Extends the stock serialization LoadOptions to enable: * Preset support (eg. load only one preset include with its excludes respected) * Progress reporting support with the progress pattern * DeleteOrphans support (allows deletes to occur WITHOUT forcing an update everywhere)
Inheritance: LoadOptions
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a preset from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadTree(AdvancedLoadOptions options)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;

            var reference = new ItemReference(options.Preset.Database, options.Preset.Path);
            var physicalPath = PathUtils.GetDirectoryPath(reference.ToString());

            options.Progress.ReportStatus("Loading serialized items from " + physicalPath, MessageType.Info);

            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException("The root serialization path " + physicalPath + " did not exist!", physicalPath);

            if (options.DisableEvents)
                using (new EventDisabler())
                    LoadTreePaths(physicalPath, options);

                string targetDatabase = GetTargetDatabase(physicalPath, options);


            LoadTreePaths(physicalPath, options);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a preset from serialized items on disk.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadTree(AdvancedLoadOptions options)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");

            _itemsProcessed = 0;

            var reference    = new ItemReference(options.Preset.Database, options.Preset.Path);
            var physicalPath = PathUtils.GetDirectoryPath(reference.ToString());

            options.Progress.ReportStatus("Loading serialized items from " + physicalPath, MessageType.Info);

            if (!Directory.Exists(physicalPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The root serialization path " + physicalPath + " did not exist!", physicalPath);

            if (options.DisableEvents)
                using (new EventDisabler())
                    LoadTreePaths(physicalPath, options);

                string targetDatabase = GetTargetDatabase(physicalPath, options);


            LoadTreePaths(physicalPath, options);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a specific path recursively, using any exclusions in the options' preset
        /// </summary>
        private void DoLoadTree(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            var failures = new List <Failure>();

            // go load the tree and see what failed, if anything
            LoadTreeRecursive(path, options, failures);

            if (failures.Count > 0)
                List <Failure> originalFailures;
                    foreach (Database current in Factory.GetDatabases())

                    // note tricky variable handling here, 'failures' used for two things
                    originalFailures = failures;
                    failures         = new List <Failure>();

                    foreach (var failure in originalFailures)
                        // retry loading a single item failure
                        if (failure.Directory.EndsWith(PathUtils.Extension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                ItemLoadResult result;
                                DoLoadItem(failure.Directory, options, out result);
                            catch (Exception reason)
                                failures.Add(new Failure(failure.Directory, reason));


                        // retry loading a directory item failure (note the continues in the above ensure execution never arrives here for files)
                        LoadTreeRecursive(failure.Directory, options, failures);
                }while (failures.Count > 0 && failures.Count < originalFailures.Count);                // continue retrying until all possible failures have been fixed

            if (failures.Count > 0)
                foreach (var failure in failures)
                    options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("Failed to load {0} permanently because {1}", failure.Directory, failure.Reason), MessageType.Error);

                throw new Exception("Some directories could not be loaded: " + failures[0].Directory, failures[0].Reason);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadTreeRecursive(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, List<Failure> retryList)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryList, "retryList");

            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesPath(path))
                options.Progress.ReportStatus("[SKIPPED] " + PathUtils.MakeItemPath(path) + " (and children) because it was excluded by the preset, but it was present on disk", MessageType.Warning);

                // load the current level
                LoadOneLevel(path, options, retryList);

                // check if we have a directory path to recurse down
                if (Directory.Exists(path))
                    string[] directories = PathUtils.GetDirectories(path);

                    // make sure if a "templates" item exists in the current set, it goes first
                    if (directories.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < directories.Length; i++)
                            if ("templates".Equals(Path.GetFileName(directories[i]), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                string text = directories[0];
                                directories[0] = directories[i];
                                directories[i] = text;

                    foreach(var directory in directories)
                        if (!CommonUtils.IsDirectoryHidden(directory))
                            LoadTreeRecursive(directory, options, retryList);

