public static async Task <bool> WaitForService(string serviceName, TimeSpan timeout) { DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; bool printed = false; while (ROS.OK) { if (await Exists(serviceName, !printed)) { break; } printed = true; if (timeout >= TimeSpan.Zero) { if (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime > timeout) { return(false); } } await Task.Delay(ROS.WallDuration); } if (printed && ROS.OK) { string mappedName = Names.Resolve(serviceName); ROS.Info()("waitForService: Service[{0}] is now available.", mappedName); } return(true); }
public bool pubUpdate(string topic, List <string> pubs) { ROS.Debug()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] TopicManager is updating publishers for {topic}"); Subscription sub = null; lock ( subcriptionsMutex ) { if (shuttingDown) { return(false); } foreach (Subscription s in subscriptions) { if ( != topic || s.IsDropped) { continue; } sub = s; break; } } if (sub != null) { return(sub.pubUpdate(pubs)); } ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Request for updating publishers of topic {topic}, which has no subscribers."); return(false); }
public static bool waitForService(string serviceName, TimeSpan timeout) { string mapped_name = Names.Resolve(serviceName); DateTime start_time = DateTime.UtcNow; bool printed = false; while (ROS.ok) { if (exists(serviceName, !printed)) { break; } printed = true; if (timeout >= TimeSpan.Zero) { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(start_time) > timeout) { return(false); } } Thread.Sleep(ROS.WallDuration); } if (printed && ROS.ok) { ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] waitForService: Service[{mapped_name}] is now available."); } return(true); }
public static async Task <bool> Exists(string serviceName, bool logFailureReason = false) { string mappedName = Names.Resolve(serviceName); string host; int port; try { (host, port) = await ServiceManager.Instance.LookupServiceAsync(mappedName); } catch { if (logFailureReason) { ROS.Info()("waitForService: Service[{0}] has not been advertised, waiting...", mappedName); } return(false); } using (var tcpClient = new TcpClient()) { try { await tcpClient.ConnectAsync(host, port); } catch { if (logFailureReason) { ROS.Info()("waitForService: Service[{0}] could not connect to host [{1}:{2}], waiting...", mappedName, host, port); } return(false); } var headerFields = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "probe", "1" }, { "md5sum", "*" }, { "callerid", ThisNode.Name }, { "service", mappedName } }; Header.Write(headerFields, out byte[] headerbuf, out int size); byte[] sizebuf = BitConverter.GetBytes(size); var stream = tcpClient.GetStream(); await stream.WriteAsync(sizebuf, 0, sizebuf.Length); await stream.WriteAsync(headerbuf, 0, size); } return(true); }
public void addLocalConnection(Publication pub) { lock ( publisher_links_mutex ) { if (_dropped) { return; } ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Creating intraprocess link for topic [{name}]"); var pub_link = new LocalPublisherLink(this, XmlRpcManager.Instance.Uri); var sub_link = new LocalSubscriberLink(pub); pub_link.setPublisher(sub_link); sub_link.SetSubscriber(pub_link); addPublisherLink(pub_link); pub.addSubscriberLink(sub_link); } }
public static bool exists(string serviceName, bool logFailureReason = false) { string mappedName = Names.Resolve(serviceName); string host = ""; int port = 0; if (ServiceManager.Instance.LookUpService(mappedName, ref host, ref port)) { var transport = new TcpTransport(); if (transport.connect(host, port)) { var m = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "probe", "1" }, { "md5sum", "*" }, { "callerid", ThisNode.Name }, { "service", mappedName } }; var h = new Header(); h.Write(m, out byte[] headerbuf, out int size); byte[] sizebuf = BitConverter.GetBytes(size); transport.write(sizebuf, 0, sizebuf.Length); transport.write(headerbuf, 0, size); return(true); } if (logFailureReason) { ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] waitForService: Service[{mappedName}] could not connect to host [{host}:{port}], waiting..."); } } else if (logFailureReason) { ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] waitForService: Service[{mappedName}] has not been advertised, waiting..."); } return(false); }
