protected override Vector2 DoMeasure(float width, MeasureMode widthMode, float height, MeasureMode heightMode) { GraphView graphView = GetFirstAncestorOfType <GraphView>(); VisualElement viewport = graphView.contentViewContainer; contentRectInViewportSpace =; // Compute the bounding box of the content of the scope in viewport space (because nodes are not parented by the scope that contains them) foreach (GraphElement subElement in containedElements) { if (subElement.panel != panel) { continue; } if (subElement.parent == null) { continue; } Rect boundingRect = subElement.GetPosition(); if (Scope.IsValidRect(boundingRect)) { boundingRect = subElement.parent.ChangeCoordinatesTo(viewport, boundingRect); // Use the first element with a valid geometry as reference to compute the bounding box of contained elements if (!Scope.IsValidRect(contentRectInViewportSpace)) { contentRectInViewportSpace = boundingRect; } else { contentRectInViewportSpace = RectUtils.Encompass(contentRectInViewportSpace, boundingRect); } } } return(new Vector2(contentRectInViewportSpace.width, contentRectInViewportSpace.height)); }
void CalculateRects(VisualElement container) { if (graphView == null) { // Nothing to do in this case. return; } m_ContentRect = graphView.CalculateRectToFitAll(container); m_ContentRectLocal = m_ContentRect; // Retrieve viewport rectangle as if zoom and pan were inactive Matrix4x4 containerInvTransform = container.WorldTransformInverse(); Vector4 containerInvTranslation = containerInvTransform.GetColumn(3); var containerInvScale = new Vector2(containerInvTransform.m00, containerInvTransform.m11); m_ViewportRect = graphView.GetRect(); // Bring back viewport coordinates to (0,0), scale 1:1 m_ViewportRect.x += containerInvTranslation.x; m_ViewportRect.y += containerInvTranslation.y; var graphViewWB = graphView.worldBound; m_ViewportRect.x += graphViewWB.x * containerInvScale.x; m_ViewportRect.y += graphViewWB.y * containerInvScale.y; m_ViewportRect.width *= containerInvScale.x; m_ViewportRect.height *= containerInvScale.y; // Update label with new value var containerZoomFactor = container.worldTransform.m00; SetZoomFactorText(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat, "{0:F2}", containerZoomFactor) + "x"); // Adjust rects for MiniMap float effectiveWidth = layout.width - 1; float effectiveHeight = layout.height - 1; // Encompass viewport rectangle (as if zoom and pan were inactive) var totalRect = RectUtils.Encompass(m_ContentRect, m_ViewportRect); var minimapFactor = effectiveWidth / totalRect.width; // Transform each rect to MiniMap coordinates ChangeToMiniMapCoords(ref totalRect, minimapFactor,; var minimapTranslation = new Vector3(-totalRect.x, titleBarOffset - totalRect.y); ChangeToMiniMapCoords(ref m_ViewportRect, minimapFactor, minimapTranslation); ChangeToMiniMapCoords(ref m_ContentRect, minimapFactor, minimapTranslation); // Diminish and center everything to fit vertically if (totalRect.height > (effectiveHeight - titleBarOffset)) { float totalRectFactor = (effectiveHeight - titleBarOffset) / totalRect.height; float totalRectOffsetX = (effectiveWidth - (totalRect.width * totalRectFactor)) / 2.0f; float totalRectOffsetY = titleBarOffset - ((totalRect.y + minimapTranslation.y) * totalRectFactor); m_ContentRect.width *= totalRectFactor; m_ContentRect.height *= totalRectFactor; m_ContentRect.x *= totalRectFactor; m_ContentRect.y *= totalRectFactor; m_ContentRect.x += totalRectOffsetX; m_ContentRect.y += totalRectOffsetY; m_ViewportRect.width *= totalRectFactor; m_ViewportRect.height *= totalRectFactor; m_ViewportRect.x *= totalRectFactor; m_ViewportRect.y *= totalRectFactor; m_ViewportRect.x += totalRectOffsetX; m_ViewportRect.y += totalRectOffsetY; } }