                    // pull out any standard values failures for immediate retrying
                    List<Failure> standardValuesFailures = retryList.Where(x => x.Reason is StandardValuesException).ToList();
                    retryList.RemoveAll(x => x.Reason is StandardValuesException);

                    foreach (Failure current in standardValuesFailures)
                            ItemLoadResult result;
                            DoLoadItem(current.Directory, options, out result);
                        catch (Exception reason)
                                var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(current.Directory);
                                if (directoryInfo.Parent != null && string.Compare(directoryInfo.Parent.FullName, path, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                    retryList.Add(new Failure(current.Directory, reason));
                                retryList.Add(new Failure(current.Directory, reason));
            catch (Exception ex)
                retryList.Add(new Failure(path, ex));
コード例 #5
 private void LoadTreePaths(string physicalPath, AdvancedLoadOptions options)
     DoLoadTree(physicalPath, options);
     DoLoadTree(PathUtils.GetShortPath(physicalPath), options);
     options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("Finished loading serialized items from {0} ({1} total items synchronized)", physicalPath, _itemsProcessed), MessageType.Info);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadOneLevel(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, List<Failure> retryList)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryList, "retryList");

            var deleteCandidates = new Dictionary<ID, Item>();

            // look for a serialized file for the root item
            if (File.Exists(path + PathUtils.Extension))
                var itemReference = ItemReference.Parse(PathUtils.MakeItemPath(path, options.Root));
                if (itemReference != null)
                    // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
                    Item rootItem = options.Database != null
                                        ? itemReference.GetItemInDatabase(options.Database)
                                        : itemReference.GetItem();

                    // if we're reverting, we add all of the root item's direct children to the "to-delete" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
                    if (rootItem != null && (options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans))
                        foreach (Item child in rootItem.Children)
                            // if the preset includes the child add it to the delete-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be deleted if the right options are present)
                                deleteCandidates[child.ID] = child;
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} (and children) because it was excluded by the preset.", child.Database.Name, child.Paths.FullPath), MessageType.Debug);

            // check for a directory containing children of the target path
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*" + PathUtils.Extension);
                foreach (string fileName in files)
                        ID itemId;
                        if (IsStandardValuesItem(fileName, out itemId))
                            deleteCandidates.Remove(itemId); // avoid deleting standard values items when forcing an update
                            retryList.Add(new Failure(fileName, new StandardValuesException(fileName)));
                            // load a child item
                            ItemLoadResult result;
                            Item loadedItem = DoLoadItem(fileName, options, out result);
                            if (loadedItem != null)

                                // check if we have any child directories under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                                // if we do not, we can nuke any children of the loaded item as well
                                if ((options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans) && !Directory.Exists(PathUtils.StripPath(fileName)))
                                    foreach (Item child in loadedItem.Children)
                                        deleteCandidates.Add(child.ID, child);
                            else if (result == ItemLoadResult.Skipped) // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                        retryList.Add(new Failure(path, ex));

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get deleted from Sitecore
            if ((options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans) && deleteCandidates.Count > 0)
                Database db = deleteCandidates.Values.First().Database;

                bool reset = DeleteItems(deleteCandidates.Values, options.Progress);

                if (reset)
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a specific path recursively, using any exclusions in the options' preset
        /// </summary>
        private void DoLoadTree(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            var failures = new List<Failure>();

            // go load the tree and see what failed, if anything
            LoadTreeRecursive(path, options, failures);

            if (failures.Count > 0)
                List<Failure> originalFailures;
                    foreach (Database current in Factory.GetDatabases())

                    // note tricky variable handling here, 'failures' used for two things
                    originalFailures = failures;
                    failures = new List<Failure>();

                    foreach (var failure in originalFailures)
                        // retry loading a single item failure
                        if (failure.Directory.EndsWith(PathUtils.Extension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                ItemLoadResult result;
                                DoLoadItem(failure.Directory, options, out result);
                            catch (Exception reason)
                                failures.Add(new Failure(failure.Directory, reason));


                        // retry loading a directory item failure (note the continues in the above ensure execution never arrives here for files)
                        LoadTreeRecursive(failure.Directory, options, failures);
                while (failures.Count > 0 && failures.Count < originalFailures.Count); // continue retrying until all possible failures have been fixed

            if (failures.Count > 0)
                foreach (var failure in failures)
                    options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("Failed to load {0} permanently because {1}", failure.Directory, failure.Reason), MessageType.Error);

                throw new Exception("Some directories could not be loaded: " + failures[0].Directory, failures[0].Reason);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a specific item from disk
        /// </summary>
        private Item DoLoadItem(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, out ItemLoadResult loadResult)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");

            if (File.Exists(path))
                using (TextReader fileReader = new StreamReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
                    LogLocalized("Loading item from path {0}.", new object[]
                            PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, options.Root)

                    bool disabledLocally = ItemHandler.DisabledLocally;
                        ItemHandler.DisabledLocally = true;
                        Item result = null;
                            var serializedItem = SyncItem.ReadItem(new Tokenizer(fileReader));

