public OptionsGump() : base(0, 0) { IsMoveable = true; AddControl(new ResizePic(this, 40, 0, 2600, 550, 450)); //left column AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 40, 218, 217, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 1, (int)Buttons.Sound)); AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 110, 220, 219, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 2, (int)Buttons.Help)); AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 250, 224, 223, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 3, (int)Buttons.Chat)); AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 320, 237, 236, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 4, (int)Buttons.Macros)); //right column AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 40, 226, 225, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 5, (int)Buttons.Interface)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 110, 228, 227, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 6, (int)Buttons.Display)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 180, 230, 229, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 7, (int)Buttons.Reputation)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 250, 232, 231, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 8, (int)Buttons.Miscellaneous)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 320, 235, 234, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 9, (int)Buttons.Filters)); //bottom buttons AddControl(new Button(this, 140, 410, 243, 241, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Cancel)); AddControl(new Button(this, 240, 410, 239, 240, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Apply)); AddControl(new Button(this, 340, 410, 246, 244, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Default)); AddControl(new Button(this, 440, 410, 249, 248, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Okay)); m_UserInterface = ServiceRegistry.GetService<UserInterfaceService>(); m_World = ServiceRegistry.GetService<WorldModel>(); // page 1 Sound and Music AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 40, 217, 217, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 1, (int)Buttons.Sound), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Sound and Music"), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"These settting affect the sound and music you will hear while playing Ultima Online."), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 85, 9, 1, @"Sound on/off"), 1); m_SoundOn = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.Audio.SoundOn, 61), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 110, 9, 1, @"Sound volume"), 1); m_SoundVolume = AddControl<HSliderBar>(new HSliderBar(this, 60, 130, 150, 0, 100, Settings.Audio.SoundVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar), 1); m_Labels[(int)Labels.SoundVolume] = AddControl<TextLabelAscii>(new TextLabelAscii(this, 220, 130, 9, 1, Settings.Audio.SoundVolume.ToString()), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 155, 9, 1, @"Music on/off"), 1); m_MusicOn = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 150, 210, 211, Settings.Audio.MusicOn, 62), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 180, 9, 1, @"Music volume"), 1); m_MusicVolume = AddControl<HSliderBar>(new HSliderBar(this, 60, 200, 150, 0, 100, Settings.Audio.MusicVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar), 1); m_Labels[(int)Labels.MusicVolume] = AddControl<TextLabelAscii>(new TextLabelAscii(this, 220, 200, 9, 1, m_MusicVolume.Value.ToString()), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 225, 9, 1, @"Play footstep sound"), 1); m_FootStepSoundOn = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 220, 210, 211, Settings.Audio.FootStepSoundOn, 62), 1); // page 2 Pop-up Help AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 110, 219, 219, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 2, (int)Buttons.Help), 2); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Pop-up Help"), 2); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"These settting configure the behavior of the pop-up help."), 2); // page 3 Chat AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 250, 223, 223, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 3, (int)Buttons.Chat), 3); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Chat"), 3); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"These settting affect the interface display for chat system."), 3); // page 4 Macro Options AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 320, 236, 236, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 4, (int)Buttons.Macros), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Macro Options"), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 40, 9, 1, @""), 4); AddControl(new Button(this, 180, 60, 2460, 2461, ButtonTypes.Activate, 4, (int)Buttons.MAdd), 4); // add AddControl(new Button(this, 234, 60, 2463, 2464, ButtonTypes.Activate, 4, (int)Buttons.MDelete), 4); // delete AddControl(new Button(this, 302, 60, 2466, 2467, ButtonTypes.Activate, 4, (int)Buttons.MPrevious), 4); // previous AddControl(new Button(this, 386, 60, 2469, 2470, ButtonTypes.Activate, 4, (int)Buttons.MNext), 4); // next AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 125, 85, 9, 1, @"Keystroke"), 4); // key press event KeyPressControl myKeyPress = new KeyPressControl(this, 130, 100, 57, 14, 4000, WinKeys.None); AddControl(new ResizePic(this, myKeyPress), 4); m_MacroKeyPress = AddControl<KeyPressControl>(myKeyPress, 4); /// AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 195, 100, 9, 1, @"Key"), 4); m_chkShift = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 260, 90, 2151, 2153, Settings.Audio.FootStepSoundOn, 62), 4); //shift m_chkAlt = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 330, 90, 2151, 2153, Settings.Audio.FootStepSoundOn, 62), 4); //alt m_chkCtrl = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 400, 90, 2151, 2153, Settings.Audio.FootStepSoundOn, 62), 4); //ctrl AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 285, 90, 9, 1, @"Shift"), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 355, 90, 9, 1, @"Alt"), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 425, 90, 9, 1, @"Ctrl"), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 180, 135, 9, 1, @"ACTION"), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 420, 135, 9, 1, @"VALUE"), 4); // macro's action type and controlling another dropdown list for visual int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MACRO_CAPACITY; i++) { //number of action AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 84, 155 + y, 9, 1, (i + 1).ToString()), 4); // action dropdown list (i need ID variable for find in controls) m_ActionTypeList[i] = AddControl<MacroDropDownList>(new MacroDropDownList( this, 100, 150 + y, 215, Utility.CreateStringLinesFromList(Macros.Types), 10, 0, false, (i + 1000), true), 4); // value dropdown list (i need ID variable for find in controls) m_ActionDropDown[i] = AddControl<MacroDropDownList>(new MacroDropDownList( this, 330, 150 + y, 190, new string[] { }, 10, 0, false, (i + 2000), false), 4); //visual control about resizable picture m_ActionDropDown[i].IsVisible = false; //here is textentry for example: Say,Emote,Yell (i need ID variable for find in controls) m_ActionText[i] = AddControl<TextEntry>(new TextEntry(this, 340, 150 + y, 160, 20, 1, (3000 + i), 80, string.Empty), 4); m_ActionText[i].IsEditable = false; m_ActionText[i].IsVisible = false; y += 25; } // page 5 Interface AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 40, 225, 225, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 5, (int)Buttons.Interface), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Interface"), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"These settting affect your interface."), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 85, 9, 1, @"Your character will always run if this is checked"), 5); m_AlwaysRun = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.UserInterface.AlwaysRun, 61), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 115, 9, 1, @"Disable the Menu Bar"), 5); m_MenuBarDisabled = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 110, 210, 211, Settings.UserInterface.MenuBarDisabled, 61), 5); // page 6 Display AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 110, 227, 227, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 6, (int)Buttons.Display), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Display"), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"These settting affect your display, and adjusting some of them may improve your graphics performance.", 430), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 80, 9, 1, @"Enable vertical synchronization"), 6); m_IsVSyncEnabled = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.Engine.IsVSyncEnabled, 61), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 100, 9, 1, @"Some unused option"), 6); AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 100, 210, 211, false, 62), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 120, 9, 1, @"Use full screen display"), 6); AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 120, 210, 211, Settings.UserInterface.IsMaximized, 61), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 150, 9, 1, @"Full Screen Resolution:"), 6); m_DropDownFullScreenResolutions = AddControl<DropDownList>(new DropDownList(this, 60, 165, 122, Utility.CreateStringLinesFromList(Resolutions.FullScreenResolutionsList), 10, GetCurrentFullScreenIndex(), false), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 190, 9, 1, @"Play Window Resolution:"), 6); m_DropDownPlayWindowResolutions = AddControl<DropDownList>(new DropDownList(this, 60, 205, 122, Utility.CreateStringLinesFromList(Resolutions.FullScreenResolutionsList), 10, GetCurrentPlayWindowIndex(), false), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 235, 9, 1, @"Speech color"), 6); m_SpeechColor = AddControl<ColorPickerBox>(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 235, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 235, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.UserInterface.SpeechColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 255, 9, 1, @"Emote color"), 6); m_EmoteColor = AddControl<ColorPickerBox>(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 255, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 255, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.UserInterface.EmoteColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 275, 9, 1, @"Party message color"), 6); m_PartyMsgColor = AddControl<ColorPickerBox>(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 275, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 275, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.UserInterface.PartyMsgColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 295, 9, 1, @"Guild message color"), 6); m_GuildMsgColor = AddControl<ColorPickerBox>(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 295, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 295, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.UserInterface.GuildMsgColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 315, 9, 1, @"Ignore guild messages"), 6); m_IgnoreGuildMsg = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 315, 210, 211, Settings.UserInterface.IgnoreGuildMsg, 62), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 335, 9, 1, @"Alliance message color"), 6); m_AllianceMsgColor = AddControl<ColorPickerBox>(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 335, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 335, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.UserInterface.AllianceMsgColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 355, 9, 1, @"Ignore alliance messages"), 6); m_IgnoreAllianceMsg = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 355, 210, 211, Settings.UserInterface.IgnoreAllianceMsg, 62), 6); // page 7 Reputation system AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 180, 229, 229, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 7, (int)Buttons.Reputation), 7); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Reputation system"), 7); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"These settting affect the reputation system, which is Ultima Online's system for controlling antisocial behavior."), 7); // page 8 Miscellaneous AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 250, 231, 231, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 8, (int)Buttons.Miscellaneous), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Miscellaneous"), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @"Miscellaneous options."), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 80, 9, 1, @"Enable debug console"), 8); m_IsConsoleEnabled = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.Debug.IsConsoleEnabled, 61), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 100, 9, 1, @"Show FPS"), 8); m_ShowFps = AddControl<CheckBox>(new CheckBox(this, 60, 100, 210, 211, Settings.Debug.ShowFps, 61), 8); // page 9 Filter Options AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 320, 234, 234, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 9, (int)Buttons.Filters), 9); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 2, 1, @"Filter Options"), 9); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 9, 1, @""), 9); ChangeCurrentMacro(Macros.Player.Count - 1); }
public OptionsGump() : base(0, 0) { BuildResolutionsLists(); IsMoveable = true; AddControl(new ResizePic(this, 40, 0, 2600, 550, 450)); //left column AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 40, 218, 217, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 1, (int)Buttons.Sound)); AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 110, 220, 219, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 2, (int)Buttons.Help)); AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 250, 224, 223, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 3, (int)Buttons.Chat)); AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 320, 237, 236, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 4, (int)Buttons.Macros)); //right column AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 40, 226, 225, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 5, (int)Buttons.Interface)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 110, 228, 227, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 6, (int)Buttons.Display)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 180, 230, 229, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 7, (int)Buttons.Reputation)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 250, 232, 231, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 8, (int)Buttons.Miscellaneous)); AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 320, 235, 234, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 9, (int)Buttons.Filters)); //bottom buttons AddControl(new Button(this, 140, 410, 243, 241, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Cancel)); AddControl(new Button(this, 240, 410, 239, 240, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Apply)); AddControl(new Button(this, 340, 410, 246, 244, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Default)); AddControl(new Button(this, 440, 410, 249, 248, ButtonTypes.Activate, 0, (int)Buttons.Okay)); m_UserInterface = ServiceRegistry.GetService<UserInterfaceService>(); m_World = ServiceRegistry.GetService<WorldModel>(); // page 1 Sound and Music AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 40, 217, 217, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 1, (int)Buttons.Sound),1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Sound and Music"), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"These settting affect the sound and music you will hear while playing Ultima Online."), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 85, 1, 9, @"Sound on/off"), 1); m_SoundOn = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.Audio.SoundOn, 61), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 110, 1, 9, @"Sound volume"), 1); m_SoundVolume = (HSliderBar)AddControl(new HSliderBar(this, 60, 130, 150, 0, 100, Settings.Audio.SoundVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar), 1); m_Labels[(int)Labels.SoundVolume] = (TextLabelAscii)AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 220, 130, 1, 9, Settings.Audio.SoundVolume.ToString()), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 155, 1, 9, @"Music on/off"), 1); m_MusicOn = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 150, 210, 211, Settings.Audio.MusicOn, 62), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 180, 1, 9, @"Music volume"), 1); m_MusicVolume = (HSliderBar)AddControl(new HSliderBar(this, 60, 200, 150, 0, 100, Settings.Audio.MusicVolume, HSliderBarStyle.MetalWidgetRecessedBar), 1); m_Labels[(int)Labels.MusicVolume] = (TextLabelAscii)AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 220, 200, 1, 9, m_MusicVolume.Value.ToString()), 1); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 225, 1, 9, @"Play footstep sound"), 1); m_FootStepSoundOn = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 220, 210, 211, Settings.Audio.FootStepSoundOn, 62), 1); // page 2 Pop-up Help AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 110, 219, 219, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 2, (int)Buttons.Help),2); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Pop-up Help"), 2); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"These settting configure the behavior of the pop-up help."), 2); // page 3 Chat AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 250, 223, 223, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 3, (int)Buttons.Chat),3); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Chat"), 3); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"These settting affect the interface display for chat system."), 3); // page 4 Macro Options AddControl(new