コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Move platforms in the world to the new place.
        /// based on <see cref="Platform"/> <see cref="Spacial.Movement"/> data and the time that passed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timePassed">The time that passed from the last update</param>
        public void MovePlatformsNextStep(Duration timePassed)
            foreach (var platform in platforms)
                // Get current position and movement data
                var platformPosition = platform.Spacial.Position;
                var platformMovement = platform.Spacial.Movement;

                // Translate position to a Geodesy Coordinate instance
                var originalGeoPosition = new GlobalCoordinates(
                    latitude: new Geodesy.Angle(platformPosition.Latitude.Degrees),
                    longitude: new Geodesy.Angle(platformPosition.Longitude.Degrees));

                // Calculate the distance in meters based on the time that passed and platform speed
                var distanceInMeters = timePassed.Seconds * platformMovement.Speed.MetersPerSecond;

                // Calculate and get the position where the platform should be now
                var nextGeoPosition =
                        start: originalGeoPosition,
                        startBearing: new Geodesy.Angle(platformMovement.Course.Degrees),
                        distance: distanceInMeters);

                // Update the platform position
                platformPosition.Latitude  = Angle.FromDegrees(nextGeoPosition.Latitude.Degrees);
                platformPosition.Longitude = Angle.FromDegrees(nextGeoPosition.Longitude.Degrees);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate new world platforms (remove current if exists)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platformsAmount">Number of platforms to generate</param>
        public void GenerateWorld(int platformsAmount)
            // Clean up platform collection

            for (int i = 0; i < platformsAmount; i++)
                // Generate a new platform with random properties
                var platformType = random.Next(0, 2) == 1
                    ? PlatformType.Aircraft
                    : PlatformType.SurfaceVessel;

                platforms.Add(new Platform(
                                  id: i,
                                  name: $"World:{platformType}:{i}",
                                  platformType: platformType,
                                  spacial: new Spacial(
                                      position: new Position(
                                          latitude: Angle.FromDegrees(random.Next((int)LOWEST_LATITUDE.Degrees, (int)HIGHST_LATITUDE.Degrees) + random.NextDouble()),
                                          longitude: Angle.FromDegrees(random.Next((int)LOWEST_LONGITUDE.Degrees, (int)HIGHST_LONGITUDE.Degrees) + random.NextDouble()),
                                          altitude: Length.FromMeters(platformType != PlatformType.Aircraft
                            ? 0
                            : random.Next((int)MIN_AIRCRAFT_HIGTH.Meters, (int)MAX_AIRCRAFT_HIGTH.Meters))),
                                      movement: new Movement(
                                          speed: Speed.FromMetersPerSecond(platformType != PlatformType.Aircraft
                             ? random.Next((int)MIN_SURFACE_SPEED.MetersPerSecond, (int)MAX_SURFACE_SPEED.MetersPerSecond)
                             : random.Next((int)MIN_AIRCRAFT_SPEED.MetersPerSecond, (int)MAX_AIRCRAFT_SPEED.MetersPerSecond)),
                                          course: Angle.FromDegrees(random.Next(0, 360))