static internal unsafe void Get8DParametersNoAlloc(this TensorShape shape, int[] parameters, int *parameters8D, int defaultValue) { if (parameters.Length == TensorShape.MaxRank) { for (int i = 0; i < TensorShape.MaxRank; ++i) { parameters8D[i] = parameters[i]; } } else { Assert.AreEqual(4, parameters.Length); if (!shape.Is4D()) { Assert.IsTrue(false, $"4D Parameters {parameters} can't be used with a tensor of shape {shape} as it contains other dimensions, please use 8D parameters for this shape."); } parameters8D[0] = defaultValue; parameters8D[1] = defaultValue; parameters8D[2] = parameters[0]; parameters8D[3] = defaultValue; parameters8D[4] = defaultValue; parameters8D[5] = parameters[1]; parameters8D[6] = parameters[2]; parameters8D[7] = parameters[3]; } }
public virtual float[] Download(TensorShape shape) { Assert.IsTrue(shape.Is4D()); var count = shape.length; Profiler.BeginSample("Barracuda.DownloadDataFromGPU"); Assert.IsTrue(maxCapacity >= count); count = Math.Min(maxCapacity, count); m_AsyncDownloadSchedulingFrame = -1; int w = Mathf.Min(shape.length, MaxTextureSize); int h = Mathf.Max(1, ComputeHelper.IDivC(shape.length, w)); Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(w, h, TextureFormat.RFloat, false); RenderTexture rttexture = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat); Material material = new Material(PixelShaderSingleton.Instance.FindShader("Barracuda/TensorToBuffer")); material.SetVector("XdeclShape", new Vector4(shape.batch, shape.height, shape.width, shape.channels)); material.SetTexture("Xdata", bufferAsTexture); material.SetInt("_OutputWidth", w); material.SetInt("_OutputHeight", h); Graphics.Blit(null, rttexture, material); var previousActiveRT =; = rttexture; Rect rectReadPicture = new Rect(0, 0, w, h); texture.ReadPixels(rectReadPicture, 0, 0); texture.Apply(); var data = new float[count]; Buffer.BlockCopy(texture.GetRawTextureData(), 0, data, 0, count * sizeof(float)); = previousActiveRT; return(data); }
static internal int[] Get8DPermutationsForNCHWPermutationsAndShape(this TensorShape shape, int[] permutations) { if (permutations.Length == TensorShape.MaxRank) { return(permutations); } Assert.AreEqual(4, permutations.Length); if (!shape.Is4D()) { Assert.IsTrue(false, $"4D Permutation {permutations} can't be used with a tensor of shape {shape} as it contains other dimensions, please use an 8D permutation for this shape."); } int batchOldAxis = Convert4DTo8DAxis(permutations[0]); int channelOldIndex = Convert4DTo8DAxis(permutations[1]); int heightOldIndex = Convert4DTo8DAxis(permutations[2]); int widthOldIndex = Convert4DTo8DAxis(permutations[3]); return(new int[] { 0, 1, batchOldAxis, 3, 4, channelOldIndex, heightOldIndex, widthOldIndex }); }
static internal NativeArray <int> Get8DPermutationsForNCHWPermutationsAndShape(this TensorShape shape, NativeArray <int> inPermutations) { if (!shape.hasNamedDimensions) { shape = shape.AsNamed(); } if (inPermutations.Length == TensorShape.MaxRank) { return(inPermutations); } Assert.AreEqual(4, inPermutations.Length); if (!shape.Is4D()) { Assert.IsTrue(false, $"4D Permutation {inPermutations.ToString()} can't be used with a tensor of shape {shape} as it contains other dimensions, please use an 8D permutation for this shape."); } int batchOldAxis = Convert4DTo8DAxis(inPermutations[0]); int channelOldIndex = Convert4DTo8DAxis(inPermutations[1]); int heightOldIndex = Convert4DTo8DAxis(inPermutations[2]); int widthOldIndex = Convert4DTo8DAxis(inPermutations[3]); // Valid only for single frame NativeArray <int> outPermutations = new NativeArray <int>(8, Allocator.Temp); outPermutations[0] = 0; outPermutations[1] = 1; outPermutations[2] = batchOldAxis; outPermutations[3] = 3; outPermutations[4] = 4; outPermutations[5] = channelOldIndex; outPermutations[6] = heightOldIndex; outPermutations[7] = widthOldIndex; return(outPermutations); }