(n0000, n1000, n0100, n1100), float4(n0001, n1001, n0101, n1101), fade_xyzw.w);
            float4 n_1w      = lerp(float4(n0010, n1010, n0110, n1110), float4(n0011, n1011, n0111, n1111), fade_xyzw.w);
            float4 n_zw      = lerp(n_0w, n_1w, fade_xyzw.z);
            float2 n_yzw     = lerp(n_zw.xy, n_zw.zw, fade_xyzw.y);
            float  n_xyzw    = lerp(n_yzw.x, n_yzw.y, fade_xyzw.x);

            return(2.2f * n_xyzw);
コード例 #15
 public float4x2(uint4x2 v)
     this.c0 = v.c0;
     this.c1 = v.c1;
コード例 #16
 public quaternion(float4 value)
     this.value = value;
コード例 #17
 public float4x2(bool4x2 v)
     this.c0 = math.select(new float4(0.0f), new float4(1.0f), v.c0);
     this.c1 = math.select(new float4(0.0f), new float4(1.0f), v.c1);
コード例 #18
ファイル: math.cs プロジェクト: luco2018/Unity.Mathematics
 public static float lengthSquared(float4 v)
     return(dot(v, v));
コード例 #19
ファイル: math.cs プロジェクト: luco2018/Unity.Mathematics
 public static bool any(float4 a)
     return(a.x != 0.0F || a.y != 0.0F || a.z != 0.0F || a.w != 0.0F);
コード例 #20
 public float4x2(double4x2 v)
     this.c0 = (float4)v.c0;
     this.c1 = (float4)v.c1;
コード例 #21
 public float4x2(double v)
     this.c0 = (float4)v;
     this.c1 = (float4)v;
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a position in world-space, returns the wave height and normal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Sample position in world-space</param>
        /// <param name="waterMat">Material using StylizedWater2 shader</param>
        /// <param name="waterLevel">Height of the reference water plane.</param>
        /// <param name="rollStrength">Multiplier for the the normal strength</param>
        /// <param name="dynamicMaterial">If true, the material's wave parameters will be re-fetched with every function call</param>
        /// <param name="normal">Output upwards normal vector, perpendicular to the wave</param>
        /// <returns>Wave height, in world-space.</returns>
        public static float SampleWaves(UnityEngine.Vector3 position, Material waterMat, float waterLevel, float rollStrength, bool dynamicMaterial, out UnityEngine.Vector3 normal)
            Profiler.BeginSample("Buoyancy sampling");

            if (!waterMat)
                normal = UnityEngine.Vector3.up;

            //Fetch the material's wave parameters, so the exact calculations can be mirrored
            if (lastMaterial == null || lastMaterial.Equals(waterMat) == false)
                lastMaterial = waterMat;
            if (dynamicMaterial || !Application.isPlaying)

            Vector4 freq = new Vector4(1.3f, 1.35f, 1.25f, 1.25f) * (1 - waveParameters.distance) * 3f;

            direction1 = MultiplyVec4(dir1, waveParameters.direction);
            direction2 = MultiplyVec4(dir2, waveParameters.direction);

            Vector3 offsets = Vector3.zero;

            frequency    = freq;
            realSpeed.x *= waveParameters.animationParams.x;
            realSpeed.y *= waveParameters.animationParams.y;
            realSpeed.z *= waveParameters.animationParams.x;
            realSpeed.w *= waveParameters.animationParams.y;

            for (int i = 0; i <= waveParameters.count; i++)
                float t = 1f + ((float)i / (float)waveParameters.count);

                frequency *= t;

                AB.x = steepness.x * waveParameters.steepness * direction1.x * amp.x;
                AB.y = steepness.x * waveParameters.steepness * direction1.y * amp.x;
                AB.z = steepness.x * waveParameters.steepness * direction1.z * amp.y;
                AB.w = steepness.x * waveParameters.steepness * direction1.w * amp.y;

                CD.x = steepness.z * waveParameters.steepness * direction2.x * amp.z;
                CD.y = steepness.z * waveParameters.steepness * direction2.y * amp.z;
                CD.z = steepness.w * waveParameters.steepness * direction2.z * amp.w;
                CD.w = steepness.w * waveParameters.steepness * direction2.w * amp.w;

                planarPosition.x = position.x;
                planarPosition.y = position.z;

                #if MATHEMATICS
                dotABCD.x = Dot2(direction1.xy, planarPosition) * frequency.x;
                dotABCD.y = Dot2(direction1.zw, planarPosition) * frequency.y;
                dotABCD.z = Dot2(direction2.xy, planarPosition) * frequency.z;
                dotABCD.w = Dot2(direction2.zw, planarPosition) * frequency.w;
                dotABCD.x = Dot2(new Vector2(direction1.x, direction1.y), planarPosition) * frequency.x;
                dotABCD.y = Dot2(new Vector2(direction1.z, direction1.w), planarPosition) * frequency.y;
                dotABCD.z = Dot2(new Vector2(direction2.x, direction2.y), planarPosition) * frequency.z;
                dotABCD.w = Dot2(new Vector2(direction2.z, direction2.w), planarPosition) * frequency.w;