                            if(_itemsProcessed % 500 == 0 && _itemsProcessed > 1)
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("Processed {0} items", _itemsProcessed), MessageType.Debug);

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesTemplate(serializedItem.TemplateName))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded its template name, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;
                                return null;

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesTemplateId(serializedItem.TemplateID))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded its template ID, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;
                                return null;

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesId(serializedItem.ID))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded it by ID, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;
                                return null;

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesPath(path))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded it by path, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;
                                return null;

                            var newOptions = new LoadOptions(options);

                            // in some cases we want to force an update for this item only
                            if (!options.ForceUpdate && ShouldForceUpdate(serializedItem, options.Progress))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[FORCED] {0}:{1}", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Info);
                                newOptions.ForceUpdate = true;

                            result = ItemSynchronization.PasteSyncItem(serializedItem, newOptions, true);

                            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Success;
                        catch (ParentItemNotFoundException ex)
                            result = null;
                            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Error;
                            string error =
                                "Cannot load item from path '{0}'. Probable reason: parent item with ID '{1}' not found.".FormatWith(
                                    PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, options.Root), ex.ParentID);

                            options.Progress.ReportStatus(error, MessageType.Error);

                        catch (ParentForMovedItemNotFoundException ex2)
                            result = ex2.Item;
                            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Error;
                            string error =
                                "Item from path '{0}' cannot be moved to appropriate location. Possible reason: parent item with ID '{1}' not found."
                                    .FormatWith(PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, options.Root), ex2.ParentID);

                            options.Progress.ReportStatus(error, MessageType.Error);

                        return result;
                        ItemHandler.DisabledLocally = disabledLocally;

            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Error;

            return null;
コード例 #9
 private void LoadTreePaths(string physicalPath, AdvancedLoadOptions options)
     DoLoadTree(physicalPath, options);
     DoLoadTree(PathUtils.GetShortPath(physicalPath), options);
     options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("Finished loading serialized items from {0} ({1} total items synchronized)", physicalPath, _itemsProcessed), MessageType.Info);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a specific item from disk
        /// </summary>
        private Item DoLoadItem(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, out ItemLoadResult loadResult)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");

            if (File.Exists(path))
                using (TextReader fileReader = new StreamReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
                    LogLocalized("Loading item from path {0}.", new object[]
                        PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, options.Root)

                    bool disabledLocally = ItemHandler.DisabledLocally;
                        ItemHandler.DisabledLocally = true;
                        Item result = null;
                            var serializedItem = SyncItem.ReadItem(new Tokenizer(fileReader));

                            if (_itemsProcessed % 500 == 0 && _itemsProcessed > 1)
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("Processed {0} items", _itemsProcessed), MessageType.Debug);

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesTemplate(serializedItem.TemplateName))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded its template name, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesTemplateId(serializedItem.TemplateID))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded its template ID, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesId(serializedItem.ID))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded it by ID, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;

                            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesPath(path))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} because the preset excluded it by path, but the item was on disk", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Warning);

                                loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Skipped;

                            var newOptions = new LoadOptions(options);

                            // in some cases we want to force an update for this item only
                            if (!options.ForceUpdate && ShouldForceUpdate(serializedItem, options.Progress))
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[FORCED] {0}:{1}", serializedItem.DatabaseName, serializedItem.ItemPath), MessageType.Info);
                                newOptions.ForceUpdate = true;

                            result = ItemSynchronization.PasteSyncItem(serializedItem, newOptions, true);

                            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Success;
                        catch (ParentItemNotFoundException ex)
                            result     = null;
                            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Error;
                            string error =
                                "Cannot load item from path '{0}'. Probable reason: parent item with ID '{1}' not found.".FormatWith(
                                    PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, options.Root), ex.ParentID);

                            options.Progress.ReportStatus(error, MessageType.Error);

