public bool HasProxyId(ProxyForceFieldId id) { if (m_ProxyDef.ContainsKey(id)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public ProxyForceFieldMotion IterateSingleDefault(ProxyForceFieldId id, bool isSingleStep, float timeDelta) { var numSteps = isSingleStep ? 1 : ProxyForcesFieldSolver.k_DefaultStepCount; var stepTimeDelta = isSingleStep ? timeDelta : ProxyForcesFieldSolver.k_DefaultStepDuration; IterateSingle(id, numSteps, stepTimeDelta); return(GetProxyMotion(id)); }
static ProxyForceField CreateFieldProxyDef() { var ans = new ProxyForceField() { isActive = true, proxyId = ProxyForceFieldId.GenerateNew(), allowedMotion = ProxyForceMotionType.NotForced, }; return(ans); }
public Pose UpdateProxyMotion(ProxyForceFieldId id, ProxyForceFieldMotion askedMotion) { var def = m_ProxyDef[id]; var oldPose = m_ProxyMotions[id]; var newPose = def.allowedMotion.TrimMotionUpdate(oldPose, askedMotion); m_ProxyMotions[id] = newPose; return(newPose.location); }
public void UpdateFieldPoseOnly(ProxyForceFieldId id, Pose worldPose) { ProxyForceFieldMotion motion; if (m_ProxyMotions.ContainsKey(id)) { motion = m_ProxyMotions[id]; motion.location = worldPose; } else { motion = new ProxyForceFieldMotion(worldPose, Pose.identity); } m_ProxyMotions[id] = motion; }
internal SolverFieldErrorScore ScorePose(ProxyForceFieldId id, Pose pose) { var state = new SolverFieldState(); var motion = new ProxyForceFieldMotion(pose, Pose.identity); state.FrameReset(motion); var oldPose = m_ProxyMotions[id]; m_ProxyMotions[id] = motion; var def = m_ProxyDef[id]; def.isActive = true; CalculateForces(ref state, def, id); m_ProxyMotions[id] = oldPose; state.errorScore.UpdateFinalScore(); return(state.errorScore); }
public bool IterateSingle(ProxyForceFieldId id, int stepCount, float initialTimeDelta) { var didFinalUpdate = false; for (var si = 0; si < stepCount; si++) { var didFrameUpdate = false; { var def = m_ProxyDef[id]; var proxyPose = m_ProxyMotions[id]; var state = SolverFieldState.Create(proxyPose); if (CalculateForces(ref state, def, id)) { state.didUpdate = true; didFrameUpdate = true; didFinalUpdate = true; } m_ProxyStates[id] = state; } if (!didFrameUpdate) { return(didFinalUpdate); } { var state = m_ProxyStates[id]; if (state.didUpdate) { state.forces.AddMotionDragForces(); float timeDelta = initialTimeDelta; if (stepCount > 1) { // slowly decrease the time delta: timeDelta *= Mathf.Pow(1.0f - (((float)si) / ((float)(stepCount + 1))), 0.5f); } var forcedPose = state.forces.ApplyForceToMotion(timeDelta); var oldPose = state.worldMotion; bool isDisableForceApply = false; if (isDisableForceApply) { forcedPose = oldPose; } var def = m_ProxyDef[id]; var newPose = def.allowedMotion.TrimMotionUpdate(oldPose, forcedPose); if (ShowForcesAsLines) { Debug.DrawLine(oldPose.location.position, newPose.location.position,; } m_ProxyMotions[id] = newPose; } } } return(didFinalUpdate); }
bool CalculateForces(ref SolverFieldState state, ProxyForceField def, ProxyForceFieldId pi) { if ((!def.isActive) || (!def.allowedMotion.IsMoving())) { return(false); } //Debug.Log("Calculating forces..."); var proxyPose = state.worldMotion; var didUpdate = false; state.FrameReset(proxyPose); foreach (var alignmentForce in def.alignments) { if ((!alignmentForce.isActive) || (!alignmentForce.targetProxyId.IsValid)) { continue; } var hasTarget = (m_ProxyDef.ContainsKey(alignmentForce.targetProxyId)); if (hasTarget) { var targetDef = m_ProxyDef[alignmentForce.targetProxyId]; if ((!targetDef.isActive) || targetDef.isNotTracking) { hasTarget = false; } } if (hasTarget) { var targetPose = m_ProxyMotions[alignmentForce.targetProxyId].location; var appliedForce = alignmentForce.alignmentDefinition.AddAlignmentForce(ref state.forces, proxyPose.location, targetPose); if (appliedForce) { didUpdate = true; state.errorScore.scoreErrorForces += alignmentForce.alignmentDefinition.RatePoseMatch(proxyPose.location, targetPose); state.errorScore.scoreErrorForcesCount++; } } else { state.errorScore.scoreFatalErrorCount++; // fail, item is not trackable } } var keys = m_ProxyDef.Keys; foreach (var region in def.regions) { if ((!region.isActive) || (region.regionDefinition.regionType == ProxyRegionForceType.None)) { continue; } // for each point in region: var unitPnts = ProxyForceFieldPrimitive.UnitSamplesPointsForType(region.regionDefinition.shapePrimitive.primitiveType); var dUnitPnt = 1.0f / ((float)unitPnts.Length); var regionPose = region.proxyRelativePose.GetTransformedBy(proxyPose.location); var