                TIME = (_TimeParameters * waveParameters.animationParams.z * waveParameters.speed * speed);

                sine.x = Sine(dotABCD.x + TIME.x);
                sine.y = Sine(dotABCD.y + TIME.y);
                sine.z = Sine(dotABCD.z + TIME.z);
                sine.w = Sine(dotABCD.w + TIME.w);

                cosine.x = Cosine(dotABCD.x + TIME.x);
                cosine.y = Cosine(dotABCD.y + TIME.y);
                cosine.z = Cosine(dotABCD.z + TIME.z);
                cosine.w = Cosine(dotABCD.w + TIME.w);

                offsets.x += Dot4(cosine, new Vector4(AB.x, AB.z, CD.x, CD.z));
                offsets.y += Dot4(sine, amp);
                offsets.z += Dot4(cosine, new Vector4(AB.y, AB.w, CD.y, CD.w));

            rollStrength *= Mathf.Lerp(0.001f, 0.1f, waveParameters.steepness);

            normal = new Vector3(-offsets.x * rollStrength * waveParameters.height, 2f, -offsets.z * rollStrength * waveParameters.height);

            normal = normalize(normal);
            normal = normal.normalized;

            //Average height
            offsets.y /= waveParameters.count;

            return((offsets.y * waveParameters.height) + waterLevel);
コード例 #23
ファイル: math.cs プロジェクト: luco2018/Unity.Mathematics
 public static float distance(float4 pt1, float4 pt2)
     return(length(pt2 - pt1));
コード例 #24
 public float4x2(uint v)
     this.c0 = v;
     this.c1 = v;
コード例 #25
 public float4x2(float4 c0, float4 c1)
     this.c0 = c0;
     this.c1 = c1;
コード例 #26
 public static quaternion quaternion(float4 value)
     return(new quaternion(value));
コード例 #27
 public float4x2(float v)
     this.c0 = v;
     this.c1 = v;
コード例 #28
 public static float4x2 float4x2(float4 c0, float4 c1)
     return(new float4x2(c0, c1));
コード例 #29
        public void Bake(int raySamples, List <Renderer> renderers, Action <SDFVolume, float[], float, object> bakeComplete, object passthrough = null)
            onBakeComplete = bakeComplete;

            int progressInterval = _settings.CellCount / 4;
            int progress         = 0;

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            vec3  halfVoxel   = _settings.HalfVoxel;
            float maxDistance = 0f;

            //adjusted to best timings from testing but it could vary by CPU
            int calcRayLengthBatchCount = 32;

            calcRayLengthBatchCount = Mathf.Clamp(calcRayLengthBatchCount, 1, raySamples);
            int raycastBatchCount = 8;

            raycastBatchCount = Mathf.Clamp(raycastBatchCount, 1, raySamples);
            int prepareRaysBatchCount = 64;

            prepareRaysBatchCount = Mathf.Clamp(prepareRaysBatchCount, 1, raySamples);
            int compareBatchCount = 128;

            //for raycast method front facing geo and flipped backfacing geo is required
            List <Collider> geoFront = new List <Collider>();
            List <Collider> geoBack  = new List <Collider>();

            CreateColliders(ref renderers, ref geoFront, ref geoBack);

            //prepare data
            NativeArray <float>       distances  = new NativeArray <float>(_settings.CellCount, Allocator.TempJob);
            NativeArray <CellResults> allResults = new NativeArray <CellResults>(_settings.CellCount, Allocator.TempJob);

            //constant for all cells
            NativeArray <vec3> sphereSamples = new NativeArray <vec3>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);
            //NativeArray<vec3> randomDirections = new NativeArray<vec3>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);
            NativeArray <vec4> volumePlanes = new NativeArray <vec4>(6, Allocator.TempJob);

            GetUniformPointsOnSphereNormalized(ref sphereSamples);
            //GetRandomDirections( _halfVoxel*settings.JitterScale, settings.JitterSeed, ref randomDirections);

            vec3 aabbMin = BoundsWorldAABB.min;
            vec3 aabbMax = BoundsWorldAABB.max;
            //the max ray length, used to normalize all resulting distances
            //so they are treated as 0 to 1 within a volume
            float aabbMagnitude = BoundsWorldAABB.size.magnitude;

