コード例 #1
ファイル: Util.cs プロジェクト: nc-nj/uSiteBuilder
        /// <summary>
        /// Fix for incompatible Umbraco versions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentType">Type of the content.</param>
        /// <param name="dt">The dt.</param>
        /// <param name="alias">The alias.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="tabName">Name of the tab.</param>
        public static void AddPropertyType(IContentTypeBase contentType, DataTypeDefinition dt, string alias, string name, string tabName)
            IDataTypeDefinition idt = DataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(dt.Id);

            Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType pt = new Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType(idt)
                Alias = alias,
                Name  = name

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tabName))
                contentType.AddPropertyType(pt, tabName);
コード例 #2
        private void SavePropertyType(SaveClickEventArgs e, IContentTypeComposition contentTypeItem)

            //The GenericPropertyWrapper control, which contains the details for the PropertyType being added
            GenericProperty gpData = gp.GenricPropertyControl;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gpData.Name.Trim()) == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(gpData.Alias.Trim()) == false)
                var propertyTypeAlias = Casing.SafeAliasWithForcingCheck(gpData.Alias.Trim());
                if (contentTypeItem.PropertyTypeExists(propertyTypeAlias) == false)
                    //Find the DataTypeDefinition that the PropertyType should be based on
                    var dataTypeDefinition = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.DataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(gpData.Type);
                    var propertyType = new PropertyType(dataTypeDefinition)
                                               Alias = propertyTypeAlias,
                                               Name = gpData.Name.Trim(),
                                               Mandatory = gpData.Mandatory,
                                               ValidationRegExp = gpData.Validation,
                                               Description = gpData.Description
                    //gpData.Tab == 0 Generic Properties / No Group
                    if (gpData.Tab == 0)
                        //Find the PropertyGroup by its Id and then set the PropertyType on that group
                        var exists = contentTypeItem.CompositionPropertyGroups.Any(x => x.Id == gpData.Tab);
                        if (exists)
                            var propertyGroup = contentTypeItem.CompositionPropertyGroups.First(x => x.Id == gpData.Tab);
                            contentTypeItem.AddPropertyType(propertyType, propertyGroup.Name);
                            var tab = gpData.Tabs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == gpData.Tab);
                            if (tab != null)
                                var caption = tab.GetRawCaption();
                                contentTypeItem.AddPropertyType(propertyType, caption);
                    e.Message = ui.Text("contentTypeDublicatePropertyType");
                    e.IconType = BasePage.speechBubbleIcon.warning;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ManagerBase.cs プロジェクト: nc-nj/uSiteBuilder
        //#region [Document type properties synchronization]

        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronizes content type properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeContentType">ContentType type</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">Umbraco content type</param>
        /// <param name="hadDefaultValues">set to true if some of properties has default values</param>
        protected void SynchronizeContentTypeProperties(Type typeContentType, IContentType contentType, DocumentTypeAttribute documentTypeAttribute, out bool hadDefaultValues, bool updateMixins)
            // sync the mixins first so that any properties are overwritten by the specific properties on the class
            if ((documentTypeAttribute.Mixins != null) && (updateMixins == false))
                foreach (Type mixinType in documentTypeAttribute.Mixins)
                    SynchronizeContentTypeProperties(mixinType, contentType, documentTypeAttribute, out hadDefaultValues, true);

            hadDefaultValues = false;

            int propertySortOrder = 0;

            foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in typeContentType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                DocumentTypePropertyAttribute propAttr = Util.GetAttribute <DocumentTypePropertyAttribute>(propInfo);
                if (propAttr == null)
                    continue; // skip this property - not part of a document type

                // Getting name and alias
                string propertyName;
                string propertyAlias;
                DocumentTypeManager.ReadPropertyNameAndAlias(propInfo, propAttr, out propertyName, out propertyAlias);

                // Remove property if it has Obsolete attribute
                if (this.RemoveIfObsolete(contentType, propInfo, propertyAlias))

                if (propAttr.DefaultValue != null)
                    hadDefaultValues = true; // at least one property has a default value

