private void Load() { _loading = true; _imageMetas = new Dictionary <string, ImageMeta>(); var version = DocApp.of(context).version; var url = $"{Configuration.Instance.cdnPrefix}/{version.unity_version}/{version.parse_version}/scripting/json/{widget._title.Replace('-', '_')}.json"; var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); var asyncOperation = request.SendWebRequest(); asyncOperation.completed += operation => { if (!mounted) { return; } using (WindowProvider.of(context).getScope()) { var content = DownloadHandlerBuffer.GetContent(request); var scripting = Scripting.FromJson(JsonValue.Parse(content)); setState(() => { _scripting = scripting; _loading = false; _imageMetas = scripting.imageMetas?.ToDictionary( meta =>, meta => meta); }); } }; }
// assume image's format is fixed private static Widget ProcessImage(Token token, BuilderContext ctx) { var imageName = token.attrs.Single(attr => attr[0] == "src")[1]; var version = DocApp.of(ctx.Context).version; var url = $"{Configuration.Instance.cdnPrefix}/{version.unity_version}/{version.parse_version}/manual/static/{imageName.Replace('-', '_')}"; var widgets = new List <Widget> { new ImageWithPlaceholder( ctx.ImageMetas[imageName].width, ctx.ImageMetas[imageName].height, new NetworkImage(url) ), }; if (token.children != null && token.children.Count == 1 && token.children[0].type == "text") { widgets.Add( new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0f), child: new SelectableText( token.children[0].content, style: new TextStyle( color: new Color(0xff9b9b9b), fontFamily: "PingFang" ) ) ) ); } ctx.ImageNode = new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 16.0f), child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: widgets ) ); return(null); }
private void Load() { _loading = true; var version = DocApp.of(context).version; var url = $"{Configuration.Instance.cdnPrefix}/{version.unity_version}/{version.parse_version}/manual/json/{widget._title.Replace('-', '_')}.json"; var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url); var asyncOperation = request.SendWebRequest(); asyncOperation.completed += operation => { if (!mounted) { return; } using (WindowProvider.of(context).getScope()) { if (request.responseCode == 404) { DocApp.of(context).ForceUnknown(); } else { var content = DownloadHandlerBuffer.GetContent(request); var model = ManualModel.FromJson(JsonValue.Parse(content)); setState(() => { _tokens = model.tokens; _prevLink = model.prev; _nextLink =; _breadcrumbs = model.bread_crumb; _imageMetas = model.image_meta; _loading = false; }); } } }; }
public override void initState() { base.initState(); _currentLastSegment = LastSegment(ObservableUtil.currentPath.value); ObservableUtil.currentPath.OnChanged += OnPathChanged; var version = DocApp.of(context).version; var request = UnityWebRequest.Get($"{Configuration.Instance.cdnPrefix}/{version.unity_version}/{version.parse_version}/{widget._type.TocFileName()}"); var asyncOperation = request.SendWebRequest(); asyncOperation.completed += operation => { if (!mounted) { return; } var content = DownloadHandlerBuffer.GetContent(request); using (WindowProvider.of(context).getScope()) { setState(() => _menu = Models.Json.Menu.FromJson(JsonValue.Parse(content))); } }; }
private Widget BuildTextUsingMixedContent( BuildContext context, IEnumerable <MixedContent> summary) { if (summary is null) { return(new Container()); } var version = DocApp.of(context).version; return(new SelectableWealthyText( textSpanList: summary.Select(item => { switch (item) { case DocumentCharData charData: return new TextSpan(charData.content); case DocumentTagLink link: return new TextSpan( link.content, style: HyperLinkStyle, recognizer: new TapGestureRecognizer { onTap = () => LocationUtil.Go(link.@ref), } ); case DocumentTagBreak br: return new TextSpan("\n"); case DocumentTagBold bold: return new TextSpan( bold.content, style: new TextStyle( fontWeight: FontWeight.w500 ) ); case DocumentTagImage image: var networkImage = new NetworkImage( $"{Configuration.Instance.cdnPrefix}/{version.unity_version}/{version.parse_version}/scripting/static/{'-', '_')}"); networkImage.resolve(new ImageConfiguration()); return new ImageSpan( networkImage, margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16f), imageWidth: _imageMetas[].width, imageHeight: _imageMetas[].height ); case DocumentTagItalic italic: return new TextSpan( italic.content, style: new TextStyle( fontStyle: FontStyle.italic ) ); } return null; }).Where(span => span != null).ToList(), style: NormalTextStyle )); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext buildContext) { if (_loading) { return(new Container( child: new Center( child: new Loading( size: 48f ) ) )); } var markdownBuildCtx = new BuilderContext(_imageMetas, buildContext); _spanRecognizers?.ForEach(recognizer => recognizer.dispose()); var widgets = new List <Widget>(); widgets.AddRange(_tokens .Where(token => Mappings.ContainsKey(token.type)) .Select(token => Mappings[token.type].Invoke(token, markdownBuildCtx)) .Where(w => !(w is null)) .Select(w => new RepaintBoundary(child: w))); _spanRecognizers = markdownBuildCtx.SpanRecognizers; widgets.Insert(0, new Container( height: 64f, padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8f), decoration: new BoxDecoration( border: new Border( bottom: new BorderSide( color: new Color(0xffd8d8d8), width: 1f ) ) ), child: new Align( alignment: Alignment.bottomLeft, child: new Breadcrumbs( _breadcrumbs, normalBreadcrumbStyle: new TextStyle( fontSize: 16f, color: new Color(0xff979797) ), hoverBreadCrumbStyle: new TextStyle( fontSize: 16f, color: new Color(0xff979797), decoration: TextDecoration.underline ), splitterStyle: new TextStyle( fontSize: 16f, color: new Color(0xff979797) ) ) ) ) ); var linkButtons = new List <Widget>(); if (_prevLink != null) { linkButtons.Add( new Expanded( child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: 20), child: new Button( text: _prevLink.content ?? "", onTap: () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_prevLink?.link)) { LocationUtil.Go( $"/Manual/{_prevLink?.link}"); } }, prefix: Icons.MaterialArrowBack ) ) ) ); } else { linkButtons.Add( new Expanded( flex: 1, child: new Container() ) ); // placeholder to use spaceBetween } if (_nextLink != null) { linkButtons.Add( new Expanded( child: new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 20), child: new Button( text: _nextLink.content ?? "", onTap: () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { LocationUtil.Go( $"/Manual/{}"); } }, suffix: Icons.MaterialArrowForward ) ) ) ); } else { linkButtons.Add( new Expanded( flex: 1, child: new Container() ) ); // placeholder to use spaceBetween } widgets.Add( new Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 32, bottom: 64), child: new Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: linkButtons ) ) ); var version = DocApp.of(buildContext).version; return(new Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Expanded( child: new Stack( children: new List <Widget> { new Scroller( child: new SingleChildScrollView( controller: _scrollController, child: new ScrollableOverlay( child: new Column( children: new List <Widget> { new Container( constraints: new BoxConstraints( minHeight: MediaQuery.of(buildContext).size.height - Header.Height - SearchBar.Height - Footer.Height ), child: new Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: widgets) ), new Footer(style: Footer.Light, showSocials: false) } ) ) ) ), new ToTop(_scrollController, displayThreshold: 128f) } ) ), new MetaFields( markdownBuildCtx.PositionRecords, _scrollController ) } )); }