            Plane pl = new Plane(Vector3.right, aabbMin);
            Plane pr = new Plane(Vector3.left, aabbMax);
            Plane pd = new Plane(Vector3.up, aabbMin);
            Plane pu = new Plane(Vector3.down, aabbMax);
            Plane pb = new Plane(Vector3.forward, aabbMin);
            Plane pf = new Plane(Vector3.back, aabbMax);

            volumePlanes[0] = new vec4(pl.normal.x, pl.normal.y, pl.normal.z, pl.distance);
            volumePlanes[1] = new vec4(pr.normal.x, pr.normal.y, pr.normal.z, pr.distance);
            volumePlanes[2] = new vec4(pd.normal.x, pd.normal.y, pd.normal.z, pd.distance);
            volumePlanes[3] = new vec4(pu.normal.x, pu.normal.y, pu.normal.z, pu.distance);
            volumePlanes[4] = new vec4(pb.normal.x, pb.normal.y, pb.normal.z, pb.distance);
            volumePlanes[5] = new vec4(pf.normal.x, pf.normal.y, pf.normal.z, pf.distance);

            //iterate each cell performing raycasted samples
            for (int i = 0; i < _settings.CellCount; i++)
                if (i % progressInterval == 0)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(strProgressTitle, strProgress, i / (float)_settings.CellCount);

                vec3 positionWS    = _settings.ToPositionWS(i, LocalToWorldNoScale);
                vec3 centerVoxelWS = positionWS + halfVoxel;

                NativeArray <float>          rayLengths       = new NativeArray <float>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);
                NativeArray <RaycastCommand> allRaycastsFront = new NativeArray <RaycastCommand>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);
                NativeArray <RaycastCommand> allRaycastsBack  = new NativeArray <RaycastCommand>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);
                NativeArray <RaycastHit>     frontHits        = new NativeArray <RaycastHit>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);
                NativeArray <RaycastHit>     backHits         = new NativeArray <RaycastHit>(raySamples, Allocator.TempJob);

                //calculate the ray lengths, just so rays are clipped within the volume when raycasting
                CalculateRayLengths calcRayLengths = new CalculateRayLengths
                    Samples      = sphereSamples,
                    VolumePlanes = volumePlanes,
                    RayLengths   = rayLengths,
                    RayLength    = aabbMagnitude,
                    RayOrigin    = centerVoxelWS
                JobHandle rayLengthHandle = calcRayLengths.Schedule(raySamples, calcRayLengthBatchCount);

                //prepare raycasts front
                PrepareRaycastCommands frontPrc = new PrepareRaycastCommands
                    Samples    = sphereSamples,
                    RayLengths = rayLengths,
                    LayerMask  = LAYER_MASK_FRONT,
                    Raycasts   = allRaycastsFront,
                    RayOrigin  = centerVoxelWS,
                //prepare raycasts back
                PrepareRaycastCommands backPrc = new PrepareRaycastCommands
                    Samples    = sphereSamples,
                    RayLengths = rayLengths,
                    LayerMask  = LAYER_MASK_BACK,
                    Raycasts   = allRaycastsBack,
                    RayOrigin  = centerVoxelWS,

                //schedule front raycasts
                JobHandle prepareFrontHandle = frontPrc.Schedule(
                    raySamples, prepareRaysBatchCount, rayLengthHandle);
                JobHandle scheduleFrontHandle = RaycastCommand.ScheduleBatch(
                    allRaycastsFront, frontHits, raycastBatchCount, prepareFrontHandle);

                //schedule back raycasts
                JobHandle prepareBackHandle = backPrc.Schedule(
                    raySamples, prepareRaysBatchCount, rayLengthHandle);
                JobHandle scheduleBackHandle = RaycastCommand.ScheduleBatch(
                    allRaycastsBack, backHits, raycastBatchCount, prepareBackHandle);

                //combine handles
                JobHandle frontBackHandle = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(scheduleFrontHandle, scheduleBackHandle);

                //process results and put into current cell index
                ProcessHits processHits = new ProcessHits
                    FrontHits = frontHits,
                    BackHits  = backHits,
                    Results   = allResults.Slice(i, 1),

                JobHandle cellHandle = processHits.Schedule(frontBackHandle);

            } //for each cell

            //final distances
            CompareDistances compareDistances = new CompareDistances
                Distances = distances,
                Results   = allResults

            JobHandle compareDistancesHandle = compareDistances.Schedule(_settings.CellCount, compareBatchCount);

            Debug.Log("SDF bake completed in " + stopwatch.Elapsed.ToString("mm\\:ss\\.ff"));
            float[] distancesOut = new float[_settings.CellCount];

            //cleanup all the temp arrays

            foreach (var c in geoFront)
            foreach (var c in geoBack)

            //NOTE do not use max distance, instead use aabbMagnitude so distance fields are interchangeable
            bakeComplete?.Invoke(this, distancesOut, aabbMagnitude, passthrough);
コード例 #30
ファイル: math.cs プロジェクト: luco2018/Unity.Mathematics
 public static float length(float4 v)
     return(sqrt(dot(v, v)));