                DataTypeDefinition dataTypeDefinition = GetDataTypeDefinition(typeContentType, propAttr, propInfo);

                // getting property if already exists, or creating new if it not exists
                Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType propertyType = contentType.PropertyTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Alias == propertyAlias);
                if (propertyType == null) // if not exists, create it
                    Util.AddPropertyType(contentType, dataTypeDefinition, propertyAlias, propertyName, propAttr.TabAsString);
                    propertyType = contentType.PropertyTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Alias == propertyAlias);
                    if (propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId != dataTypeDefinition.Id)
                        propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId = dataTypeDefinition.Id;

                // If propertyType is still null, skip it. It means it cannot be added and is probably present in a parent content type.
                // Reason for inability to create the propertyType must be resolved manually.
                if (propertyType != null)
                    // Setting up the tab of this property. If tab doesn't exists, create it.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propAttr.TabAsString) && propAttr.TabAsString.ToLower() != DocumentTypeDefaultValues.TabGenericProperties.ToLower())
                        // try to find this tab
                        PropertyGroup pg = contentType.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == propAttr.TabAsString);
                        if (pg == null) // if found
                            pg = contentType.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == propAttr.TabAsString);

                        if (propAttr.TabOrder.HasValue)
                            pg.SortOrder = propAttr.TabOrder.Value;

                        if (!pg.PropertyTypes.Any(x => x.Alias == propertyType.Alias))
                            contentType.MovePropertyType(propertyType.Alias, propAttr.TabAsString);
                    else if ((propAttr.TabAsString == string.Empty) || (propAttr.TabAsString.ToLower() == "generic properties"))
                        // In case when some property exists and needs to be moved to "Generic Properties" tab
                        contentType.MovePropertyType(propertyType.Alias, null);

                    propertyType.Name             = propertyName;
                    propertyType.Mandatory        = propAttr.Mandatory;
                    propertyType.ValidationRegExp = propAttr.ValidationRegExp;
                    propertyType.Description      = propAttr.Description;
                    propertyType.SortOrder        = propertySortOrder;

コード例 #4
        private static bool CompareContentTypeProperties(Type uSiteBuilderDocType, IContentType contentType)
            // Retrieve tab names and corresponding properties
            Dictionary <string, string> tabsWithProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string tmpTabName;

            foreach (var tabItem in contentType.PropertyGroups)
                tmpTabName = tabItem.Name;
                foreach (var propertyItem in tabItem.PropertyTypes)
                    tabsWithProperties.Add(propertyItem.Alias, tmpTabName);

            foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in uSiteBuilderDocType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                DocumentTypePropertyAttribute propAttr = Util.GetAttribute <DocumentTypePropertyAttribute>(propInfo);
                if (propAttr == null)
                    continue; // skip this property - not part of a document type

                if (propAttr.DefaultValue != null)
                    _hasDefaultValues = true;

                // getting name and alias
                string propertyName;
                string propertyAlias;
                DocumentTypeManager.ReadPropertyNameAndAlias(propInfo, propAttr, out propertyName, out propertyAlias);

                if (Util.GetAttribute <ObsoleteAttribute>(propInfo) != null)
                    // If it's marked as obsolete, but still exists, there's a change
                    if (contentType.PropertyTypes.Any(p => p.Alias == propertyAlias))

                    // marked as obsolete and already deleted, skip rest of checks

                var dataTypeDefinition = ManagerBase.GetDataTypeDefinition(uSiteBuilderDocType, propAttr, propInfo);

                Umbraco.Core.Models.PropertyType property = contentType.PropertyTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Alias == propertyAlias);
                if (property == null)
                    // new property

                if (property.DataTypeDefinitionId != dataTypeDefinition.Id)

                string tabName = string.Empty;
                tabsWithProperties.TryGetValue(property.Alias, out tabName);
                if (tabName == null)
                    // For generics properties tab
                    tabName = string.Empty;
                if (propAttr.TabAsString != tabName)

                if (property.Name != propertyName)

                if (property.Mandatory != propAttr.Mandatory)

                if (property.ValidationRegExp != propAttr.ValidationRegExp)

                if (property.Description != propAttr.Description)