Button(this, 0, 320, 236, 236, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 4, (int)Buttons.Macros),4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Macro Options"), 4); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @""), 4); // page 5 Interface AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 40, 225, 225, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 5, (int)Buttons.Interface),5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Interface"), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"These settting affect your interface."), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 85, 1, 9, @"Your character will always run if this is checked"), 5); m_AlwaysRun = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.World.AlwaysRun, 61), 5); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 115, 1, 9, @"Disable the Menu Bar"), 5); m_MenuBarDisabled = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 110, 210, 211, Settings.World.MenuBarDisabled, 61), 5); // page 6 Display AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 110, 227, 227, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 6, (int)Buttons.Display),6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Display"), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"These settting affect your display, and adjusting some of them may improve your graphics performance.", 430), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 80, 1, 9, @"Enable vertical synchronization"), 6); m_IsVSyncEnabled = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.Game.IsVSyncEnabled, 61), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 100, 1, 9, @"Some unused option"), 6); AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 100, 210, 211, false, 62), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 120, 1, 9, @"Use full screen display"), 6); AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 120, 210, 211, Settings.World.IsMaximized, 61), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 150, 1, 9, @"Client Window Resolution:"), 6); m_DropDownFullScreenResolutions = (DropDownList)AddControl(new DropDownList(this, 60, 165, 122, CreateResolutionsStringArrayFromList(m_FullScreenResolutionsList), 10, GetCurrentFullScreenIndex(), false), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 190, 1, 9, @"Play Window Resolution:"), 6); m_DropDownPlayWindowResolutions = (DropDownList)AddControl(new DropDownList(this, 60, 205, 122, CreateResolutionsStringArrayFromList(m_PlayWindowResolutionsList), 10, GetCurrentPlayWindowIndex(), false), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 235, 1, 9, @"Speech color"), 6); m_SpeechColor = (ColorPickerBox)AddControl(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 235, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 235, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.Game.SpeechColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 255, 1, 9, @"Emote color"), 6); m_EmoteColor = (ColorPickerBox)AddControl(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 255, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 255, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.Game.EmoteColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 275, 1, 9, @"Party message color"), 6); m_PartyMsgColor = (ColorPickerBox)AddControl(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 275, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 275, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.Game.PartyMsgColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 295, 1, 9, @"Guild message color"), 6); m_GuildMsgColor = (ColorPickerBox)AddControl(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 295, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 295, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.Game.GuildMsgColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 315, 1, 9, @"Ignore guild messages"), 6); m_IgnoreGuildMsg = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 315, 210, 211, Settings.Game.IgnoreGuildMsg, 62), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 335, 1, 9, @"Alliance message color"), 6); m_AllianceMsgColor = (ColorPickerBox)AddControl(new ColorPickerBox(this, new Rectangle(60, 335, 15, 15), new Rectangle(60, 335, 450, 150), 30, 10, Hues.TextTones, Settings.Game.AllianceMsgColor), 6); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 355, 1, 9, @"Ignore alliance messages"), 6); m_IgnoreAllianceMsg = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 355, 210, 211, Settings.Game.IgnoreAllianceMsg, 62), 6); // page 7 Reputation system AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 180, 229, 229, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 7, (int)Buttons.Reputation),7); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Reputation system"), 7); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"These settting affect the reputation system, which is Ultima Online's system for controlling antisocial behavior."), 7); // page 8 Miscellaneous AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 250, 231, 231, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 8, (int)Buttons.Miscellaneous),8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Miscellaneous"), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @"Miscellaneous options."), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 80, 1, 9, @"Enable debug console"), 8); m_IsConsoleEnabled = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 80, 210, 211, Settings.Debug.IsConsoleEnabled, 61), 8); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 85, 100, 1, 9, @"Show FPS"), 8); m_ShowFps = (CheckBox)AddControl(new CheckBox(this, 60, 100, 210, 211, Settings.Debug.ShowFps, 61), 8); // page 9 Filter Options AddControl(new Button(this, 576, 320, 234, 234, ButtonTypes.SwitchPage, 9, (int)Buttons.Filters),9); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 250, 20, 1, 2, @"Filter Options"), 9); AddControl(new TextLabelAscii(this, 60, 45, 1, 9, @""), 9); }