                        catch (ParentForMovedItemNotFoundException ex2)
                            result     = ex2.Item;
                            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Error;
                            string error =
                                "Item from path '{0}' cannot be moved to appropriate location. Possible reason: parent item with ID '{1}' not found."
                                .FormatWith(PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, options.Root), ex2.ParentID);

                            options.Progress.ReportStatus(error, MessageType.Error);

                        ItemHandler.DisabledLocally = disabledLocally;

            loadResult = ItemLoadResult.Error;

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadOneLevel(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, List <Failure> retryList)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryList, "retryList");

            var deleteCandidates = new Dictionary <ID, Item>();

            // look for a serialized file for the root item
            if (File.Exists(path + PathUtils.Extension))
                var itemReference = ItemReference.Parse(PathUtils.MakeItemPath(path, options.Root));
                if (itemReference != null)
                    // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
                    Item rootItem = options.Database != null
                                                                                ? itemReference.GetItemInDatabase(options.Database)
                                                                                : itemReference.GetItem();

                    // if we're reverting, we add all of the root item's direct children to the "to-delete" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
                    if (rootItem != null && (options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans))
                        foreach (Item child in rootItem.Children)
                            // if the preset includes the child add it to the delete-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be deleted if the right options are present)
                            if (options.Preset.Includes(child))
                                deleteCandidates[child.ID] = child;
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} (and children) because it was excluded by the preset.", child.Database.Name, child.Paths.FullPath), MessageType.Debug);

            // check for a directory containing children of the target path
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*" + PathUtils.Extension);
                foreach (string fileName in files)
                        ID itemId;
                        if (IsStandardValuesItem(fileName, out itemId))
                            deleteCandidates.Remove(itemId);                             // avoid deleting standard values items when forcing an update
                            retryList.Add(new Failure(fileName, new StandardValuesException(fileName)));
                            // load a child item
                            ItemLoadResult result;
                            Item           loadedItem = DoLoadItem(fileName, options, out result);
                            if (loadedItem != null)

                                // check if we have any child directories under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                                // if we do not, we can nuke any children of the loaded item as well
                                if ((options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans) && !Directory.Exists(PathUtils.StripPath(fileName)))
                                    foreach (Item child in loadedItem.Children)
                                        deleteCandidates.Add(child.ID, child);
                            else if (result == ItemLoadResult.Skipped)                             // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                        retryList.Add(new Failure(path, ex));

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get deleted from Sitecore
            if ((options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans) && deleteCandidates.Count > 0)
                Database db = deleteCandidates.Values.First().Database;

                bool reset = DeleteItems(deleteCandidates.Values, options.Progress);

                if (reset)
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method that loads a given tree and retries failures already present if any
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadTreeRecursive(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, List <Failure> retryList)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryList, "retryList");

            if (options.Preset.Exclude.MatchesPath(path))
                options.Progress.ReportStatus("[SKIPPED] " + PathUtils.MakeItemPath(path) + " (and children) because it was excluded by the preset, but it was present on disk", MessageType.Warning);

                // load the current level
                LoadOneLevel(path, options, retryList);

                // check if we have a directory path to recurse down
                if (Directory.Exists(path))
                    string[] directories = PathUtils.GetDirectories(path);

                    // make sure if a "templates" item exists in the current set, it goes first
                    if (directories.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < directories.Length; i++)
                            if ("templates".Equals(Path.GetFileName(directories[i]), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                string text = directories[0];
                                directories[0] = directories[i];
                                directories[i] = text;

                    foreach (var directory in directories)
                        if (!CommonUtils.IsDirectoryHidden(directory))
                            LoadTreeRecursive(directory, options, retryList);

                    // pull out any standard values failures for immediate retrying
                    List <Failure> standardValuesFailures = retryList.Where(x => x.Reason is StandardValuesException).ToList();
                    retryList.RemoveAll(x => x.Reason is StandardValuesException);

                    foreach (Failure current in standardValuesFailures)
                            ItemLoadResult result;
                            DoLoadItem(current.Directory, options, out result);
                        catch (Exception reason)
                                var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(current.Directory);
                                if (directoryInfo.Parent != null && string.Compare(directoryInfo.Parent.FullName, path, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                    retryList.Add(new Failure(current.Directory, reason));
                                retryList.Add(new Failure(current.Directory, reason));
            catch (Exception ex)
                retryList.Add(new Failure(path, ex));