private bool onHeaderRead(Connection conn, byte[] data, int size, bool success) { Debug.Assert(conn == this); if (!success) { return(false); } string error_msg = ""; if (!header.Parse(data, (int)size, ref error_msg)) { drop(DropReason.HeaderError); return(false); } else { string error_val = ""; if (header.Values.ContainsKey("error")) { error_val = (string)header.Values["error"]; ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Received error message in header for connection to [TCPROS connection to [{transport.cachedRemoteHost}]]: [{error_val}]"); drop(DropReason.HeaderError); return(false); } else { if (header_func == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("`header_func` callback was not registered"); } transport.parseHeader(header); header_func(conn, header); } } return(true); }
public void Spin(CancellationToken token) { TimeSpan wallDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, ROS.WallDuration); ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Start spinning"); while (ROS.ok) { DateTime begin = DateTime.UtcNow; callbackQueue.CallAvailable(ROS.WallDuration); if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow; var remainingTime = wallDuration - (end - begin); if (remainingTime > TimeSpan.Zero) { Thread.Sleep(remainingTime); } } }
private bool onRequestWritten(Connection conn) { ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] onRequestWritten(Connection conn)");, onResponseOkAndLength); return(true); }
public bool pubUpdate(IEnumerable <string> publisherUris) { lock ( shutdown_mutex ) { if (shutting_down || _dropped) { return(false); } } bool retval = true; ROS.Debug()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Publisher update for [{name}]"); var additions = new List <string>(); List <PublisherLink> subtractions; lock ( publisher_links_mutex ) { subtractions = publisher_links.Where(x => !publisherUris.Any(u => urisEqual(x.XmlRpcUri, u))).ToList(); foreach (string uri in publisherUris) { bool found = publisher_links.Any(spc => urisEqual(uri, spc.XmlRpcUri)); if (found) { continue; } lock ( pendingConnections ) { if (pendingConnections.Any(pc => urisEqual(uri, pc.RemoteUri))) { found = true; } if (!found) { additions.Add(uri); } } } } foreach (PublisherLink link in subtractions) { if (link.XmlRpcUri != XmlRpcManager.Instance.Uri) { ROS.Debug()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Disconnecting from publisher [{link.CallerID}] of topic [{name}] at [{link.XmlRpcUri}]"); link.drop(); } else { ROS.Warn()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Cannot disconnect from self for topic: {name}"); } } foreach (string i in additions) { ROS.Debug()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Start connecting to {i} for [{name}]"); if (XmlRpcManager.Instance.Uri != i) { retval &= NegotiateConnection(i); //ROS.Debug()("NEGOTIATINGING"); } else { ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Skipping myself ({name}, {XmlRpcManager.Instance.Uri})"); } } return(retval); }
public bool connect(string host, int port) { socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); connectedHost = host; connectedPort = port; if (!setNonBlocking()) { throw new Exception($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Failed to make socket nonblocking"); } setNoDelay(true); IPAddress ip; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(host, out ip)) { ip = Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync(host).Result.Where(x => !x.ToString().Contains(":")).FirstOrDefault(); if (ip == null) { close(); ROS.Error()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Couldn't resolve host name [{host}]"); return(false); } } if (ip == null) { return(false); } IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(ip, port); LocalEndPoint = ipep; DateTime connectionAttempted = DateTime.UtcNow; IAsyncResult asyncres = socket.BeginConnect(ipep, iar => { lock (this) { if (socket != null) { try { socket.EndConnect(iar); } catch (Exception e) { ROS.Error()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] {e.ToString()}"); } } } }, null); bool completed = false; while (ROS.ok && !ROS.shutting_down) { completed = asyncres.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(10); if (completed) { break; } if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(connectionAttempted).TotalSeconds >= 3) { ROS.Info()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] Trying to connect for {DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract( connectionAttempted ).TotalSeconds}s\t: {this}"); if (!asyncres.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) { socket.Close(); socket = null; } } } if (!completed || socket == null || !socket.Connected) { return(false); } else { ROS.Debug()($"[{ThisNode.Name}] TcpTransport connection established."); } return(ROS.ok && initializeSocket()); }