regionPrim = new ProxyForceFieldPrimitivePosed(region.regionDefinition.shapePrimitive, regionPose); var regionAttractorRequired = ((region.regionDefinition.regionType == ProxyRegionForceType.TowardsOccupiedEdge) || (region.regionDefinition.regionType == ProxyRegionForceType.TowardsOccupiedSpace)); var regionAttractorFound = false; var responcesByUnitByResponce = EnsureAndClearCachedResponces(unitPnts.Length); foreach (var otherProxy in m_ProxyDef) { if (otherProxy.Value.proxyId.Equals(def.proxyId)) { continue; // same proxy, ignore self collision } if (!otherProxy.Value.isActive || (otherProxy.Value.regions == null)) { continue; } var otherProxyPose = m_ProxyMotions[otherProxy.Key]; foreach (var otherRegion in otherProxy.Value.regions) { if (!otherRegion.isActive) { continue; } if ((region.requireOtherId != MarsTrackableId.InvalidId) && (region.requireOtherId != otherRegion.trackableId)) { continue; } var responce = region.regionDefinition.GetResponceTypeToOtherRegion(otherRegion.regionDefinition); if (responce == ProxyForceRegionResponce.Nothing) { // done } else { var otherRegionPose = otherRegion.proxyRelativePose.GetTransformedBy(otherProxyPose.location); var otherRegionPrim = new ProxyForceFieldPrimitivePosed(otherRegion.regionDefinition.shapePrimitive, otherRegionPose); var worthTest = false; if (responce == ProxyForceRegionResponce.StayOutOf) { if (regionPrim.EstimateCollision(otherRegionPrim)) { worthTest = true; if (regionPrim.TryDecollisionSample(otherRegionPrim, out Vector3 decolMotion)) { var moveVector = decolMotion * otherRegion.regionDefinition.fieldWeightScalar; state.forces.AddDecollisionDirection(moveVector); state.errorScore.scoreErrorRegion += decolMotion.magnitude; state.errorScore.scoreErrorRegionCount++; didUpdate = true; worthTest = false; // already done } } } else if ((responce == ProxyForceRegionResponce.AlignWithEdge) || (responce == ProxyForceRegionResponce.AlignWithVolume)) { if (regionPrim.EstimateAttraction(otherRegionPrim)) { worthTest = true; } } if (worthTest) { var pointIndex = -1; foreach (var unitPnt in unitPnts) { pointIndex++; var refUnitPoint = regionPrim.Primitive.UnitFromReferenceVector(unitPnt); var worldPoint = regionPrim.WorldFromUnitPoint(refUnitPoint * 0.99f); var regionSample = regionPrim.SampleDistanceFieldWorld(worldPoint, ProxyForceFieldPrimitive.ShapeSample.Fill); var otherSample = otherRegionPrim.SampleDistanceFieldWorld(worldPoint, (responce == ProxyForceRegionResponce.AlignWithEdge) ? ProxyForceFieldPrimitive.ShapeSample.Edge : ProxyForceFieldPrimitive.ShapeSample.Fill); otherSample = otherSample.AdjustedForResponce(responce, worldPoint, regionPose); otherSample.RegionToSurface = regionSample.ToSurface; otherSample.SampleWeight = otherRegion.regionDefinition.fieldWeightScalar; if (otherSample.HasSample) { if (regionAttractorRequired) { regionAttractorFound = true; } //Debug.Log("Responce=" + responce); //Debug.DrawLine(worldPoint, worldPoint + (otherSample.ToSurface * 1.0f), Color.white); var s = responcesByUnitByResponce[pointIndex][(int)responce]; var t = s.CombinedWith(otherSample); responcesByUnitByResponce[pointIndex][(int)responce] = t; } // end of a point } } // end of region to region test } } // end of other region } // end of other proxy // Now apply values from all points in the region: if (regionAttractorRequired && !regionAttractorFound) { state.errorScore.scoreFatalErrorCount++; // was missing an attractor! } for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < unitPnts.Length; pointIndex++) { for (var ri = 0; ri < (int)ProxyForceRegionResponce.COUNT_TYPES; ri++) { var s = responcesByUnitByResponce[pointIndex][ri]; if (s.HasSample) { var responce = (ProxyForceRegionResponce)ri; var responceWeight = ProxyForceRegionDefintion.GetResponceWeight(responce); var cw = s.SampleWeight * dUnitPnt * responceWeight; var qb = s.ToSurface;//NOTE: we are not taking the SDF distance which would be: s.ToSurface - s.RegionToSurface; var qw = qb * cw; if (ShowForcesAsLines) { Debug.DrawLine(s.WorldPoint, s.WorldPoint + s.ToSurface, Color.grey); Debug.DrawLine(s.WorldPoint, s.WorldPoint + qw, Color.white); } state.forces.AddForceAtWorldPoint(s.WorldPoint, qw); didUpdate = true; state.errorScore.scoreErrorRegion += s.Distance; state.errorScore.scoreErrorRegionCount++; } } } } state.didUpdate = didUpdate; return(didUpdate); }
public ProxyForceFieldMotion GetProxyMotion(ProxyForceFieldId id) { return(m_ProxyMotions[id]); }